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Intense Big Ten Games Recapped | Ryan Hammer & Casual Big Ten

Intense Big Ten Games Recapped | Ryan Hammer & Casual Big Ten

Hey hey and welcome into the Big 10 huddle I’m your host Jr and we have got a lot to talk about going on in the Big 10 Saturday was a bit of a snoozer day but Sunday has given us a lot of interesting games to talk about between

The Purdue and Wisconsin game the Illinois and Nebraska game that just ended we’re going have a lot of discussion there we’re going to talk about Michigan State in Maryland we’re also going to talk about Northwestern in Minnesota and IU losing by 14 two touchdowns for you football fans out

There to Penn State at home I’m sure our guys will have a lot to talk talk about it we have Kent Casual Big 10 back with us again on Sunday night uh you can catch Kent over on the YouTube channel podcast social media uh all that good

Good stuff and then special guest Ryan Hammer tonight uh is going to be joining us Ryan is all over social media love following his content Ryan do you have I do you have a podcast or anything like that no and see everyone always ask me maybe I should have something to

Reference to but no just just my profiles right now very good yeah so like I said all over social media Ryan does a great work and I really appreciate his content so uh appreciate that if you are listening on podcast please do give us a subscribe and a

Follow over there if you uh could give us a rating and review we appreciate that if you’re listening on YouTube please do give us a like comment below uh to let us know what you think of what we’re discussing and also get in the chat let us know if you have thoughts

We’ like to highlight what you guys are talking about what you guys think as well as what we’re talking about but uh without further Ado let’s just get right into it guys all right we have our very first game here Purdue goes into Wisconsin and wins this one 75 to 69 it

Was a big game many were highly anticipating it so much so we previewed it like five days before the game even before the Nebraska game which you know Wisconsin fell to so we won’t bring that back up Wisconsin that’s okay we know you’re not too uh too happy about that

One but uh I’ll let our guest Ryan have the floor first Ryan what were your thoughts on the Purdue win over Wisconsin uh yeah it kind of went how I anticipated it to go um it’s funny like all I think all I think about all day after the game was on Twitter like

Purdue fans were more mad than anyone else about the foul calls and the refs stuff like that I’m like y’all get still got the calls yall still won the game um I kind of understand a little bit of it but uh I hate that that is always a

Takeaway from the Purdue games but that’s just kind of the world we’re living in at this point uh but it was good like you know the game was going to be one of those classic big tank dog fights with more quality than we see in maybe like the Maryland Michigan State

Game which we’ll get to obviously but um it it was it was how I exactly how I anticipated to go it was close the entire time Wisconsin stayed true to it I thought AJ store would give me a little more in the second half of course

But uh kind of is what it is and I did not expect the balance that Purdue gave obviously we don’t really see that super often at least so yeah it was definitely a good game PR Purdue and I think one have puru better defensive efforts of the Season especially for knowing

Wisconsin you might look at 69 points and think oh is that a good defensive effort well who gets Wisconsin who can score 80 uh sometimes High 70 points up there yeah that’s a pretty good defensive performance from them Kent what were your thoughts yeah uh uh about

The officials uh first off I was thinking about going back and watching this game and doing a full breakdown on Twitter of every single call that I thought was a call and what wasn’t a call none of your guests have ever done that before right J.R I don’t think so

No okay okay I’ll just make it sure I’m GNA do that tonight so you guys be on the lookout for that on my channel okay no um in all seriousness though we talked about this last week um when I was on on Wednesday that I thought if Wisconsin split with Purdue that they

Still had a chance to win the regular season championship and uh now that they’ve lost this one I’m fully off that because I wasn’t anti anticipating them losing to Nebraska as well so with that back toback I think it’s kind of Out Of Reach for them with them still having to

Finish the season at Purdue still so um I think that that’s kind of a lost hope for them now after this game this was a huge game for that so to me I think the Big 10 Championship regular season is over and that took place today win

Purdue won now had Wisconsin won this game there was still a shot for that to be kind of a battle but that’s that’s all over now but um yeah just like a really rough week for them like I said overtime loss to Nebraska and then this

Game today but uh as far as Purdue man I just can’t say enough good things about Lance Jones I love him I think he just does so much for their team I’ve talked about him a lot before but not only his scoring but his he can rebound he can um

Get those loose balls for you and he’s been pretty good defensively as well so loving what Le Jones is doing and then it’s just the same old guys uh every game for them it’s Zach e and then uh Braden Smith which I know people think I

Don’t like Braden Smith I do we played a game a few weeks back where we had to switch somebody from Michigan to produce team and I said that I’d switch Doug and Braden and uh people got pretty upset with me but um you know I like Braden

Smith I think he’s a good basketball player but uh yeah good game for this was huge for Purdue like I said I think it’s the big 10 Championship today and um I think it’s over now I do I I am still excited about the rematch or rematches

Because I still think there’s a good chance that not only are they going to finish the season playing against each other but they might play in the Big 10 Championship too which would be amazing’ be great to see this game three times this year I would love to see

That yeah I can already hear the Illinois fans yelling at you saying that Purdue uh has has it over with and that it’s done because Purdue still travels to Illinois right I think they go yeah okay they still go there uh but yeah no um I agree I think Purdue has this

Locked up unless they have some kind of a downward spiral or something like that uh where Zack just starts getting in foul trouble in games and teams are able to capitalize on that but even that I don’t think is a guarantee that a team is going to be able to capitalize on

That I was surprised from the Wisconsin fan base reaction that I was seen on Twitter I kind of felt like Ryan did where I was looking and I was like man AJ store is not doing enough in the second half here he’s not that score he’s not that playmaker that you really

Have seen AJ store to be uh now I think you know like I said prod was playing good defense on him and they had some good answers in the second half uh but a lot of the Wisconsin fans were they were coming at my guy Chucky all right they

Were coming for Chucky and saying he wasn’t doing enough he wasn’t shooting enough or whatever I don’t know uh I it was kind of mixed criticism all around Ryan did you have any thoughts on more thoughts on AJ or thoughts on Chucky at all yeah I mean AJ like he he’s a Score

First kind of player like he’s the most talented player I guess on the floor really on both teams honestly and that’s majority of big 10 games maybe every game so he’s going to have those nights it’s like any basketball player that you’ve seen as a wing scorer where

They’re going to shoot 20% from the field every now and then but you got to keep shooting you got to try to work through it especially when you’re losing so it kind of just is what it is it was on the wrong night they played against a

Good defensive team uh Chucky’s my guy too I was out there and I can’t do math I was out there like a week and a half ago with Chucky doing some stuff um super great dude I understand why people want more from him because he is their

Leader on and off the floor he’s their point he has the ball on his hands all the time um but his role isn’t to score 20 points game to try to score 20 I know that’s frustrating to hear maybe but I didn’t think he played awful he does so

Many little things on the floor that keeps him in games like this in terms of steals and assists and playmaking and stuff like that and just gritty defending against Braden Smith on like the pick and roll and getting around Zack Ed even though he’s half the size

Of him uh to try to defend Braden when he gets into that lane but um I get it I kind of get it you want more but it’s it’s not his role and he’s not going to give you 25 every single night and that’s why I think a guy like AJ store

Is there um but I thought Chucky was still pretty good for the most part like I don’t think he turned the ball over at all in the entire game and he still had a few assists and did what he was supposed to do so yeah I agree I mean

Tyler wall and AJ store I mean and Max kman those are really those guys that you need to lean on for the scoring to me Chucky heurn brings that good strong defense you know he’s kind of annoying in the in the passing lanes and what was

It uh Nebraska just two nights ago he had like two steals in a row uh back to back in possessions and was able to go down and get um get Buckets that way so um I don’t know I don’t get the Chucky hate personally after this game I I get

You want a little bit more from him um but at the end of the day it is what it is um Kent we saw Zach Edy struggle a little bit early in this one he he was not doing kind of his normal stuff in fact he wasn’t even the leading scorer

In this one lance Jones was the leading scorer uh at all so I’m not going to ask if you have any concerns about Zack EDI but I did feel like Wisconsin hit in some areas here that was able to not take down Zach but minim ize him more

