@Boston Bruins

Chris and I Talk Baseball Hall of Fame Results Live! @collectorinvestordealer

Chris and I Talk Baseball Hall of Fame Results Live! @collectorinvestordealer

All right what is up everybody I am here with Chris Chris how you been great man how are you been never been better this uh yeah I mean I’m excited for MLB Hall of Fame announcement as always we didn’t do a live stream during the veterans committee one I wasn’t I wasn’t excited

For that one and honestly it came out as a big surprise when Leland was named it was voted in yeah the lot lot less passion for managers and uh you know umpires and executiv Executives yeah but yeah Jim Leland was not yeah I mean shocker 506 career

Winning percentage I mean I’m sure I’m sure he was better than that but yeah he had some very successful years yeah yeah I think of Jim leand as a pirate so do I is he is he something else is he going in as something else well I don’t know

Know but I just remember yeah tigers and then I think he managed the Marlins too know he he was mainly a pirate 11 years a pirate two years of marlin one year a rocky eight years a tiger okay yeah yeah but one is World Series with the Marlins

Wait is that right yeah 200 no 97 97 yeah huh that’s crazy I didn’t know that so three penants and one world series title One World Series titles with the Marlins yeah I guess he never won with the Pirates you never even got to the with that bons Bonia uh Andy Vance like

Team he never got he never got to the the World Series and Doug Doug dreck winning sa Youngs let’s talk about this year’s vote this one here so we have let me share my screen here I think of Jim Leland as a smoker uh let’s see mook chillson this person’s cool for many

Reasons is this doing what I want it to do so so the Baseball Hall of Fame tracker we talked about it real briefly before we jumped on here can you can you summarize it for me because I know about it but I didn’t really understand it but

It’s just bball ofam and you can see who’s tracking to make it but how do they calculate that well so right now they have 56 6.3% of ballots that are out there public yeah most of them are they know who submitted the ballots there it says there are 12 of them that

Are Anonymous or unverifiable but uh so Sports writers submit their ballots usually via article maybe they tweet it out and then these four guys volunteer I assume and uh track them all and there’s years and years of tracking and so right now based on 56% of votes we know that Adrien belr

Is a lock he is at 99.1% he he was a lock anyway but yeah right and by the way you agree Bel Tre is a Hall of Famer right yeah he he’s he’s a no no-brainer yeah then you have three question marks you have Mau at 83.3% which feels really good but we

Don’t know yet how those Anonymous ballots will come in they could skew anti-u it’s unlikely but it’ll be interesting to see Helton if I remember correctly uh how many years has Helton been on the ballot yeah he’s not he’s like at seven or something I think he

Skews low on the anonymous ballots if I remember correctly okay meaning meaning he’ll he’ll go down yeah but he’s believed to get in and there’s a there’s a I think this morning he was at like uh I don’t remember 70% chance of getting in based on their simulations that they did okay Billy

Wagner had a very low chance of getting in because he will skew like that 78.2% will go down quite a bit they’re projecting I think 73% he’ll finish up interesting well so that’s a bunch of interesting things so the the the Helton helton’s on a seventh year now he got

Seven he’s been tracking he’s been just going up and up each year 72 7 2% last year I mean you have to assume he gets in just based on the for sure right but uh unless he has a VC type Revolution so if he like somehow just so

He’s got 82 on the tracker so wait so the tracker has 204 votes and it’s 56% in so so there’s like just short of 400 total voters and you need 75% right so roughly you need 300 of 400 it’s a little less than that yeah

And I don’t think they’ll round up so if you finish at 74.7% I don’t think they’re going to say that rounds up to 75 you’re good it has to be 75% or more yeah yeah three quarters right so um Helton so Helton yeah so hton looks like he’s he’s he’s

Gonna get in Billy Wagner was also tracking to probably make it and this is his last year on the ballot right he made 68% last year and this is his last year on the ballot I would have definitely predicted he would get in just based on that

Uh but if he’s only at 78% you think he’s going to drop a bunch yeah there’s just so many people who don’t think Billy Wagner feels like a Hall of Famer and I get that yeah me too me too he doesn’t feel like a Hall of Famer to me either although the

Numbers kind of support that he is yeah he’s the one of the most dominant relievers of all time uh he just only pitched 900 something Innings and that’s a lot of people have a hard time with that which I get yeah yeah uh but I I I’m a bigger hall guy

I’m not a big hall guy but I’m bigger than a lot of people and I would put Wagner in but I’m also okay with him not being in yeah Helton I’m definitely I think Helton has to be in and I don’t think you penalize him just because he

Hit in Colorado his home road splits are are less than way bogs has were when bogs was in Boston yeah yeah I think we talked about it last time his uh it’s he’s not as I mean The Rock obviously help being playing in Colorado but it didn’t like

Pump them up as much as people think that sound right yeah absolutely we should let people know here that we don’t have an actual live stream of the video of MLB announcement we are going to be watching very very closely yeah but neither of us subscribes to MLB Network and I didn’t want

To subscribe through because I have Xfinity and to get it I have to increase by like you don’t need it these days there’s like there’s like Twitter and uh there’s the Instagram and all those things and they tell you instantly what happens yes uh sh Sheffield won’t get in

Unfortunately I agree that he’s a Hall of Famer and I know the argument as well he took steroids but a lot of like Mo um not Moon although maybe uh David Ortiz did we believe did stero steroids at least before the Mitchell report because he was in the Mitchell report if I

Remember correctly yeah and um yeah I don’t well no no you you explained to me the Ortiz thing he he was uh found guilty but it was like something that got leaked and he it was never supposed to be made public right correct and and SE oh good bud seelig

Said we shouldn’t hold David Ortiz to this because it it’s not even I don’t remember all the details but Gary Sheffield has admitted to putting the cream on his knee somebody correct me if I’m wrong here uhuh okay I I thought I thought Sheffield was a more uh you know he’s

He’s he’s a he’s a ped guy but maybe he’s like one of those borderline does it count guys which I guess Ortiz would fall into yeah Ortiz is to me clear-cut with his not only his clearcut what Hall of Famer oh no of course well well on the field for sure

Yeah Ortiz was part of the 5% that tested positive that first test according to Richard biano okay so he did Mike have so he did test positive in the anonymous testing that was leaked that was leaked by it was not supposed to be leaked yeah this was

Before testing was I mean all this stuff man it’s like they all did it right they did who got busted and how hard did you get busted Mikey G here one of my longtime favorite subscribers few Yankees fans so we got take this comment a big grain of salt okay was this early

In his career and was it exactly one time I mean you you’re you’re you’re biased right at being up in Boston I well I am biased but I also think that he probably did STS more than once let’s be realistic yeah and he was probably doing them later in his career yeah okay

That’s what that’s what’s the likely the likely scenario here yeah okay so let me talk so if the if the um where where was it if the tracker holds there would be a number of really surprising things to me um and I’ll just go through them one by one

Here first of all Adrien belr is a no-brainer first ballot Hall of Famer but 99.1% that’s more than kriy Jr that’s more than yeah he’s not he’s not I don’t think Tai Cobb got that much right he’s not one of the best players of all he’s

