@Boston Bruins

Answering Bruins’ Trade Proposal Questions (Mailbag) | The Skate Pod, Ep. 271

Answering Bruins’ Trade Proposal Questions (Mailbag) | The Skate Pod, Ep. 271

Welcome into episode 271 of the skate podcast I’m Brian d f joined by Bridget PR and Scott mclin Bridget and Scott it’s the NHL vacation for the All-Star festivities which I don’t think take place until uh maybe Thursday through Saturday this weekend um and the Bruins

Are off until uh well until the first week of February so we have a opportunity here for a mailbag episode but uh how are you two doing I don’t know if we have opening shift for this episode but just how you guys doing in general I’m doing fine no it’s going to

Be I have a couple days off later this week which is nice get that little little mid-season break and then prepare for the stretch run so um yeah look looking forward to it he’s taking some maintenance time make sure he’s right before the playoffs um gotta make sure

He doesn’t makeing my trip little quick little trip down to uh Turks and Kos like the players you know just are you nothing big are you I I wish cuz that was going to be I was going to be pretty pissed honestly um um yeah no I’m doing good I don’t

Think I have I don’t think we really have opening shifts besides just the fact that we’ve recently since we recorded the last podcast SE some dumb trade off ideas that we will get into and that’s not that’s not an opening shift that is a that is just like

Foreshadowing we’re going to get to that well I have I have I have an opening shift for you the last the last time we spoke you kind of left us all on the edge of our seats like were you going to get a steak and cheese were you going to

Do something like what did you end up doing after after last episode um I got chicken wings okay what flavor I didn’t get steak and cheese I got chicken wings um well that’s that’s a bit of a letdown I know I’m sorry I really had it it was

In my heart after what Scott said but I just I didn’t know where to get a good one so all right all right I was hoping for something something better than that Bridget sorry I’m sorry like what it is we’re recording at lunch we’re recording at uh lunchtime Tuesday

So this is this a bad start guys I now we’re hungry again huh yeah the good news is we only have a whole episode to go here we’re two minutes in uh all right well then let’s just mailbag question I’m just gonna be stuff in my

Face yeah um I know and I feel like going forward a lot of the mailbags might be food related because they’re kind of reading the tea leaves and what we like to talk about but the first couple of questions we got ironically were from Brian and Scott and you know I

Told you guys to stop emailing us okay we can’t make this up it’s just every week There’s you know Scott and I just keep writing into the to the to the podcast asking questions we’re too afraid to ask when we’re we need a Bridget Bridget’s emailing there’s gonna

Be another Bridget listen please don’t please don’t see this as an opportunity to make a fake Twitter account that has my name please don’t well now you just gave him the idea don don zween is taking notes yeah he’s like I know I know the next

Burner all right um so this is a good mailbag because it’s it’s as we’ve talked about it’s just past the Midway point of the Season NHL season Allstar break so a good chance for everybody to kind of take a step back and ask the questions that they’re they’re looking

For and the first couple have to do with some potential Personnel decisions and moves the Bruins could potentially make at some point this year so we’ll start off hot with Brian um and obviously it’s spelled BR Ian which means you can trust him anybody who spells it with a Y you

Cannot trust um so he says you guys all seem kind of stumped in the last mailbag when someone asked about how to replace lich’s role in physicality I get it you’re not allowed to say goon but my buddy had an idea for someone who could fit the bill uh Minnesota Wild Man

Patrick maroon he has the 15 points that Brian suggested Lich may have had had he not you know whatever been suspended um or whatever leave of absence and Minnesota are barely in the Wild Card race so he may be available um he goes on to say the wild could be interested

In a year and a half of Lena Sark their goal tending is atrocious this season um uh you know would they want to trade maroon a first rounder and one of their best prospects for allmark um Bridget and Scott what do you make of this yeah I think it’s a good idea um

This is sort of EX the kind of player to Target for cheap physical veteran presence on that fourth line obviously maroon has won three cups uh you know Bruns fans know unfortunately he was on that St Louis team in 2019 and then went to Tampa and won the next two

After that um you know yeah he uh Brian the emailer Brian mentioned what he’s done this season like he’s still been a useful player 16 points 16 now in 49 games he’s playing almost 13 minutes a game um you know he probably wouldn’t play that much here but he could easily

Be a fourth liner who gets eight nine 10 minutes um can still chip in a little bit and obviously still physical can drop the gloves if needed so I imagine he’d come pretty cheap I think the wild only gave up a a seventh rounder to get

Him he was one of the now that was in part because Tampa had cap issues and just couldn’t keep them but um yeah this is you know sort of I think the exact kind of player to to Target if you’re looking to add that element to to the fourth

Line yeah the I I don’t I I mean obviously targeting maroon he’s proven to be the kind of guy you want on your your team during a playoff run um he’s had that success he’s a best he’s tough he can provide offense uh my only issue

Is I think you could give up like you said less I don’t think this is like a a trade that you would want to move one of year goalies for um I to me no to me that doesn’t make any sense at all so if you can move like a later round draft

Pick or if they want a prospect like reasonably not like a lysell or or laui or anything like that I think a deal could get made and and if you want to talk about where the wild are and the standings they are kind of far outside

That wild card picture right now um just because of how many teams are right in that cluster it seems like it’ll be hard to to jump out for them and to to steal one of those last Wild Card spots because there’s it’s like five other teams ahead of them right now I think

It’s more one two three four there’s four teams a ahead of them for a wild card spot five it it is five bridg five yeah so like they’re only seven points out but yeah they have to jump five other teams yeah that’s that’s the problem it’s like okay yeah pointwise

They could probably do it but that that means that all the other teams have to lose too and and you’re probably not going to see that happen so yeah they’re probably sellers um which makes the wild an interesting team to talk about like the pieces that they might might be willing to

Move yeah and and uh Brian the email of Brian also mentioned um that the bonus in acquiring Patrick Maron is that the Bruins could sell tickets to see Jack attempt to apologize to him um because of the whole drama they had last year or the year before I

Was gonna say he’d be like Boston is on his no trade list because he doesn’t want to come see Jack yeah I mean maybe they be like they become like best friends you know you it’s like when you yeah they go eat pizza together every Thursday um

If you guys don’t know what we’re talking about look it up but I’m sure you guys do yeah well there was a whole I mean it was a pretty big storyline it was we I think we dedicated part certainly half of a podcast episode to

It yeah it was it was like reported in like USA Today and it was like it was like national news for that week and then again when they when he came back to town it was it was a whole thing yeah yeah because Jack tried well did

Apologize to him tried to apologize to him tried to like talk to him in the in the locker room that conversation from people who were there lasted like 10 minutes but it was basically like all Jack just trying to apologize and and then maroon kind of went off on them so

Yeah they that that would be a a fascinating bonus for sure from from foes to friends you know it’s a tale’s oldest time or or you just hear Jack just rip them every game just just like find yeah could be fun could be fun either way

Um just to give my two cents nothing different from what you guys said I think you know there’s probably a lot of Bruins fans that would look at Pat maroon and say oh he’s he’s he’s worthless and you know he’s slow and he sucks and look at

His inaly I I’m sure that those people are out there and they’re probably out there in Spades but there’s definitely uh an element of physicality and durability experience toughness that is needed in the postseason and if you disagree then like Scott mentioned you know go ask the 2019 blues and the and

