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2024 Bates Men’s Basketball vs. Maine Maritime Highlights

2024 Bates Men’s Basketball vs. Maine Maritime Highlights

– [Aaron] It’s Marc Begin II, the first-year. Mid-range jumper and he’s happy to be back at Alumni Gym. Knocking it down, 2-0, Bates. And thought about a 3. Instead, he’ll dribble and drive to the hoop. Kick it out in the corner. It’s Cravitz for 3. It’s good!

Elliott Cravitz, and the Bobcats lead 5-2. They get it over to Heinz at the elbow. Heinz into the paint, looking for that cutter. And he turned it over. It looked like it was stolen by Trace Gotham, getting the start for Bates. Marc Begin II over to Cravitz, corner 3. Good!

Elliott Cravitz, (whistle blows) knocking it down. Timeout, Mariners. And here come the Bobcats. Gotham on the drive. And Trace Gotham with the layup and the Bobcats lead 10-2. Begin on the move. Pulls up. That’s his bread and butter, those mid-range jumpers. And he knocks it down. – [Announcer] That’s two points for Begin.

– [Aaron] Senior captain sometimes puts a lot of pressure on himself, but he stayed within himself and had a great week. Elliott Cravitz, catch, fire, Knock it down! 15-8, Bates. Bobcats by seven. Begin bringing it up. Begin will just fire away and knock it down. You can’t leave him open.

And it’s 18-8, Bates. Brings it up for the Bobcats, across the timeline. Rybeck, driving. Bounces to McCormick. Right wing 3 from McCormick. Yes! Splash! Make it 5 of 10 from outside for Bates, and they lead 21-8. Here’s Gotham, right wing. Gotham, trying to spin around the defense. It bounces away to him.

Cravitz picks it up and just fires a 3! And boy, oh, boy, is Elliott Cravitz having himself a first half. He’s got four 3s on five attempts. He’ll measure up another 3, and it’s good. Bobcats have hit seven 3s in the first half. Bates up 27-17. Begin from the elbow. Got it.

Marc Begin II has 12 to match Cravitz. Begin saying, “I’ll take that ball, thank you.” Begin, (chuckles) that is a good move. And he drains it with a step back J. – [Josh] Might as well give it to the hot hand. – [Aaron] Psyhogeos, right wing, to the trailer, McCormick.

Wide open for 3, with confidence. He drains it. Begin no look feed, Pouye, with the hammer! Babacar! Here’s McCormick off a screen. He’ll fire a pass outside for Gotham. Left wing 3, good! (whistle blows) Nine made 3s in the opening half for Bates.

As Gotham gets in on it with his first of the night. He’ll measure up that 3. He hit three against Tufts from outside. Misses this one, rebound Cravitz. Cravitz will try one. And Cravitz hits again! Elliott Cravitz has made five of seven from 3-point range.

– [Josh] And a deep, deep 3 there from Cravitz, but he’s hot, so why not? – [Aaron] Rybeck is back in. Inbound to McCormick. Corner 3 from McCormack and when you’re on, you’re on! He gets the shooter’s roll and the Bobcats lead, 48-31. My goodness. Rambling through the lane, Ramirez.

That did not go well. Stolen by the Bobcats. Rybeck broke it up. Gotham got it back to Rybeck. Begin corner 3, good! 12 made 3s in the first half for Bates! – [Josh] They just cannot miss. Everything is falling. – [Aaron] They’re up by 20 now, 51-31. Oquendo, driving. Ward blocks the shot.

McCormick now has it. McCormick on the move. McCormick feeds Begin, corner 3. Got it! 13 made 3s in the first half for Bates. – [Josh] Looks like Begin gave a little stare down to the Maine Maritime bench there after he hit it. He’s feeling good. – [Aaron] Now Pouye in the low block.

Pouye going to work. Spinning, turning around, off the window. Good, Babacar! In the corner, it’s Psyhogeos for 3. And that one is good for Peter Psyhogeos. On the other end now, Begin for 3. Good! Begin again. – [Announcer] Marc Begin. – [Aaron] Marc Begin II, having himself a day. Psyhogeos back to Begin.

15-footer, elevates and hits. Psyhogeos driving baseline. Finds Gotham in the lane and Trace Gotham with the bunny and knocks it down. Begin measuring things up. Left wing Cravitz, for 3. Got it again! Six made 3s for Elliott Cravitz. Right wing Cravitz, thought about it. Gotham open at the elbow. He’ll take it.

And, yes. It hit every part of the rim and falls through. – [Josh] Almost too much open space there for Gotham. But he gets it to roll in. – [Aaron] 73-45, Bobcats. Trailer, Cravitz, thought about it. Now he’ll step into one. Yes sir!

Seven made 3s for Elliott Cravitz and 17 made 3s for Bates. Somehow gets it to Ramirez, who bounces it over. And Gotham with the steal. Ahead for Mayen. Now to Rybeck. Alley-oop, alley-oop? Nope, layup. Good. For Rybeck, I thought he was gonna lob it. But he gets the layup instead, 78-49. Left wing for Rybeck. Here’s Gotham, out to McCormick. Open, top of the key 3, good! Driving, kicking, Rybeck, McCormick for 3! And they’ve tied the record! 19 made 3s for the Bobcats! Over to Rybeck. McCormick, McLaughlin. McCormick now. Out to Rybeck for the record! Yes!

And Rybeck just broke the record for made 3s in a game for the Bobcats. They have 20. – [Josh] What a moment for the Bobcats! – [Aaron] Rybeck gets it in for Ward. That’s a two. (crowd roars) I believe. No, is it a 3? Yeah, they say it’s a 3.

– I think they had – Initially, – that as a 3. – I thought it was a 2. Yeah, give him a 3, Stephen Ward. The crowd loves it. – [Josh] A rare 3-point score for Stephen Ward. – [Aaron] Aydan Gedeon-Hope bounce pass to Leach down low.

Leach reverse layup and that’s his first career field goal as Leach makes a layup. Rybeck hard into lane. Fade away, good! Lincoln Rybeck. – [Josh] That’s a tough shot there by Lincoln Rybeck, but he’s able to get it to fall. – Your made 3 was the 20th of the game,

Which broke the Bates team record for made 3s in one game. Were you aware of this record? – I had no idea. (Aaron laughing) No idea. I was just ready to shoot. Ready to get some open shots. – [Aaron] What was opening so well for you guys tonight from outside?

– Before the game, we just emphasized playing together. Coming together, coming in 2-15, we just needed an extra boost. And Coach, usually we have a little game plan before, we just cherished the moment. And the four seniors we got are some of the most special guys.

I’ve become very close with all of them. And just cherishing these last seven games is really important to all of us and we got it done when we needed to.

Bates breaks the program record for most three-pointers made in one game!
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The Bates men’s basketball team made 21 three-pointers on Tuesday, breaking a program record that had stood for more than 30 years, in a 94-68 win over Maine Maritime Academy at Alumni Gym.


The Department of Athletics and Physical Education promotes the mission of the College by providing appropriate amateur, gender-equitable athletic opportunities that enhance the overall liberal arts undergraduate experience. Consistent with Bates’ national reputation, the Department offers programs that strive for excellence and seek distinction within the New England Small College Athletic Conference and at the national level.

Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, is one of the nation’s leading liberal arts colleges. It is a welcoming community whose members care deeply about the rigorous, challenging, and rewarding life of ideas and principles, and value their exchange and examination.

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