Not one of the best players of all time I I wonder where that would rank but uh because I I’ve you know that’s a a lot of writers W w’t for nobody in their first ballot right or or only the true Elite of the elite of the elite um so

That would be surprising if he got that much although yeah I just think the voters are getting smarter and there’s not a massive ballot like oftentimes some guys will not get voted for because the voters will say well I knew he was going to get in anyway and I wanted to

Save my vote for somebody I wasn’t sure who would get in I’ve seen that before from writers oh that’s lame it is I mean it’s isn’t it weird that mariana rivera is the only person to get 100% it is Jeter Jeter didn’t get it right Cal

Ripken your your guy Cal no Ripken I mean Rivera is deserving he’s the greatest out his position of all time but you wouldn’t if there’s only one guy you wouldn’t think it would be him yeah yeah Joe dagio took three or four ballots did he really well yeah is that

True I mean how can Joe deio not be a first B who who are they putting who are they putting in instead I don’t think Mark oy gets this wrong okay no I’m not I’m not questioning it I’m just saying how is that possible I’m not gonna fact

Check Mark’s knowledge I mean this you’re not that’s a that’s a I’m gonna fact check that that’s Joe dagio Hall of Fame voting uh what do what do you think about the Bel thing 99% you with that well I think he’s a he’s a clear-cut Hall of Famer so it makes

Sense he should be what sorry yeah no go ahead he should be very very high I don’t know that the I don’t know 99% 96% doesn’t matter to me I think Pedro got him with 93 I’m sure Mark Mark will correct me if I’m wrong but I remember 93 on Pedro I I

Think we’ve talked about this before but I like I like when people don’t vote for borderline players on the first ballot I like when they say on first ballot I’m only going to vote for the cream cream cream because then then then you at least have a two tier system you got

Hall of Famers and you got first ballot Hall of Famers and I like that separation I don’t understand why somebody would vote for somebody on the second or the 10th in a different way second third fourth that does never made sense to me why someone’s increasing over time well yeah look at Carlos

Beltron yeah who is is a Hall of Famer in my opinion he’s no doubter but because he cheated in 2017 and was believed he the only one who was mentioned or suspended by baseball believed to be the leader of that cheating yeah as cheating scandal a lot of Voters penalized him

And then a bunch of them added him back on their ballot this year because he’s now at 60 66% I think he finished last year 40 something percent and he’ll get in eventually yeah he’ll get in eventually I think so he he he he’s off he’s high

Enough out of the gate to when you when you open open it like 50% you everyone get in yeah Jo deio got in on his fourth try fourth in uh in 19 even I don’t know what what they were doing but yeah it took him four tries to get in must have been 50 I’m trying to think of when in his in 1953 his second year on the ballot he only got 44% of the vote Jimmy Fox on his eighth Jimmy what okay

So you know when you like you look at like stats of like pitchers in the 1800s and they’re like you know 53 and8 was their winning record you’re like oh something was different back then yeah that’s what’s going on here something had to have been just different back then because how would Joe

Deio I love Paul KERO I don’t think he’s a Hall of Famer Paul canero yeah no no great great first baseman okay so Mau surprises me too I wouldn’t uh I’m a small hall guy um but I’m sort of speaking in terms of not not speaking in

Terms of whether I would put him in I’m speaking in terms of if I thought he was going to get in I wouldn’t have thought he would have gotten in on his first try I thought he would get in I thought he’d open at like 50 60 and eventually get in

I agree that’s what that that would have been my guess I guess it’s still possible Right with the with the ballots um being unknown but yeah 83% seems pretty high for him I’m just seeing if we have any 559 any minute now any minute now

Any minute I got a lot of Todd hton rookies so I’m hope I’m I got got investment there I have none I’ve been trying to because of the anticipation his values have been up for a while no yeah it hasn’t gone well like uh what I

What I was trying to do with Helton there we’ve got got quite a spirited discussion here in the comments oh yeah a lot of a lot of the PED stuff yeah and Pete Rose and shess Joe yeah this is true yeah that’s true yeah for sure Jeff and Jeff Jeff field is not

Liked right I don’t think so although I think his he’s getting better because of his uh recent uptick on TV as an analyst uhhuh but look at Joey vad I think Joey vad is very he’s he’s a compelling Hall of Fame case I think he will skate in

Because of how popular he is yeah yeah I do too yeah so Wagner this is a big one for Wagner this is last year and he is right on the border this will be interesting on yeah I don’t think he’s gonna be I think he’s gonna be 71 72% you think

You’re gonna fall that much I mean you know the the argument do you put relievers in obviously you have to have rera in but is Wagner one of the five best relievers of all time I mean I think so yeah right so I mean that seems pretty good if

You’re making that AR somebody tell us what’s happening on on MLB Network I mean we got to get Twitter stuff coming in soon now I’m watching yeah I’m refreshing okay Sheffield and you think Sheffield will drop from 74 yeah I think he’ll end up in the

60s okay so he that this is his last try that that knocks him out Andrew so does anyone ever go up from the projected because Andrew Jones 69% yeah that’s a great question uh steroid guys go up like Manny Ramirez Alex Rodriguez private people who don’t want

Don’t want it known that they’re voting for steroid guys exactly yeah well Andrew Jones is gonna be kind of like Billy Wagner because he’s now on his eighth try he got 58% last year and it looks like he’s gonna up that so he’s going to be into the 60s

Easy with two years left that’s going to be very uh very borderline if you’re an Andrew if you’re voting if you’re rooting for Andrew Jones yeah I think oh we have an announcement Babe Ruth made it in big big news here 75 years Twitter’s acting really slow man

These tweets coming in 75 years later 85 years later whatever it is uh I think Andrew Jones is a Hall of Famer I I remember like when when Andrew Jones was he felt like a Hall of Famer in his prime for sure right yeah like a stud he

Stud hitter and and he was a stud Fielder he was like you know five one of the greatest center fielders of all time most important position out there yeah I feel like I I feel like I don’t I feel like I don’t know Joe Mau enough because those were his prime years were

When I was not following things sell me on Joe Mau Joe Mau man uh he played for the same team the whole time which doesn’t doesn’t matter but he no I think that helps 55 War if I remember correctly yeah 55 War played catcher for half of his career had three batting

Titles led the majors in batting twice uh 306 three batting titles is impressive for a catch 306 career batting 388 OBP 439 slugging 124 Ops plus from the catching position and that and actually uh as primary catcher his Ops plus was 135 and then later in his career he

Moved first space yeah uh he made he was an MVP top eight in MVP four times three time Gold Glove six time Allstar no I mean I think there’s there’s a case there for sure his 2009 season is pretty insane yeah uh somebody pointed somebody did the Mau versus Thurman Munson

Comparison do you like that comparison well somebody said ma had 600 more hits but mson famously didn’t get to finish his career yeah yeah I feel like that I feel like if you look at like MVP gold gloves All-Star games I bet that’s all pretty similar but I bet

Yeah but Mau numbers are gonna probably be bigger because he played played longer into his 30s pool’s probably gonna be close to 100% yeah pH holds yeah see I wouldn’t mind pH hold’s being 100% he’s like top 20 player of all time right yeah uh Adrien belr is not that although he’s a

