@New York Rangers

[Friedman] Gauthier (NYI) on waivers

I always liked the kid and I mean, we could use a speedy RW lol… [Source](

by lionson76


  1. -TheSkyAboveThePort

    And a certain user on this sub is now drooling 

  2. ominousgoat

    He’s the perfect AAAA player.

    He’ll play a game or two and look great, then after a couple games he’s invisible.

    Scratch him a few games and he’ll look great for a game or 2 again and then go back to being invisible.

    Rinse and repeat.

  3. jeffschiller

    I love Gauthier, so I’d pick him up with a quickness. Draws penalties, has speed and size, and can even score a little bit.

  4. Aptwombat

    How many gauthier are there in the NHL? I feel like it’s quite a few

  5. Me, patiently waiting for NYM32 to enter this thread

  6. njerejeje

    That’s funny because I was told by someone on here that he was an amazing player that every team in the NHL should be dying to have,

  7. Dsaisiasd

    Perfect 4th liner. Can skate the puck out of the d zone. Drawers penalties while crashing the net. Hits. If used correctly he could be almost like Grabner on the pk.

  8. roscomikotrain

    I hope someone claims him- was always rooting for him.

  9. MarsHotelSouth

    Gauthier gets way too much hate. I would see nothing wrong with him as a fourth line option. Literally has almost 2x the points Goodrow does (which doesn’t say much, but still)

    I bet he’ll get claimed before we have a chance to take him

  10. wet_washcloth

    Fuck that. Also fuck everybody who said Rangers fumbled the bag during his once a year hot streak

  11. showtime66

    Obviously there are some crazies who claim he’s a superstar in the making, but I think he’s an acceptable 4th line/scratched player option for most teams. 

    His ability to stretch the ice and draw calls once or twice a game playing limited minutes is valuable to any team really. Point totals have never been there, but you can’t understate the physical tools

  12. Anyone who thinks this dude is worth more than a spot in Hartford has no idea what they are talking about.

  13. PaulMarnersFurHat

    We should claim him immediately. No one here can tell me in good faith that he wouldn’t be a fantastic fourth line piece.

    Kreider Zibanejad Tarasenko

    Panarin Trochek Lafreniere

    Cuylle Novak Kakko

    Vesey Goodrow Gauthier

    That lineup would feed families. He’s no worse than any of the other stiffs we are sending out there currently.

  14. RedLegRey

    He has more goals than Brodzinski and is younger. I’d rather have him in the lineup if he doesn’t cost much

  15. jkman61494

    Scoring aside, whatthis team desperately needs right now is some speed. If he goes on the ice to flip zone pressure and draw a couple penalties and put in three goals before the end of the year, I would consider that a significant contribution

  16. Wesley__Willis

    Funny, he wasn’t really playing poorly overall but seems to have immediately fallen out of favor with Roy. I don’t think he’s that great but he’s better than guys like Brodzinski. Would think his term might scare teams away from claiming him though.

  17. blueline7677

    Idk but right now I want to see a Cuylle Kakko Gauthier line. Try Kakko out at center maybe he blossoms he played there minimally in Finland and he’s good defensively

  18. I’ll always like Gauthier solely because I got a cool video of him scoring for the Wolf Pack last season

  19. Zero-jiggler

    Goat currently has 9 points in 27 games (5 goals). Pitlick and Goodrow have 10 in 45 games (2 goals). If we’re gonna shit on him for “not scoring” realize he is literally better offensively than pretty much our entire fourth line.

  20. To the eyes he has a very coveted blend of size, speed and willingness to go to the net. He draws penalties in limited minutes. But coaches hate him for some reason. I’m guessing he’s a bonehead and coaches aren’t willing to invest in a long term project like that.

  21. explosivebuttfarts

    Gauthier would be an upgrade to our fourth line, but nowhere near worth 1.5 million fucking dollars for two years, yeesh

  22. NewUserWorldnews

    Well well well, if it isn’t exactly what we all expected

  23. He has 9 points in 27 games? And it took us 45 to waive bonino

  24. nyrangers95

    How is this possible?  The guy who’s always talking him,Kravstov,Nils and Tony D being 5 on 5 darlings can’t be wrong. Only guy who looks to be in NHL is Nils and he isn’t the top pairing Dman that was projected by Analytics 

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