@Vancouver Canucks

Should the Canucks be WORRIED about this??

Elias Pettersson is a great player for the Vancouver Canucks, he is an RFA at the end of the NHL season…. how much money should Petey be making on his next contracct?



  1. He ain't more valuable than Milsy, Hughes or Demko. I would offer him 8X8.9 and wait for a dumb ass manager to give me four first round picks and a shit load of cap space. Then i would pick up his replacement for 6 million and win the cup. Tock has these guys going in the right direction, but they are going to need to pay up for Hronek and Joshua so i would keep them. This playoff season should be a good learning experience for the team as they will likely get bounced out in the first or second round. Petey just isn't consistent enough to get the 10 million dollar pay check in my view. Very good player when he is on but the Canucks do have a big cap issue facing them for the next three years while they wait for their prospects to become NHL ready. Maybe they can defy the odds and win the cup this year and Petey can ride off into the sunset with Stanley cup ring and a shiny new contract, somewhere else. I'm going to miss him but i can always watch his new team when he is gone.

  2. I chose the 10-11M option, but the term comes into play too. I judged that based on another short term extension kind of deal. For another 3 years, 10-11M is more than reasonable for Petey because he’ll get to renegotiate sooner. If he’s looking at an 8 year contract, that makes a difference. 11-12M would make more sense.

  3. Petey has no loyalty to Vancouver. Won’t be surprised when he leaves. I get that Petey is only in it for Petey.

    Edit: he will be gone this off season or next, happy to eat crow but he don’t give me any reason to trust him.

  4. Aquillini has taught Pettersen that money is the only canucks ownership priority (see previous 10 years of organizational behaviour). With that kind of leadership, I would expect EP to seriously evaluate all options before signing anywhere. If he wants to win. An evaluation of the teams past financial support for hockey operations needs to be considered. Despite two years of Rutherfords exceptional leadership, that's not a good news story over the decade long Aquillini ownership. As a 40 plus year canucks fan, I'm saddened but also in full support of the player. I also believe that Rutherford will not make desperation moves unlike Benning.

  5. To not secure him and pay Elias 12+, and loosing him would totaly end this clubs future.. Do not be suprised if he signs a long time deal at 13+.

  6. I think any hockey player in the NHL getting over $5M is too much. I believe that players who reaches X number of points gets an additional $X MIllions, that way everyone on the team has an incentive to work & play hard. Remember the horrible contracts with Messier, Luongo, Loui Ericsson…etc

  7. $12M or $12.5M is fair based on current. Mac's and McD's were signed years ago, hence they are kinda underpaid. Matt's was just signed and just comparing Matthews and Petey, Petey is actuall outperforming Matthews in terms of pts/game, including last season.

  8. Hope he goes for 11 mil for 8. He'll be rich but leave maybe a mil or two on the table to pay other good players. You don't want to be rich on a shitty cap strapped team.

  9. agree 11-12 mill "if he stays" i am not as confident as you he will stay in my opinion not a very loyal guy he will go where he gets payed the most

  10. He's not signing an extension in Vancouver.
    He only said he wants to play for a winning team because he thought the Canucks would not be a winning team.
    He wants to play on the east coast.

  11. I have an odd feeling he’s gonna do something like 11.5 for a shorter stay something like 5 years. But I also feel if he signs long term it’ll be 12 or more

  12. That stupid floppy chicken move the other night was ridiculous after he was interfered with. Fer cryin out loud…that kinda stuff is beneath him. Or SHOULD be!

  13. You can't compare old contracts to new contracts. The cap is going up. That puts the old 11 to 12M player into the 12 to 13M. Petey will be getting minimum 11.5 to 12.5 and he knows that. Also if he signs an offer sheet the Canucks are simply just going to match it lol

  14. I think it’s a bit naive to expect between 10-11. Not only when looking at Nylanders contract but also because Petey is a center.

    Now he has said that winning matters the most to him so if Vancouver goes far this off-season I can see him take a somewhat friendly deal

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