He’s a no-brainer like like we said no-brainer first ballot I guess uh does any I mean okay so you know Billy Wagner fine 70 he’s gonna be close Francisco Rodriguez 6% is he that much worse than Billy Wagner weren’t they roughly I mean maybe I mean right am I what am I

Missing there I’m notc Rodriguez was as dominant like his whip career whip was 1.16 okay his career Ra was 2.86 he had more saves but uh he just wasn’t as dominant he threw the same number of innings yeah I mean no I’m not I’m not making the case for Francisco Rodriguez I’m just

Saying where where is he in saves uh fourth all time in saves like if you’re going to put you know I don’t know oh on their Facebook page they’re announcing it too let’s see if we can get this to work Facebook live what do we think can

I None of these like mid-level guys do you think Chase Utley will eventually get in Chase Utley I don’t I don’t know uh he’s only getting at 39% right now that’s not not good but it’s say how many years is it first year I feel like

I feel like you kind of want to get 50 in your first year is that is that a number I just made up well 50 would make you almost a Surefire Hall of Famer a lot of guys who have gone from in the teens all the way up oh is that true

Like there are players who not fluky haral Baines Lake players who started in the teens and then work their way all the way up to 75 yeah Bert Bev famously was was one um bur BL I assumed he was a veterans guy no I not been

Okay so we they they have so I do have the live stream okay now now that I have Facebook but they’re just talking about the candidates they’ve not announced it no not that I can tell come on man what about Scott Roland what did Scott Roland start off at me go

Back a couple years here 52 is there anybody on here who you have like strong personal feelings towards not not like they deserve it but you want them to get in for for your own reasons oh wow Scott Roland first year on the ballot 10% there you go yeah

Climbed all the way to 75% in seven years Jim Rice was also really low oh okay yeah Jim Rice I don’t remember how low but yeah but yeah Jim confirms I remember how angry BL Len was after his second to last year eligible and I think

Think he got in on his last year but that was back when you had 15 years to get in yeah he was really mad after his after why he because he’s like dude I just remember the interview where he snapped at the writer and stormed away uh oh really like what because

Because the writer was asking him are you upset or what like what yeah I don’t remember exactly but that’s what I remember took rice 15 years that’s I knew it was a long time but yeah yeah uh B 11 I mean BL 11’s numbers put him there Donnie baseball yeah yeah we

This is saying next they’ll have the election announcement so like after after these I’ve just got to share I’ve got to share this because Bob cus but I don’t wanna I don’t wna uh shame Bob cus but oh see they don’t have a close-up anymore he’s just had a lot of work

Done so wait this is the this is the live of of the announcement yeah okay can you if I turn this on can you hear it I at the moment I cannot hear it but it’s it’s not show yeah I can hear it but in to Buck Ying you had to get games

In a horse and buggy back then so you couldn’t really play 154 so and I love so here’s how I slice with the Joe ma being a possible first batt Hall of Famer too that’s the other question on the table you can’t take the gamble to

Not vote I read C A teag many people can vot off somebody you can’t do we’re gonna mute that for for a minute and we’ll wait uh yeah I just think costus I think very highly of him what was what his book was about how to

Improve baseball yeah it was uh back in the early days of I don’t remember if the Wild Card had happened yet or if that was one of his proposals when did the Wild Card come out uh mid 90s yeah by way Larry Walker a good example of the started low and

Then just they probably probably had a big uh you know media push around him in in his last year yeah not media push just a campaign all right I will unmute it here in a minute as soon as it looks like they’re gonna start making the oh this is must be it

Okay oh anyway the arguments will only get even more heated be celebration the live announcement red so Hall of Fame election is coming your way after the break on mov Network Scott Roland looks so old there that was SC number one W 1995 Wild Card all right so are we

Going to commercial for five bucks un mute again okay 1995 was the wild card so I think it must have been after the wild card and he had a lot of proposals for how to improve baseball some of them revolved around the wild card I don’t remember what they

Were I just remember it was almost 30 years ago now do you like the the the game clock they’ve added love it I’m a huge fan you know if you can have what used to be a 4-H hour game finish in two hours and 50 minutes yeah it’s the same

Amount of baseball yeah why would you not like that I love it too yeah totally I like that they’ve brought more speed back more more stolen bases I’d love to see them get fewer pitchers in the game so starting pitchers get stretched out fewer relievers reduce that so you cut down on

The number of pitchers on each um active roster I would love to see batting average I I can’t believe I’m saying this because I used to be batting average doesn’t matter OBP but as a fan as somebody who watches the game I want to see more more hits more

Triples more doubles get these guys on base that’s exciting and batting average is like 240 something now I know I know I like uh not having you know back in the 90s when I followed like dayto day and everyone I mean it it it’s when I

Started when I got back into it and I would see players who have played the entire season and batted 209 like that that never happened and uh but I guess you know you’re walking a lot it’s fine right and hitting some home runs what do

You think about the ghost Runner I was a big fan in whiffleball in my backyard as a kid were you H were you were you one of the uh were you a quality ghost running yourself I always play Wiffle ball with one other guy one other kid how do you

Play two man whiffle ball ghost Runners oh that’s right yeah okay uh you have to yell you get on first base and you’d yell out ghost man on first okay and then You’ get on first base again ghost man on first and second you run back and

Hit yeah yeah so if you got like a man on First and you get a single but they get to second base before you get to first base that he’s out yes okay exactly yeah interesting were you were you better than the guy you played against uh no I played against some

Great athletes I would say pretty pretty equal 2023 second most stolen bases in a season in the last 100 years 1987 had the most wow turn this up okay Greg thank you so much I’m here with Josh rowt the president of the National Baseball Hall of Fame and

Museum and Josh I’ll call it the ballot tracking era it’s only been a few years but we’ve never had this kind of excitement where we have you know anywhere five to seven players hovering near the magic 75% yeah I think that tells you what kind of ballot we have I

Mean it really is an incredible group of players and obviously a lot of excitement a lot of chatter over the last few months and uh it’s a privilege just to be on the ballot and and we’re excited for tonight uh and yet we don’t know until right now Josh you have the

Honors take it away thank you Brian well on behalf of Hall of Fame chairman Jane Forbes Clark our board of directors and the entire staff here in Cooperstown as well as Jack oconnell of the baseball writers association of America it is my honor to announce the results the 2024

Bbwaa Hall of Fame election I’d like to thank Mark Moran of ernston young and Mike dely for their assistance in tabulating the final results and as always we want to thank all of the writers for their participation this year’s ballot featured 26 candidates with 12 newcomers joining 14 holdovers from the 2023

Ballot in arriving at their individual decisions the electors took into consideration following voting criteria TJ here the players’s record playing ability Integrity sportsmanship character and contribution to the team or teams for which they played tonight we are pleased to announce the addition of several new members to Hall of Fame who will be

Inducted alongside Jim Leland at our induction ceremony on July 21st at the Clark Sports Center here in coopertown our first elect was a superstar at the plate and in the field playing 21 seasons for the Dodgers Mariners Red Sox and Rangers today Adrien bele becomes a member of the

National Baseball Hall of Fame one of just 12 players in major league history with 3,000 hits and 400 homers he ranks 11th all time in doubles and 18th all time in hits with 3,16 any not like Bel most hits ever by a third baseman he became the first Dominican Republic