Than I have seen other teams do so uh especially with him on the defensive end with what Wisconsin was doing um K do you have any concerns going forward about what Wisconsin was able to do to Zach Edy and if other teams are going to

Be able to figure that out too I don’t I don’t have concerns about it be and I if you’re a Purdue fan I don’t think you should be concerned either because it’s happened a few times this year I remember I came on the night after the

Uh time that they played Michigan and I thought Michigan did one of the best jobs actually in Zach but it doesn’t matter because there’s so many other guys that can score for that team that even if he gets shut down like completely uh Purdue’s just got too many

Dudes that can um you know pick up where he’s leaving some slack I guess if you would call it but he’s he is still very difficult to guard he’s still a guy that you know when coaches are prepping for this game they have to put in a ton of

Scout work on what they’re going to do in game plan around him no matter what and even if you do game plan around him and you can shut him down like I said there’s just too many other guys so um I’m not concerned for the team in general I guess if you’re concerned

About his points per game or something like that that might be um there might be some tape out there now that has shown that there’s ways to neutralize him but um yeah I’m not concerned for Purdue I was gonna go back to the Chucky thing too for Wisconsin fans I’m

Confused like why you are mad now about this like this is he’s played like the same his whole career like nothing really changed there’s no reason to be like up in arms after this game like how come he didn’t score more like that’s this he did exactly what he’s always

Done for them and it’s worked out pretty good for Wisconsin so far so I don’t know why he’d be mad about it now yeah I mean I think he was less efficient in this one he was one for six and 0 for one from three point uh but

Then again he was also four for four from the free throw line so um you know but I think he also did what you kind of expect a guy to do when he’s shooting and he’s not hitting shots you know kind of is what it is and he moved on from

There and he still had two steals in this one um what three fouls which is isn’t awful or anything so um I don’t know uh what what fans are thinking so much about it because I’m kind with you Kent where it’s like kind of what he’s

Done all season sure he’s a little bit less efficient but it is what it is um last question on this game Ryan before we uh move on from the next one Wisconsin two losses in a row one at Nebraska one of the hardest places to

Play in the Big 10 this year and one at home to to Purdue are you having any concerns about Wisconsin going forward here no no no more than like they played the way they’re supposed to play and that that’s kind of just like the big 10

Scheduling it just kind of is what it is and like yeah you want to win that game at Nebraska and of course you want to win every game at home because they’re a top 10 team of the country um it it hurts probably in the short term but

Give it a week if when they win another game or two next week and something like that and they’ll be fine and they’ll completely forget about this uh it hasn’t really set them back especially with a lot of other top 10 and 15 teams losing this week where they won’t dip in

Rankings too much if people really care about that that much um which I know fans definitely definitely care about that for whatever reason if one two spots difference they’re ah we should be 12 instead of 13 or whatever um but it it’s not much to worry they haven’t

There there’s no major red flags in these two losses right like they played most for the most part in into the game situation and what they had to and it kind of just fell didn’t fall their way so they should be fine I wouldn’t be worried too much yeah what do you think

K yeah I’m right with him I think that they’ve shown enough this year that um they’re a strong team and I’m not I’m not concerned about either one of these losses like you said Nebraska’s a tough place to play and by the way they were

Up by a lot at during that game so like they were playing pretty well uh you know most of that game I will say I I know we’re not going back to that game that was the first time as far as concerns that Nebraska game was the

First time I saw them like look shook for a minute like they looked like they were not doing what they normally do and they looked kind of out of sorts but uh besides that I’ve never seen that happen before if they can shake that off um I think they’ll be fine they’re

Fine yeah Jeff letting us know here kpom has Illinois losing three more and Wisconsin losing only one more that’s what I was going to do next real fast before we move on is kind of go through the schedule I mean at Michigan next that’s a win right um at record this is

Wisconsin schedule or Purdue uh Wisconsin’s okay at Michigan at Ruckers I say those are both wins whoa whoa I’m from Jersey out here we we defend the rack with our heart okay I’m not Ruckers fan but it’s a tough place to play I

Will I I’ll give him that come on I I we have been uh called a Ruckers podcast in football so I I feel like I have to bring that over a little bit in basketball I’m all for Ruckers I I don’t really think this is their year just

Because unfortunately the uh the stuff going on with losing players but man if I was a records fan I’d be so hyped to be getting the two guys guys coming in uh what was it Harper and Dylan and Ace yeah yeah Dylan and yeah uh bringing

Them in so so I mean no disrespect Ruckus fans I’m very much for you next year but uh Ohio State lost everybody’s going to beat Ohio State for the rest of the year so those are my thoughts on Ohio State um at Iowa win right I mean

We you call that a win Maryland Ryan what do you think home against Maryland home against Maryland they’ll win that game yeah yeah at Indiana I don’t think Indiana’s all that good we’ll talk about them later home against Illinois home against Ruckers and then at Purdue I I

Feel like kenpom probably has that one loss against Purdue and that’s probably it don’t you guys think yeah yeah they’ll probably like they it’s the big 10 though also I think Kemp bom also has everybody within within the top 100 even Michigan Ruckers or maybe really close

Like just outside top 100 so the bottom of the league is so tough where like we see it every year at the Big 10 they just beat down on each each other and yeah it’s good for your quad One games for your strength and schedule to get

Extra teams in the tournament but it just kind of like demoralizes you and you play styles that you you aren’t going to be playing every single game in March because teams don’t play like this and it kind of that’s why the Big 10 has struggled so much in March in the last

Few years um so like they might lose two or three games the rest of the way and it’s still going to be a very very good end of the season for them because that’s just the nature of the Big 10 like if they lost at Ruckers Illinois

And Purdue and won every other game like they’re fine they’re going to be perfectly fine yeah no I agree I agree I could see one one more loss in there or something Illinois will probably give him a good game um but but yeah you’re right the

Big 10 is tough and uh you can never count a full win um or fully count it on a win uh in these games so all right good stuff there let’s move on to the next one Speaking of Nebraska Illinois wins in overtime over Nebraska I was

Really upset guys we would have had five days of overtimes in a row if Ohio State wouldn’t have you know double dribbled in that one but it’s why did they do that because they’re dumb oh okay just making sure I don’t know there’s a reason why I started leaving Ohio to say

Off of the uh list of games we talk about because it just turns into me crapping on him the whole time because I don’t really like my team this year but it is what it is so um let’s move on to like I said Nebraska and Illinois uh

Illinois comes through clutch here in the end they had a 10-point lead late and then Nebraska made the comeback and there was that questionable foul call toward the end of regulation that um who was it was it domask uh that that got the foul called on and he was able to

Hit the free throw miss the second one uh so they went to overtime Kent we’ll get your thoughts on this game first what you think yeah I joked about it on Twitter this morning when I was putting out the like what games are happening today tweet that uh you know obviously

With the other game that was taking place today I said that this could be the game of the year Illinois and Nebraska and you know what it actually turned into a very entertaining game I I love this game that was fun to watch um you know just throwing punches back and

Forth there was a couple moments like at the end though you talked about that foul already but there was a spot uh I think there was about 17 seconds left I can’t remember exactly because it just happened but Jawan Gary had a chance to

Get an and one and they were down two at the time and it just rol it barely like missed it hit the uh heel of the rim and then came out but if he hits that and one they could have won that in regulation and then uh there was just

Some weird turnovers by Illinois with like 30 seconds left but overtime was awesome um like I said they were just going back and forth and then um the very end of overtime Nebraska still had a chance to tie it one more time they had the ball and uh tomaga threw it to

Mast and it was going to be a deep three but he tried to I thought I’m not going to be be too critical of mass because he’s been so good this year and he was even good in this game but I thought he should have pulled that right when he

Got it because he had uh Shannon Jr closing out on him and he ended up stealing the ball right out of his hands and that was the game so um I would have liked to see him at least get that shot up a chance to tie it one more time in

Overtime but uh you know this is a great game and it’s nice because uh if you’re a Nebraska fan at least to even though you lost this game it’s nice to see them show up on the road because they haven’t done that yet hardly at all this year um