The T B lightning the following couple of years you know if they if they could have used um that on their team and they would say we absolutely could have and we did and that’s why he was on there and so you know you can’t really argue

With success you need a player like that in my opinion at some point even if he’s not an everyday guy in the lineup like you have to be able to plug him in and I think people understand that in Boston because Shan Thoren like when the Bruins

Went on their run they had a guy that wasn’t the most skilled guy um but Sean thoron was still an important part of that that lineup I know he didn’t play every single game in the playoffs but people remember that team for having tough guys on it not just you know not

Just feron and you know the skilled guys so anyway I think it’s an understood Concept in Boston for sure that even if you didn’t like him when he played against you you like him if he’s on your team I think Pat maroon is one of those

Guys yeah and I I just want to re reiterate like I’m good with it as long as he’s cheap I know Kevin weeks mentioned him on ESPN uh like last week they were doing kind of a trade rumors segment um and he said he doesn’t think

It would cost much more than the seventh that Minnesota gave up that I’m fine with if you get him for a sixth or seventh good if it if all a sudden there’s like a pat maroon bidding war and it’s gonna cost you like a fourth round Packa I’m not doing that

Like not going into the mid rounds or anything like that um or it could be it could be potentially part of a package which I think ties into the question we can get to next from from Scott Scott the emailer SC all right well yeah um Brian and

Scott just huge huge wild fans um the upcoming trade window this is from Scott uh realistically the bees need a sturdy and gritty left shot demon for Bird’s lingering injury grizzli injury history I like Jacob Middleton 2.45 million uh with two years left what would it really

Take to make a deal to bring Middleton to Boston I like the idea of the following pairings mavo and lolm uh Carlo and Middleton shaton Kirk W spoon lorai 7th D Carlo and Middleton could do damage against other teams top lines wear them down over seven games um what

Do you guys think about this another another Target I would like I I don’t know if he’s going to be available um again the wild are not clear sellers yet and Jake Middleton does have another year after this so he might he’s 28 years old so he might be a player that

Is in their plans Beyond this year um he’s playing top four minutes for for them which I honestly I think he’s kind of a fringe type top four defenseman but pairing him with someone in the Bruins top four um I think you know they can help Elevate his game he doesn’t have to

Drive the pairing ideally he’d be a third liner on like a true Cup team but he could play in the Bruins top four I think um but yeah sort of a player who helps bring some of what they’ve missed on the on the blue L this year he he’s physical he’s

He’s generally been a defense first guy but he actually does have 18 points this season so he he has been chipping in offensively too um he can move the puck he’s not like the greatest skater in the world but uh yeah kind he does a little bit of everything he kills penalties so

Again it would come down to the cost you know I I if the wild are expecting to be paid like he’s a legit stud top four defenseman I think that’s probably going to get a little too expensive but if he if it’s something less than that then um

Yeah that it would make a lot of sense to me well it’s an affordable contract like that 2 point what’ you say five is more affordable than uh what they have now so my question is grizzli is grizzli like someone that you’re trying to trade

Is that why grizzli out of these D pairs or is it like Assuming he’s injured or or just assuming that he’s not good enough enough to be in the top seven guys on D in this situation I guess that’s a question for for Scott the email or not necessarily

But Scott you can answer if you’d like yeah I mean I get you could easily just list grizzli as the seventh D there and like maybe he’s part of a a third pairing rotation with chat and Kirk and we spoon you know another part of this equation is like what’s going to happen

With Derek forward is yeah because if he goes on LTI and like his season’s over that is three million more dollars that the Bruins would have to work with um if that doesn’t happen and his injury is short of term and they think he’s gonna

Be back then you do have to free out money somewhere and if you’re trading for a defenseman presumably you you might be moving one out in another deal yeah I think Middleton is definitely a he’s he’s the kind of Defense I think you you’d like to add um

If you’re in the Bruins position I think he’s definitely a fringe uh third pair D pair uh third D pair second D pair defenseman I think what makes him a top four guy is the is the incredible beer league mustache he has going and I I

Don’t think you can teach that you you can either grow it or you can’t and and the teeth I don’t know if you’ve seen him smile but he’s missing at least one oh yeah yeah he he he he look he looks like he just you know came off a you

Know 11:00 p.m. game in hockey town on a on a Tuesday night so like that’s the kind of guy I want in the playoffs I don’t know about anybody else so I I like Scott’s suggestion and and uh and absolutely yeah yeah I just I just wonder like all right so if we’re

Talking about like a package deal like if you want say you want maroon like you want them both what’s the package then because that becomes not just like a seventh round draft pick there’s there’s going to be more involved if you’re trying to get two two guys that can you know be

Inact players for you in the playoffs obviously we’re still not looking at something huge but you know would they want grizzli back in return like would they want say if he’s healthy like would that be something that’d be worth doing I don’t think they’d want grizzer forber because those are pending free

Agents and that doesn’t do anything for Minnesota so um they they gave up so in order to get Middleton they gave up capao kinan and a fifth round pick and cochan was sort of an I don’t know an established backup potential starter but certainly not like a Bonafide you know starting NHL goalie

Um so I don’t know you’re talking about maybe a a roster contributor in a mid- round pick like does does that get it done or it it all depends on what Minnesota’s prioritizing right because they don’t they don’t seem like a team that’s going into a full rebuild so do

They want would they rather have a roster player or a prospect who’s close to contributing than um than a high draft pick like that might that might be a better match for the Bruins who obviously don’t have many draft picks to work with in the first place I mean the

Good the good news is if you’re the wild like or if you’re the Bruins and and Minnesota’s not Middleton and maroon if they part with them that’s not jeopardizing their long-term you know plans as a franchise right um so I think the question is like other contenders are going to probably

Want similar um additions at the deadline and what separates the Bruins from from those other potential suitors um and like what I like about the idea of Middleton and maroon in particular is because like we’ve talked how the Bruins could use a another top six forward in

Theory but and I don’t think that’s I still think that’s like a a really solid middle six contributor I think is something the Bruins should still have in their mind but they don’t need this and we’ll get to it but they don’t need to to you know um throw away what they

Have right now with this team and and and by bringing in Middleton and maroon you wouldn’t be doing that and and Minnesota like if you’re looking at if you’re the Bruins looking at a Florida Panthers potential match up in the postseason maroon and Middleton are the exact type

Of players that you want on your on your team in a seven game series against the Panthers because they like to get involved in between the whistles and whether the Bruins like it or not whe whether the Bruins engag in that stuff or not it’s gonna happen right so who do

You want to be taking those face washes makoy or Middleton because I guess what Middleton will give him right back and maroon will too and the Wild and the p had a pretty spirited game down in Sunrise a few weeks back and I just think that sometimes you do have to

Fight fire with fire I I I think it’s inevitable especially when you’re looking at who’s in front of you in the like if it was a bunch of Toronto Maple Leafs in the Eastern Conference that’s one thing but the Florida Panthers exist and they have an identity and you’re

Going to have to go up against it at some point I think if you want to get to where you want to go to yeah yeah I I I agree like it sometimes I think you know the the physicality and that kind of stuff can get overrated or guys willing to drop

