@Buffalo Sabres

Should the Buffalo Sabres Fire Don Granato?

Should the Buffalo Sabres Fire Don Granato?

Let’s going on ladies and gentlemen it’s Cal here from Buffalo sports center today we’re going to be talking about the Buffalo Sabers and the thing about the Buffalo Sabers is things never change this team continuously disappoints game in and game out year after year after year let’s talk about

Don Granado here because Don Granado he’s been given a chance to take this team to the next level and let’s just say last year he took a strug Ling team full of young players and turned them into a very successful group of growing young players and we all thought Don

Grenado could have been coach of the year last year right I mean he took a team that nobody thought was going to come close to the playoffs other than Sabers fans who thought maybe we’d get around the wild card and got them one point out of the Wild Card conversation

They were one win away from making the playoffs and ending the drought last year and that you have to congratulate Don Granado for he did a lot on that team he developed a lot of guys and that is what he is good at right he came from the developmental system Team USA and

He’s used to doing that he’s used to getting those young players to that next level that NHL ready level and that’s what we saw last year and not only that we saw the emergence of a ton of players I mean Tage Thompson had a massive breakout Year guys like Casey midat

Dylan cousins Jack Quinn JJ PKA the list goes on and on and on about players that succeeded under Don Granado but all of a sudden what has changed something has changed because this year it looks like he has lost the room this team is not the same as last year the energy levels

Are way down again one night with the Savers they could be hustling the whole game put up five goals on the Rangers you know one of the best teams in the league and look like you know leaders in the NHL the next night they could come out against a horrible team like the

Anaheim Ducks have no energy and get outplayed for 40 50 minutes of the game and lose by three goals again this team does this every other night you don’t know what Savers team you’re getting and I get it young players are inconsistent right you don’t get you don’t get

Consistency from Young Players usually you get consistency from veteran teams that are playoff caliber teams and all that but there is no reason the Sabers team should be taking this much of a step back I think we all agreed that this Savers team was not going to put up

The same amount of goals as last season especially when GM Kevin Adams refused to get any help for the forward groups and made the defensive core honestly worse by the additions of Conor Clifton and Eric Johnson in the off season I mean he could not have you know done

More of a disservice to this team in the offseason absolutely horrible job by Kevin Adams but again overall Kevin Adams has been a great GM the only thing I could complain about is this past off season and he really really set this ship to sync and I mean it was just a

Horrible job horrible offseason we were definitely pretty mad about you know the lackluster signings but it is what it is right you still got the same group of players that were one point out of the playoffs and they should be you know aging they should be maturing and they

Should be getting better now again we didn’t expect H Thompson to have the same numbers but we expected some of the lower tier guys to step it up a little bit nothing’s happened the defense is in complete disarray the offense is you know hit or miss each and every game

Something’s different and I don’t know what Don Granado has changed again we can all guess that he kind of shifted more towards a defensive team and that is not what this team is built for at all the defense stinks on this team and it’s not but because of the players I

Mean look at the players on defense you have rashma Dalene a great defender we’ve seen and he you know just is immaculate in the offensive zone as well Owen power who has the skill set of a top overall pick he was a number one overall pick and he has that skill set

You want to know the reason why these guys are struggling it’s pressure and it’s the system the system they are currently running they are not executing and again D gonado is not one of those rough and rowdy coaches that gets in their face so I don’t think they’re very

Nervous about facing him or you know messing up the system but you could tell they’re on a leash Owen power you could tell every time he gets the puck he hugs it against the boards instead of skating freely he is a top overall pick in the

NHL I’ve seen what he could do I’ve seen his college highlights I’ve seen last season in overtime what Owen power can do in open space it is incredible he is a top guy on this team but under this system he just is nothing he he’s infuriating to watch He’s turnover he’s

Nervous he’s shaking he doesn’t even belong out there and it’s you know it’s it’s really a shame to see that then you move on to the next pairing you see Yoki Haru who had a good start to the year but again they just cannot get the same

Production out of him that we’ve once saw you know last season and again last season he didn’t have that all that great of a year either Conor Clifton a guy they brought in complete disappointment Eric Johnson the same thing Ryan Johnson’s been great so far this year but again he’s very young and

He hasn’t really you know had the effect of the the Don grenado system that these other guys have had then we go to the offense and the offense just hasn’t been clicking I mean I mean Tage Thompson regression Dylan cousins regression Casey middleset and Jeff Skinner are the