Native to reach the 3,000 hit mark and when he retired he had more hits than any player in major league history born outside of the United States 93 time Allstar and four-time Silver Slugger Award winner he led the majors in homers in 2004 with 48 in doubles in 2010 with

49 and tied for the MLB lead with 199 hits in 2013 an elite Defender he won five Gold Glove Awards and two Platinum glove Awards finishing in the top 10 in his League MVP voting in six different seasons a beloved teammate and Fan Favorite he reached the postseason five

Times winning the 2011 American League pennant with the Texas Rangers Adrien beltree welcome to Cooperstown our second member of the class of 2024 played his entire career with one team Hometown Minnesota Twins man Joe Mau became the face of the franchise he grew up watching during his 15-year career he

Made six Allstar teams winning five Silver Slugger Awards and three gold gloves behind the plate in 2006 he became the first catcher to win a batting title in more than 60 years he would go on to win two more in back-to-back seasons in 2008 and 2009 in 2009 he led the Major Leagues

With a 365 batting average and a 44 percentage americ League leader with a 587 slug percentage inout to being named the’s Most Valuable Player he topped Al catchers and Fielding percentage three times and caught stealing percentage twice ranking ninth all time with a 995 career Fielding mark on four different occasions he helped

His team to the postseason and tonight he becomes a member of the National Baseball Hall of Fame okay Joe Mau welcome to Cooperstown and our third and final member the class of 24 no played his entire 17-year career while wearing number 17 for the Colorado today Todd hton becomes a

Member of the national baseball he batted 316 with 2519 hits including 369 home runs and 592 doubles the 20th best Mark of all time while his career Ops of 953 ranks 23rd in baseball history 23rd native of Knoxville Tennessee he won three Gold Glove Awards and four silver Sluggers while taking home the

National League batting title in 2000 that year he batted 372 while leading all Major Leaguers in doubles RBI slugging percentage Ops and total bases he batted 300 or better in 12 different seasons including each of his first 10 there you go I wonder if I’m allowed

To share that am i g to get a strike on my YouTube account now uh oh you might no it was public on Facebook though not on live stream yeah I think you’re fine uh there you go yeah analyze it well I’m I’m really curious to know how close Sheffield and

And Wagner Wagner got and and Jones for that matter yeah absolutely um uh shoot so uh what was I gonna say yeah Andrew Jones probably in the 60s Beltran probably around 60 so Sheffield’s out Sheffield is out and off and will probably never get in on a u yeah veter

Committee B he’ll come around every three years and I feel like that those are those are really crowded like he’ll be in the same he’ll be in the same he’ll have like bonds and Clemens and uh m Manny right he’ll have all the but so we’re we’re calling Sheffield

A ped guy but like a lesser offender I I just don’t understand where the line is like if Ortiz got in and Sheffield almost got in why is M you know why are these other guys at 20% why did Raphael Palo get off in one one season well Palo had the famous finger

Wag right get point for that because that’s funny but then he tested positive like three days later oh did he okay I don’t I don’t remember how close it was but he was a dummy he was a dummy about it yeah he yeah yelled at Congress and then

Tested positive right after okay I see that’s yeah bunch of dummies bunch of dummies um okay well yeah Helton Wagner and oh here’s here’s a great bade wogs should be in the Hall of Fame that’s right d WS oh no I think I think he’s saying bogs but Billy Wagner [Laughter]

Oh thought making a Wade bog yeah I thought he was making a Wade bogs joke but that I didn’t get bwag well bwag bwag has another chance because he’s this he’s got one more year and assuming he was 68 last year so assuming he went up I think he’s gonna he’s gonna be

Right on the border yeah oh here we go Joe M was elected by four votes Billy Wagner missed by five I think Wagner missed by 11 last year so I mean Wagner Wagner’s a good bet for next year wait who’s on the is there is there is the next next year a

Key ballot it’s got Ichiro right but is there a other key really good question uh Ichiro CC Sabathia that’s right definitely those are the only two uh kind of like yeah probably Dustin padro Ian Kinsler no no aren’t right Felix Hernandez will be an interesting case I guess sure uh

Tulowitzky zist Curtis Granderson Hanley Ramirez Russell Martin no to all of those guys right I love this go this you know it’s it’s all about remembering some guys yeah well it’s not like it’s not like a loaded it’s next year’s not loaded is all I’m saying so I think I

Think B Wags which is a cool cool name for it for him uh should should get in next year would be my would be my way too early prediction yeah you can’t you can’t have it you have to right you have to mention Jack Morris I’m sorry man that’s on you it’s on

You it’s inevitable I I get comments on completely unrelated videos about Jack Morris now so I embrace it I love it yeah okay uh oh Gary Sheffield 63.9% of the oh wow he so he really fell off he didn’t get he Dro he fell he he lost 11%

Oh can we give our abbreviated qualification to be a Hall of Famer I I’m not a Hall of Famer and and can’t be because I’m not in I’m not eligible but Chris Su clearcut YouTube sports card Hall of Fame oh that’s yeah the only requirement is you’ve been doing it for

Three years right you’ve been putting out steady videos for three years I don’t even know I don’t know what percentage is okay yeah what’s the actual like if you put out one video a month for three years does that count so a lot of Voters and this is my first

Year voting but a lot of Voters said I I’m not voting for this guy because he didn’t put out enough videos in the last year but if he increases his output maybe next year yeah okay no it was cool I mean I just found out that

I’m gonna be elected this year which is exciting well I think you will I don’t know for sure okays that I we’ll see it seems obvious to me that you would well maybe my maybe my uh maybe you know I’m not a first ballot if any body were to be a first

Ballot Hall of Famer I think it would be you well so you’ll be you’ll be next year right on the on the ballot be eligible yeah okay but I still don’t understand how you’re elected like somebody just somebody just has to announce you if you have had one year of

Creating sports card content you can vote your vote is eligible to count okay and you can anybody who has one year creating content can then video ballot you have to do a video ballot now there are some sports card YouTubers that don’t like me so I’m not really oh

Yeah oh how come uh I’ve been told Yeah by by some folks that I rub some people the wrong way what did you do um I I put titles that are eye appealing I use thumbnails that are eye appealing and I’ve been told that a lot of folks think that the cards should

Speak for themselves okay and I my argument to that and I’ve said this so I’m sorry if if I’m repeating myself but they can’t speak for themselves if people aren’t watching your videos so I want people to watch my videos and I try to get them to I see I just think it’s

All the Jack Morris fans out there yeah it’s probably more that uh yeah I hope uh I hope you have a acceptance speech I would love to do one that would be fun okay here are the numbers Bel trade 95% he that that’s that seems right to me yeah Mau 76 Wagner

73.8 oh that’s a bummer although he he’ll get in next year I mean he’s like he’s almost a he’s a very very likely yeah Andrew Jones 61.6 Beltran got to 57 I think he was in the 40s last year was he that A-Rod Manny I think A-Rod Manny

Actually I think they were both in their mid to high 30s yeah you’re right Beltran jumped up 11 points that’s it’s a good sign for him in year three yeah A-Rod Dr basically stayed flat Manny stayed flat they’re not they’re not gonna get in no no chance even though