The gloves like I don’t think it’s the most important thing in the world but there’s there’s really no denying that like the teams that have won the cup have tended to have at least one or two of those guys um you know may maybe Vegas has an exception last year like

They they weren’t really dropping the gloves they weren’t overly physical but they they at least had guys who you know were hard in forche or could stand up to hits and that’s the other part of this is like we’re not just talking about gassing fut like Middleton plays a

Physical game that stands up to four checks um he’s been pretty healthy I think he’s played every game this year played 79 last year um and maroon brings it on the four check again sure absolutely not the fastest skater not the most Fleet of foot but he still gets

In on the for check and can dish some hits out without just like chasing them and taking himself out of the play did you want to push this a little further to the the next two questions which are actually you know they they’re on the same lines so um Brian if you do

You want to read it I can read it I have it up right now um yeah go for it yep so this next one is from Joe he says huge huge bees fan from Northeast Ohio never miss a podcast bees need a rugged demand forb bird is very injury prone and

Concerning and they desperately need a fourth line Center who can win faceoffs in the dzone especially um he says he’s concerned for what that means for the playoffs if they don’t find that um so and then the next question also is related to the center and it’s from RP

He says Bruins fourth line needs grittin as well as a center who can win faceoffs late in the game what are the chances the bees will send a lesser Prospect or two to reacquire AJ Greer or Tomas NOK before the trade deadline so those are two names that obviously Bruins fans are

Familiar with because AJ Greer was put on waivers and then didn’t clear waivers and and uh ended up getting taken so he’s out in what Seattle Vancouver Seattle Cal clear is in Calgary oh Calgary um and so he see him see him right after the break yeah and he was a

Great you know grittiness uh you know tough guy he wasn’t that big though like maron’s bigger um like G G GRE fit the role because he he worked at that role but I feel like Maroon is a a bigger grittier guy and also more opt to more

Apt to produce on the fourth line um but I guess the the main question there is about centers like a fourth line Center we talked about adding fourth line grittin but do they have an internal solution at Center is there a lower in the lineup guy that’s out there that

Good at faceoffs and I guess that’s where the No Sick idea comes in because he was very steady at winning faceoffs and and playing a good defensive game but we we talked about it when he was here that he just did not add offense at all well and Scott I’m sure you have

Maybe a few more thoughts to me about about um Personnel but I mean Johnny beer he was doing well in the faceoffs I don’t think him going down to Providence was a lack of success in the circle um I mean he’s obviously an internal option

That if he could get back to playing on his toes um and and and and and being assertive offensively that that could be an internal option for the Bruins yeah it first off by the way Joe being from Northeast Ohio immediately makes me think of the opening line of

The Bruce Springsteen song Youngstown so so thank you for that um one of the greatest protest songs ever written uh so on NOC it’s worth noting here that um he’s been out since November he originally had an upper body injury then also suffered a foot injury and had to

Have foot surgery he just started skating again like within the last week so before anyone thinks about trading for him like he has to get back on the ice and show he’s healthy a a the foot injury that he can skate effectively and it’s not going to be a problem and B the

Upper body injury that he was battling he wasn’t taking face offs earlier in the season so he’s got to be 100% recovered from that and able to take faceoffs too um so I kind of think you have to put no on the back burner right now because you just don’t know if he’s

Healthy when he’s going to be healthy what he’s going to look like um you know Greer obviously you know slightly separate topic since Greer is not a center but an interesting name nonetheless I mean the reason the brunes waved him in the first first place was because he what he brought was too

Similar to what Lich brought and you know they weren’t really gonna have that duplication well obviously it didn’t work out with Lich and he’s gone so you know are you as we’ve talked about like are you looking for someone to fill that slot and Greer in the regular season can do

That we saw even last season like they didn’t play him in the playoffs and I’m not sure they would this year either so so um you’d probably prefer someone more like Maroon in that role who has the playoff experience um I have some names for potential fourth line guys or other face

Off guys because like like Brian mentioned you had a fourth line Center who could win faceoffs in in beer the question is you know do you think obviously they sent him down because there are other things they want him to work on do you think he can work on

Those in get to the level you need him to be at before the end of the season basically like is beer still in the plans for this season as hey he’s gonna go down for x amount of time and I don’t know some maybe in March or even in

February he comes back up and we think he’s going to be ready to contribute and potentially be a playoff player for us um that like we we just don’t know we don’t know exactly what they feel about Johnny beer as it Rel reles to the rest of the season wellit think about the

People that are up that have come up since beer has gone down like do they really want Steen on the roster over Beacher do they really want Patrick Brown on the roster over Beacher in the playoffs like I’m asking like that that’s something we’re gonna have to

Find out like in my mind it seems like the upside for Beacher is higher but at the same time like maybe they think Patrick Brown is better defensively and he’s you know Scott has defended him before I think think that he’s not like a flashy fourth line guy

Um I don’t know I I didn’t have a huge issue with How Beer was playing and I think that the reason why he got sent down was because his contract allowed him to go down without getting waved and and uh you know that was part of it because otherwise you’d have to wave

Someone like loo or um Steen or whomever yeah I mean I think there’s a little more to than that though because that when he was the fourth line Center that line wasn’t scoring like there was no offense there and and you can put that on the wings just as much as him it’s

Not all his fault but I do think it’s clear like they they want to look at options that help them produce more offense and I don’t mean Patrick Brown obviously because like he no he doesn’t and my my support of Patrick Brown is is mostly tongue and cheek just because I

Think I think he gets way more hate than he deserves but um like obviously like I don’t think he’s I mean Patrick Brown I mean you’re not going to catch me uh you know talking too much about him but it is interesting the amount of hate he gets when he’s

Only played like a you know couple handfuls of games it’s like how it’s not like it’s the most disproportionate like hate for a guy such a minimal role on this yeah it’s I mean he’s like he’s like you know barely ahead of you know mattye Falconer on the dep chart the

Equipment manager um but you know one name I think the the biggest reason I think Johnny beer is you know maybe still in Providence or even went down it’s not because of Patrick brown or Oscar Steen it’s because of Jer boquist and and I think the Bruins like what they’ve seen

Out of him I think totally different player but to Scott’s point the fourth line when it was loo and beer and Steen which is primarily what it’s been since the departure of Lich um or indefinite uh departure of Lich that line was offensively anemic there was no offense

So um yeah I mean like when the team is healthy you’re looking at a fourth line potentially of Danton Heinen who has like almost 20 points in the year yper boquist who is showing um the skill set that made him an NHL player in the past with New Jersey and and an offensive

Contributor with them at times um and then Matt ptra and and Patra obviously is you know where he fits best we don’t know is he’s also doing with his own injury issues so I just think like yes if Beer Works hard enough I do think

That there’s a path for him back to the NHL roster for sure but people aren’t giving enough credit I don’t think to yeser boquist and and why he’s kind of earn he he he surpassed beer a little bit at least in the eyes of the Bruns coaching staff and

Management just for the time being because if it wasn’t for boquist beer would be up here I think right now yeah that’s true I think bis did make that case for himself and and play well enough to be on the roster but if we’re talking about specifically filling that