Only two forwards that are on pretty much the same point pace and the only reason that Jeff Skinner isn’t is because he had that injury he’s been out of the lineup a little bit middle set’s fallen off as of lately but he is on a

Contract year as well so that could be a motivating factor other than that nobody else is matching last season again you bring back zus gurgenson and kyak poso for leadership I get it I guess but to bring back both of them with zero offensive Talent I shouldn’t say zero

Offensive talent but you know what I mean they don’t bring you know goals and they don’t bring defense either they’re kind of just out there you know helping out the young kids and you know trying their best which again I’m not going to discredit them from going out there and

Putting in 110% because they often times they are the only two giving all they got but they’re just not not supposed to be playing at at this level on a team that’s full of young kids that is trying to make the playoffs that should be in a

Playoff spot right now but the Sabers right now are seven points out some nights they’re nine points out some nights they sneak back to Five Points out but they just are so inconsistent again they can’t win multiple games they go back to back what twice so far this

Year maybe three times they can’t win three in a row and if you’re going to be a playoff team you have to have some sort of consistency this team has had none of that so again we look at the coaching core Don Granado complete failure this year I don’t know what he’s

Doing but he has yet to change anything we go to the defense Matt Ellis coaching the defense horrible I don’t know what system he’s running but it is just horrible and again he hasn’t changed anything Matt Ellis also in charge of the power play the Savers power play has

Been one of the worst in the league and again they do the same thing every Power Play now I will say at the time of this recording the last two games they played the power play looked a little better but it is the same thing every single

Time I could watch one Savers power play and game plan against it and never allow a goal they they they cycle it around the outside super slow get one shot on every time you clear the Zone they do it that stupid drop pass which you know any

Team could just pick off and have an easy Breakaway and we see it every single game these Sabers power plays lead to odman rushes the other way I mean the Sabers power play gives up more chances for the short-handed team than themselves and it’s just in a complete

Embarrassment you look at Mike Bells it for for you know goal tending Devon Levi has had a rough year so far it doesn’t look like he’s learned anything in the NHL and personally I think he should be with the amirs but the only issue is your your goalie that you would bring up

Is Eric comry and he’s looks so bad too that you’re not going to get any wins now the one bright side of the goal tending core has been UPL ukap pakal lukanin has looked great so far this season started off kind of shaky but as

Of late he’s really turned it on so that is a huge upside for the Sabres because if he didn’t turn it on they were definitely going to have to go out and get a goalie for next season with Devon Levi not looking so great but again all

These goalies are super young too I’m not dissing Devon Levi I think he’s going to be a great goalie they take a while to develop though so ukap Paka lcan and showing up is huge and then we we keep going down the the coaching list you get to the assistants and all that

It just doesn’t look like there’s a lot of experience on this coaching staff and last season I thought that was a good thing right I thought the coaches could come up with the players then maybe both people have reached their ceiling maybe don Grado has reached his ceiling with

This team maybe he is a a developmental coach at best and maybe that’s why he hasn’t had an NHL job other than the Buffalo Sabers right it seems the Savers are always hiring these guys who you know just are out of nowhere you know inhouse or you know just crazy signings

Like Ralph Krueger and it just doesn’t work I mean how many times do you have to change the coach to find the right guy so that’s why I’m hesitant to fire down Granado again a very likable guy last season he got to the Savers to a point that hadn’t been since like

2013 but at the same point I mean if he’s not going to take that next step and he’s not going to be able to elevate those players that he got to just about there to their to the playoffs if you can’t do that you cannot be the coach

And again it’s the NHL coaches come and go like that so there’s a ton of good coaching candidates out there but let me know you guys thoughts in the comments should the Savers fire Don Granado is Don Granado the problem or is it strictly just every single player on the

Roster having a down year which again I find hard to believe but it could be possible right I mean the Sabers overachieved in almost every category last season besides goal tending and defense and this year it’s just been all categories down besides ukap pekan and stepping up and you know the the penalty

Kill for the first 10 games of the Season other than that it’s been horrible and Sabers fans I get it we have we have short patience with people because we haven’t been to the playoffs and you know who knows how long it’s been forever and last season we thought

Maybe was going to be the year towards the end we miss out on one point say okay it’s going to be this year no unless they go on a huge win streak it’s it’s not even going to be close it’s it’s a completely miserable year full of disappointment and I’m getting sick of

Seeing it and and eventually you’re going to have to change something and I don’t know if that’s going to be you know maybe a piece of your core gets traded which I don’t want to see happen I mean this team is so close together they’re so closely knitted or maybe it’s