A-Rod is one of the greatest players all numbers wise he’s easy top 10 right yeah Manny’s one of the greatest hitters of all time yeah Dave Steve we have a Dave Steve Dave Steve Stan here I wonder like I want you always hear you remember those names like I wonder if there’s actually

A case there for like Dave Steve you think there is there there is but he’s missing the fame part he was a very very good pitcher I just don’t think he’s a Hall of Famer he kind of like Scott Roland’s case well Roland’s in I know yeah but

Lot of people don’t think he should be no yeah I would I don’t I’m I don’t think he should be based on who’s in even uh Scott Roland Dave Steve 56 War but not much else to argue for right yeah well what do you think might as

Well put more Noah in as well what do you think what do you think of the ballot were you surprised are you happy are you unhappy what’s the no I it’s not surprising I would love to have seen Wagner get in I want you want Wagner

Yeah I want more guys to go in I’m happy to see guys get in the Hall of Fame yeah except for Jack Morris well we I so we got to do that tier thing man where you get you can get more people in but just on on

Tiers uh oh yeah dorktown is this the Captain Ahab documentary on Dave stee I have that in my watch list there’s a Dave steeve documentary about Hall of Fame worthiness uh yeah I don’t know if we might not be talking about the same Dave Steve documentary like is that like is

Like a 10-minute YouTube video or is it like a two-hour documentary the one that I have in my watch list is long okay oh I love this idea oh wow interesting you can get demoted demoted that is good if you had tear it would work a lot

Easier right you can push someone down a tier so so so like people who misbehave or who who we feel we’re overrated at the time yeah uh I used to have a rule in my house when somebody would bring something home like a new item to put in

The house something else had to get thrown away or sent away yeah yeah otherwise it gets too cluttered right you induct three new guys in now we got to remove three guys right so there’s only there’s only 200 guys in the Hall of Fame let’s say you can’t you can’t we

Peaked out so if you want to put somebody else in you got to remove somebody we have enough relievers in the hall no more relievers you know there are quite a lot of relievers it’s it’s a fair it’s a fair point like there’s probably more than 10 Bruce suder Goose

Gosage Lee Smith mariana rivera Trevor Hoffman uh ho Wilhelm Ry fingers fing fingers Dennis eesley accuracy was a starter for half of his career Smoltz I he wouldn’t say Smoltz no but Smoltz I think I think Smoltz is relieving helped put him over the top yeah yeah um so

It’s I guess it’s eight I bet there’s I bet we’re missing someone well okay so there’s roughly 10 so I mean Billy Wagner’s got to be better than some of those guys Eric we we’re not really advocating for that it would be quite IND we’re just joking yeah well sort of I like

It know but it would never happen what it would never happen imagine you’re a Hall of Famer for 25 years and you’re on your deathbed and they’re like oh by the way you can’t vot it out dude what did I do people are mentioning people that we already mentioned okay

Uh guys who do more than one video a week on sports cards are probably Juiced and on pets it’s true well the only way I could do this is on Peds i i i neither you know deny or acknowledge What’s the phrase yeah the only peed I’m on is Diet Pepsi Diet

Pepsi does that count uh do you get a plaque and for the plaque will you will you wear the braid uh I don’t have the bra I can uh I would I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know that for get a plaque I don’t know I don’t think you do oh

Yeah it’s horrible but poor Harold Baines man like that would be the worst news ever Tommy John should be in just for his impact on the game yeah yeah yeah yeah you wouldn’t you wouldn’t vote somebody out like Harold Baines you’d vote somebody out who like did something bad

Right was that the concept no the concept was you get rid of somebody just because get rid of somebody too many yeah [Laughter] okay uh I agree with this or I don’t know if you put it to the fans but I don’t like the I don’t like the system at all it

Doesn’t well doesn’t make sense to me yeah 100% a lot of these guys who are voting I don’t know if it’s still this way because I think now you can only vote for 10 years okay but it used to be that there were guys who’ve been retired

For 20 years and didn’t pay any attention to baseball who were voting for the Hall of Fame yeah uh man um how about a combination it’s yeah right a combination would be yeah the voter the writers have 25% power or whatever that I almost feel like it

Should be like current Hall of Famers voting for the next era would be would be cool If This Were the Basketball Hall of Fame Hideki Matsui would make it in because of his Global contributions oh interesting I don’t know how good was he in Japan yeah I

Think he was he was great okay a major star yeah yeah I don’t think right I don’t think they take that into account no no yeah Bas I think basketball baseball has like one% of players get in and basketball’s like 3% yeah well right and and it’s all

Basketball so it’s the Basketball Hall of Fame takes into account college so there’s like players like Glenn Robinson or I don’t know if he made it but players like that B Dog huh big dog Glenn Robinson yeah yeah who who are like amazing in college and then had

Mediocre like Chris Weber I think is in the Hall of Fame I don’t you know you wouldn’t think of him as a Hall of Famer from his NBA career Tony kach is in the Hall of Fame oh is he yeah a good example because of his Global Vats yeah

Yeah arvus sabonis did he make it in I think good pull good pull yeah a lot of these Global guys uh Drazen Petrovic oh he okay yeah yeah it’s not just a yeah yeah because back then like arvita sabonis I think was a rookie at the age of

30 okay right because he had played overseas for his in his 20s and kach probably was too yep yeah the Jordan documentary that uh Last Dance yeah how much they hated kach or they just didn’t want him on the team I don’t think it was anything personal I

Don’t remember the details now uh something like because they he he was like uh no because they played him in the yes in the Olympics everyone was like koach is Koo didn’t do anything just the announcers were like trying to build up the game and they’re like oh

Kach is gonna take Jordan and Jordan’s like screw this guy man I’m gonna embarrass him and I think that’s all it was oh so this is a good point these guys would get in on a fan vote because that’s true oh yeah that’s true you start getting you start putting

In players like that so you can give the fans like 25% power fans 25% writers 25% players 50% how about that deal doesn’t seem like the doesn’t seem like the Hall of Fame voting should be like you know Frank Thomas krii Jr Cal Ripken Tom glavin let them decide who who the next

Who should be voted in this here yeah this is another thing Pippen notoriously uh did a very poor job of negotiating contracts yeah I remember that career yeah and so he was upset the K coach was gonna make more money but that’s that’s not a k coach problem

That’s a Pippen problem that’s come on Scotty like look at um uh Ronald auna Jr one of my favorite players in MLB right now signed a contract that’s now way below Market you signed it buddy sor sorry yeah yeah Orlando showing up right at the end yeah uh yeah

Mson I’m okay with mson getting in great short career what did he play 10 seasons exactly yeah I mean if I think it’s reasonable to argue based on who’s in he should be in Jerry Krauss did you see by the way Jerry krauss’s Widow getting booed

No where where they were the Bulls were doing a Jerry Krauss night and they were announcing Jerry Krauss and they were talking about his W Widow and she’s on the big screen on the Jumbotron and everybody in the not everybody but a lot of people in the crowd start booing her

She’s like 80 years old wh what is she offensive or is she just no just because Jerry Krauss chased away Mich oh come on come on people come on it’s an 8ye old woman come on man pretty gross I mean I’m okay with booing Jerry Krauss I like I I

