@Vancouver Canucks

Ryp the team dog has passed away according to Jill White, his owner :(

Ryp the team dog has passed away according to Jill White, his owner 🙁

by YirbyBond00Y


  1. AidanITC2

    just fell to my knees this is the worst thing to happen ever

  2. Nuck_1198

    That’s so sad! I don’t think he was even that old, I wonder what happened??


    RIP Ryp.

  3. ggpurplecobras

    Oh my God, this is terribly sad. Wasn’t Ryp not even 2 years old?

  4. SenselessWetfart

    Between this and Kuz leaving we lost two puppies this week. RIP Ryp

  5. ReclaimerM3GTR

    No way, he was just a pup, I got to see the little guy at the home opner last year

  6. Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that! That’s so sad.
    RIP Ryp.

  7. hannahps4

    Sweet pup. He was a bright spot during a dark season last year. Sad to lose him so young. RIP Ryp 😞

  8. Flintydeadeye

    Oh no. That’s so sad. Anyone know what happened?

  9. I met Ryp a few months ago and spent an afternoon with him. He was such a beautiful, playful puppy who loved playing tug of war with his toys (when he wasn’t training.) This is really sad.

  10. chaotic_evill

    Whattttt!!! He was so young oh my god this is so so sad poor lil guy 💔💔

  11. CamaroGirl96

    Noooo! This is terrible news. I was lucky enough to give him some pets at the Bieksa game last season. Gonna give my dog some extra snuggles tonight that’s for sure.

  12. PaperMoonShine

    I know what it’s like to lose a pup so young. Lost my first to a car accident and my second to heart failure. Rest in peace Ryp.

  13. Largebargecharge

    Damn. He was a good boy, got to see him at the training camp in Victoria

  14. This season is now dedicated to Ryp. What a sweet pup. RIP.

  15. Holyshitmuffin

    That one photo of him and kuz always in my heart 😢

  16. So sad. I hope the caretaker is ok, even if we don’t know what happened it’s still a very traumatizing thing to go through.

  17. Bittroffm

    This absolutely ruined my night.
    I am in full denial – refusing to believe it.
    Squeezing my dog extra tight.
    My gf just saw Ryp at the mall a few weeks ago. 💔

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