Role of of a you know a center that can win face offs and be good defensively like it it doesn’t solve that and I wonder like Patra if he’s the fourth line Center during the playoffs like he isn’t the best at faceoffs like beer was better at faceoffs um he’s he’s gotten

Pushed around a little bit like the identity of that line definitely goes from being like a tougher line to like patra’s finesse like that there’s no that’s not in his game I mean can you imagine maroon and ptra next to each other that’s like I feel like the two

Opposite types of players on the same line and maybe it would work I don’t know um but it just feels like Patra the identity of the fourth line probably doesn’t have ptra on it I know he’s been playing on the fourth line a little bit but if we’re talking about a playoff

Team like I don’t really know how you mix all of those pieces together and and have a successful fourth line well and that’s where you know maybe it’s just a a different kind of fourth line where it it is more offensive uh you know starts

In the ozone maybe has some speed um and more skill and maybe your third line becomes more of an identity line based around uh Frederick and geeky and you know whether it’s Alo who’s been there recently or maybe someone you acquire who fits in there um that’s an option

Too uh a couple a couple names though if you’re looking for veteran bottom six specifically fourth line probably helps some face offs Nick Dow in Washington um is a veteran he has another year after this at 1.3 million he’s got 13 points in 38 games has some playoff

Experience uh Nico Sturm out in San Jose w a cup with the ABS good on faceoffs he he only has seven points in 30 Games my problem there is he’s also signed through next season for $2 million which I I just think is an overpay for what he brings so there’d

Probably have to be some salary retained um then if you a aim a little higher a guy who used to be a fourth ler but is grown in Nashville’s lineup since then Colton sistens is a player I really like uh he signed for two more years after this at

2.85 but good on playoffs good on face offs can play center or Wing he’s physical um you know and then that there’s there’s other centers or you know forwards who are good on face offs but they’re they project higher in the lineup and are going to cost more Shawn Monahan in

Montreal has his a name who’s been out there for a while Adam Henrik Anaheim you know veteran play center a win good on faceoffs and Kevin Hayes the the Dorchester boy in St Louis um you know could potentially be available so there’s there’s my list of of potential

Targets yeah like you said the last few probably are higher higher in the lineup than a fourth line you usually so um yeah I think the the idea there would just be more hey if we just need another guy who’s good on face offs in general

And we also think we need some middle six scoring help like there’s a couple guys who who can do both okay all right moving on down we have Duncan who says that um loves the show wants to congratulate Bridget on the bean poot and pwhl opportunities and that you did

Awesome Bridget thank you uh stick Taps for you there um he says I’m loving the offensive showing from the Bruins since Christmas but I’m concerned they may be peaking too soon obviously love the Peaks but concerned that a valley could be on the way um Can the bees avoid such

A valley come playoff time if not is the roster structured well enough to handle that Valley and turn it around come playoff time if it were to happen we’ll we’ll we’ll leave it there and then uh answer that first part brid want to go first um um in

Terms of peing at the right time see here’s the thing with this is that I just like I don’t I don’t gamble I don’t you know I I’m not a psychic I don’t I can’t predict the future otherwise I would be putting a lot more money on

Some of these uh these games and and you know but I I’m not someone who likes to try to predict the future too much um and in terms of peing at the right time I think that they probably will go through some more adversity here in this

Next month we talked about it last episode like the schedule that’s upcoming for them is not an easy February and and you know March they have to play Toronto twice and they’re playing Tampa they’re they’re playing they’re playing some of the the tougher teams that have given them trouble um

They’re they’re playing Vegas right um coming up after the break so they they’re playing good teams and there’s no way they’re skating through that uh I don’t see them just like plowing through the schedule that they have in February so yeah they’ve had a good stretch here

Right before the break I think it’s good to give them confidence and you want to see them use that confidence but also I think there’s going to be a few more learning moments before the playoffs and to be peeking in January still gives you time to like have a few more struggles

Before like we’re not really talking about trouble unless we’re talking about like a big dip right around March and April like those are the times where you don’t want to be seeing that dip um but there’s still time for some ups and downs in the season before we’re we’re hitting that

Kind of level of concern I don’t know if you guys agree with that yeah the they have two games against Edmonton late February early March to and the the Oilers just simply don’t lose anymore um so yeah there there’s one more Western Road Trip in there yeah there there’s going to be

Another Valley dip skid whatever you want to call it um I don’t think they’re just going to plow through the final two plus months of of the regular season and that’s not a bad thing it’s probably it’s probably good for them to have at least another hiccup to to have to grind

Through and and overcome and pull themselves out of at some point like that’s those are good things to to go through as long as you do pull yourself out of it right if it if all of a sudden it lasts two three weeks and you know

You’re two and 11 over your last 13 like that’s not good that there’s there’s nothing good to be gained from that but if you go you know one and three one and four and then turn it around like that’s fine and you know so yeah I I wouldn’t

Worry about them peeking too early to get to the heart of the question I I generally don’t really believe in that kind of stuff like you you just try to grow your game and get better throughout the season period and what whatever Peaks that leads to like you’re not going to intentionally

Lose because oh boy we’ve been winning too much like you just try to keep getting better well what about the second part the Pres we’re back to the president’s trophy curse uh being brought up and because the Bruins are once again well they’re tied for first in the entire league um and they’re

First in in the conference so we we had this conversation last year and I feel like I go in arguments with people in the office about like how stupid the curse was and then then of course when they don’t wi this they like well I told

You this is a curse like no that’s another thing I’m not a psychic and and I I don’t believe in the curses either I don’t know I mean I I think and real quick just to touch on that that that first part um the the year the Bruins won the

Stanley Cup in 2011 they lost 10 of their last 18 games uh heading into the playoffs so like it’s possible like also like some teams some teams also stumble into the playoffs and then get hot in round one and never look back so it’s more about just having the the maturity to

Just when the playoffs come around you yes you want your habits to be uh strong heading into the postseason But ultimately once that puck drops you got to you got to you got to enforce those habits all over again anyway so um yeah just I think this team does have the

Mental maturity and and uh and mentality to to implement that in the playoffs if not for just learning from last year um bridg as far as the the president’s trophy curse I think I’m with Scott I don’t believe in curses but I do think that um it’s not

Even so much the fact that they finished first last year and and broke all those records it’s it’s that the media and everybody and their mother talks about what if they choke and it’s I think it’s more the outside noise that gets into the locker room than it is actually

Winning the league in the in the regular season um obviously that outside noise comes because you win the league um but like I don’t think it’s because they were better than everybody in the regular season I do think sometimes bad habits creep in um and I don’t think the

Bruins are playing desperate hockey like some other teams were I.E Florida trying to make the playoffs last year um so it’s it’s it’s it’s a layered question I don’t think it’s a black and white answer I do think it’s incumbent upon the the Bruins no matter where you

Finish to play desperate um don’t you think because this is another thing that we’ve brought up in the past like when you have that embarrassing first round exit the year before I feel like that usually is enough to kind of give you a little bit of a kick like to play more

Desperately than last year because you now have this bitter taste in your mouth of we’re supposed to have this last dance with burron and Cree and we we failed them and we don’t want to have that taste again like I’ve never been in a room full of grown men that were as

Like completely out of it and upset as dealing with the locker room after that game and on breakup day uh and I don’t think that any of them want to feel that again so uh maybe that Sting from last season helps them a little bit in terms

