@Calgary Flames

Flames Statement on Dillon Dube

Flames Statement on Dillon Dube

by hey-dorothea1313


  1. FinkBass420

    I’m glad they put this out. Staying silent would have just let everyone shit on the organization even more. Fuck you Dillon Dube

  2. FMRadioMirrorPark

    Glad they put this one out to clear things

  3. Horrible situation all around. It makes sense they didn’t know the full extent of the situation. If nothing else, this is a lesson for management in dealing with these sorts of situations.

  4. Cautious-Weakness-54

    Fuck you Dillon Dube. Using “mental health” to deceive the team who gave you your shot as an undersized player in the NHL, shame on you.

    Absolutely disgusted, and glad the Flames released this

  5. Nice-End-4742

    not suprised, there was literally no benefit for them to try and defend him by saying it was mental health if they had known

  6. infinity_o

    Another thing to keep in mind here is that Dube could also be having a very serious and real mental health episode brought on by the fallout of this circumstance. This is not an appeal to sympathize with him. Rather. It’s easy to rationalize he is probably spiralling because his life as he knows it is pretty much over.

    It becomes a very tricky thing to parse from a legal perspective if you’re the Flames. It may not be so simple as Dube outright “lied” about it.

  7. Individual_Potato629

    Adding another comment and another fuck you Dube. Rapist lying piece of shit. Anyone who says innocent until proven guilty… think about how he handled this situation with the Flames. Speaks to his character.

    Good on the Flames to make a statement today. Glad they purposely highlighted they had no prior knowledge of pending charges.

    With the way they handled Kylington it was hard to believe they were using mental health as a scape goat.

    Once again, fuck you Dube. Rot in hell.

  8. Lizard798658866

    Still think most people had speculated on this coming out soon, Flames likely should have been more careful with their words.

    Anyways though, F Dillon Dube.

  9. SauronOMordor

    Rot in prison and then in hell, Dubs. You piece of shit.

  10. Sorry, I’m not buying that they had no knowledge of pending charges. His name has been stapled to this matter since day 1.

    Edit: by “knowledge of pending charges” I mean the knowledge that charges were a very real possibility. This isn’t a case that came to light in the last week or two, these people involved knew about investigations for a long time. The Flames should have known he would be called in for questioning at the very least, and as such should have put his absence as “personal” instead of framing it as a mental health incident. Yes the team can only go off what they are told by Dube, but there is no way they weren’t aware of him requiring an absence related to this incident as a possibility.

  11. tristan1616

    He was the first of the four still active in the league to request leave by a few days. There’s no way the organization wasn’t aware of the ongoing investigation and the potential for him to be one of the suspects, but their hands were kind of tied when he stated it was for mental health reasons.

    Not sure if anything else will come out about this, but to me it sounds like Dube took advantage of the organization’s stance on mental health assistance to try and buy himself time or sympathy or whatever. Obviously didn’t work and he looks like an even bigger piece of shit now.

  12. Rickcinyyc

    If anyone here (or anyone you know) has a Flames Dube jersey, I’m happy to strip the namebar and numbers for free. I have a lot of experience with jerseys. It’s super time consuming but I like doing it.

  13. deleteallsocialmedia

    “… We just really wanted to capitalize on a good PR opportunity so we added that he was leaving for “Mental health reasons”, because hey, look at all the love we got from the Kylington situation. Who could pass up on that?! Due diligence? Nah why do that”

    “we are unsure about how Philadelphia was able to avoid fucking this up as bad as we did”….

  14. Littlekcs

    I’m struggling to see the POV that this ordeal is somehow the Flames fault? 1. Dube is very likely suffering from mental health issues related to this so him asking for a medical leave (likely advised by his lawyers) was his best option. 2. Even if the Flames “knew” until it was public knowledge it was all just speculation and they can’t suspend him based on that and/or if Dube did let the Flames know they likely couldn’t legally say anything.

  15. Cautious-Weakness-54

    Fun fact, SA is extremely difficult to not only bring charges, but also to get a conviction in Canada. If the Crown had this case with five high-profile athletes, there is absolutely no way they would bring charges and seek a conviction without having an absolute ironclad case.

