@National Hockey League

Micheal Bublé may have been on a microdose of shrooms during the draft, what else do we think they got in to?

by acuteamericium


  1. ClassicChrisstopher

    Made the draft more tolerable, what a beaut

  2. leafy-greens--

    Anyone have the clip of will arnet right after?

  3. TheLoveYouLongTimes

    I think they meant a macro dose or three micro doses bc the whole point of a microdose is it doesn’t do shit to get you high but over the long term has mental health benefits

  4. EdwardJMunson

    Microdose is below your level of perception. Whatever he was on it was much more than a little. 

  5. Harbingerdaine

    He’s back pedaling now saying he was “just kidding.” Lol

  6. BannedMyName

    I thought Bieber seemed fucked up and way too giggly too haha.

    Shades of Trey Parker and Matt Stone taking LSD before the Oscars.

  7. GGAllinsUndies

    “On”. Lol. Microdose doesn’t get you high.

  8. lol well they do sell them in stores less than a km from the rink so…makes sense.

    What a beauty

  9. Rendole66

    I am a big fan of mushrooms but does this come off as cringy for anyone else? Like it’s giving off “highschool kid who got drunk for the first time” energy. Idk I don’t want to come off as a hater but talking about being so high on mushrooms is just cringy to me idk how else to put it, do your drugs have a good time but nobody needs to know, when I do mushrooms I don’t go around telling people it just seems weird and cringy to me. Also I hate when celebrities can brag about doing illegal things because they are above the law, if I tell security I did mushrooms im getting kicked out and possible police called but Buble can tell a whole crowd and it’s a fun story because celebrities don’t live by the same rules we peasants do.

  10. SoothSaier

    One of the great things about Canada is how accessible psychedelics are. I just finished hitting my DMT vape that was delivered to my door by Canada Post 😂

  11. alldawgsgoat2heaven

    Thank god this guy took some heat away from the Fab 4 /s

  12. particleman3

    Oh no! A microdose! So an imperceivable dose to his consciousness and therefore not really an impact outside of opening up some truth. The humanity! /S

  13. Ok_Artichoke_2804

    Heehee, my guess to why Buble got chosen to be celeb cap at all stars game:
    They found out about that podcast interview buble did where they talk about how back in 2011, buble cancelled his concert to attend game 7 finals at rogers arena.. (we all know what happened). “Send him to all stars, dude cancelled concert to watch a heartbreak event” =)

  14. SnooOpinions8755

    Here are .3 of some ttbvi pans. Good luck buddy! 😂

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