So you see a Nebraska team maybe turning the corner maybe they can uh pick up a few Road wins uh down the stretch here if you talk to uh some of their fans or guys that are watching a lot of their games um they need a road win to to be

The NCAA tournament you know um I don’t know if that’s 100% true because I’m not a bracketologist but um yeah I think that they can get some now that I’ve seen this I’m a little bit more convinced that they can actually go on the road and win one but this is a good

Win for Illinois too though you got to give them credit um expected to win this game expected to win it by a little bit more but um you know Nebraska came in fighting and they got the win uh at the end of the day so that’s what they

Needed yeah I mean it looked like Ito was going to win by a little bit more like I said they were up by 10 you know getting to near the end of the game and Nebraska was able to make a comeback and and I agree if I’m a Nebraska fan I’d

Love to see that you know on the road and making a comeback like that late late in the game and being resilient to do that I love to see that hate the result of the game obviously L but it would give me hope for uh playing some

Road games in the future Ryan what were your thoughts yeah it’s a tough I mean for Nebraska you guys you hit it like that’s a tough game you don’t expect to win you got to take more positive than negative away from that I got to imagine

At least um the road win thing is true it’s not like the committee is gonna look at it and be like they have zero Road wins they can’t be in the tournament that’s like it’s not black and white but teams like Ruckers I think it was last year maybe it was two years

Ago when they missed the tour I think it was last year they just missed a tournament they were so so good at home and so bad on the road and it basically ruins their strength of record it ruins everything it ruins their kmom rating um so it basically like deter determines

Their metrics metric ranks and Nebraska in the in the tournament as of right now they’re like quote unquote on the bubble but they’re on the right side of the bubble um they will have to win a couple of big games like that this was not a

Game that you needed to win by any means I think they did their job for the most part like it kind of sucks the way it fell out um the shot making was incredible too like we know they can shoot they shot I don’t know what they

Shot from three I have it up here somewhere they shot 43% from three we’ve seen them do that time and time again like Cas tomonaga rank M they can let that thing fly and it felt like they were just like there for the moment and like when you think about the NCA

Tournament those games were like say they’re like an eight or nine seed which is like very very attainable very likely for them when they play a one seed in the second round like they can get into the heat of momentum and in those moments and hit those big shots and like

They might not win those games I’m not sure but those are the little things like the the non-metric and non-statistical things that like you want to see um and also having Joan Gary and their whole entire team healthy what it feels like now they’re able to defend

A little more athletically which is good because I had that worry against a team like Illinois who was bigger and like a bunch of athletes and they’re like NBA talented guys like teren Shannon um but they’ve they played really well against that and it came out to Illinois had

Illinois has more Talent like maybe it’s only by a little bit maybe it’s a lot but Illinois has those athletes and that talent and that shot making was on their end also because like teren Shannon hit a couple of big ones at the end of regulation like that’s just kind of is

What it is Illinois is a good team so yeah I mean if you’re going to get shot making like like this from citto managa like you can beat any team out there for real I mean what 14 for 21 and then five from seven from three-point land like

That’s just amazing and you and if I told you he did that on the road like nobody would believe me you would think oh he did that at home no he’s actually struggled the past few games uh that they’ve been at home and this is I think

His first 30-point game of the season this year so uh he could be coming into his own a little bit more and kind of brushing off some of those shooting Wes that he’s had lately and uh if he starts playing like this more consistently then Nebraska is going to be very very

Formidable and I think some fans would look at this and say oh you know we only beat Nebraska by three on the road um if they maybe they didn’t watch the game and some of the thoughts that Illinois fans have had lately of we’re struggling with teren SH Jr coming back and you

Know we’re not quite looking like ourselves I felt like this is the best Illinois has looked in a couple of weeks probably ever since teren Shannon Jr came back uh and I think it’s be very encouraging that you saw your team falter a little bit lose some of their

Lead and then come back win the game even against really good shooting uh Ryan I just overall your thoughts on Illinois struggling with teren Shan Jr coming back and did they look better in this one to you yeah yeah I i’ I’d agree with that for the most part I’m not

Worried because like it’s not like he’s brand new to the programming team which I think helps a lot where he’s been there and a lot of the guys have been there for the most part um so I’m not really we to be worried at all and uh I

Mean worried in that sense at least there are other things like I don’t know how Illinois fans exactly feel about their ceing this year and can they win a big 10 title in the tournament can they go to a final four and compete for National Title I don’t know if I see

That upside um but they’re a top what 10 they’re 14 right now they’re a top 15 team in the country they basically have been all season long so you would think that if you’re top 15 all year you’re contending for a national title I just

Don’t know if they have the makeup to do that outside of the on Talent which even then I don’t know if it’s there so yeah it’s an interesting thought Kent uh I’m curious your thoughts on the ceiling of Illinois this season with Teran Sharon Jr playing better and stuff we looking

At a leite eight we looking at final four or is that asking too much maybe sweet 16’s probably the ceiling what do you think Kent I think uh I think they could go to the final four I do I think they’re that good and really it’s not

Just because of their scoring and the guys that they have that you know can put the ball in the rim I think it’s their defense you know Coleman Hawkins is I think going to win defensive Player of the Year that’s what I’ve been reading and hearing people talk about

For the Big 10 so uh they have him down low and then if you didn’t see the game tonight I thought that Teran shaneon Jr was a menace defensively like I talked about the steal he got at the end of overtime but there were other plays like

Earlier on uh towards the end of regulation just throughout the game in general that you know where he’s checking uh tomaga and he’s just right in his grill the whole time and um he’s so athletic that he can be that big body on a guard in the tournament that you

Know might be getting hot and then they run into Illinois and they they have Terence Shannon guarding him um yeah that’s G to be tough man so I think that they’re G they can make a Deep Run I think they can make it to a final four

And you know once you get there obviously anything can happen at that point yeah no I agree uh I listened to sleepers media and Greg wadell is all about them going to final four and all that stuff which um I don’t I don’t know if if Illinois plays their best game

Every single time in the tournament I could definitely see them getting to the final four uh but if they do struggle and if they do have some of these mishaps with with what’s been going on or if they do run into a team where they can’t switch like they want to and

Things like that um I could see them fall to in and maybe going down but uh the the fact is Illinois is going to be a Matchup Pro problem for many of the teams that they face a lot of these teams are not going to be able to do

Well with the size that Illinois brings out there my one concern is if they run into somebody who was able to play them similar to Zach Ed played to Ty Rogers where he just literally did not even come close to Ty Rogers when he was on the three-point line I mean he just

Stayed down Lan was able to protect the paint and Ty Rogers really wasn’t able to be much of an issue now you do have Luke goody and Justin Haron who can come in and help out in those areas but at some point I do think it’s going to come

Back to bite Illinois the fact that they don’t have a true point guard on this team and we know how important guard play is especially in the NCAA tournament Ken am I crazy to think that Illinois could be you know in danger of a possible first or second round

Exit I mean I think you are but you know we’re still GNA be friends after this that’s won’t be friends with me but that’s um I don’t think I think that their uh their floor is the sweet 16 to me that you know that’s for me I don’t

Know I could be wrong about that but um you know you Mar this is so crazy you know you see like Purdue lost last year to someone what was it Farley Dickinson last year and that shouldn’t have happened you know that and things like that happen every year so I I obviously

It’s possible but um it shouldn’t there shouldn’t be a a close game for them in my opinion until the sweet 16 that’s just how I see it like their seed Line’s going to be way too high and um they’re not just they got to get to the second

Weekend they just have to this year yeah no I agree I mean like I said I I I I know don’t think it’s the likely scenario but if they run into the wrong team it could possibly happen Ryan am I crazy to think that it’s a possibility

That Illinois’s lack of point guard true point guard on their team could end up them leaving in the first or second round of the NCAA tournament no be a both you guys said it’s like I on paper I don’t think that’s crazy at all and also it’s the tournament so like Ken

Said like anything can happen quite thing they’re going to probably end up maybe around the three but probably on like a four seed line and that’s a big difference where if you’re on that four five one you have to play a really really good mid major in the first round