Wouldn’t boo somebody myself but I’m all for booing at a stadium but not some dude’s Widow Widow yeah woman even worse um who they booed Krauss not his widow but but everybody I mean she was on the Jumbotron and she thought she was being booed and that’s what matters okay

Who was the uh the Saints uh trying to think of the Saints owner Benson I don’t know I don’t remember I’m not gonna say I get he got booed too I don’t remember okay yeah this is a good point too not that this justifies booing his his widow wait what was

Chicago doing they were doing a a Jerry Krauss night yeah they were just doing a honoring Jerry Krauss and he’s he’s known to be hated for the the Jordan thing yeah and other things too I think I don’t remember but okay so maybe it’s on it’s

Kind of on Chicago for putting him in that position this is a great question here who would you pick has not in the Hall of Fame and is eligible to put in the Hall of Fame uh like like who I would want from a me fun way or who deserves to be in

Base who deserves to be in I think the number one guy is Lou Whitaker great yeah great choice yeah what’s yours probably ton Lou ton interesting interesting I was going to say Dave steep Dave Steve let me look at Lou T Lou ton I I can’t this there’s so many

Comments I can’t keep up with all these Lou huh no that’s a good one I didn’t realize he was that good 66 War Dave Winfield is in the Hall of Fame yeah Winfield’s in I’m I’m pretty sure L WI is the highest War not in yeah that

Makes sense that’s not tainted by some sort of that’s not you’re right that’s not that yeah Lou Tiant lost 20 games in a season with a 371 ra look at this comment what an awful coincidence on dozen rotten egg night how did she get hit by all these [Laughter]

Eggs that’s who would have thought that’s fair that’s a fair yeah and the Red Sox owner isn’t going to Winterfest or did it already happen I I don’t keep up with January baseball stuff but I I think I read that he’s skipping it because he got booed last year okay so

The Washington the Washington Commander owner who’s no longer there uh he was he’s one of the most hated person people in the history of the Town Dan Gilbert huh Dan Snider Snider yeah but he um in in his last season or one of his last seasons he I don’t know there was some

Announcement at the at the game once and he didn’t want to go because he knew he’d get booed so he sent his wife instead and she got booed just as loud uh and and uh and it was said that this is was a moment he truly realized how hated he

Was how did he not know right well he’s you know a narcissist so true yeah see I thought it was secret base too so that makes sense because I I have I subscribe to secret base so so is this like I mean to me I’ve heard it’s amazing

Like there’s because to me I remember him being you know a good player but nothing special but I’m sure there’s stuff I don’t know about it so maybe are people in the comments saying that that’s like worth checking out uh yeah half a dozen comments okay yeah I’ll

Check that out it’s called Secret Base secret base is the channel but the I think the if you just Google Dave Ste Captain Ahab Captain I don’t know what yeah I don’t know why but the name of has something to do with Captain Ahab yeah okay now yeah Lou Tan’s a better

Better better candidate than I thought Ricky vaugh yeah well obviously give him the heater tried the corner and missed that line is amazing just a bit outside uh yeah I’m good with these guys yeah I mean Tommy John Tommy like I’m surprised Tommy hasn’t gotten in and uh

Again like you said contribution to baseball big one shilling oh Shilling might have a higher war no I don’t think so then Schilling talked his way out of the Hall of Fame he told the voters the writers not to vote for him he is in my opinion a clear-cut Hall of

Famer and the writers he oh no your guys’s right 79.5 war and Whitaker is 70 yeah yeah yeah that’s right Shilling have has a higher war that makes Shilling the number one guy not in is that that would be amazing there’s no peeds with Shilling right no

Just the uh the other weird the weirdo stuff yeah w s uh Wendy peorn is that her name peorn oh yeah she’s she’s a first ballot Wendy Peppercorn I don’t think it’s PE isn’t it feffer there’s definitely an F in there somewhere yeah yeah yeah I didn’t I didn’t realize

That I think that’s right maybe that’s fangraphs War 97.5 no yeah that’s not standard war no fangraphs I don’t ever use that oh he corrects himself in says 79.5 sorry yeah yeah wait yeah this is positioned as a good thing all these guys are dying right I guess it is a good thing

Though Shilling has two three World Series wins Arizona 01 Red Sox 04 where he was massive parts of both those World Series and then he was part of the’ 07 team on the Red Sox that won although I don’t I think he was injured for the

Second half of that year okay but I think he has three rings yeah I mean he do it’s an easy case if you if you’re just looking at the numbers um yeah your guy’s right he’s number one who’s not in who’s yeah besides Pete Rose well and and some some active

Guys so yeah yeah he also outed Tim wakefield’s brain cancer before Tim wakefield’s family wanted anybody to and they had been clear when they were telling close family and friends we don’t want this going public and schilling literally said on his radio show I don’t care that they don’t want

This public I’m saying it anyway and Wakefield died like four days later what no come on it was really really okay so you have to subtract 10 War for that so he’s he’s down to 69.5 he’s still he’s still a borderline Case Mor yeah that’s a good one too catchup sock that this is in the Hall of Fame ketchup pretty sure what is pretty the Saki oh blood in it the bloody sock yeah Kurt Shilling peorn so Kurt Shilling 68th all time in war 69th is Joe

Deach wow okay peorn peorn has nine kids or the I assume the actress what was the what was the name of the the kid who is the good player who who made the majors in that in that movie do you remember he had a really cool name it was like

Speedy Jones or something I mean it wasn’t Speedy Jones but I don’t remember Bobby Hurley in the Hall of Fame I probably yeah he’s the kind of guy who you’re like Bobby Hurley and then yeah right uh and then also similarly Jason Williams uh Jay Williams right the Duke point guard who never

Played again after a motorcycle accident wait sorry who I think his name was Jay Williams amazing college player in like the 90s yes for Duke I think had like every good player in the 90s Scotty Smalls no that’s uh no wait Scotty small Shilling was not a good

Teammate this is mostly true I think the only time any teammates liked him was the weird’ 04 Red Sox team well Tim winkfield didn’t like him obviously she married Squints and they had oh Benny the jet that was it Benny the jet yeah that’s the sand lot guy man

Sorry this there’s so many comments every time I click on one well all the major league guys besides uh besides Ricky vaugh there’s uh Willie May Hayes willly May Hayes and then there’s uh what’s the foreign guy’s name oh oh uh Pedro was it Pedro Serrano Pedro San

Pedro Serrano right I feel like that’s a real player it’s a Spanish sailor Spanish sailor what’s what’s that uh I just Googled Pedro Sano and it says he’s a okay yeah no I think you’re right about Pedro Sano yeah Benny the jet I like that name somebody will say

Joob joobu yeah right yeah Benny the jet Benny and the Jets uh there’s no uh there’s no oh somebody else said that too look at that what Benny Jay Williams is an ESPN analyst Jason Williams white chocolate no uh I don’t know man Chris think you made up made up the Jay Williams

Thing we still have 130 people hanging on here what are we doing by the way so okay this I like this I mean pza Bagwell to I mean none of them are Ivon Rodriguez right none of them were ever busted right or or there’s no evidence at all

Right the I remember the rumors about Piaza being because he had bne because because he had what bne back acne and they said because he has this he must be on ster that’s circumstantial right there right absolutely yeah uh but don’t you think they probably all [Laughter]

