@Boston Bruins

Playoff Update! Lighting win a thriller, Boston series is tied, Habs up 3-0, Avalanche and Vegas…

Playoff Update! Lighting win a thriller, Boston series is tied, Habs up 3-0, Avalanche and Vegas…

Welcome back to the Chicago Tomahawk I’m Mike got Matt up top and on the agenda for today we’re going to talk again about the shle hit he got a four game suspension we’re going to talk about the Carlo hit from the Bruins and the Avalanche are currently two to one with

The um with the a ABS and the uh gosh dang it man I can’t believe I just drew a lank abs and Vegas they’re two to one they’re playing right now Vegas second Yep they’re up 3 to1 at the end of the second Habs are up three games to

Nothing on Winnipeg the Bruins and Islanders are tied two to two two games uh a piece kees and lightning had a wild game on Saturday that one ended six to4 most of the scoring in that game came in the second period actually 70 80% of it

Came in the second period and the uh barov Stone and bersan were were nominated for the skki so we’ll start off with the shle hit one you know just to kind of finish that off you know the smoke has settled on that he got a four

Game suspension and uh Matt what do you what do you think about that do you think that it was a good suspension do you think maybe too many games you know what do you think uh yeah I I think it was a little like he said excessive he’s had a clean

Record uh it’s a tough one man I think if I were the ref of that game I would have gave him a five and then a game but it was the end of the game so maybe one game I don’t know it it was it happened so fast it’s I mean it’s

Real easy for us to pick it apart and stuff with replay slow motion and stuff but I think sh was skating hard back and the kid went for the wraparound open at her and his head was down and pretty much turned his back away from you know

The opposing players and it kind of just happened so fast but I mean it looked like it was a good hit but the charge definitely was a charge so it you know like you said it’s over so that’s my kind of opinion on it you know it’s funny you mentioned that he was

Backchecking I I read in an article on not too long ago about actually was about to hit and they said that um this is probably the first time that shley has back checked all year yeah so uh you know what man the way that I look

At it he definitely wasn’t trying to play the puck which was what he should have been doing he said in his press conference that um that he was you know trying to stop a goal from going in and if he was trying to stop a goal from

Going in he would have played the puck and not trying to hit this I hit this guy because um he scored well before he got hit and that’s the only problem that that that I have with it and and he’s been kind he’s been playing kind of douchy to be honest with

You so uh it seems like the the Behavior’s been escalating with him and it came to a fever pitch right there they were saying to last year in his series he kind of started playing that way and um I I think he got hurt and pretty much the Jets were done after

That so I mean he’s a key player for them right and now they’re down three nothing and he might not even get back in you know it doesn’t look like it yeah unless there’s a big rally with the Jets but I don’t see that happening I don’t see that happening at

All yeah they’re flat um you know and and honestly you know actually a good comparison for this is the uh Carlo hit from Clutterbuck a couple days ago he it was just a a regular play he got hit you know Clutterbuck was not intentionally

Trying to hurt the guy he just put a hit on him but you know what he went into the glass he hit his head and then he needed to take a minute and he’s out he’s out with a concussion right now you know and it was clearly he wasn’t trying to

Hurt the guy but shley looked like he was trying to get something in there at the end of the game because he was losing yeah he he looked frustrated for sure and he probably saw you know an opportunity to make a hit but I don’t know for gamer

Is I could see two at the most for a guy who is I mean if that was Wilson who did it I guarantee you he would have got like a freaking 20 gamer for that you know what I mean just to because he’s just been like rafy Torres yeah his his

Hit on was at HOSA a couple years ago and then he had a hit on CBR that was was kind of like a charge like he took too many steps but yeah it’s just uh it it happened fast I think shle had no time to put the

Brakes on and you know what he made a decision and he said you know what I’m gonna just finish my hit here and now he’s paying the price you know um rafy Torres the guy was dirty man um I think that that shley man is he’s he’s

Definitely a A Difference Maker for the Jets but this might also be a warning to the league you know to to other players telling them that hey you know what you guys are starting to overstep you know bounds here and you know this is just an

Example of us you know trying to put the Reigns on on players so but don’t you think it’s a little inconsistent with these uh suspensions like Wilson was slamming that guy head wasan the bread man and then he was uh the first guy uh what’s his name buf or something

Yeah he didn’t get any games and that was intent to you know hurt somebody and Ryan Reeves even got one for putting his knee on a guy’s head like he’s holding him down like with his knee that’s that was a two gamer yeah and then this one