So like if they get like a MCN state who’s been cooking and they they can play physical and slow the game down and give them a lot of issues and and stiple their offense a little bit I think it’s a bad matchup um just like a first team

Came in my head but then also even if you win that first game you’re likely gonna have to play the other four or five that maybe that’s Kentucky or maybe that’s someone that no one wants to play because that’s where Kentucky is at and there’s a lot of other big schools like

Illinois and these teams that don’t want to play each other so early but two of them are likely going to have to unless they get bounced first round and then you got to play a one seed after that so the path of where their likely seed is

Going to be is going to be real real tough and I and we do want to check in on Nebraska with this too because I’ve heard conflicting stuff we talked a little bit about them being on the right side of the bubble uh Ryan do you see

Nebraska as a tournament team with uh here in March yeah I have them in right now I was literally just doing this a couple hours ago before their loss pushing nine seed line probably around like a 10 and I mean this is like a weird thing but I’d rather be always

Rather be a 10 than an eight or nine because the eight or nine you got to play a team that’s just as good as you and then you got to play a one seed after that and you might get Houston or Purdue that just you just don’t want to

Play you just don’t want to play against those teams um but I think Nebraska will be in tournament I think they’re a tournament team now obviously they they’re nowhere near locked in they have a lot of work to do to keep that spot um but they’re on the right side right now

A lot of the bubble teams are like the Pack 12 teams like Colorado and Oregon and Wazoo that play like really week schedules in comparison to the other power conferences so they have a big Advantage if they can get some big wins the rest of the way yeah yeah that’s

Gonna be huge Kent we’ll finish it with you here Nebraska tournament team yes or no yes I tweeted out that they were a tournament team after they beat Wisconsin the other day but um I was just pulling up their schedule because we were talking about how bad they need

To win a road game they still have Michigan on the road that’s for sure a win and uh Ohio State and Indiana I don’t know if we already T I don’t think we already discussed that but I think that they could win all three of those

Road games um and then you know tack on a couple more home games and they’re going to be they’re they’re going to like I said I don’t do Bracketology I don’t even dabble in it so in my casual mind if you get to 20 wins uh you’re in

The tournament I don’t know if that’s normal or not in the Big 10 I think that’s fair in their situation I think that sounds fair yeah so I I feel like they will get to 20 and then I think that uh they could win one or two in the

Big 10 tournament and then they’re for sure going to be in but like I said I have no idea like what line they’ll be on or anything like that I just I would like to see them in does that count for anything I want them to be in if the

Committee’s listening I would like to see the Nebraska Corn Huskers in the NCAA tournament if you guys can make that happen I’d appreciate it well uh I feel like that helps right yeah for sure for sure um I mean really if you look at their schedule since I I

Brought it up right after you did their next game is at Northwestern and after that I mean they don’t they don’t really have any more top tier teams in the Big 10 to play they have Michigan Penn State Indiana Minnesota Ohio State and Ruckers uh good and bad I feel like yeah like

Again this is the Big 10 it’s hard to win but like if you ask me would you rather be finishing your year with two games against Michigan and away games at Ohio State and Indiana or you know two games against Purdue and away games against Northwestern like I’d rather

Choose this you said they’re at Northwestern next week yes which day is that this coming week that’s huge they’re they’re in the same spot right now they both need to oh winning at getting your away win at Northwestern but like they’ll basically lock in there

You go I I need to get out to Northwestern sometime soon they’re every single time I watch them at home this season I’m just thinking myself I got to get there I got to get there and see a game because it looks fun electric it does wait what’s that other team in

Chicago we got to go we’ll do a double header Chicago State yeah exactly no no no no no there was that remember that college we found it was like I couldn’t I can’t even remember the name of it it was like University College or something univ is it East West is that a

Real yes yes yes I know Chicago I just I just know it’s East West so it’s probably in the middle there you go yeah yeah that’s it that’s it we got to go to a East West game and then a Northwestern game just like all the direction of

Schol games yeah that’d be fun I need to go to an Indiana State game I was talking to my wife about buying tickets and going to going to that one I need to see a live before he moves on so uh all right before we move on to the next game

We want to remind you about CBB analytics CBB analytics gives me a free Pro tier to tell you every single Basketball episode about them go check them out they also have free stuff that’s very good as well so even if you don’t want to pay for it go check them

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Basketball like I said it’s really good content not just for players but also for teams and overall college basketball really really fun uh enjoy seeing that stuff so go check them out CBB analytics go check them out all right our next one Michigan State and Maryland uh Ryan you

Got your TPS hoodie on so we’ll let you start with this one Michigan State takes them uh it was at the brand Center so I don’t think this is a bad loss for Maryland obviously one you’d want to get um I love Jamir young I’ll start off by

Saying that I know some people think I hate him I don’t hate Jamir young I think Jamir young is fantastic I think Jamir young is like the best offensive weapon possibly the only offensive weapon that this Maryland team has uh Ryan what were your thoughts in the game

Yeah I I don’t know if I ever met anyone that doesn’t like Jamir young that’s that’s my glorious King as I like to call him he’s the best and like everyone just wants him to get some assistance maybe just anything ever like I think he what you have 31 he had like just

Another another of him scoring 30 I think Juju had like 10 or 12 and then no one else scored above double digits it’s just the shooting is bad the offense is bad we have no identity and um it’s it’s bad it’s bad like we should be a good

Team returning a lot of experience in Willard year two who is not a young or inexperienced coach by any means in in the broad scheme of things um it’s pretty frustrating it’s exactly how I expected it to go because Michigan State likes to play this kind of game also

They have been underwhelming all year and they still looked underwhelming in this game even though they up we got a win we’re moving on to the the next one got the result that’s important sure but their shooting was bad their offense has been the same thing all year um I was at

The Wisconsin Michigan State game that’s the game I went to last Friday night um two Fridays ago and they like their offense is so stagnant at times the majority of the time with no movement no motion no nothing and they have guys unwilling to shoot half a time like it’s

Pretty bad and it really really limits their ceiling and and what they can do in regular in everything the in regular season and postseason um two underwhelming teams in Big 10 one less underwhelming than the others I think it’s a pretty good determination of it yeah I mean I really thought Julian ree

Was going to come into this one he only had two points played only 14 minutes because he got into some foul trouble there early on so I really thought Julian ree was going to take mty Soko and Carson Cooper and kler and Booker whoever really whoever they threw down

There in the front Court I think he just going to took him to town uh but at the end of the day only two points two rebounds three assists like I said 14 minutes um so I think that was the part of it that really surprised surpris me I

Mean not surprise me obviously when he gets in foul trouble they’re going to take him out but I thought he was going to be a key piece to the win here for Maryland if they were going to get the win uh but I just don’t think he ever

Really got the opportunity those early fouls and uh had to spend time on the bench and really when you have those fouls you never really get into a rhythm Kent I know uh you’re you’re like our expert here for Michigan State and Stephen ISO and all that stuff so um

We’re just going to give the floor to you and and whatever you have for us go for it well I was going to start with the foul stuff about jul no excuses Julian uh my daughter played last night and she had two fouls in the first

Minute of the game and she still scored out they actually score out in her league if you score 16 you’re not allowed to score anymore so she was able to write the ship and you know he should be able to as well you know if she can

Do it so can Julian you know what I mean um no but uh Malik Hall man I I like Malik call a lot I thought that like the beginning of the year they just needed so much more from him and he’s kind of taking it just looks like he’s playing a

Little bit more free like there’s less pressure on him so uh seeing him do well down the stretch was a big part of this game um you know Jamir said a few weeks back stay with us that’s what he said he tweeted that out stay with us and that

Has stuck with me ever since he said that and I’m like I’m going to do this because I love watching him play basketball so much I’m going to listen to him I’m going to stay with you guys but I have to say jir the next three

Games you might you might lose me man I might not be able to stay with us um it’s ruter at Ohio State in Iowa I feel like Maryland has to win all three of these games for me to be staying with him I I think that they have to win all