Did so it’s just a it’s just a it’s just a function of who got caught two best YouTubers live H yeah I don’t Jamal wils I don’t remember Jamal wils rookie card Jamal wils basketball player he was a yeah he was on the 75 Warriors championship team my friend

My friend listen to me like I’m I got a name name drer yeah go who do you know name dropper Google Ethan Higby I grew up he’s uh but when I was a kid he was in the Sports Illustrated faces in the crowd now he’s a documentarian he’s in

The middle of doing a documentary about the 75 uh Golden State Warriors I hope I’m not outing something here but um he Jamal wils is in that he’s he’s interviewed Jamal wils and a lot of other amazing people I’m really excited to see this okay wait is the Jamal wils

Rookie 76 tops uh Tom May Tom Tom May rant good viewer a great great viewer is it it’s the 76 tops you’re talking abouts rooky card oh 75 76 I’m looking at that Keith wils which is a really funny photo well uh is that the one you see the 75 tops Keith

Wils oh is ke Jamal wils Keith Jamal wils yeah that is that him that’s funny that is really funny that is a bad yeah yeah can you pull that up or not I yes I think so should be able to right if I were smarter wow why is this so difficult

EBay eBay makes everything difficult so do you think my Todd Hilton’s cards will jump I I invested quite a bit um I am going to say maybe for a short time so sell sell sell is what you’re saying Jamal wils in the Hall of Fame by

The way Jamal wils I’m pretty sure he is is a car up on the screen now no jeez oh yeah there it is yeah he’s like he’s like uh yeah he’s pretty insignificant in that photo Wes unel another Hall of Famer yeah yeah it’s pretty funny Washington Legend legend Washington Bullets

Washington Bullets Legend yeah what do you got going on somebody making dinner oh you can hear that yeah my my wife well it’s too late for dinner I actually miss dinner what huh you missed dinner for this yeah well dinner’s yeah dinner’s at 5:45 usually it was like

Literally dinner time at the yeah we’re 5:30 5:45 dinner too okay yeah but uh she’s either putting putting the dishes away or she might might be making me dinner as a given that I missed it our comments is now Basketball Hall of Fame stuff okay what you bring it up

I like that stuff uh great Corner shot I I wasn’t born I was born in 79 you were what 80 79 okay so Jamal is Jamal wils Hall of Famer from for his NBA career or for his college career sell quickly yeah plan to actually I think because of I think a

Lot of those 1975 um Golden State Warriors guy guys got in it was also really early in the NBA yeah yeah yeah yeah and he had a very good career he was three-time All-Star four-time NBA champ oh that helps uh who did he win did he go to oh

The Lakers he won won a bunch with the Lakers three times with the Lakers okay I wouldn’t have even I wouldn’t have even known he was not a common player this is weird because I’ve got him baseball reference says he’s a four time champ but then it only shows

Championships with golden state and 75 Lakers an 80 and Lakers an 82 well the Lakers won like a billion in the 80s didn’t they win like five in the 80s yeah but he retired in after 84 a short uh you know what he had he’s probably awesome in college too though

He probably just didn’t play and they gave him a ring play in the series that’s my guess okay yeah if I have a stack of 75 tops basketball I would not pull out Jamal I would just leave in that card for in the comments so I learned something now I’ll

Pull it actually I want to see what a book’s at what’s uh 75 regular roller regular roller that’s exactly let me look up 75 tops Jamal WIS you ever been to a Culver Culver’s uh I would have thought that was a grocery I mean yeah grocery

Store it’s not it’s a it’s a it’s a burger and shake restaurant I vented them in Wisconsin before there is it like a fast food yeah okay I have not I have not is it are you is somebody recommending it or are you Orlando a collector’s dream said that he went to

Dinner and had a great burger at Culver yeah cool they’re very good okay so Jamal wilks’s card is not list in Becket oh it is it does whoa It’s the most expensive card in the set how much no no sorry it’s uh it’s the

Third in the oh play in the UCL with the Bill Walton teams yeah so in the in the 1975 top set the most valuable card is the Moses Malone rookie booking at 120 Karim Abdul Jabar at 100 Julius Irving at 100 and then Keith wils at

80 that’s Calvin Murphy is in the Hall of Fame Calvin Murphy God I gotta learn I got I gotta learn my 70s basketball better UCLA championships Lakers man there’s what it’s just so many comments and I’m trying to keep up with them but how do we get how do we

Geto here where’ this come from I I actually thought Cavo was in when I uh when I like got back into baseball and I then I found out at some point he wasn’t probably because when we were kids they always had those oldtime um home run

Derbies that were on TV and Rocky Cavo was always in those yeah yeah I mean his career totals aren’t quite aren’t really there but I I just assumed he was in like to me he was a bigger name than Tony Perez or something you know some

Some of the guys who are are in yeah Have I Told oh quick side note have I told you that I’m G I’m G and for March I think I’m to do a like March Madness uh content creators challenge where you guys like have one-on-one competitions with each other like trivia

Basically and then we’ll you know I was hoping to get eight and then we’ll go 842 one you’re you’re gonna be a a contender contestant if you if you’re if you’re open to it is it absolutely no question I mean you could tell me it’s on speed

Skating and I’m in I don’t know anything about it okay is it is it about cars or is it about baseball it’ll be all cards all cards yeah okay I mean have you ever seen the one I did with Jeremy and I did one with Mike I’ve watched them all I love it

Okay yeah we could do one of those but yeah you’ll be a contestant tny archal yeah I knew he was in Maurice Cheeks that was one I just found out recently great uh 76ers coach for a while oh is he okay wasn’t he the 76ers head

Coach I don’t know Mo Cheeks but he’s his rookie card he shares with Magic Johnson’s rookie card so that’s cool I have been to the Baseball Hall of Fame yeah when I was in eighth grade I’ve been twice yeah both both as teenager as a teenager I really wanted to go ripken’s

Year when he was inducted which was 2006 but uh yeah like I was in I was living in Europe yeah that might make it difficult ult yeah baby right there old school that’s how we do it Mike is secretly the most competitive person out there the other Mike’s Super competitive are are you

Too uh I don’t think so no I saw the one I saw one where you guys were each you were like uh you had you were each showing off your collection of certain player I forget who the player was yes yes yeah but I knew I wasn’t G to be

Yeah you didn’t okay how’d you know because I’ve just started my as collection I I I like the lower grade because then I can buy more cards yeah yeah and so I knew I wasn’t going to compete with those two guys who’ve been collecting these for decades okay okay

Only player to lead you didn’t seem that upset by losing that that’s what I’m saying I don’t know if you how competitive you actually are but I will say I have from inside information uh that you are very competitive not from a comment here inside information yeah you’re gonna

Have to share that with me no I’m sorry I I can’t I can’t I can’t give away my sources they’ll never share information with me again all right which UCLA Alum was the only player to Le the ABA and NBA in rebounding that’s not I’m gonna be able

To pull I don’t know the ABA at all yeah all who is it who is it Tom and there are random names in in the comments too like is this the answer Jack Parkman I’ve never heard of Jack Parkman that’s that’s that’s somebody made that up oh Jack no Tom says it’s