Was a four gamer it’s like how do you how are we like what are we using here to are we just picking a number out of a hat oh yeah he’s getting four now he’s getting two and it just doesn’t make sense to me and especially if you’re a

First time if this is your first like hearing for any suspendable play it you should give him a like maybe a fine first and then maybe a couple games but or if a guy’s injured maybe hey this guy’s hurt so we got to automatically give you a game something like that just

Like a reference for the for people you know what I mean it’s just so inconsistent yeah yeah so what do you think about the Avalanche series man well the first two games I thought man this is going to be another sweep probably and uh the knights

Uh kind of came back in and they’re like hey we’re not done yet and uh tonight hey Up 3 to one going into the third and if they tie this this is a brand new series so it’s it’s an exciting series I’m glad it’s going I’m glad they’re

Pushing the ABS you know because the ABS are the favorite probably and it’s just good it’s good for uh the ABS to learn how to lose too you know I mean if they’re they’re going to have to they’re going say they’re going against Tampa in the final Vegas is a good test cuz

They’re pretty close to Tampa too I think Tampa’s got better offense may maybe better everything down the I was say just a little bit better all the way around all the way down it’s kind of like a like a Tampa Bay light you know like the knights they’re they’re they’re

Real competitive team they got some good players they got you know uh good goalies and it’s a good test for the ABS but you know what they they could surprise us all and steal it if they win this game tonight it’s brand new series and flurry you know he’s on right

Now so I’m enjoying it though you know what I thought that this was going to be a blood bath and it’s it’s turning around now it’s actually the last game didn’t the ABS go up two goals to up two goals going into the third period and end up losing it the Jets or

The uh Knights rallied yep they rallied back you know I wonder if if Colorado is looking to maybe turn uh Turn the page on these guys and kind of do the same thing oh my thing is still I’m waiting for guau to get hurt because every year

It’s been the same and if he goes down the ABS are a totally different team who who’s the backup I think it’s um they have a rookie and I know they picked up dubnick from uh oh yeah that’s right sharks so he’s a solid goalie but they’re totally different team if you

Know if he goes down and maybe hey maybe he’s playing hurt maybe who knows I don’t know I know we had some Co issues right uh but he’s been solid but I mean he was due to lose the game I mean he’s was lighted out the first

Series so you know you’re not you’re very lucky to go through a complete playoff with no losses so right it’s G to happen they got to learn yeah it looks like the so far they’re not bouncing back from the first loss yeah no kidding it looks like uh

Golden knights have had three power plays tonight three Power Play Goals or one power play goal three power plays in total Avalanche have only had one abs are out hitting them golden knights are out shooting them by 10 wow yeah they gotta contain mcdavid’s line or I’m

Sorry mckin McKinnon’s line and um you know then make the uh ABS uh secondary scoring you know have to step up and maybe they’re not stepping up S score tonight yeah he’s been a good pickup for those guys he has man it’s good to see you know what he comes alive in the

Playoffs I think you get the playoffs he’s a playoff guy yeah that’s probably why they loved getting him because they knew that they were going to be going in the playoffs yeah and they’re still without cadri too who’s another you know I guess you could consider him a top

Six but uh he’s still appealing his suspension and what did he get eight games this has just been a crazy playoffs it’s it’s been the suspensions and the goal tending yeah flips all right we got uh the Bruins and Islanders tied two to two you know what

Actually man I thought that this series was going to go four to one Bruins and the Islanders man they’re sticking around they’re holding on and what’s going on in Boston Bast and they are um they are they’re turning this into a series you know I I’ll tell you what man the Islanders are

Incredibly uh I’m incredibly surprised with this team I am too you know I did not coached yeah they are I them and the and Montreal I’m surprised with both of these squads that they’ve been able to come out here and and they’re highly competitive you know big

Surprises well did you see Barelle at the end of the game man he was fired up didn’t he get slashed I think he did get slashed but he was fired up after the game he skate now he’s a first star throwing his arms up and saying this is our house this is

Our house he’s going nuts and people the Islanders fans are like wow we’ve never seen him so so you know so like uh passionate and like emotional out there it’s awesome and I heard that crowd is amazing playing at the Coliseum oh wow so it you know what playing with a full

Crowd like that just screaming again I’m sure it’s like freaking having another guy in the ice with you when you’re at home for the Islanders yeah definitely um we’ve got the kinges and lightning I was expecting this to be a little bit a little closer and uh

Actually the games have been close and the and the canes have been very competitive but they’re just not they’re they’re just not winning games do you know what Anon Carter said he goes the canes are beating the canes he said they’re making a lot of mistakes taking penalties against really really good