Three so uh big part of their schedule coming up all three winnable games for them um I’m really interested I like I like Maryland a lot I don’t have a Maryland hoodie on right now but I love watching them play and I I would just I

Want to cheer for them but they they’re so um easy to cheer for one game and then really frustrating the next game um and this is just one of those frustrating games uh but for Michigan State like I think that um despite you know the offense being stagnant or

Whatnot I think that they are uh starting to turn the it’s kind of what we’ve always expected J.R we’ve been talking about this for a while now like they started out so bad but like they always figure it out and it seems like now they’re starting to figure out how

To win at least despite uh how ugly it might be and in a few of these games yeah no for sure they jir has figured it out I don’t know if everybody else has but jir fig talk about Michigan State oh Michigan State okay yeah no

That was that was a question I was gonna have later but uh Jeff brought up something I was going to bring up to Ryan so we’ll just bring it up now Harris Smith scoreless was big also um Ryan I don’t I don’t have any words for deshun Harris Smith anymore he was gonna

Be such a big piece to this offense I felt not like a huge piece I guess but he was going to be a piece to this offense was going to help them Thrive take some of the pressure off of jir young so he didn’t feel like he has to

Do everything and then in this game jir young has 31 and he has zero what’s the deal with deshun Harris Smith what’s going on what do you think yeah I mean his shot was never a strength like even watching him and scouting him out of high school like I was like excited for

Him to come because he brings so many physical tools and athletic tools defensively and even driving going to the basket and he has a lot of offensive upside um always knew that was a downside it has been a huge downside like crazy big downside he h he’s asked

To shoot at times every game because he has to we have no one else Jamie Kaiser has been so hot and cold and can’t really play him all the time so um it’s frustrating it’s he his he looks lost I think it’s a confidence thing at this

Point where the shooting is relating to everything else and him not wanting to have the ball in his hands as much and then not driving because guys aren’t gonna have aggressive Closeouts so he can’t attack that and get down downhill and pass his Defender which is what he

Does so well if you think he’s going to shoot you have to step up put a hand up then he’s going past you where you can’t really do that right now um yeah Jeff’s right I mean him going scoreless is a problem um him and felt like everyone

Went scoreless I said Juju before I met Dante Scott was the only one that scored double digits also yeah um but which Dante is a solid player he’s he’s going to give us a decent amount basically every game for the most part he’s frustrating at times also um but yeah

It’s it’s another Wrinkle in the story from Maryland it kind of Kent said like he’s not wearing the sweatshirt but he likes watching them I’m wearing the sweatshirt I don’t enjoy watching weird part so I don’t know I like Mar hey what what about uh Noah Bachelor how

Come he’s not getting any minutes then like I feel like I saw him in a few games ago and I was like okay finally he’s in like I’m excited to see this guy play you could put somebody out there for 24 minutes that’s not going to score

Why not get this guy some minutes you you might as well as he wants Willard wants to play jari long 4 B what feels like 40 minutes a game I like Jamie Kaiser so I want him to stay heavily in the rotation especially at this point where keep the freshman in keep the

Young guys in make sure we try to give them something to look forward to for next year try to get them to stay also um I have no answer I’m not Kevin Willard I wish I had an answer uh he’s not no Bachelor is not going to give us

Consisten consistency that we need but at the same time like you’re saying there’s no harm in putting him in for five minutes 10 minutes game you know I was gonna ask about jari long too because at the end of the day like you can’t put a guy in for 30

Minutes only get two points like I get there are some guys that like you know scoring is just not their main thing but like when jir young is out there literally just being Superman doing everything it’s like at a certain point somebody has to do something to help out

Here um Ryan we got another question from uh TPS guy anytime ju guu is out there for an insane amount of time the game is practically over yeah I don’t know if I it’s tough with ju guu I like I like Julian on the defensive end a lot uh and he does

Really good things on offense some sometimes but Ryan what do you think of of JuJu out there it’s right he’s tur guy first of all shout out tur guy but he’s right because we have like we don’t go into the bench with Bigs like we just don’t

There’s nowhere to go where Dante will play the five and small ball a little bit and then we get we can’t defend at all we can’t defend like we need to and switch and like we play against samat Soko and they have three SE basically seven-footers 61 guys that they all that

They play all the time so it’s like Michigan state does that’s painful for us uh also offensively I think he’s good I’m pretty sure he’s still like top five on the country in free throw rate and and fouls drawn and he is one of the worst free throw shooters I have seen in

Maryland basketball in the last decade like it’s really really bad to a point where I don’t understand how it’s that bad um and it just if we if he could hit free throws guys would be more careful defending him and obviously we would score more be more efficient of course

But people would be would defend him so differently and they don’t have to they can just like fit play so physical him because he’s not going to hit the free throw so it doesn’t matter yeah no I agree uh Jeff makes a good point here too Reese needs to develop something

With his right hand yes that would be helpful uh to have that um can’t let’s switch over to to Michigan State a little bit you were talking about Michigan State and possibly uh the tournament and those different kinds of things that Malik Hall has been better lately was good in

This game 19 points um you know five of nine from shooting and one of two from behind the arc so he was more efficient in this one as well he kind of jumped up there and helped out AJ hogard with eight assists in this one that was nice

Uh what were your thoughts overall from just Michigan State I know our Guy Stephen ISO didn’t get in so that’s that’s depressing but uh yeah you know I just don’t understand that I mean we’re GNA talk about guys that should be getting minutes right now it’s stepen

ISO I mean the fact that he hasn’t played in what like seven games now is just I I can’t understand it I think that you know Tom might be just delusional at this point and maybe he’s Lo maybe this has to be his last year

Right um if he’s not even going to play the best player on his team just let him sit on the bench I don’t get it but uh maybe he’ll figure it out once the tournament starts I do have to say uh for hogart um excellent drawing that technical right before halftime by the

Way um Jordan gono was already one of my favorite players and then he pushed uh AJ hogar right before halftime and now he’s just shooting up the list even higher because uh that was awesome that was awesome shout out to Jordan for that one um but no they’re they’re loaded uh

I mistakenly picked Michigan State to win the Big 10 before the season started I thought that they had a legitimate chance to thought their roster up and down was the best one going into the season and obviously I was wrong about that but if if they could start um you

Know I guess I feel like they have already started putting it together a little bit it’s just not what we expected going into the year I guess at this point but you know they still have Tyson Walker they still have Malik call they still got guys that can put that

Ball in the rim um that sounds so stupid they can put the ball in the rim we’re obviously going to be able to do that we’re they’re playing basketball Jay aens you know the guys can fill it up they have guys that they remind me kind

Of of Wisconsin they’re not as good but they have guys any given night that can be their leading scorer in the same way that Wisconsin uh does so that’s that’s going to bode well for them in March I think yeah I mean I’m back and forth on

Michigan State I chose them not to make the tournament early in the year and then I was kind of like well maybe they will and then they struggled again and I was like no they’re not and now I’m kind of back on I’m like well maybe they will

Maybe I’m going to lose my bet with tricky I don’t know Ryan you do the Bracketology and stuff like that do you think Michigan state has a CH I mean obviously they have a chance but do you think it’s likely Michigan State makes the tournament what do you

Think oh lost him oh there goes Ryan he didn’t want to answer my question um he want to talk about Michigan State yeah he was like we’re done talking about Maryland get out of here um no I think Michigan state is so hard to predict because like I said they struggled there

For a while and yes they struggled against good teams uh but then you know they what one two three four five five of their last six they’re they’re turning it on at the right time there’s Ryan uh did you hear my question before you left Ryan I did not I had some

Technical difficulties you’re good I was asking you know you do the Bracketology and stuff like that Michigan state has looked much better as of late they kind of were looking uh not so great there at the start of the year but five of their last six do you think they’re going to

Make the tournament and if so what seed line do you think they’re kind of kind of going to be around yeah I think they’re going to be one of those teams like you always see like one or two power comerce teams that has like 13 losses or something like that 14 losses

And they don’t break that 20 win but their metrics supported I get it makes sense and everyone’s up in arms about why is 19 and3 Michigan State in the tournament and 26-4 Drake just missed the MVC final like it didn’t get in and like they’re really good also like listen everybody

