@New Jersey Devils

Amanda Stein (@amandacstein) on X

I cannot stress this enough, fuck this fucking cursed ass season.

by theketchupthief


  1. Satanic_Doge

    3 of those 4 are no surprise.

    Dougie is likely done for the season. Jonas and Brendan still need to heal.

    HOPEFULLY we get Jack back in a week or so.

  2. JewFaceMcGoo

    We just need to make the playoffs and go in with Jack. Goalies can get hot, it’s proven, we can take the East.


  3. I mean, we know Dougie is done for the season. I don’t expect we’ll see Siegs or Smith till the end of the month or March.

    Jack still not skating is worrisome though. I was hoping we’d see him in the Carolina game on Saturday. Still possible I guess, but the longer he is out the more suffering we’ll likely endure.

  4. 100% on Ruff. Brunette would not have tolerated it. Any other coach would find the hidden HoF in each AHL call up. Get the pitchforks!

  5. 2WheelAddiction

    What if I won’t go to f’n X to see what she has to say

  6. opposite_of_hotcakes

    Why is this a surprise to anyone? We knew they wouldn’t be back anytime soon. Jack being the only accepting and I’ll give him maybe another week.

  7. FacebookDevilsFans

    If Fitz fires Ruff this week, the season will turn around!

  8. SoftComplaint

    > Jack Hughes, Jonas Siegenthaler and Brendan Smith all skated today says #NJDevils    Lindy Ruff

    > Ruff on Jack Hughes:

    > “I know (Hughes) is a lot closer than before but I can’t really give you a date. It could be soon. It could be a few more days. We haven’t had him in a full practice. It may come tomorrow if things go well today. Go from there.”

  9. TomatoNoah

    My guess is they are being extremely cautious with Jack. He clearly got hurt but it didn’t look like something this bad. I’d prefer this over rushing him back but it is getting concerning of course.

  10. The Hughes situation ominously reminds me of a few seasons ago when Hall was “day to day” until suddenly it was like, oh never mind, he had knee surgery and is going to be out for a long time.

  11. Lindy just said Siegs, Brendan and Jack all skated this morning. So… probably week to week?

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