Power play and the lightning are making them pay they are and kerov man he is freaking you know what I I said this in a comment I said I think I’d rather have coer off than McDavid on my team in the playoffs and the season because this guy

Just he produces he knows how to play it doesn’t matter what game it is or what time of year it is he just plays yeah he is just an awesome player to watch he passes he scores he he just makes great plays and I’m a huge fan of him glad he’s

Back uh it’s good to see Stam Co lighting it up again it looks like he’s healthy KN on wood man because yeah like you said he’s one uh one sneeze away from being out for a while and uh yeah they need him they need him Brandon Point underrated love the guy I also

Read something today too Toronto was hoping Mitch mner is well to Brandon point in Toronto or I’m sorry Tampa they they’re like thinking wow we this is what we want Mitch to be like Braden point and and he’s just not Bren Point’s just proven people wrong he’s underrated and he’s

Been a a great asset to the lightning is you know is is even is mner even a Braden Point type of player though well they’re both you know smaller guys I think Braden points more of a goal scorer yeah I think so too yeah but I

Think like they both came in around the same time and Bren he’s not getting the Press like he is and you know like Marner is in Toronto and it’s probably easier to play down there and it’s probably just fun to play down there with that team that squad’s awesome and

There’s you know there’s there’s pressure but not like Leaf pressure you know right right so I think I think point is just he’s been awesome and unfortunately Tampa’s going to have to get rid of a good guy next year maybe two they got to get under the cap again

They’re going to lose a guy to uh what’s that Seattle yep so yeah it’s going to be a different team next year that’s why they’re probably going to go for it this year again and get two cups back to back would be pretty sweet for them man

Unbelievable yeah when I think of I to be honest with you I don’t put brayen Po and Mitch man are in the same you know in the same sentence with each other very often but Bren Point man he’s he’s a um he’s a consistent goal scorer he he

Reminds me of to Brink cat a little bit I think those two are very similar yeah I would definitely I would definitely say that’s a really good comparison between to Brink kit and uh and Braden point because I Marner just doesn’t play like Point does yeah I think marner’s

Ready to Dish it to Matthews or whoever he’s more of a you know he’s more of the setup man I think but you know what I heard he’s got some underrated shooting skill and that’s how um McDavid was at first too he was wasn’t shooting as much

Now he’s almost shooting like six shots a game they’re saying wow so and that that’s the same with Kaner I feel like K you know the first couple years of his career he was n I’m passing I’m passing every time now right I it didn’t seem

Like he shot this much this year but I think if he had another solid linemate consistent linemate with the brink head he’d he’d probably surprise people and shoot a little bit more yeah if you had somebody to Dish him the puck yeah dish him the puck you know

Yep so barov Stone and berson for the sky man what do you think about these three um yeah B berson man he’s probably one of the best uh defensive forwards probably to ever play I mean he’s just been I feel like his name is in it every

Single year yeah and you know he plays the game the right way and that’s if you’re you know you got kids in hockey that’s like a guy hey I want you to play like him be responsible don’t just be a hot like a Hollywood guy and wait on the

Blue line for a you know a one time or a breakaway pass go back and help your team out first then go score you know what I mean yeah and uh Stone I think he’s deserving he’s a Winger too that’s what’s that’s what’s kind of cool too

Usually it’s a center getting these and uh the other guy was I’m sorry barov yeah another guy guy that’s underrated um I’m I’m not really a big panthers fan but I know he’s a you know great twoa guy e either choice I I think probably do you think anything in the

Playoffs has something to do with this these uh winners I mean I would think that the playoffs should really have nothing to do with it because this is a yeah this is should be a regular season award so I don’t know then I don’t you got

Three good players on three good teams I mean if like what do you Boston finished one right right in their division Vegas finished second and Florida finished I think was Florida first or was it Carolina I thought Carolina was first so I mean it’s it’s a hard call like do you

Just go buy plus minus or you go buy points plus minus who who do you think’s more deserv in yeah I I I think I would probably give it to berson just because he’s every freaking year he’s the same you know you’re going to get a solid guy

And he let his team they had the best record in their division and maybe not the points I I I got to see the points but I mean either way you’re getting a good guy just like the Rookie of the Year you’re getting you’re going to it’s

Probably going to go to the the wild Kid Capri Off K real yeah he put up the most points made the playoffs uh NAD delovic another good another good player good goalie coming up but he didn’t play last game that’s that was something we forgot to talk about yeah

Crazy I can’t believe that the that he they that the uh hurricanes won was a game three OT yeah and then they didn’t start they didn’t start n nalovic for game four and then that turned into a and that turned into a six to four