It’s just it’s not how it works the selection committee has like a whole thing I kind of agree in some way and like a theoretical sense I guess but um they’re probably going to be in their kenpom rating their net rating are really really high even though they

Shouldn’t be their strength record which I think is probably one of the better metrics to go by is not high at all because they don’t win a a lot of games and they have struggled this year um they’re going to be in I think I have

Them around like 11 pushing 10 or right between there right now again based on how the selection committee deems their bracket their their seeds line and stuff um but they I mean what’s to say they don’t continue on a decent path and push up to an eight or nine or maybe even a

Seven like they did last year and they were heating up at the right moment and then all of a sudden it’s like well Michigan State’s here again and they’re going to take down one of the big boys in the second round so um I wouldn’t put it past them even through their

Struggles because they were better at this point last year than they are now this year um but I might if I had a gun to the Head yes or no they they will be in the tournament yeah if Drake if Drake wins 26 games Ryan and they don’t make

The tournament would you say that’s God’s plan wow that was pretty good I it took me a second to I was like I’m thinking about not thinking about thinking about Drake Bulldogs uh yeah I guess it is gotta leave it in his hands that’s all I wanted to

Know God just a selection committee and makes it his plan so uh yeah know I mean Michigan State they they just play such a tough schedule and to me sometimes I think that’s overrated because it’s like oh you played a tough schedule and it’s like okay well like would they still have won

Games even if it wasn’t like a quad one game or something like that I mean you know obviously seven of their eight losses are quad one losses so it’s not like a bunch of their losses are are bad and you and you can look at it and say

Uh that wasn’t good but at the same time some of these losses they didn’t look very good I mean they lost by 14 at Northwestern they lost by 15 at Wisconsin so um some of these they’re not exactly keeping as close as you would like and and there’s Al times too

Where at home against Wisconsin they only scored 57 points 70 to 57 in that one so um to me it’s perplexing I feel like at the end of the day if they are kind of on that bubble line the committee is going to give it to him

Right I mean it’s Tom ISO he’s got the streak and everything else the committee is not going to deny that right Kent yeah I will say though the streak is over they were in the playin game and they lost so they did not make it that

Year because they did not play into the tournament so um the streak was already over but they have a massive game coming up on Tuesday at Minnesota and that’s a game that Sorry my phone’s ringing um I did not think was going to be a massive

Game going into this year or maybe even just a fre a few weeks ago but uh Minnesota’s playing good right now I know we’re about to talk about them and uh them going on the road to the barn I’m excited about that little midweek uh Tuesday night specialty game here you

Know Michigan State at Minnesota that’s that’s something I’m excited about you know is that bad should I not be excited about that game because I am no I I love watching Elijah Hawkins play just the rock around and uh Dawson Garcia is one of the better scorers in the Big 10 I

Just don’t think he’s on a team that gets enough credit for it so uh one last thought before we move on to them because Jeff is putting it out there kpom has MSU at 17 offense efficiency at 29 defense at 18 so yeah you’re exactly right Ryan they have the numbers to back

It up and the selection committee likes the numbers as much as we think they do yeah he’s right they’ll get they get in they have a thing called the eye test if you look at the the legal parameters how they select teams the last thing says like B basically says the eye test

Explains if they deem they use it for like injuries and stuff too like I think Maat mag toward was a reason why they didn’t put Ruckers in last year and like oh the eye test like Tom I on the sideline I like use my eyes to see that

So that the eye tests they’re good they they legitimately have that in there so that they can do whatever they want and that and they have whatever reason they want because there’s nothing quantitative at all to to that they’re just like yeah know we’re good we’re good we’re good so you’re saying Florida

State’s not going to get in then only because of the eye test they have something against brutal Brut for the seol man rough wreckers in Florida State need to like start a group together or something like that new conference yeah there we go all right well speaking

Of Minnesota let’s move on to Minnesota beats Northwestern in this one 75 to 66 coming off of northwestern’s overtime game against Purdue where they they looked fantastic and in this one but uh Minnesota gets it on um sorry not on the road at home over booy in the wild cats

Boooo was still really good in this one just didn’t have enough help and like I said Minnesota I think they’re just a really really well-built team I think Ben Ben Johnson’s done a very good job of putting this roster together and they compliment each other very well they

Lost Jameson battle but it doesn’t feel like they really lost much I’m not trying to be disrespectful there I’m just saying like Ben Johnson’s covered it really well and put a nice team together Kent what were your thoughts on this game loved it loved it uh little

Shameless plug here I had Parker Fox from Minnesota on my podcast earlier this week and he’s the second athlete I’ve had on my show this year and both of them after coming on my show got a Big Win right after coming out my show so you know Coleman Hawkins the invite

Is still there so just come on right before a big win um he still has not replied to my DM yet um but we’re waiting fingers are crossed I think I’m gonna get him no but uh great win for Minnesota I was really shocked um I woke

Up that morning I looked at the line and Minnesota was favored and I thought that was weird just to begin with because northwestern’s been playing so good and uh Vegas tends to get these things right and they were right about this one forel Payne was unbelievable believable in

This game he had the 14 points but really it was the other stuff that he did he got rebounds in crucial moments he’s just been playing out of his mind lately he’s such an important piece for uh especially the interior of uh Minnesota’s offense and defense you know

He’s been playing really good you already mentioned Elijah Hawkins massive three right before halftime that I still don’t know to this moment if it tied the game or just pulled them within one because they went and reviewed another three and then I couldn’t tell what was

Happening CBS says it was tied at half time and it wasn’t according to the broadcast when I was watching it but then um I can’t remember who I was about to pull it up Minnesota was playing somebody a few weeks back and the file up three thing came up and they ended up

Almost winning a game because somebody filed them and then they missed it and almost made a shot at the end well they almost blew this game because they filed way too early um at the end of regulation they had uh 18 seconds left and fouled Northwestern just gave them

Way too much time to make both free throws and still make it a close game and then boooy had a chance to win it at the end and same thing I was just talking about with uh I can’t remember who I was just talking about Jan Gary

Tonight um boooooy almost made an n one at the end of regulation and just didn’t go down and then I think Northwestern ran out of gas in overtime OB honestly they’ve played how many overtimes this year they lost back-to-back overtime games uh just the week so uh just just a

Little bit too much on the road and like I said super excited for Minnesota man this story has been crazy I don’t know anybody that picked Minnesota I know I’m going long on Minnesota but I’m getting really excited about them I don’t think anyone picked them to finish above like

10 in the Big 10 you know and they’re right in the middle of things right now they are um I know we talked a lot about making the tournament but oh like they could really make a run here they’re not I don’t think they’re in right now but

They’re right at 14 wins they have every opportunity got some big games coming up at home I mean I’m excited about them it would be awesome for them to make a nice run at the Big 10 tournament it’s in Minnesota it’s right like five minutes away from where they play um I’m just

Getting really excited about Minnesota it’s been fun to watch them and I it’s fun to see a team that wasn’t expected to do this well do this well this year it reminds me of Northwestern in football this year so um that was my thoughts about the game

In pretty much Minnesota this season I know that was a lot man but some of these teams like I get behind and I’m just I just get super excited about them and Minnesota’s one of them this year now Jeff Jeff’s a Minnesota uh appreciator as well with you so Payne is

A grown man and he’s going to be a player in this conference I couldn’t agree more man uh between Elijah Hawkins forel Payne Dawson Garcia cam Christie even Mike MIT he hit a massive in this game chy did yeah yeah he did um they only got three bench points uh two of

Those from Parker Fox so my boy my boy Parker U but uh but yeah he only had five minutes and two points so there’s that like point to minute ratio that we were talking about that’s the only thing I didn’t like about that game like I was

Like where’s where’s Parker at man he needs more minut Parker this is ridiculous um so yeah Ryan Northwestern has been in overtime three of their last four games at Ian it’s a lot for the wild cats what were your thoughts on this game yeah that’s should that’s just

