@National Hockey League

It was 3-0

It was 3-0

by Only-Highlights


  1. OddlyShapedButthole

    Had 3 goals in the first period too. And not a single goal since. Can’t believe they blew it

  2. You think Ottawa Sens would have changed the goal horn sound after the freedumb protests 🤨

  3. HumburtBumbert

    Still cannot believe big Claude G had the chance to come to Colorado and put his name on Lord Stanley. Instead he chose florida for the beach, got bounced, then chose a big bag bottomfeeding in Ottawa. Laughable.

  4. Constant-Squirrel555

    Without the Claudefather, the Sens would get relegated.

  5. Crimson3312

    See Nashville the trick is to let Ott get the multi-goal lead first. Then you can just unload.

  6. Classic Only Highlights post. It’s never “what a comeback” and always “these losers blew it”. Get those clicks bro

  7. CheesecakeOdd2087

    Ottawa making sure they draft #10 instead of Top 5.

  8. Used-Sundae244

    Plain and simple Nashville is a unserious franchise

  9. For once Ottawa benefits from a team pranking it’s goalie

  10. LaClapbombBardownski

    As a Blues fan this makes me very happy.

  11. tcgreen67

    This is the saddest game.

    Nashville have no immediate future and just lost a game to Ottawa that they were leading 3-0.

    Watching Ottawa celebrate a win over Nashville as if it means anything after their disaster of a season.

    Of course the All-Star game will be played in a few days so there will be an even more pathetic game played this season.

  12. Good ole saros, most teams can expect 4-5 goals this year when he is in net.

  13. 4CrowsFeast

    I thought the title implied it was a 3 on 0 and I rewatched the video several times looking for the odd man rush before I realized it was talking about the score.

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