Of blocking out the noise not just going in thinking we’re the best team and we’re going to you know cruise through anything uh I think that all plays in too yeah and if they were to win the president’s Trophy this season I don’t think it it’s not going to be as

Decisively as last year unless they go on like an incredible two-month heater here but I think like if they win it by a point or two there’s just far less pressure and far less talk about it than running away like they did last year which you know I I don’t believe in in

Curses but I do think pressure can get to guys and I think if you’re going in feeling like hey like we we better win it you know this is a once in a-lifetime opportunity like we better not screw this up that can some guys can use that

The right way other guys it eats at you the wrong way and like you know I think to the the Patriots in 2007 being 18-0 and losing in the Super Bowl and you’ve heard from players on that team who have said things along the lines of like

Might have been better if we had lost at some point before than had not had that extra pressure to complete you know a perfect season and the the Bruins last year like that regular season was about as close to perfect as you can get in the NHL and it’s it’s that similar kind

Of pressure of like you you look like an alltime team better not screwed up in the playoffs now um I I do think like that can kind of get to some guys and you’re just not going to feel that this year like they’re not gonna be that kind

Of team even if they even if they are the president’s Trophy winners and and last year like the NHL is such a difficult League to to win the the Stanley Cup and it’s the toughest trophy to win because of the I believe the demands of the sport in four seven game

Series potentially um you know yeah everybody would have been disappointed that the Bruins not won the Stanley Cup last year but what they couldn’t do was losing the first round like you go to the Conference Finals you lose to you know whomever um Tampa you know like I don’t

Know name name a team like that’s one thing um but or or go to the finals and lose to Colorado that’s like no it is what it is but to lost the way they did was unacceptable and I think that was like had the Bruins just held on to that

Lead in any of those closeout games and surpass the first round I think a lot a huge weight would have been lifted off their shoulders because I think they felt that same pressure like I think they felt get us to the first round and and we’ll be off and running and they

Just they just couldn’t um going forward into this year yeah Brian you muted yourself bad take um I I do think if they go into the um the postseason as uh as a top seat again you’re gonna You’re Gonna Hear The Narrative out there of are they going to

Do it two years in a row and they’re going to have to sit there and and battle through that and and I wonder who you’ll hear that from I wonder who is gonna be a lot of people honestly obviously I I know you’re referring to a

Couple of local radio hosts but I I think it’s going to be a you know uh all the hockey talks in Canada um and any hockey Market in the US will be talking about it I think because a lot of people don’t like Boston uh Sports there of the

Because of the success it’s fun to see um some of these teams flounder and and and and fail and and it is it is a storyline right like can they redeem themselves um they’re gonna have to they’re gonna have to you know do that I think um all right Bridget do you have

The next question in front of you I have it up yeah um well I do we want to go to the next one I can read it but I feel like we kind of already got to it um uh this is from Chip Who U is a

Detroit Lions fan so we are sorry sorry chip um uh so his Bruins question says I’m very concerned with the face playoffs especially during shorthand in or power play situation the it test tells me the strug they struggle with this Scott please stat me up if wrong um

And these face offs are often the difference between winning and losing against game in a series overtime games come to mind um and I feel this group will be in a few of overtime games in the playoffs so um I don’t know Scott did you have the the face off stats like

Where the Bruins stand in the league in terms of like win percentage Yeah and I will say not as bad as you would think uh on the power play Bruins are 58.8% which is seventh best in the NHL and short-handed they’re 4 5.6% which is 11th best in the NHL um if

You’re wondering how 45.6 is 11th best it’s because pretty much every team loses more than they win short-handed because you just don’t not only are you outman you know five on four in general but you’re outman on faceoffs the team on the power play can have an extra guy

Diving in to try to win it back whereas the short-handed team can’t overcommit an extra body like that because then if you if you lose you immediately have a two-on-one somewhere and and that’s not good so um yeah they theyve actually been at least fine better than fine in terms of

Special teams faceoffs I also looked up defensive Zone faceoffs because that’s obviously important late in games too 51.7% which is 10th best so yeah you’re not you’re not as good in any of those areas as you were when you had Patrice berson who of course was the best

Faceoff guy in the league but they’re they’re keeping their head above water and that’s because you know a lot of those big draws are getting taken by Charlie Coyle or pavl zaka um and those guys are both over 50% they’ve you know they’re not one among the best in the

League but they’ve been good on faceoffs for the most part so there’s those there’s your stats chip um but also but to Chip’s Point um yeah like there’s no doubt about it uh there’s definitely a direct correlation to to having a high face off percentage um and teams being successful yes a lot

Of you I you can think of a lot of um you know playoff overtime games where it’s it’s a marathon game and it’s a it’s a it’s a one face off and and a shot through traffic that just bounces in I mean you know the the Shan corali

Goal against the senders in game five or game four back in 2017 kind of you know plays like that you want to face off you get it to the net goes off of skating in um and then obviously you know you want to face off and you’re you’re you’re

Controlling where the play goes um yeah it’s very important um okay so don zeny this is this is a uh an interesting one I don’t know well well well we’ll answer it over the last 15 years 10 Cup winners have had a first overall pick four have had a second

Overall pick the only team to win a cup without a first or second overall pick was St Louis in 2019 uh with a fourth overall pick to the Bruins need more High picks to win a cup or is jvr their loophole I’ll add one more uh and this

Is probably included in the 15year sample size obviously the Bruins had Tyler San in 2011 second overall pick um Bridget Scott did the ruins need more high draft picks if they want to win a cup or is jvr the exception in the loophole well well technically he is a a

Second overall pick so he does count if you know towards your stat if if the Bruins go on to win but he’s not your loophole because he’s well past uh the age where you know you like you his PR his prime I’m sorry but um you know if you had him

When he was 22 I would say yes um but at the same time like I really don’t believe in in this you have to have a first or a second overall pick in order to win a Stanley Cup I think what jvr brings that helps the team is his experience and um his

Mentality it it doesn’t really have much to do with like him being able to overwhelm teams with like a skill set that’s um like a Conor McDavid or Connor Bard type of skill set and also if you recall Tyler s wasn’t a huge contributor to that Bruins

Playoff whenn obviously he was fresh to the team at that point but um still kind of well in and out of the lineup he wasn’t in every game of that playoff no no but one could say the Tampa series he shifted you know yeah yeah you could definitely argue they don’t win that

Series without him um I think by the way at dun weeny missed one on St Lewis not a top two pick but uh petrangelo was the fourth overall pick on that team Jay bow was a third overall pick so they also had him yeah umly I I

Think I I don’t particularly care about the numbers of like where guys were drafted but I think what this does illustrate is that you tend to need Superstars to win a Stanley Cup like St Louis also might be the lone exception of like not having a true Superstar on

Their roster depending on what you think of petrangelo or Ryan O’Reilly I think those are those a good Allstar caliber players but not Superstars um so the point of you tend to find Superstars high in the draft is accurate like if you go through these rosters Vegas trades for Jack iel who’s

Second overall pick the ABS roster Nathan McKinnon first overall Gabe biscot second overall kale marcar fourth even like moo ranton in 10th overall lightning Steven stamp goes first overall Victor Hedman second overall capitals Alex oetkin first overall Nicholas Backstrom fourth overall the Penguins Dynasty Crosby first overall Malin second overall Mark

