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Sean Strickland DESTROYS Media Member Who Tried To CANCEL Him On The World Stage At UFC 297

So Sean Strickland was doing an interview for his fight at UFC 297 Strickland vs Du Plessis and a media member tried to cancel him. This is my reaction to the interview he had where he got heated about LGBTQ topics, let me know what you guys think in the comments section down below.

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  1. Looking forward to that media member grilling every single Muslim fighter on the roster for their takes and opinions on the very same topics discussed in this exchange. REALLY looking forward to him doing that. Oh wait, he doesn't really stand for anything, he just wants to be a hero against Stricklands words. Keep this bullshit out of MMA this is the last sport we have where fighters can exist as they wish and we don't have any messaging pushed by a promotional company itself. If people are going to hate Strickland for these comments, then so be it. They are free to do so. But strip him of his belt? take that nonsense to the NBA or the NFL.

  2. -sean is wright , media have to grow up , he is a sport man , gays , trans don't have nothing to do with UFC , that is the right answer that no one in abc , nbc have the balls to said because a lot cry babies start crying , nobody never talk about trans because was no ours bussiness but now women are losing the rights that a lot real women fight for so many years , and now women are call ciswomen , that is wrong women have been women all the time , my mother is a women , my sister is a women , but if i have a brother that want to be a trans he will never will be a women and he knows , wake up women. i said women no trans .

  3. First off that media member could have him suspended if he jumps in the ring with him and lasts more than 30 seconds. Lmao
    Second off those people that want him stripped of his title come out and show your faces.. you fin unts

  4. Sean Strickland is awesome! He should be praised and rewarded for speaking out against all of this ridiculousness in our world today. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸ‘

  5. No way should Sean be stepped of his title, as his comments to the reporter was baited by the media on a subject that had nothing to do with the sport itself!!!

  6. 01:39 – The look in Strickland's eyes says it all. He totally hates the LGBT and woke community, with their moral weakness, indecency, perversion and pedophelic nature. Also, what they have done to society, men, women, families, children, job market, national security and common decency. To be in the ring with these over-bearing, entitled, crybabies, – with no gloves, no rules, and no time limit, – would be a joy among joys.

  7. Why did you laugh at 11:50 when what he said wasn’t even untrue. He hadn’t said his own personal thoughts yet just society’s attitude to trans people ten years ago.

  8. Suspended … πŸ˜‚ free speech, this is America not Facebook or gender dysphoria lunatic supporting…lol πŸ˜‚ good job Sean

  9. Sean is only telling the truth and that is something Wokey's can't stand, truth and logic. I loved how he mentioned how they push their agenda on us to believe what they believe.

  10. How is your opinion and giving it, a tricky situation? The biggest con this decade is losing our ability to have an opinion. So freaks and blue hairs can scream their opinion at 98% of the world and it is okay but your opinion and mine should be censored?

    Sean is a person exercising his right to free speech. Win or lose doesnt matter, he is a poster child for everything that is right. He did not mutilate any children or force explicit reading material on pre teen children. He answered questions and stated some opinions. It wasnt until tiktok and woke bs that speaking your mind became an issue for straight people.

  11. This is what I call the brutal truth.He didn't really say anything wrong,he just didn't want it rammed down his throat. Leave the kids alone.

  12. Always refreshing to hear these so called journalist of Media exposed for the phony's they are ,,,people do not care about your views or feelings ,,especially your gaslighting !

  13. @ 11:25 Sean is correct, it really used to be known as a mental illness but now all the crazies are released into society and are trying to normalize it. Anyways, I used to watch your channel all the time a couple of years ago but I couldn't stand seeing the beanie on your head all the time but now you have it off and I will be watching you more. I am re-subscribing right now. Thanks…

  14. Strickland won the fight , but to punish him , he was denied that win .
    It's a dirty world , the truth is demonized and punished .

  15. That media guy got exactly what he was after.the funny part is nobody will have the balls to do anything about it

  16. Shaun I love you man you can feel when someone is wimpy and whiny, you got good vibes; gay journalists just go away to Sodom or Gayville and stay there!

  17. Bro I don't understand why everybody is getting all upset about the toxic culture in the UFC it's always been a toxic culture but that's what makes it f**** awesome you get to see legitimate beef between these fighters but Sean has already had enough of the b******he was ready to tear a m********** down verbally anyway

  18. The soy was just seeping out of that reporter. I'm guessing he has green hair, based on the way Sean immediately sized him up. These activist reporters are a cancer, and as Sean says, the enemies of this world, along with their owners / installers.

  19. Fighters and athletes in general shouldn’t have to answer these type of questions. Ask them about the fight or shut the hell up

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