@Calgary Flames

Milan Lucic hits Randy Jones, Edwards loses it [HD]

MIlan Lucic hits Randy Jones behind the net, Jack Edwards notes the irony of the Philly crowd wanting a boarding call, on 3/29/09.


  1. lmao jack fucking edwards. if any of you austistic fucks complain about his commentating along with Brickley's shove it up your ass, he's a LOCAL for a REGIONAL sports network of course he's going to be biased! they have passion and support the team they watch and commentate every night! you're just jealous our commentators actually care about our games and aren't just talking so they can recieve a fat ol' paycheck after the game

  2. I understand the irony, but you never laugh at a dirty hit. Boarding, hitting from behind, whatever you want to call it. If Jones had been hurt, would it have still been funny?

  3. I love how many more likes this gets then the haters of Mr. Edwards guy is the funniest and best announcer anyone would love this guy if he was YOUR announcer

  4. Jaba, no fuckin way he's funny. He spins everything even when a Bruin gets knockout. And no, I would keep hall of famer Mike Lange. Edwards will never get in.

  5. It's so awesome to think that I'll never be worse at my job, whatever job it is, than Jack Edwards is at his.

  6. A few times I'd seen sumo wrestling on ESPN and Edwards was doing the commentary. I thought he did a terrific job. sumo wrestling…

  7. Hey guys – I don't know hockey too well. Is this a clean hit or not? And why or why not. And no Lucic bashing 🙂 just a straight answer. 

  8. What a tool. Nice to know the standards for broadcasting are so high in Boston. lol Bruins fans should be embarrassed 

  9. That's funny, if the league had any stones, would have done something about Jack Edwards years ago. That is a borderline call, could have gone either way….but to laugh at NHL fans like that? Obviously he has no respect for hockey or the NHL, just the people who sign his paycheque

  10. Ladies and Gentlemen, This…is local announcing. Understand now? Quit whining. He's supposed to be a homer. I don't like the Pittsburgh Penguins announcer either but his broadcasting is normal. He's a broadcaster for Pittsburgh. Not NBC.

  11. Jack Edwards is killing me🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just can’t with him. See how fast Jones popped up tho? That was priceless

  12. Edward's, what a mental case. Even though I'm a die hard Bruins fan, he always leaves me shaking my head. Wow.

  13. would love to see Fat Maroon plug Jackie Boy's facehole with a few right crosses. seriously, i don't think Jackie Boy has ever been punched; he needs to learn the consequences of running his mouth

  14. Man this was so satisfying to watch and still Randy jones literally almost killed Bergeron and ended his season like a week before this I think but I could be wrong

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