Northw it feels like it’s just Northwestern basketball the last like three years it feels like that I don’t know how many games they’ve gone to overtime it feels like every game is overtime just the way they play and the way that their games are always coming

Down to the wire like the every Purdue game they play obviously when they win half them half the time um but that’s also just like Big 10 Basketball Minnesota I agree Minnesota is so much fun Nebraska is like the fun team in the conference but Minnesota is like what

The fun team should actually be because Nebraska’s good like they’ve proven they’re legit good they’ll be their tournament team most likely for sure Minnesota’s on the outside looking in they’re trying to be that real sleeper like Nebraska in coming into the year people were kind of like ready for

Something they knew k tomaga they knew they had a couple of transfers um but Minnesota was like we have no clue what’s going on like we know for El pay I know I remember talking to him a lot in the summer about he he could have a

Big breakout because the role is there and um but Minnesota is like the actual fun team not to say Nebraska is not fun but Minnesota’s like the true fun sleeper yeah and I think a lot of people didn’t know like Minnesota players coming into the year right and that’s

Kind of the fun part of it is like you’re getting to know some of these players and seeing them Excel and be better so um I I’m curious Ryan you said you got Minnesota looking from the outside in they’re 0 and3 in Quad One games uh what’s the likelihood that Minnesota

Could make it into the tournament uh and what what kind of key I don’t know if you know this but are there any key games coming up that they really really need to win in order to get in the tournament yeah like it’s it is it’s less than 50% because they’re on the

Outside right now and obviously every game is going to be tough but the biggest thing is because every game in the Big 10 is not a bad loss per se like obviously you don’t want to lose to Minnesota and Penn State and Indiana whatever when they’re not tournament

Teams but the more important things are having quad one wins which are also wins against other turny teams like wins against the field is a very uh off the paper I’ll call it argument that they’ll you the selection committee will use when one when they’re arguing or

Debating for one team over another um so I look at they play obviously Purdue is a big one but Illinois when they play Northwestern again is obviously massive they can sweep them the Michigan State game coming up is Big um but then they don’t really play any other major

Tournament team so like the games against Iowa who is not a tournament team also but like could be on the cuss like they have to win those games too those cuss games and then win one like Michigan State game and we could be talking about something that’s awesome

You gotta remember too big 10 tournament me and I think I think I’m leading the charge on this now me and Goldie will be walking into the Target Center together hand inand leading the charge for the Minnesota fans and they’re going to make a run in this tournament they’re going

To make a run in the Big 10 tournament and it’s going to be because of me I did want to bring this up too um hoop informatics it’s account I just found today I’ll be honest I don’t know how much credibility you don’t know how valid they are yeah yeah so I’ll give

Them a a giant shout out right now since I don’t know if they’re valid or not but it looked legit they put out a graph that had every Big 10 team’s like percentage chance to make the NCAA tournament and I think Minnesota was the most shocking one on this chart because

They have them at a 2.6% chance of making the tournament which which I think is just a touch just Just a Touch too low for me and my Gophers I think that’s too low right is that that’s got to be way too low Ryan right yeah when

You have so many power like big like Big Time games they’re not like Iowa and Ruckers aren’t like Big Time games they’re not all quad one but when you have so many games that are good enough opponents to move the needle for you against the teams that the other bubble

Teams I think that’s too low I think maybe it’s based on the chance hey like they got what like a dozen games we’ll call it left and every game they could lose realistically so like they’re going to have to do like almost near perfect to get in because they have so much work

To do still but I think still like two is kind of low I’d put that like without any mathematic math into it like I don’t know maybe like 10 to 20 we got those we gotta pump those numbers up Minnesota come on Minnesota those are rookie numbers we gotta get those numbers

Up it is interesting though because he did he did reply uh to his own tweet and they are the seventh like they’re ranked seventh on how many wins they’re going to get at 18 wins so yeah I guess we are for sure a six bid League at this point

If that’s the case if they’re seventh and they’re not getting in then the other six have to right yeah no I agree I don’t know maybe I’m maybe I’m putting too much thought into this random accounts tweet that I just found today no I was just thinking that we just hit

An hour on here and we still have one more game to talk about oh I’m sorry next one no it’s okay uh we do have one comment though from uh from my friend Russ here did I miss the part boiler boiler Russ here did I miss the part where everyone complains about the

Officials in Purdue no Russ we uh we’re trying to not do that because I’m sick and tired of loging onto Twitter during Purdue games and just seeing everybody complain about everything and people take pictures of one like singular moment and they’re like oh this is proof this happened it’s like guys that’s not

How Bast like you can’t just take a picture and say oh this is exactly the entire story what happened so I would like to defend myself really quickly because I was guilty of that but it was it was against Northwestern I took a video of the play it wasn’t barnheiser

It was the guy that came in for him where their arms got like twisted up and the only reason I posted it is because I’ve never seen a play where like they were like locked arms and I was legitimately asking people what should the foul be here I didn’t know if it

Should be offensive or defensive and then I got criticized because they everyone thought that I was saying that there wasn’t a foul on Northwestern which wasn’t the case I was just curious about the call because it was a weird play but you know whatever I don’t like you guys anyways I’m just

Kidding I think we talked about this every fan base hates me so it’s like yeah whatever except Minnesota except Minnesota they can’t hate me right now they did hate me during football season though for sure for sure I was G say Kent you always have your uh your excuse

There Casual Big 10 like God that’s right that’s exactly right casual I was like I don’t know what happened here I’ve never seen a basketball play tell someone tell me Russ is joking with you he said you threw gasoline already existing fire and you knew it did it for the

Clicks sure after so I I did I posted it before anybody else and then it like everybody else like I think aoni uh Enthusiast his video which I was actually kind of bitter about for the clicks like his video was the one that like Doug gotley got a hold of and everything

And I was like dude I was on this too but he actually did have it like I think one minute before me but I did not see his before I posted it yeah but I did 100% did it for the clicks yes that is correct understood all right well let’s

Let’s talk about a game I don’t know how many clicks this game is g to get because IU is just trending downward after losing by two touchdowns to Pinn State at home but um yeah the the hooers did not have Xavier Johnson in this one I did not think Xavier Johnson was the

Biggest loss in the world I thought that as long as they still their front Court they would be able to make things happen Penn State did not have um Kanye Clary in this one so I actually thought that was a bigger blow to Penn State so at

Home IU I thought they were going to get it done but uh obviously I was wrong Penn State went on a run late in the game and really just kind of put Indiana away and never let him come back Ryan what were your thoughts on this game uh yeah I mean

Yeah I actually caught like 10 minutes of it and then I watched the extended highlights after uh because I just like there’s so many other games on and I’m just not gonna watch that game Indiana is kind of like Maryland except the Indiana fans are the exact opposite of

Maryland fans I’m not I don’t know how deep how much more depth I need to go in for that but Indiana fans think that Indiana’s good this year somehow still and they’re clearly not Xavier Johnson like like you said like he’s a loss for sure and like you need that vet point

Guard for on their team but it they lost by two touchdowns like it it didn’t matter um they’re such they have no identity they’re very very very underwhelming and they are so painful to watch they play Slow they can’t shoot because they know they can’t shoot so

They’re not gonna shoot um it’s just those are painful games to watch so and I I don’t think pen State’s awful they’re just kind of in a transition period in the program after losing literally everybody and they do have some fun players and Ace Baldin had a

Really really strong game I love his game so um good to see a spark for Penn State but both teams can uh hopefully look forward to the NIT if they can get there yeah know with IU it’s you know I look at Malik renu and I look at Kare

And I’m like you both are so good but you’re you have literally no guard play on your team don’t get me wrong I like Trey Galloway I think he can do some nice things from time to time but like he just he is not the guard you need on

This team to facilitate and get the ball down low um and I’m sorry but Gabe cup 33 minutes two points two rebounds no assists like it’s just it’s YMCA Gabe like all he does d if he sees you in public he’s going to fight you I know he

He’s going to fight you if he sees you in public yeah and I made IU fans mad when I said gay cups was supposed to be what Braden Smith was last year um obviously that hit a little too close to home and I get it but like you can’t

