@New Jersey Devils

Devils at the 2026 Olympics

With the announcement today that [NHL players are returning to the Olympic hockey tournament in 2026 and 2030](, what Devils do you think we’d expect to see representing their countries? I think we could expect a decent number of Devils making their nation’s team in 2026.

by MaroonMarauder


  1. Timo, Nico, Nemec, Bratt, both Hughes, Seigs, Griz. Haula perhaps, Mercer maybe but he’d need another huge jump to have a chance.

    Forgot palat, him too

  2. MaroonMarauder

    i was looking over the roster, and this is what I was thinking:

    * Switzerland – Nico, Timo, and Siegs should be on the team. Can Akira maybe find his game in the next year or 2 and make the roster?

    * USA – Jack is a definite and Luke I think is very likely

    * Sweden – Bratt should be a lock

    * Canada – Dougie should get consideration. Pretty competitive pool so he could get left out.

    * Slovakia – Nemec should be a lock

    * Czech Republic – Palat will be going on 36, but could he still make the team as an older vet with good experience in big games?

    * Finland – Haula maybe? Could fit in as a bottom 6 C/W who can help on the PK.

    * Germany – Could Daws maybe end up with a spot? Don’t know a lot of German goalies so not sure how deep their pool would be.

  3. FilmNerdasaurus

    If Luke makes it that’s great for us


    Jack and Luke


    Nico, Timo, Jonas

    Maybe Schmid he was supposed to last Olympics



    Holtz is a distant but never know



    Vitek may just cause of their options



    Canada is a lot of maybes:

    Hamilton, Toffoli, Mercer

  4. MartyBro30

    Bratt, Meier, Jack Hughes, Hischier, all are locks. Nemec also a strong possibility

  5. All Our Swiss boys for sure.

    Bratt for Sweden. Hugheseseses for the US. Nemec for Slovakia. Ondrej for Czech. Dougie probably not by that time, too many good Canadian defenders and by 2026 he will be a bit older.

    Edit: I had no idea Haula was Finnish! But I’m thinking he won’t make it. They have a lot of top end talent, and I think theyd pick some guys in their Finnish leagues before haula

  6. SillySymphonyIV

    Can’t wait to attend the games and cheer on the USA and Devils’ players. Doesn’t matter what country they are playing for 🙂
    La dolce vita. Ci vediamo in Italia.

  7. nostradamefrus

    Obviously, devils legend Max Willman will single-handedly take home the gold

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