@Buffalo Sabres

Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals | Reversing Weak Shapes

Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals | Reversing Weak Shapes

Okay some of you guys weren’t trying at all though some of you guys look like dead fish that’s okay too the world needs victims if that’s what you want to be that’s what you that’s what you were destined to Be all right so I think that if we can get the guard open probably the second issue that I’m seeing with in in terms of passing is the utilization of pressure okay now not everybody needs to be a pressure Pastor some of you guys are really like dynamic

In your movement okay but even the smallest person can put the heaviest amount of weight on somebody and it’s not just smashing it’s where you’re putting your weight on them and why okay if someone is playing uh a zard on me or a half guard on me I need to know where

I’m going to put my weight on them not just to stop them from recovering into a full guard or trying to sweep me but I want to put them into a weak shape so that I can start to dominate them if that makes sense can I borrow you half card

Please so half guard like you would play however you feel good okay so like a z okay so she’s got her knee Shield okay I know that this KNE Shield she’s if she’s here it’s because she doesn’t want the smoke she doesn’t want the pressure right um she might be using that to

Create space to look for an underhook on the leg to split me for a sweep okay whatever she’s doing I need to focus on two things putting pressure okay and then trying to put her into a weak shape if possible so if this is what she’s giving me first okay then I could

Probably I could try to stuff that down really really low as slow as possible and try to keep it tra there if I can okay once that’s there then I’m going to start putting the upper body into a weaker shape because she’s going to start to feel that in her middle back

Back okay and then keeping that knee press down I can kick back and try to climb up sometimes I could come with pressure this way and try to put the person into a little ball okay now she’s playing a regular half guard it’s the same idea

She might be looking for an under hook so she can take my back right right she might be looking to go deep half on me and I don’t want that at all so then if there’s nothing stopping me from putting pressure on her this way okay again I’m

Trying to weak shape her I want to get her back stuck to the mat if her hips are pointed this way now if I get her flat to the mat that’s even better cuz there’s nowhere else for her to go but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want weak

Shape okay right here with this hip pointing out and her knee pointed that way half her hips are in a weak shape and she’s not going to like that okay if I could were able to come back this way then she’s even more out of alignment

Okay am I focused on my past not yet what I’m focused on doing is making her as uncomfortable as possible especially especially if gravity is in my favor now I have ways of doing this if I’m down there too but we’re talking about the past

Right if somebody puts me in a guard or a half guard or a quarter guard it’s my responsibility to make them suffer as much as possible I have to do that because I don’t want them to feel comfortable there and if they have a good game I need to make them think

That they don’t so again if you were and you and I are rolling right now this is where you’d want to be okay now why is that CU you don’t want the pressure right okay so we’re here show me what you’re going to do from here what are you looking

For I don’t know it’ll either be here if it’s my other knee I’ll try to do that one okay so we can go move for move okay so go so you you you’re here here okay now you make your first move good so she comes this way okay if she’s going to go

There and she’s give me a full cradle I’m going to get my hands together now there’s pressure here I’m trying to bring her knee and her face close together then from here I go live toes okay and then I maintain that pressure as I walk away from her legs and then

Open up for my pass but that’s not enough just because I pass doesn’t mean I’m done I need to incorporate the neck and at least one arm into my pressure because I don’t I want her to be as uncomfortable as possible now if that means I look for like a half

Stockade or I do like that swi back again okay this is one of my favorite positions cuz people think I’m looking for a choke and I’m not I’m just looking for for them to be uncomfortable because when I’m right here then I could do some stupid like this and people want to

Tap to that like this isn’t even a submission if I start going like that though really uncomfortable now if I bring my hands together okay and all I’m doing is draining her battery here that’s it and right now I’m on my knees cuz I’m being nice okay but I start

Doing this now she has to carry my weight while I’m doing it and I’ll stay there for 30 40 seconds cuz now I have time to just Scout the field and see what’s available for me as her battery starts to drain out and it happen with

Everybody everybody I with if I get on top of you I’m going to start to zap you that’s how I do it I’m going to take you smash you and then twist you a little bit okay and that that’s what it should be you guys shouldn’t be like if I have

Her let’s just for example if I get my pass and I got this nice wide base and I’m here okay do you feel uncomfortable at all she’s in the strongest shap possible too look her shoulders are in the line she’s got her frames her knees are close she’s in this little

Shell right what I’m not doing anything to make her uncomfortable if anything I’m giving her room to think about what she can do and I’m going to end up giving her the space by accident so even just being live toes is going to help me even if she has her

Frames right she’s still strong here she has her frames okay so then I tease the legs if I think she might try to pull like a half guard I’ll block that bottom leg I’ll just twist your legs up okay that’s uncomfortable then I’ll let go she goes

To bring that leg back and I just do this again and all I’m doing is just putting her in a weak shape if I have her hips Twisted she can’t use her leg to try to create a shield to try to pull a guard or a quarter guard or half guard

All I’m doing is zapping her and taking away options does it make sense

Black Flag Submission Co. head coach Gilbert Olivas shows some useful drills to help you capitalize using pressure to pass your opponent’s guard.

Filmed/edited by: Sean A. Malone –

Black Flag Submission Co. –

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