@Boston Bruins

All Time Power Rankings #2: Boston Bruins

All Time Power Rankings #2: Boston Bruins

Welcome back all right so we’re going to talk about the Boston Bruins Yep they’re number two on the power rankings alltime countdown which means people may know who’s number one but we’ll go through this anyways Boston has had quite the Run uh it has been absolutely fantastic

Uh 7.17 their average on the power rankings that means on average they’re in the top row and the numbers add up 99 weeks in the top row 49 weeks in the second row eight weeks in the third row and one week I had them in the bottom row one

I assume that was uh that was that was a tough week for them but at the very least Boston’s had a really good run they’ve gone all the way to the Stanley Cup Final in 2019 and then the question becomes how do you get back um you’ve

Got Marshon in his 30s now and and at what point in time does Boston get get to and maybe win a Stanley Cup is this going to be the year uh there are some concerns I have now on the power rankings a week ago January 20th uh they

Were fifth on the power rankings this week last time I looked they’re still fifth but we’ll see whether or not they’re fifth by the end of the day they’re playing Philadelphia that game starts in like half an hour so um just to give you an idea for when I’m doing

These and and just how much I’m I’m needing to to punch these out and remember my schedule and everything uh but their top scorer not really a surprise here uh poock 468 games 273 goals 290 assists 563 points uh poock he takes over a game I know during the

Summer I had poock I think had him number six in the forwards in the NHL and there were a lot of people saying I can’t believe you have poer knock so high and he shouldn’t be that high but I absolutely he should be Posto’s fantastic and again uh it’s one thing

We’re watching all 32 teams he is one of those few talents that can just take over a game by himself you know in that COV McKinnon McDavid range uh he’s just fantastic their top goalie from 201718 until now in terms of wins toas record

Of one 104 42 and 18 and a 917 safe percentage I am on team Tuka I always have been I think bras was fantastic uh it is a shame he didn’t win a Stanley Cup as the starter but he has a cup ring as the backup in 2011 man that’s pretty

Good so their last playoff appearance of course is a famous playoff appearance in 2023 where they were president’s Trophy winners which I knew they president Trophy winning Bruins teams don’t win Stanley Cups they just don’t I know that from the 9s so this year it doesn’t look like they’re going to win the

President’s trophy I say it doesn’t look like but they they still could uh that being said in terms of overall points percentage from 2017 2018 until now they’re number one in the NHL 700 yeah first uh and again being fifth on the most recent Power Rankings we’ll see

Where they are this week and going forward but it’s not really about the power rankings is it it’s about Stanley Cup wins so to get there I think they’re going to need help down the middle I’m not saying anything negative about the centers they’ve employed this year

They’ve done the best they can but I think if you’re going to win a Stanley Cup you need to get a little better down the middle I I’ve seen rumors that they might be tied to uh Lindholm out of Calgary Lindholm has not been performing particularly well this year uh does the

Change of scenery maybe help him improve maybe I I don’t know if I necessarily want to bank on that especially considering cap hits and then being a pending free agent and yeah I I have some concerns in that event but either way whatever the Bruins decide to do

Whether add or they don’t it’s going to be the hard work uh they they’ve been one of the most hardworking teams in the league I would put them in the same category is La when La was winning um San Jose uh hey they don’t have a great

Win loss record but they’ve been working really hard Philadelphia they’ve got that hard work as well I think it’s worn them down getting towards the All-Star break but for Boston that may very well be what causes them to go through their slumps too it’s hard to keep that up for

82 games it is but they play a tough defensive game they try to minimize chances against and yeah uh we’ll see if they can do that the rest of the season the other issue that I I I think they need to keep an eye on is

Depth on the blue line uh they may be in the market for adding a defenseman or two uh not that there’s anything wrong with the defense they’ve employed but it does feel again like if they’re going to go on a long run in the playoffs and plan for it they’re probably going to

Need to beef up their depth on the blue line a bit since the Blue Line will often be injured during playoffs doesn’t matter which team it is um although in the time this Channel’s been around there was the one year that I think five of their top six defenseman were out by

The end of that Series against Ottawa years back that was crazy but at any rate the Boston Bruins one of the top two teams on on the power rankings and I I don’t see any reason why they can’t win a Stanley Cup I can see reasons why

People don’t want them to win a Stanley Cup hey I I get it they’re the most unpopular of unpops And yet when I post videos on the Bruins they don’t necessarily get the least amount of views so I would I would say there’s probably some hate watching in there too

And if Boston’s not doing well and I do a video on that I would imagine that video would do really well people get popcorn be like cool um and I and I understand that as a Boston fan but I will go ahead and pleasantly disagree

And say no I I want them to win I want them to achieve in the playoffs but is this the year I think they need to add at least one Center at least one and and I I wouldn’t mind if they added a couple um you know

Te’s been really good geek’s been fine coil’s been fine there’s nothing wrong with zaka it’s just it feels like they’re missing something and I think that’s part of the reason why people would speculate on whether or not berson would come back because they definitely look like if they added berson and if it

Didn’t disrupt the team at all and I I say that because it can adding a player absolutely can even if it’s somebody they all know it can disrupt A team’s flow and they’re overall play but I I understand why people would say Hey you know if berson came back because

Honestly if Bon came back and could play it around a point per game then yeah I might be picking Boston to win the Stanley Cup cuz uh I I don’t learn but let me know your thoughts in the comment section below as always don’t forget to

Hit like And subscribe in the event that you haven’t already thank you guys so much for all your support I will talk to you again soon

They are in contention again, though they may need to add at the deadline if they’re going to win a Cup this year.

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  1. gotta feel bad for toronto, number three on the power rankings but the two ahead of them are the ones they have to play in the playoffs of course its the bruins


    Top Row: 99 times before last week

    2nd Row: 49 times

    3rd Row: 8 times

    Btm Row: 1 time

    Avg: 7.16

    Best: 1

    Worst: 26

    First: 22 Times

    Last: 0 Times

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