@Winnipeg Jets

An Analytical Profile Of Sean Monahan and His Worth to the Winnpeg Jets

Hello all,

Here is a bonus post today on an analytical deep dive on the new guy: Sean Monahan.

I think he’ll be helpful but there’s some large question marks.

I also have my normal Friday post but I will wait to share that after the trending topic fades a bit hahah!

As always, give me your thoughts and questions.

by garret9


  1. MLiterovich

    I know the Jets won’t likely do this, but I wouldn’t mind trying Monahan out as 4C while he gets used to the systems. I think Namestnikov has actually looked surprisingly good at 2/3C, even though that’s not a traditional role for him, but I don’t have access to all the information that others might have.

    If this team is running:

    Connor – Scheifele – Villardi

    Niedereiter – Lowry – Appleton

    Perfetti – Namestnikov – Ehlers

    Barron – Monahan – Iafallo

    …that’s pretty legitimate in my view. Maybe you swap Namestnikov and Monahan at some point, but the real benefit is in moving Kupari/Gustafsson to the press box, not in replacing Namestnikov with Monahan, in my opinion.

  2. KMerrells

    This was a risky move for Chevy, but a potential Cup run necessitates this kind of move (especially one that doesn’t cost us current roster players). I really like that Chevy makes risky moves when the moment warrants it (an unexpected Cup run), but plays a more consistent, conservative game in the long term. However it turns out, I like the approach.

  3. I wonder if there is any chance Namestnikov could take Appleton’s spot on the Lowry line. Seems like that could be a nice upgrade.

  4. Leburgerpeg

    I don’t love the idea of him eating away at Namestnikov’s 5v5 ice time. He’s been a solid 200 foot contributor and taking his minutes and giving them to a pretty one dimensional player could end up being a net negative. While certainly bumping a guy like Toninato out of the lineup helps, I think there were better fits available and for less (Henrique) if the goal was to improve your 4th line center.

  5. Just_Merv_Around_it

    Monahan will definitely help with the power play, which is something the Jets desperately need.

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