The coach I mean you got to change something right it’s the NHL it’s not you know the NFL where oh maybe we’ll keep it going the NHL you you fire coaches here and there and Don Granado is already a top six or top seven most tene coach in the league right now which

I find super hard to believe I mean he’s he just got here a couple years ago so let me know your thoughts in the comments hit the like button subscribe if you want to and yeah let me know should Don Granado be the coach of the

Sabers next season should he even be the coach of the Sabers on the last game of this season or should the Savers keep him and um you know maybe maybe give him a second chance just because he he really took our core to the next level

Last season let me know in the comments have a good day

After a disappointing beginning to the 2023/24 season, the Sabres may have to look at some changes to keep the ship upright. Don Granato, their head coach, has taken a lot of heat for the underperformance, and his job is in danger. Should it be, and should the Sabres fire him and move on?

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  1. Every team knows how to stop the Sabres and Granato's system! Fire Granato asap! Time to spend some $$ Pegulas and go get a VETERAN coach with emphasis on D and being tougher in front of both nets ! Gallant or Berube would work for me and hopefully when Granato is fired , D coach Marty Wilford will be fired too. Hire Sens head coach DJ Smith to take over for Marty!
    Look at how a coaching and systems change worked out in Vancouver. They fired Bruce Boudreau this time last year i believe and look where they are now. The Sabres have just as much if not more talent than the Canucks do.
    Thanks for the video , much appreciated.

  2. You touched on many of the defenseman but I didn’t hear anything about Mattias Samuelsson! He’s afraid to hit this year and is a turnover machine! What a disappointment after his big contract!

  3. Team is far too soft. Yes they had success last year but this team has no grit, no mean to their game. Time to move on

  4. Should have traded olofson last summer, kept girgs and okie , stay the course on goalies, no significant improvement on D over the summer. None of our amassed undersized 1st round draft picks NHL ready, Benson playing all year, power play ineptness, consistently going down 2-0 in the first period? I gotta believe a good deal of this is due to inept coaching. Couple that with a GM that refuses to bring any muscle to the team and you get the current edition of the Sabres. Absolutely sickening

  5. Ellis and the rest of the assistants are terrible. Granato is a good coach, served his purpose, but it's time to move on. Why wait until the offseason when a good NHL coach is ready to be hired right now?

  6. Should they… absolutely. Will they… 😔.. not likely this season unless the wheels reallly fall off.

    Im hoping we can convince peca during the off season.

  7. I disagree I think signing clifton and joshnson was a good move at that moment b.c our team does lack strong checking d men, we have all young skill d who intimidate noone and half the time do not produce on either end; sadly both signings just did not produce but i agree with what he was trying to do. forwards like greenway okposo all these traveler types need to go(though i do like robinson b.c hes fast and gritty which is kinda nice) saying "the D stinks on this team and it isn't the payers" is straight up a joke, the players are the ones on the ice; Dahlin dosn't play well in our zone he gives up the puck and plays with it and loses it and doesn't even like playing D("I want to play free" he says. power is a P&ssy and refuses to hit or take hits in our zone and is lackluster in the o zone and the rest follow suit.we have weak braindead D men. I will agree matt ellis like wtf is he doing coaching let alone the D? lol maybe don should just be a development coach for rochester and ellis can go sit on a couch.I also agree on the pp, like we always stay on the outside, noone takes the puck to the net its painful

  8. Granato is a good coach. He's just not an NHL coach. Kevin Adams job should also be scrutinized. This last off season reminded me of the Darcy Regier afraid to make a move days.

  9. Its not HC or players. Its the culture! Until the entire culture of the sabres changes this will be their fate. The only time the culture was different was when Hasek was here, and Drury/Briere era. Drury said it best, "why is there no photo of the cup in the lockeroom?" They never believed that could actually be their goal. This team now needs a Dylan Larkin type of leader. Its embarrising that this team is so lost. However, all the old core pieces and etc need to change. We could have eichel or McDavid, and there would be no change with this team. The Detroit Lions have no legit hall of famers that you could pencil in for the near future. However, the entire coaching staff and higher ups became believers and followed through. Like the wings, are ahead of the sabres, the lions are ahead of the Bills. Its that bloody culture that makes the difference! Coaching wise we need a Brindamour behind the bench to motivate these guys. Until then the team better become the best golf players in the NHL, because they will have their entire careers in the offseason to be that good. Its so sad and Buffalo deserves so much more. However, its not gonna happen.

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