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JJ Peterka Joins Sabres Live | Buffalo Sabres

JJ Peterka Joins Sabres Live | Buffalo Sabres

JJ petka was the hottest saber going into the All-Star break and he comes out of it with the team lead in goals and he’s with us now in advance of the sabber Stars game tonight uh what has been clicking for you most recently JJ um I don’t know I think I’m doing

Everything the same basically I think uh yeah the pucks are just going in right now you didn’t switch anything I I don’t think so maybe I’m shooting a little bit more but um yeah I think uh at the at the start of season they were going in

Then they weren’t really going in even though like I I don’t know it didn’t really switch anything and yeah right now they’re going in again I think you are shooting a littleit more last game five shots on goal against the Kings Four and then they got a 22 32 and then

In that little stretch where it wasn’t going in I see a lot of ones do you like pay attention to this uh not really I’m glad we have a sta guy here no I I guess no we know now why they’re going in yeah so one one is not good enough like two

Three four five you don’t want to waste any from Center but I’m just saying when you shoot more you you do you have a better feel for where the puck is going maybe a little bit more uh Precision in your shot I guess I think it’s just a

Confidence that when when you get more shots on on that and um I think you just feel better than throughout the game with every goal and point you just continue to add to your you know career best season that you’re having where do you think you can have more of an impact

On the power play how can you have more of an impact on the power play to help the entire group’s numbers in that regard um I think more being a shooting threat I think we’re we’re passing up a lot of stuff we’re playing uh we’re

Playing just too slow and um I think if we move the puck quicker and also have like more of a shooting mentality I think that would uh yeah would be a huge benefit so I look at the power play setup that you are on obviously you’re

On the right flank with middle stat on the left tuck is in the bumper Greenway in the in the middle of front of the net and then Owen at the back um are you the one-timer guy like is is this something that you’ve been before the one-time or

Is it a more a catch and then a release like a a delay attack or is it just get the stick up in the air and Let It Go um I’ve been actually been everywhere I think um back back on my one time now I

Like it there a lot um I mean we have two huge bodies in front so I guess especially for our power play I think just get it there uh let those guys screen and yeah you’ve been drawing a lot of penalties do you feel like that’s

Been a consistent part of your game as you lead the team in that regard too yeah I think just moving my feet um I think that’s that’s a huge key for that and yeah it puts a puts opposing team on on a tough spot and uh then they

Sometimes take the penalties and we got a power play so it was the LA game you threw three penalties right did you hear it from the LA Kings player where they like hey petka stay on your feet like legit after the second one I got tripped from the whole B was

Hilarious I know I I’m like what am I supposed I be the one giving it to you but I I was happy that you were moving your feet you actually threw penties too because they were legit penalties it’s not like exactly yeah um you also probably yeah he’s always talking always exactly

Who’s the story about uh oh podowski when he he scored and Dy gave him crap from the bench for uh going at Jonathan Quick’s head right like right cuz it was like a 5 nothing game he’s like what he like my first I just scored my first

Like calm down you know um but uh what the one great thing that we’ve been able to get more of is seeing you guys after a win hand off the saber to you know the player of the game um who’s what is that like for you when you get it and then

And then you have to pass it on to somebody and how’s that interaction been and has there been like some ridiculously funny moments this year with the with the sword or not um I don’t really think there have been a lot of funny moments I think it’s just like

Yeah the better the the player who’s been the hottest probably around the game um gets it or whatever I mean yeah the goalie probably I would say get to like 50% especially how oop is playing right now yeah um so yeah no it’s just like kind of like rewards the player the

Team thinks played the best in the game and uh I mean it’s an honor to have it um kind of get it out of there and then a little spear so it’s good I guess are there guys that are way more comfortable with the speech that comes after um yeah it’s yeah

Definitely there are more more there are guys who who like it a lot and they guys uh just have like a short one and that’s it you said go get the next one boys exactly let’s keep it going yeah um you mentioned having fun with it and you

Mentioned Lucan so I’m putting the two together and during the by week and the allstar break you guys had a little bit of fun which uh one leads to a wager on the golf course which you posted on on Instagram where Lucan and had to wear a

One piece baiting suit uh on the golf course what led to what was the BET and what led to the decision of the loser having to carry out that punishment okay so yeah we saw on the course it’s not really busy so um we just we’re just

Having fun out there um we played the first day we played the loser um has to wear something the winner picks for him the next day so yeah we’re we’re sitting there on the second te and uh I like pull it out he had no clue what it is so

So we both dial off and it was so funny when he put it on and then I mean he played a good rounde after that did he play for the rest of the round or just for one hole um he played for a couple holes and then it was like it’s it’s

It’s enough so did you have to go shopping like after you won the first day did you have to go look for something to to get yeah I did it was this morning it was the morning we played the the round then um yeah I was just browsing through and I saw it

Popped in my eye awesome looked pretty good on him I I actually took the exit Arch one um and it barely fit him so I was I was struggling it had a little bit of a Borat feel like have you ever seen the movie Borat when he runs on the beach oh

Yeah I did kind of did you’re right I didn’t think that it was more coverage but it had a little bit it really had that feel it looked unreal in him though uh so how would you describe the Break um I think just fun I think getting away

From hockey a bit um just like relaxing kind of like recharging the bats and I think we’re ready to go now very good um anything that um you know guys come back and I remember when we would have Allstar break or any type of a Christmas break there’s always a story that comes

Back one that you can tell on the air is there’s somebody like KY went and practiced with his University of Minnesota you know team and like he’s all hockey all the time but any anybody specific that came back and had a pretty good story to tell um I don’t think

Think so I think you you had a good story tell probably that was the best story I think coming from the Ola break I mean most of the guys went with their wies so yeah little bit more quiet I don’t know how much fun happens there

I’m sure they got a lot of fun but it’s a little different yeah exactly no um I think that was like the the best story out of there oh that’s good like a lot of a lot of young Sabers now like really really really young Sabers uh you know

As far as families are concerned in the room JJ thank you good luck tonight yep thank you guys

Sabres forward JJ Peterka joined Brian Duff and Martin Biron on Sabres Live. He discussed his recent hot stretch, some of his success drawing penalties, receiving and passing the sword postgame, and his adventures during the bye week with Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen.

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