Affair I don’t get it dude all like you know what I think one game Coach Q when he put in Spencer Knight they got the win out of all these goalie switches I think Barry trotz even he put varlamov back in they got a win couple last

Series he put varlam up in they got a loss he did it again they got another loss the only goalie that was consistent is or goalies has been uh vasileski and uh who was s from Nashville you know you were going to get those two guys no matter

What there the Press was asking who’s in net tonight Who’s in net tonight you know for all these other teams it’s like come on man stick to a goalie and ride with them yeah give him a give him a shot yeah now now now you’re you’re

Losing three to one and you took out nidovi hasn’t been bad he maybe one goal but I mean you got to score more than one goal to win a game the I think the lightning won two to one that game yeah and I don’t know man I I’m glad Q didn’t

Do this in Chicago with neami I think he actually I take that back he did do it with darling yeah I think uh Crawford was just not not into it and thank God darling was up to the occasion and he got some wins for us yeah he did he

Played he played phenomenal to be honest with you yeah I was really happy for that kid really happy for him so man five minutes in the box with you what do you got well um you know like we were talking about before the show with you

Know all these fines and stuff it’s just been crazy this playoffs I feel like um it’s the year of the suspensions fines and goalie rotations it’s just been it’s just been weird man like just like the last conversation we had I just don’t like you’re switching all these

Goalies up are we going to see like crazy goal tending trades this this summer you think you think we’re going to like goalies will be like no I want to be the starter and I’m not going to sit here and watch like are we going to are we going to see

Goenda they’re hard to get man Vegas just scored there’s so many oh four to one now huh Marsh oh jeez wow I think that’s a hatrick for him let’s see yeah that’s a hatti yep yep yep Vegas is winning is beating colado four to one in with six minutes

Left in the third see they got Max petti back too and that’s that’s huge it’s huge for the knights and looks like Carlson William Carlson’s got his six sixth assist six assist and third in the game so he showed up tonight yeah that line showed

Up Mark Stone got a point I mean see with this too like remember flurry you started flurry in game one this could have been a different series if they won that game with flurry and net now they’re they’re possibly up 3-2 this series could have been over uh Tuesday

Well this is going to be this is going to be two to2 isn’t it oh yeah it’s going to be two2 yeah you’re right it would have been well it could have been 3-2 if game one flurry started you know what I’m saying yeah 3-1 yeah so just

It’s it’s been crazy man crazy year with this weird I I don’t get these coaches I really don’t and I guess um Canada approved the um for the next round who it’s probably well the winner of uh what do you think Boston and um yeah the winner of Boston’s and

Islanders are going to play the Canadians can you imagine that series the Habs and the Bruins the old school man it that’s a that would be a great playoff series yeah especially considering that these we’ve got two teams that nobody was expecting to make it that

Far well oh man that would be great original six battle and they they knocked out the Leafs the first round and then they end up playing the the like the Eastern Conference Finals if you call it that against the Bruins what a rivalry man that’s going to be a great

Game to a great series too yeah I’m obviously picking the Bruins already but who the Islanders could surprise us yeah they could they can go on on on a two more two game win streak and the next thing you know they’re going to Canada yeah it’s it’s 22 you never know

Next game’s huge it’s must win well cool man do you got anything else no I think that’s it I think uh I think Tampa can close it out tomorrow and uh you know what the Canadians and jets are playing tomorrow too they are they got a little back-to-back action

That’s that kind of sucks man like I I Feel Like You Gotta Give You got to get a day off in between so but I think they’re trying to this series could be over and it’s started later than the Islanders and Bruins this that’s going to go seven I think man the Islanders

And Bruins yeah so the Canadians they started later and they’re going to probably finish before you know and these guys started way before like a week before I want to say yeah it was like it was like three or four days the Habs want rest they’re probably like

Let’s get this crap over with let’s get some rest re regenerate here and get ready to go yeah well cool everybody uh we want to thank you for listening we are very appreciative be sure to leave us a review on iTunes and hit us up on social

Media so we can talk some hockey we’d love to hear what you have to say I’d love to hear what you have to say about the playoffs specifically because uh you know it’s awesome and that’s all that we got for you tonight this is the tomahawk and we’re out what

Podcast 32:

Lighting won a thriller Saturday 6-4. Habs are running away with the series at 3 games to nothing against the Jets, The Islanders and Boston are playing hard nosed hockey, and the Avalanche need to find a way to win.

We also go over the hit on Jake Evans and Brandon Carlo hit.

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