Andre flurry was first overall Blackhawks Patrick Kane first overall Jonathan Tav second overall Kings Drew dowy second overall like even anj copar 11th so you need stars is the the bigger takeaway here and it’s easiest to find Stars at the very top of the draft the Bruins have found them elsewhere yeah to

Their credit David 25th overall VI um Charlie McAvoy 14th overall Brad Martian was a third round pick like those those are all stars and so Bon not a first round well yeah I sticking to this year’s roster but yes um well I’m seeing in in we’re talking about like when they

Won the cup like and and also just like who of their best players been over the past 10 years um are guys that probably should have been first round picks or should have been higher picks like David poo should have been a lot higher than that um so the Bruins really got lucky

Um if if you look at it you know from from now like in hindsight but yeah they they got their players further down it’s because they didn’t have a lot of high draft picks because they were you know for certain years they were too good to

Have a high round draft pick um we talked about how they really haven’t been in a rebuild in a long time and that’s where you’re seeing like Colorado ended up with all of those really high draft picks because they were bad um all those teams all those all those teams

Were really really bad so yeah col Colorado had one of the worst seasons of all time um and you know if if if look and the Blackhawks before you before to you guys’ point like the same thing all these teams have in common is that they all bottomed out prior to getting these

Players like you know the the black the Penguins the Blackhawks the Blackhawks had home games getting blacked out on TV yeah the Penguins almost moved out of Pittsburgh like right and they were truly rock bottom and no and I’m sure you could find a few I if you ask Bruins

Fans okay like next year would you mind coming in dead last if you know you’re going to get the first overall pick um the following year like I’m sure many Bruins fans could be like maybe I’ll think about it maybe yeah but if you would have tell them you

Know two you I want you guys to bottom up for the next two three four years to like no [ __ ] way and that’s what these teams had to do the Blackhawks the Penguins uh the Avalanche so yeah it’s not a reverse order draft it’s a lottery right like you’re getting Conor Bedard

Like Connor Bard shouldn’t have even gone to Chicago like if you look at the way that things bounced like they were not the the last place team wasn’t it Anaheim or I mean it was it wasn’t Chicago they were bad but they weren’t last you know so you’re not guarante I

Think they’re were third Anaheim and Columbus both had better odds exactly you’re not guaranteeing yourself Conor Bard by tanking to to Don’s point though um so I think the answer the answer is kind of somewhere in the middle like you don’t need Scott said it best you don’t need

Necessarily a first or second overall pick what you do need is a superstar where wherever that Superstar comes from um David Pak we just mentioned he is you know he and Leon dry cdle are the class of that 204 draft and he’s one of the best goal

Scorers if not the best goal scorer in the world you found him at the end of the first round uh Nikita kucherov is on another planet um neck and neck with Nathan McKinnon one was first overall one was like a second second rounder so now I know the lightning do have Hedman

And Stam Coast but it just so happens that most Superstars are drafted high but you just need a superstar wherever that wherever you can find him and and the Bruins have that player and David pasnak I mean you could tell me right now David pasnak was the first overall

Pick in 2014 you can fool me so it’s about having at least a superstar and I think for the blues Vladimir teras senko was close enough to that for that team at that time in the league he was closer to a superstar back then um and

Petrangelo is a you know he’s a all World defenseman so need a superstar not necessarily a first overall pick or a second overall pick it just so happens the teams he routed off in the last 15 years had them and they were drafted there because you know obviously that’s

How it works but just need a superstar and the Bruns have one all right uh I don’t have the next question up in front of me um um there are two more that I see here from YouTube and so one is trade related and one is about um what’s

Going to happen with Matt ptra so I’ll do the ptra one first uh Sharon said what do you think the Bruins will do with Matt ptra after the break curious because of the very diminished playing time and fourth line role and better play by geeki and boquist do you think

They end up sending him back to gal and then when their season ends having him come back as a black Ace uh sorry M mine just froze but I’m I’m happy to answer that okay go ahead Scott oh no he froze again hopefully everyone can hear me um Sharon is probably also a

List I I see people laughing so I’m assuming no one me right now no no we can we can we can hear you’re you’re just you’re just Frozen as a popsicle as all um but we can hear you if you want to give it another shot I think maybe maybe one of us

Should answer first okay um so I think I think uh Patra I I think you got to keep him around um I think I think depth is is very important you’re always an injury away um of needing like what what Matt potra does bring you that Johnny beer

Doesn’t bring you um or somebody like that is uh I I do think Patra has has the skill set to fit into a top six role um even if it’s premature and even if there’s struggles uh in the 200 foot aspect of it but like say

Charlie Cole or or Pavo zaka went down um and the BRS found out that they were out for a significant amount of time um and say it’s after the trade deadline right like you’re going to want an internal option at in a centered position that kind of has that natural

Highend ability even though it’s still a working working Pro uh project um I think for that reason alone I I think ptra shouldn’t go back to gal and there’s other benefits to keeping him around as well but simply as an insurance safety blanket um I I would keep

Him okay I think I’m good now so let’s let’s see if I can get through this um first off I I can tell that Sharon is a probably also a listener of the morning Brew with with jeffie and Razer because I heard them talking about this on their

Most recent episode and it is an interesting topic um I’m with Brian though I’m not sending potra back and mainly because I I still think he can be the player we saw early on this season there’s no question that like the entire middle of his season has kind of gone sideways between World

Juniors and that not going the way he would have wanted injury since coming back um you know he only he only has one goal since November 5th he’s played 22 games since then he’s been under nine minutes of ice time in three of his last four so I I understand like everyone

Kind of being a little down on him now and wondering where exactly he fits here’s my counter he is still fifth on the Bruins in five on five points per 60 Minutes this season he’s behind only Charlie Coy David poso Trent Frederick and James Vin reik he is ahead of names

Like pavl zaka Brad Martian Morgan geeki Jake debrus so if you’re sending him back to me that’s got to be because you think he’s hit some sort of wall that is gonna prevent him from getting back to that player the rest of the season and I’m not there yet like I’m not

Convinced that he’s hit that wall and there’s no way around it I think he’s hit a wall and I want to see if he can get over it and get back to being that player he’s had some time off here that like that might you know depending on if

There’s a new injury or something that that might actually prove beneficial for him to have a little bit of a mid-season reset um but I feel like that player who was producing pretty well at five on five is still there and I’m not sending

It back to G uh just yet no I think we need to send them to Turks and Kos like Scott said you two go together um and just reset reset with the break get some sun you know now now I’m making myself want to go there um but no I don’t think that

That player is gone I think he’s had such a disjointed middle part of the season and like mixed messages I don’t think have helped him where it’s like no we want you here but we also are going to send you to play for Canada and like

I think they need to get their messaging straight I think they need to make him feel more comfortable because nobody plays their best when they’re when they’re always questioning in the back of their mind like am I going to keep losing playing time am I going to am I

Going to get sent back down to galf like I want to be part of this team they’re giving me like some messages that maybe they don’t want me to be here I just wish that things would be more consistent for him and obviously an injury if if he’s dealing with something

