@Columbus Blue Jackets

Sillinger boarding on Beniers – Have your say!

Cole Sillinger was issued a two minute minor penalty for boarding Matty Beniers with this hit. It was called a minor right off the bat and therefore never reviewed. Should this have been more? Have your say!


  1. other comments aren't relevant. It has nothing to do with how the contact occurs:

    Boarding is the action where a player pushes, trips or body checks an opponent causing them to go dangerously into the boards. This includes: Accelerating through the check to a player who is in a vulnerable or defenseless position and driving an opponent excessively into the boards with no focus on or intent to play the puck, or any check delivered for the purpose of punishment or intimidation that causes the opponent to go unnecessarily and excessively into the boards.

    It's pretty clear. Solid boarding all the way

  2. Not boarding, just a guy who doesn't know how to protect himself from a hit. That's all that no hit HS and college has given us. At the 6 second mark, Beniers glances right at which time he should have seen Sillinger coming. Beniers then puts his head down to play the puck KNOWING he is about to get hit. That's all this was, a coasting hit to finish the play on someone clueless as to how to protect himself from it.

  3. Was dirty whether there was a penalty or not. He wasnt facing him which is why it's controversial. To make it even more dirty is it wasn't necessary because he had already got rid of the puck. This could of ended in not only breaking his neck but ending his life which would have been bad for everyone especially the NHL. In my opinion they need to be more proactive on things like this and less worried about goalie interference and borderline off side calls. There's no player who would wish injury on another player so things like this need to be played more on the safer side rather than the riskier side. The game is way faster now than it used to be so hits like this will be a lot more damaging than back in the day. The NHL needs to protect their product a lot more and that means demanding the referees be more proactive on things like this so severe injuries can be avoided more often than not. There's no points given or taken because of a hit and the focus should be on scoring goals not being dirty and hitting someone who's not looking. That's actually what cowards do and should not reflect the image of a professional hockey player. There was no reason to hit this man in this situation other than being a coward and the guy who got hit probably assumed he wouldn't be hit in that particular situation which is why he was so vulnerable to begin with.

  4. I would say unfortunate. It was a clean and rather light hit, however because the player was shooting or dumping the puck he fell awkwardly into the boards. So could technically be boarding but I would tell every player to still make that hit every time.

  5. It's a clean hit but with intent to injure, what else could happen when you drive someone into the boards like that? I love good hard hits but I don't want to see players miss games or have shortened careers because of dirty hits.

  6. I played this game for 30 year's this was a clean hit and im not sure about everyone going on about intent to injure i personally don't think so but just my opinion

  7. Not a good hit. Sillinger made no attempt to play the puck. Sillinger could have chipped the puck back, outside the zone and taken the play the other way. Beniers needs to keep his head up and be ready to protect himself. Not a good play by either player.

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