  16. super6646

    I mean… what else were they going to say lol. Not hard to have plausible deniability, and it’s not like you can easily prove anyone knew. Doesn’t mean I take this statement uncritically, but whatever. If it helps ppl feel better.

    As for dube… man comes out looking even worse out of this.

  17. PatEmAudio

    Never liked how the Flames treated Kylingtons situation as a big PR opportunity but gave them the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was at Oliver’s request… This just makes it worse.


    Does anyone know exactly what Dube did? Was it rape or something to do with a minor?

  19. DistributionSilly597

    What a joke! Mental health problem and no information about the charges?

  20. Motivated78

    BS. Team totally knew. It’s been in the media for ages.

  21. elcapitainesports

    I applaud the victim for being so strong, true to herself and seeing this atrocity through; a great deal of SA cases are given up on due to the length of time it takes to get a resolution. My mind immediately thinks of and feels for the people in Dubes life: his parents, Suzy and Paris, that got him to where he is, his brother Jake, who helped inspire him to play hockey, and his girlfriend Kristiana, who’s likely going through something any of us wouldn’t wish upon our worst enemies. I sincerely hope all of them do not face any ill will, as they are not responsible for Dillon’s actions.

  22. hennyl0rd

    Alright this is what I was expecting… I knew that there had to be a mix of the flames following protocol and Dube lying to the flames putting them in a tough spot… I mean this statement says they were unaware of the pending charges key word here is “pending charges” like Ottawa and the rest of the league it is quite obvious it was a open secret, Formenton was easy top get rid of as his contract was up but Dube had just signed when the story broke…

    The flames knew Dube was involved it would be naïve to believe they didn’t. But I do think they didn’t know the exact details and extent, I think Dube lied to teammates and the organization about how involved he was… remember there was supposedly 8 players in the room and only 5 are being charged. Fast forward this season and at the start there is rumors that the suspects would be announced, coincidently dube struggles all season while the story seems to flame out obviously everyone starts to connect dots..

    Fast forward again last week and Dube gets info he’s being charged, he has a breakdown takes a “mental health” break as another lie to the organization and teammates as a cowardly way out than being honest. The flames know that they can’t say no for the sake of the integrity of PAP and their no questions asked policy so they accept his request. I also believe they did not think charges were pending or news was breaking soon… Next thing you know Hart does the same thing and thats when the Flames realize oh shit somethings happening for real this time.

  23. Specialist-One-712

    Good on them for immediately putting a statement out instead of waiting or letting it go. The fact that Dube is charged with a crime shouldn’t negatively impact the team’s solid mental health efforts.

    Fuck Dube for giving that as a reason for a mental health leave of absence though.

  24. _turetto_

    The team knew but there was nothing they could do, they cannot put that out in the media even if they’re 99.999% sure, if they’re wrong they get sued into oblivion. They removed him from the website, warm up video and anything to do with the team basically the next day

  25. MonkeySailor

    The Flames really have the worst and most out of touch PR department in the league. Embarrassing.

    John Bean, the president and CEO, son was literally on the same team. What a joke

  26. Several_Violinist483

    Before this week, was there actually a consensus (Twitter/reddit, etc) that Dubé was one of the 8? Or anecdotal evidence or stories at all? I hadn’t heard his name in the mix at all. I had heard Formention and McLeod a bunch but hadn’t heard anything suggesting Dubé was in question (beyond being on that team). 

  27. TurnCalmTheVolume

    “We had no knowledge.”


  28. Ordinary-Easy

    Dube was asked about the investigation something like 18 months ago in a Flames press thing I believe. So I doubt very much the Flames didn’t “know” anything about the charge.

  29. alowester

    I mean why lie about that, they absolutely would’ve known. They could’ve just said nothing and that would’ve been better than lying

  30. HairlessDaddy

    No knowledge? He just asked for a leave of absence and they said yes?

  31. I love how people are jumping to conclusions already. Punishing the group publicly even before a trial. Brutal

  32. DeathWaughAgain

    How did they not know about the charges but everyone else did…..weak press release.

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