@Tampa Bay Lightning

Gotta See It: Did Shaw bite Hedman?

Victor Hedman was not a happy camper on the bench following a scrum with Patrick Kane that saw him put Andrew Shaw in a headlock. According to Hedman, Shaw responded by biting him.


  1. As a defenseman I understand the need to protect your goalie, but that was just a cheap shot by Hedman. He deserved the bite.

  2. Hedman deserved it. He hit kane for no reason so shaw came to hit Hedman to defend for his teammate. THEN HEDMAN PUT HIM SHAW IN A HEADLOCK. SO HE DESERVED THE BITE LOL ! GO HAWKS

  3. What are you doing goof? It really isn't possible to justify a bite unless if a big time cheap shot is involved which is not evident here.

  4. No proof he bit him. And before the comments come saying " ur just saying that cuz ur a bandwagon Hawks fan har har," shut the hell up. And yes, it's obviou that there's no proof.

  5. As much as I don't agree with biting, but when you stick your glove in someone's face or put them in a headlock and your forearm or whatever body part is blocking their airway what do you expect to happen?

  6. The NHL is running out of true original pests…
    shows Brad Marchand
    I said pests!
    Shows Sean Avery
    I meant TRUE pests!
    shows Andrew Shaw doing this

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