@Toronto Maple Leafs

Game #47. Toronto 4 V Winnipeg 2.

Game #47. Toronto 4 V Winnipeg 2.

by BrianBeLeafs


  1. Ratjar142

    This year’s comics have been the best yet. Thank you for keeping this going. I’m looking forward to this year’s book. 

  2. AnberlinFTW

    You nailed the Shelley Duvall facial expression.

  3. Every time I think this guy can’t top himself, he does. The consistency and effort is so impressive. Brian, I mean — although this could just as easily apply to Tavares.

  4. riko77can

    You’ve really hit a stride. What an institution.

  5. You can’t keep on peaking like this man. The expectations is already sky high and your keep *nailing it*.

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