Tell me I’m wrong like Gabe cups is coming into this year just giving this IU team pretty much nothing and other than Anthony Le I don’t know who like IU has to be able to come in and I don’t even think Anthony Le would be a great

Choice but he’s the hometown kid that might get the fans excited so uh kit what were your thoughts with this one yeah I didn’t watch this game I didn’t watch it at all Ryan I’m impressed you watch 10 minutes um it was in between commercials and whatnot I swear second

Screen something like that yeah I was I I just couldn’t bring myself it I was doesn’t matter why I didn’t watch it uh Indiana’s dead though like they’re completely done now and um for most of the Big 10 that’s a good thing because they’ll quiet down on all the apps that

People talk about basketball on but uh I was I because I didn’t watch it I was confused about how this happened because wear had 25 and Renu had 16 and usually if you’re Indiana and that happens like you’re probably like Hey we’re gonna get

A win here but there was a 10 run in the second half um again just box score watching this but um yeah Indiana did what Indiana does they got 26% from 20 or from three-point land and that’s what they do this season that was just below their season average and that’s what you

Expect for them but on the positive side though Penn State they have beaten now Ohio State Michigan Wisconsin Rutters and Indiana and like Ryan was saying when I went into this season not knowing a single player on their roster except for PFF Johnson because his name is

Hilarious I did not know if they were going to win any games in this conference so for them to have uh five wins is impressive and I think it says a lot about what this team is heading for you know Ryan hit this uh on the head

You know he said it’s a transition year but it it gets me excited about what uh coach rhods could do for them in the future I think that the future is bright at Penn State yeah Penn State has a bright future for sure uh and I think

Baldwin’s gone after this year but I wish I I wish he had one more year because I’d love to see what about Clary I don’t know about Clary do you know Ryan I like him a lot too actually don’t know if Tom has oh yeah he is he’s

A sophomore so he he’ll be back yeah so that’s good for them um one more note on this game I know we have a lot of comments from from a few people but it’s crazy this is the game we’re getting the most comments of you guys are sickos um

I think we and bako are gone after this year I think so too I think we’s probably going to the draft and then I don’t I don’t know if imbak is going to the draft but I don’t think he’s coming back to he’s yeah Kell get drafted and

McKenzie I don’t know what’s GNA happen I yeah plead the Fifth yeah I I just I don’t if I were him I wouldn’t come back no there’s no reason to no reason no there’s no reason yeah uh but yeah so uh one more question because we do have the

Ohio podcast here for you Ryan uh Indiana is painful to watch they if they’re painful to watch how would you describe the Buckey Ryan I actually don’t know if it’s worse to watch if you scratch out the records and the quality of the actually it doesn’t matter it’s

The same thing um I’d rather watch an Ohio State game I think in a vacuum but this is a big like this is Big 10 it’s the same thing I said with Maryland Ohio State Indiana like Ruckers majority of these teams are can be painful to watch

Because then when you flip the channel and you got UNCC Duke on and you have like a Pack 12 game that’s 90 to 85 like okay that sounds a lot better so uh that’s just the Big 10 in general and like the Midway the mid Big 10 teams mid

And low mid or it’s tough sometimes so oh they just play that big 10 brand of basketball that we all like so much uh Russ has one more comment here and then we’ll and then we’ll get out of here Woodson is the guy that doesn’t

Need to come back for Indiana so my my uh in-laws are actually IU fans and very big IU fans and I asked them and sometimes I hesitate to ask these questions because sometimes they get really defensive but I asked them I said do you guys want Woodson gone after this

Year and uh my brother-in-law just kind of put his head down and he was like we cannot fire another coach like I don’t want to go yeah it like Tom cre uh you know Archie Miller he was like I do not want to go through this again like just Woodson figure it

Out I can’t I can’t do this again uh you know who they should hire is um because I I know he’s not coaching right now but I’ve seen him and he’s got a great basketball mind is and he loves Indiana is uh Dan dakit that’s who they should hire as the for

Indiana that’d be a great hire love that they should do that because he’s got some I’ve heard he’s coached before he has I’ve heard some horror stories too about it I don’t know if I’ve heard good things about his country before yeah I think they’re gonna fire they they probably should Dusty May

Getting Dusty May to leave boka Ron Florida to go to Bloomington is gonna be next to Impossible they need to get Josh yeah Josh schz is the Indiana State coach literally perfect and when they win a tournament game this year everyone’s going to want him anyway so yeah that’s

What I was going to say is like Dusty May has connections back to Indiana but like I don’t know like is the paycheck really that nice at IU to be you know not not great I mean they get good recruits and they still aren’t great but

I don’t know um hey what about uh because i’ I’ve talked about this guy with a couple of my friends is Will Wade GNA stay at MCN State I don’t know I’ve uh I heard one weird rumbling about it like not even it’s a rumble of a rumble

Of a rumble of a rumor like um but I think if they if they get the tournament which they probably will and they win a couple of games he might be he might bounce after because they have a lot of older guys also and like I don’t I don’t

Know much about MC State and the school and the location and I can I can gauge the resource level and the funding and stuff like that though um I’d imagine that if any kind of decent major school has an offer that he would be enticed so

Wasn’t LSU though they got off they was there at the tournament basically and then like had to go home yeah yeah uh the Ohio podcast says the Indiana State guys is legit I want the bucke guys to snag him he went everywhere he’s gone uh yeah know him him either of the Miller

Brothers Wes or Sean I’d be happy with or um I can’t believe I’m about to say this but Eric musan oh the Indiana fans crazy oh my God yeah Ohio State though I see saying yeah yeah okay in all serious I was joking shirt but I was joking about uh

Dan Dage but Ohio State uh you guys should look into because I I think he’s going to be available after this year um I don’t know how to pronounce it I think it’s Jan Howard maybe look into him yeah I don’t know he might be back he’s uh

He’s coming in late this year so might have a good winning season at the end of the year all right well we’ve already gone longer than I said we would so better get out of here thank you everybody for listening appreciate you uh Ryan why don’t you tell people where they can

Find you out on social media and stuff uh Ryan hammer9 or maybe it’s Ryan Hammer 09 like Twitter but I’m I think if people search my name they’ll find it pretty easily so yeah and it’s a little waving guy I got down there for him so I

Didn’t know who Brian’s team was and then he showed up at the turp S and I was like oh I should have I guess I should have put the turps down there but that’s okay we don’t want that we don’t want that yeah we don’t need that uh and

Then Kent Casual Big 10 Twitter any other places you want people to find yet uh Tony Perkins super is uh my new website that I just launched so guys can come get your podcast I didn’t I didn’t mention Tony Perkins name this episode

So I had to squeeze it in right here at the end sorry kid that wasn’t very casual all right everybody thanks so much for watching we appreciate you thank you Ryan so much for coming on appreciate you have a good night everybody see you

Dive into the thrilling world of Big Ten basketball as Ryan Hammer breaks down key matchups, including Purdue vs Wisconsin, Maryland vs Michigan State, and more! Watch as we recap the intense battles on the court, analyze standout plays, and discuss the implications for the Big Ten standings. Whether you’re a basketball enthusiast or a casual fan, Ryan Hammer provides engaging insights and highlights. Don’t miss the action โ€“ hit play now and stay updated on the latest Big Ten showdowns! ๐Ÿ€ #BigTenBasketball #BasketballRecap #RyanHammer

#BigTenBasketball #GameRecap #NorthwesternVsPurdue #IllinoisVsOhioState #BasketballHighlights #PurdueVsWisconsinPreview #CollegeBasketball #SportsTalk

JR brings on Kent from Casual Big Ten and social media sensation Ryan Hammer to give their analysis on some of the Big Ten games that will be deciding the Big Ten.

00:00:00 – Theme Music
00:00:18 – Intro and Guest introductions
00:01:51 – Purdue @ Wisconsin
00:15:52 – Nebraska @ Illinois
00:32:05 – CBB Analytics
00:32:44 – Maryland @ Michigan State
00:50:30 – Northwestern @ Minnesota
01:02:49 – Penn State @ Indiana


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