Right now is gonna push that back even more but he needs some consistency he’s young uh he hasn’t been playing in the same role the whole season like if they decide to put him on the wing like that’s going to mix it up even more I

Just wish he had like a stretch of time where he could he could really be allowed to get to have some chemistry and and get to uh feel more comfortable being being up and and with his standing so I don’t think he’s like by any means

Bad enough to not be on this NHL roster um so that’s why I say don’t you don’t send him back to G because he brings something that you need and like Scott said five on five he’s been good and he has these moments and you just want to

See him have more of an opportunity to work through and and try to get back to that I I I agree and I still I still just like looking back and you know hand to the sky I still don’t think this is that big of a deal um but I I still just

I I just still I didn’t I don’t like that they sent him to to to to World Juniors because so much of what he has to learn this year is off the ice too it’s like learning like learning the life of a professional athlete and you know um you know little

Things like getting into a routine like you know he’s been uprooted he was living in a hotel for the first month and a half of the Season then he moves in with beer somewhere it’s like getting acclimated to driving now beer is not even there ah poor Maddie but like get

Get getting getting used to like driving to Warrior every day for practice getting getting used to driving a handum um for for for uh to to catch your flight for road trips um learning how to be a professional on the road learning how to be a professional at home and

Then they just you know he’s in the middle of doing all that all the off I stuff he’s still trying to learn too trying to learn how to cook learn how to cook and and and the Bruins thought it was a great idea to to to to not only

Send them to World Juniors but to send them uh seven hours ahead mess with his sleeping schedule all for a world juniors tournament with new teammates and no chemistry and then he has to come back jet lagged get it just made no sense to me honestly I just didn’t think the positives

Outweigh the potential negatives um but it I you know a huge deal I still have absolutely no problem with it because I I think well we already went over this Scott it’s 2v one and you lose this time okay all right I I think I think

Learning learning to be a leader on a team playing in High Press situations on a huge International stage uh it’s not it’s not I think is important it’s not that huge one we almost made it to the end of the episode without arguing with each other

Not that big of a deal one my one last note on padra one thing he does have to do shoot more uh his last 11 games he has five total shots on goal he’s had zero in four of his last six um so that that has to change and that’s that’s one

Thing that you know has been a concern with him right is sometimes he doesn’t shoot enough so he’s in he’s in one of those stretches right now yeah no definitely one final question you wanna you want to do the honors Bridget sure uh we did kind of

Touch on this a little bit earlier because it it more goes back to like the trading um for a defenseman um so this is from Trent he left this comment on our YouTube said I know number 48 ma Glick is a Bost and boy but I would say

At the deadline I would package him with someone like L and get a top six4 forward or even bring in a top four Puck moving defenseman playoffs is a playoffs are a whole new animal uh as we know and to add a nice goal scorer uh to put with

I’m guessing this is supposed to say pasta or or uh a top four D would be big I think we answered the grizzli thing earlier just that he got no term left so that makes him hard to trade I mean this ye yeah and and again this

Question is it’s a little bit easier to answer if there’s names attached right like you’re giving me tangible names for the Bruins right um grizzli and lysell and then but to offer back you know a top six forward or top four demon um the hypothetical is tough if I don’t know

The name attached um I would be open to it if it’s if the name is big enough right or impactful enough it just so maybe we can think of a couple of names off the top of our head oh wait a minute wait a minute wait

A minute we didn’t even get to the one that I was pissed about that I said in the beginning the the stup trade proposal all right so Elias lyol is a top six forward that we had talked about in the past if maybe this makes a

Difference in in you know this this part of the conversation but if no one has seen this on Twitter should we like retweet it on the skate pod because I saw this yesterday and I sent it to the guys because I was like this is this is

So dumb like why is this even on my screen right now as an option so Bruins for one reason or another have been kind of attached to the Elias lolm trade rumors and the athletic suggested that Bruins received just Elias lolm and Calgary gets the Bruins 2025

First round pick Matt ptra and Trent Frederick and I have an issue with like this entire thing um like the fact that you even tax Trent Frederick onto the end of this just makes me laugh like what no no I Trent Frederick is playing like a [ __ ] top six forward right now

What the hell would be the that would be such a steal like that would be like Don swe is not that stupid literally like ly Holm himself this year is not worth a a first round draft pick going the other way I mean based off his performance so far

This year he’s not worth a first- round draft pick because and that’s now prior to this year maybe but not right now plus potential future uh top Center in the league in Matt ptra and Trent Frederick who’s having his best year and trending in the right direction and

Still young and and like in his prime like what are we talking about almost the same point home right I was just gonna say it Trent Frederick this season has five more goals than Elias Lindholm and three fewer points like no power play time it doesn’t make sense you know

Like likei Frederick’s doing that with with less playing time I don’t even like one for one like I don’t even like a one for one Frei I was gon say I I wouldn’t make this trade with any two of these pieces like even if you take any one of

These out I’m still not doing it and this so I actually have like so this was a thing the athletic did on like different packages teams could put together for a liand home and it was uh Corey prman who’s like the one of their expert Prospect analysts so I think that

Was more his role and Julian McKenzie who covers the Calgary Flames for the athletic um both both very good writers that I respect a lot but clearly they just think way more highly of Elias Lindholm than I do and I’m sure the Flames would love to ask for this kind

Of return from teams but even going through like other teams packages that they put together they’re all too much and I think that’s just that’s having two people who just value lindol more than I think a lot lot of people are going to um especially because he is having a

Little bit of a Down year so um in in the past when the athletic has done things like this what they’ve done is they’ve had like the beat writer for one team make a proposal to proposal to the beat writer of another team so it would have been like fluto putting this

Package together from the Bruins perspective and then Julian mckeny would respond from the Flames perspective and I like that setup better because it gets more opinions involved like this to me this whole article starts from a a premise of like I said like two people who just think way more highly of

Lindholm than I think a lot of people are going to certainly than I do yeah I think fluto would have would have been like ah no we got to go back to the drawing board on this trade proposal because this is not this isn’t going to be well received um it’s not

Going to be you know yeah a lot of times these things are just to to kind of spark conversation and the conversation usually is like a back and forth like you and I like we’ve we’ve had these on here before where we disagreed like one

Of us thought it is a good idea one of us when it’s when it’s universally like no this is a bad idea like you gotta do a little bit better it should be something we could debate rather than just sit here and be like this is just

Not even close to something that would ever happen I mean you know look for argument sake in theory it’s not it’s not a terrible like it’s not a terrible piece of rhetoric right like you put it out there Bruins fans watching Frederick watching him get better and better every

Game um are like why would we do that they’re they’re pretty much tied in points one for one and you want us to add but it’s it’s it’s it’s the classic like you have a rising player I don’t know if you can see a rising player and then a

Player that’s kind of like on the on the descend and it’s like okay do you hit your wagon do you put all your chips in Trent Frederick Camp of like no I I I think he’s gonna get better and better or like maybe this is his Plateau or do

You put your chips in like the lolm would would go back to where he should be in a better situation it’s kind of a gamble right um if it was one for one it’d be more of like a enticing like okay do you bet on the player who’s

Rising or you know what I mean that’s more interesting but to add in these other pieces too it’s like no no no yeah well to to tie this into the question from Trent would you trade someone like Fabian lysell with a d Prospect or like a draft pick or something for Elias lolm