Sven nater that’s that’s also obviously made up Jack Bartman and Sven nator yeah we’re not falling for that again guys see Dutch former basketball player oh he was Dutch oh cool he did lead the NBA and ABA in rebounding so I so living in the Netherlands um everyone amazing everyone

Was into Rick Smiths like do you know who that is of course he was a uh Pacer yeah yeah um but nobody mentioned Sven nater maybe that’s just too far back yeah uh played for the San Antonio Spurs of the ba okay and led the league with 16 rebounds and

Then uh the San Diego Clippers of the NBA of course San Diego Clippers yeah right before before they moved to Los Angeles Rick Smith Went to went to Marist College Upstate New York oh that that’s also made up it might be the college isn’t I have

A friend who went there oh okay okay I thought the college was probably made up but yeah 100% of the vote who who do we think deserved it a lot of guys yeah so Ison right Hank Aaron had who didn’t vote for Hank Aaron right Willie Maye or

Uh those are the I guess the two obious I mean Babe Ruth on the first ballot I bet Chris has never even heard of Tristan Kus I I definitely have he was a rookie this past year Red Sox rookie yeah I know yeah he was he was the uh he had he

Had yeah he was he plays uh first baseman he’s the first baseman you just Googled him no no he hit like 20 24 25 home run like that roughly yeah yeah no he was he was solid yeah yeah yeah no great player great future MVP candidate

For the Red Sox okay is that do you you believe that I do yeah big power hitter okay on base he’s a legit he’s a legit future star yep I should have bought some of his cards for the uh for My experiment uh I I have a lot of them

I’ll sell them to you at two x comps well that’s a great deal for [Laughter] you what’s his rookie year 2022 2023 23 first Bowman was 2018 I think do he has like a does he have a top scrome base yet yeah 2023 yeah yeah know his stuff’s selling pretty

Good he finished third in the AL Rookie of the Year race oh you lost me can’t hear can anybody else not hear me can you hear me I hear you yeah perfect I cannot hear you no how about now uh I’m being told it’s you yeah I know I can’t hear anything

You’re saying it’s it’s complet oh there we go you’re back oh you hear me now yeah wait Tristan kasus is not very expensive some of his stuff oh no no no sorry it is yeah okay yeah no he’s yeah all right I’ll keep an eye on on him

Yeah I’m not competitive but it was definitely you oh that was on that was on my the technical was on my end yeah I don’t know man I don’t know I didn’t I didn’t touch anything everyone could I guess it was on me guys are everyone’s in the comments is outing me out

Uh wow these questions are so good I gotta run but let’s wrap it up on this question yeah if you had one Hall of Fame for the four Sports combined who would be the first player in D oh that’s that’s great this could be a future

Video yeah that’s good uh all right uh well Babe Ruth Michael Jordan Muhammad Ali oh that’s not one of the four Sports I mean okay I mean the contenders are in baseball Ruth it’s it’s Ruth right yeah in in basketball it’s Jordan I guess in hockey would be Gretzky and in

Football I guess Brady but I would I would almost say that’s the worst argument is Brady so I’m gonna go Gretzky I’m gonna go Jordan no I’m Gonna Change it to Ruth yeah Ruth okay I’m Gonna Leave You with this comment because it made me laugh

Okay yeah that’s no that’s funny but not not not likely all right everybody thank you for joining this was a blast had a great time and um Chris thanks for joining me yeah let’s do this again at some point yeah of course all right thanks guys thanks Chris yeah

Man later see you soon bye everybody

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  1. Sports writers = used car salesmen. These guys wouldn’t know good character if it hit them upside the head. Much less judging a player’s ability. Guarantee most of them did not even make a little league team growing up. And what’s with the games played with the voting? Either you are good enough when you are eligible or not. Why does waiting yrs and yrs make you a better player?

    How about waiting a few yrs before the writers earn their salaries. We need to find out if they can really write, pass their drug test, suck up to the readers their politics is correct.

    I would say let their peers among the players and fans vote. They’re the only ones with skin in the game. Let people who support the game vote. Do sports writers even pay to get in the game or do they have a press pass?

    The same people that decided Pete Rose is barred for life because of betting as a manager have never bet on a game where they had inside information or overheard a conversation in the locker room?

  2. The Hall of Fame voting used to be a free-for-all back in the early days which is why DiMaggio and many other all time greats weren't voted in on their first and in many cases multiple elections. DiMaggio's first time on the ballot was in 1945 in the midst of his career when he got 0.4% of the vote or exactly 1 vote. He next appeared on the ballot in 1953 only 2 years after retiring and finished in 8th place with 117 votes or 44.3% of the votes. However, there were 43 players on the ballot that year that ultimately ended up in the Hall of Fame so it made it very difficult to form a consensus. Hence Dizzy Dean and Al Simons were the only two to make it that year (Both in their 9th try) and Bill Terry, one of the all-time great hitters with a life-time .341 average and the last National Leaguer to hit .400 in a season didn't make it in that his 14th year on the ballot (He made it the following year on his 15th try).

    And before you keep knocking the modern players getting in that you think are unworthy, why don't you take a look at the % of players voted in by the decade in which they began their careers and you will see how that % has taken a nose-dive starting in the 1970's. You cannot tell me that players in every sport have gotten bigger, faster, stronger and better over the years in virtually every sport except for baseball. I don't care how good you believe Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and all the others were, I cannot see them putting up anywhere close to the same numbers in today's game against today's pitching. Would they be great players? Yes, but not those consistently incredible video game numbers that they put up back then. Just my two cents!

  3. On the note about Joe DiMaggio being a third ballot hall of famer, it makes sense that he got in when he got in. He had good stats compared to other greats, but he is essentially good (but not great) compared to the greats and great compared to those who are good. I think the assessment for him as accurate. His WAR was 79.1, which is less than Adrian Beltre's war. But, viewed from the standpoint of his short career he had like Sandy Koufax, he was great. With that said, the stats suggest a slow-down of him getting in the Hall at a slower rate. Those who are stat buffs may have a different opinion than I do, but I only remember Joe DiMaggio for his consecutive game hitting streak whereas I remember someone like Ty Cobb or Babe Ruth or Cy Young or Nolan Ryan for dominating statistics. Just my opinion.

  4. Trivia- Name the only baseball set in the last 35 years to feature four HOF rookie cards? Hint- its none of the years of these new inductees

  5. I just don’t see Mauer as a 1st ballot HOFer . It’s not the Hall of Really Good . Like yall mentioned , it took DiMaggio multiple attempts. We can’t be giving out participation trophies when it comes to the HOF .

  6. Mike and Chris- I’ve been a subscriber to both of you for a while now- so it was crazy to have you both begin doing things together! I’m a huge Topps Bob Ross fan (love sport/art combo) and think they nailed the set. Mike, if you stumble upon my EBay listing for Pedro’s Painting the Corners- I’ll send it to you for free. I was going to offer Chris the same with a Ripken but it sold (if I get another 10 I’ll let you know). I appreciate both of you and the hard work you do to keep us growing in the hobby! Keith

  7. I'm a yankee fan but munsons career was winding down. His war dropped the Last 4 yrs of his career. I think he should b a hall of famer along w a few other catchers. We r way too short on the amount of catchers in the hall. Thanks guys awesome show 👏

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