@New York Rangers

New York Rangers Trade Needs at the Deadline with Larry Brooks

#newyorkrangers #nyrangers #nyr #nhl
Larry Brooks of the @nypost joins @4everBlueshirts to talk about what the New York Rangers need at the NHL Trade Deadline.


  1. It’s not only Drury but it’s been every single Rangers GM the past 50 years. They sign players to ridiculous contracts ( over pay , to long, no movement) until they stop doing this they will fail. There is holes all over this lineup.

  2. do not buy at the deadline! they need to sell! they are not a contender and should get rid of deadweight like mika, his boyfriend, miller, etc. tear this fraud down, find a GM, learn how to draft and develop. they've been a joke for 50 years. i've been a fan since 70/71 and if they are 'buyers' now, i will root for a franchise that knows what they are doing

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