Is like is he in is that more of like what you’re comfortable with trading for like what would be the the comfortable place for the Bruins to be on a trade like that that’s that’s probably you know closer to reality but the problem and one that that’s highlighted by like

Frederick getting included here is unless you know I mentioned the scenario with forber potentially ending up on LTI again but but like unless that happens the brunes do have to move out money in order to bring anyone in they they have $800,000 in cap space right now so you

Can’t trade for Elias Lindholm for just a prospect and a pick salary has to move somewhere and I know every Bruins Fan’s like oh well just get rid of grizzli or for bird it’s like okay but someone has to want those guys and they’re on expiring contracts so again like why

Would a team that’s turning the page to next year like the Calgary Flame want either one of them um unless they they are planning to resign them so that’s where someone like Frederick with term comes in and that’s where this all really gets uncomfortable because it’s like what salary are the Bruns moving

Out that actually has value to another team um or you know the second option is is you execute a salary dump somewhere and we know what those look like as we saw with Taylor Hall it means you don’t get equal value for the players so um

It’s it’s going to be a challenge for Don Sweeny to make trades before the March 9th deadline and and Trent Frederick isn’t just a homegrown Bruins Prospect who’s now starting to like realize their offensive capabilities he’s he’s a power forward that is the type of player that you would want in

April and Beyond as he gets older like that’s the exact type of player you want in a playoff series so it’s it’s it’s to me I you know it’s it’s interesting because you you were W the clocks a couple of years and Tren Frederick’s value was was

Pretty low and right now it’s like they scratch him last playoffs one G briefly they did yeah but right but right now he’s he’s just where he is and where it appears he’s going um you know he’s a player that you want to see in a Bruins

Jersey for a long a long time to come and it’s getting like if if you would to part with him it’s like okay it better be something really worthwhile um because he because it’s again it’s not where he is right now it’s where he is

It’s where I think we all see him going potentially as like a true power forward that can score 30 goals in this league so um all right I think that probably wraps up uh the mailbag I did have a quick um you know Bridget the fashion

Segment if you want to get the banner going but oh okay I was in a I was in I was in a a Dick Sporting Goods recently and I came across a n it was a it was a 1990 Stanley Cup finals um Bruins Jersey Ray

Bor Jersey a white jersey with the 1990 Stanley Cup patch oh my goodness to see that to see that in person I was like holy smokes that that I want to take you to prom um and right and right next to it right next to it was one of the um

Like the 20 the Centennial jerseys um and I was like oh my God these like these breu J there’s so these 19 these old old school Brun are so much so much better it’s not even funny and what’s what’s what’s crazy is that that night I’m I’m honestly embarrassed to admit

This one of my dreams last night was uh that the Bruins won the Stanley Cup and they won the Stanley Cup in their black Centennial jerseys that they’re wearing this year and I [ __ ] you not in my dream I was like of course they won the Cup this year like they’re gonna they’re

Gonna with these jerseys they win the cup like this is you only won the cup they’ve won the cup six times in their entire franchise and now they W it finally again and they were in these shitty jerseys really oh God does that make me a bad Bruins fan like that’s like the

One I think it just means your priorities are are a little bit different than most other people’s yeah I think it means I just think the fact that you’re dreaming SL having nightmares about this in the first place uh like the ruins on the Stanley Cup

Nightmare yeah I think you you just have bigger issues than we’re going to be able to work through in uh the last five minutes of this podcast wait can I say something funny because that exact same Jersey that Brian is the exact same white ray Bor Jersey that you are

Describing yeah Thursday Thursday night I saw someone wearing it and a mullet wig from the from the 90s or whatever singing karaoke at the restaurant I was at so this guy’s just dressed like old school Ray Bor with like the literally like the old school like perm

And and I I was like Wow Ray bork’s here this is I mean look listen listen I I don’t I don’t deny I have issues guys okay and and and we could go a couple hours on those but um I think I don’t if the Boston Bruins won a sty Cup this

Year it would be it would be absolutely incredible I don’t think I’d be alone I I feel like Bruins fans deep down deep deep down you might be like I wish they didn’t have these jerseys winning the cup I I don’t think I’m alone because it’s a color gold that they have not

Worn in their entire hundred years until this year and there’s still a part of me that feels like I’m watching a club hockey team not the Bruins I don’t know maybe I’m crazy maybe I’m crazy but I think if all of you took some TR serum

Deep deep down I think you’d all be saying I kind of I’m kind of with them on this one yeah you’re not wrong but for people watching on YouTube Bridget’s showing us the the video of uh singing be fair that’s not that’s that’s the uh that’s

Not the same Jersey I was talking of but right but I’m you know I’m I’m I’m a c to Jersey anyway it reminded me of this wonderful rendition of I don’t even remember what he was singing and I’m not gonna turn the volume on um I mean I

Think that’s that’s an issue that fans will complain about two years down the road though I think uh I think they’ll forget about it during during the parade AB Shenanigans as the cup makes its way around and we all get to track every party that the brunes are at and all

That stuff get totally getting invited Scott so absolutely I don’t disagree okay um that was all I wanted to say I actually dreamt about how much I wish they weren’t wearing that gold um it’s it’s it’s creeping into my my my uh unconscious now not good it’s not

Good anyway um that probably wraps up for me you guys good yes yeah I’m good so are we gonna are we going to record uh for Allstar Weekend or kind of Punt until next week do you think I think uh yeah I think we probably regroup after the All-Star Game

Some something early next week all right that works for me thank you all for sending in uh your questions um enjoy the allstar festivities and we will talk to you next week hey guys thanks for watching the gate podcast if you want to see more of our videos visit our playlist

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Brian, Bridgette and Scott answer this weeks’ mailbag questions about several potential trade options for the Bruins, if Johnny Beecher should be brought back up and what will happen with Matt Poitras in the second half of the season.

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Leave your questions in the comments and we will answer as many as we can!

Jump to:
00:00 – Should Bruins target Pat Maroon or Jacob Middleton in a trade?
20:00 – Do the Bruins need to trade for a fourth-line center?
33:00 – Could the Bruins be peaking too soon?
49:00 – What will happen to Matt Poitras in the second half?

Photo: Bruce Bennett/Getty Images

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  1. There is no curse. Winning teams tend to win. The curse is for teams on the bottom of the standings. Last year was awesome. Sure, we were disappointed with the 1st round loss, but it would have been bad year if we didn't make the playoffs. Bs fans should be more grateful.

  2. AJ GREER? OR NOSEK? LOL oh my we can find much better, and will

    i liked nosek but he has been injured all year, Greer not much different then lauko

  3. When will the lesson ever be learned? When has loading up at the trade deadline ever paid off? You dump assets to add strangers to the lineup. The new players may be skilled but they are new to the team. They haven't grown with the team from training camp onward. They very seldom fit in. Team chemistry is affected. On the other hand you lose assets like draft picks. The Bruins, over the past few seasons, have emptied the cupboard. They are now stuck filling the roster with college players instead of solid draft picks. And we all know rosters filled with U.S. college players do not win Stanley Cups. They tend to lose in the first round. See the 2023 Bruins.

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