@Washington Capitals

Incidents like this are why Ted is moving the team out of DC

Incidents like this are why Ted is moving the team out of DC

by MeowMeowMeowBitch


  1. alejandrowoodman

    $$$ is why he WANTS to move.

    Shit like this is just what cowardly bigoted conservatives spout.

  2. Ted is moving out of DC because Virginia is giving him money. Period.

  3. tapptowin

    It does make me wonder though, is it really that bad a move? I can tell you, I don’t enjoy spending my evenings exploring the city anymore.

    Yea, traffic will suck and metro isn’t super convenient for me anymore. But I’ve been mugged in downtown before too, I’ll take the inconvenience over fear of my life.

  4. MayorofTromaville

    JFC, no it isn’t. In fact, I can think of 2 *billion* other reasons why Teddy is bilking a failing governor and leaving Virginia with the tab.

  5. Hockeyfan_52

    No. He’s moving the team because VA is giving him a billion dollars.

  6. pap3r_plat3

    DC is a shit hole. More than happy to see them move to VA.

  7. BoofWellington69

    Ah yes DC is the only major American city where crimes happen something like that would never happen in LA, NYC, or Chicago that’s for sure definitely HAS to move to VA now

  8. UnderCoverDoughnuts

    I know it’s the All Star Break and we’re all starved for Capitals content, but posting Fox News article here and trying to somehow backpedal it into being Caps-related is just fucking weird.

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