@Chicago Blackhawks

Beyond God-Realization (Thots On Leo Gura, Connor Murphy, And Jordan Peterson)

(captions now available) Video exploring the Realms and developments after “God Realization”, temporarily transcending the self vs. permanent dropping away of the self, the source of “spiritual egos”, and why after the Path is completed, “Spirituality” it self is lost another tool/program/fabrication…and after you’ve beat the game, accumulated all the fruits, Insights and Wisdom and experiences, and even woken up from the the matrix by using it as a set of tool to ejaculate your character out of the dream-street through what can only be perceived in retro-spec as being merely more fabrications – a Big Cosmic Joke that must be transcended for the the seeker to transcend for the Natty State 😀
0:00 TimeStamps
4:05 What Is The Purpose Of Abiding As Consciousness?
6:46 Dissolving Spirituality
7:22 What Are Chakras And Kundalini Energy?
9:03 Why You Have To Be Nothing Before You Can Be Everything
10: What Are “Spiritual Highs” And “Dark Night Of The Soul”?
11:41 Stages Of Awakening Explained
13:35 Transcending The Universal Mind
15:03 How To Do Self Inquiry
17:33 Mystics and Sages vs. Full Natty State
19:29 Source Of Spiritual Ego
20:01 Zen 10 Ox Herding Pictures
22:07 Absolute Normie
23:11 Arahat vs. Bodhisattva vs. Buddha
24:52 Unconditional Love
26:29 There Are Not “Spiritual Knowledge”.
27:17 What Is Dependent Origination?
28:14 Why Consciousness Is Not The Ground Of Being
35:49 What Are Jhanas?
36:30 Setting Your Self On Fire

Expanding on last video
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  1. So true realisation is beyond the spiritual path? So is the spiritual path required for true realisation? Or can it just happen without doing anything? Without striving towards a goal?

  2. I am hooked. This is my favorite video from Frank I find myself coming back to it often. Wish you would make more videos.

  3. 22:08 Great example of left over conditioning is Bentinho Massaro, lots people in his inner circle called him out recentely on being a cult leader, using spirtuality to his advantage to power over people, to keep them stuck and seeing him as a guru and putting him on a pedestal.

  4. Does a dog have Buddha Nature? “Wu”

    In this “Wu”, that is the nature of ‘no nature’ which is, the “Buddha Nature”

  5. Frank, it would be great if you become a spiritual teacher, and guide people through these dark path to enlightenment. Looking forward to your next uploads

  6. What if friction is a good thing? For example, let's say the pornstar or CEO is not doing something that they enjoy, and the friction is guiding them into new areas. A Vipassana teacher told me that Buddha wanted people feel and experience life to it's fullest, but we should use tools to keep us in check, in case we go overboard. A good surfer, doesn't chase every wave, but waits for the right one.

  7. So if someone was born in the natural state, would they even know it? Would they/we be back at the egoic state?

  8. 14:46 what is the difference between experiencing nothingness vs experiencing yourself experiencing nothingness? And if one is experiencing nothingness, then there is nobody to do self-inquiry. I think that as long as a person has a physical body, they cannot achieve true nothingness where the distinction between subject and object disappears. There are reports/narrations from the ancient texts of people achieving that, but we'd recognize them as Buddhas, saints, Rishis, etc. And these people are always associated with miracles, like knowing things in the world that are not available to normal people.

    Interestingly, this is what Leo claimed during his 'awakening' trip, but didn't even know who was knocking at his door. He's definitely a demon in human disguise, at least during that clip. Very bizarre. Frank needs to be careful too, a lot of these people with these psychedelic experiences project their ideas onto it. They all have different personas on what not just an awakened person looks like, but THE awakened person.

  9. Wouldn't consciousness be dependent on the contents of consciousness? So in this case, there is dependent origination, it is the dependency of subject and object.

    Can you define what you mean by unconsciousness? Traditions often talk about God, or Nirvana, as non-Being, as beyond all categories of Being. It does not mean non-existence, but from our perspective, it is non-existence. But from the perspective of human beings using language, it is beyond existence, and thus, cannot be an object of consciousness, and thus there is no consciousness to speak of in regards to full Enlightenment.

    The idea that religious beliefs are simply narratives that we project onto the absolute is an interesting idea. The idea that, these Enlightened people had an experience that reflected their own subconscious, and so that's what they saw; when they returned to normal consciousness, they expressed these in the language and grammar of their society, and also of their own subjective Being. But, on the other hand, that could also apply to Buddhism as well. And since this is what you had studied academically for a very long time, your experience of reality as per these higher states of consciousness, could also simply be according to the grammar of your accrued knowledge.

    There is also another interesting idea that, at bottom, there is only the nothingness of unconsciousness. There is no subject and there is no object. And that, all of these religious narratives are simply maps of meaning by which consciousness, first on the level of the particular/individual character, navigates its way through the conundrum of the matrix it has created back to realization. When a person truly awakens, they realize that they had simply created what we call reality as a sort of game to experience and enjoy. And then to enjoy it once again, they cover themselves in ignorance.

    But that's just an idea, which has some basis in Dharmic traditions.

  10. Leo Gura's "highest teaching"? Man this guy is so weak he was overtaken by a mediocre experience beyond normative consciousness and deified himself. If you read traditional religious literature, these sorts of trials are not uncommon.

  11. Wauw! You say that you finished the cycle and ´became´ a normie again. But how is it possible so much energy is coming from you? I feel immense power coming from you piercing my body very intensely. What an amazing channel btw sir!. new subscriber

  12. I would love to have a conversation with You. It is a bit confusing when you say brahman is still a thing… I definitely been in this phase. Body and world would dissolve completely and also would see other people dissolve into blackness/nothingness …

    I understand brahman to be this non local conscious beyond the space bubble in which yin yang create the experience of reflections having conversations and posting youtube videos.
    But at this level of seeing its still 180 degrees…

    And if i flip the awareness to the other side theres another space bubble there…

    This is confusing 🤔

  13. True realization comes full circle and doesn't stop at the nameless nothingness. True realization is realizing that the dream is how the nameless nothingness manifests, and to experience the dream with or without attachment (makes no difference, because All is perfect and whole) and with or without realizing reality's true nature (because it's not required for experience) is all that matters. Of course, realizing its true nature changes the perspective from separation to Oneness, but that will happen naturally over time, because we're always our true nature evolving in a way that can only ever be itself.

    "Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water." – Zen Proverb

  14. It is almost like he is describing dissolving the meat suit and subjects and non subjects completely without dieing. I'm unsure how this would feel or what it means in regards to the meat suit. It seems like the description of the stages is beyond language and understanding with out actually going there…?

  15. “…Sri Nisargadatta … and Ramana Maharshi were two sages of the modern era who understood the distinction between Absolute Awareness (Shiva), universal consciousness
    (Shakti) and personal consciousness (jiva). While several other modern sages wrote about this with some clarity, most did not make a distinction between universal consciousness and Absolute Awareness, probably because they were still tied to the subtlest level of phenomena, which is universal consciousness.
    Transcendent Absolute Awareness emanates as the objects of awareness, which are known through an ever-changing experience….” (Thomas Razetto)❤

  16. Jordan Peterson? He's done such damage to my trans friends here in Taiwan. It disturbs me that you would promote this kind of thinking.

  17. Thank you soo much, Frank…never heard it explained it so clearly…🦄…you do hear though of some popping like that without any stages)…just wondering if they had very little solidity to "transcend"…?

  18. Frank, for me you are the most trustworthy living expression of being on earth or in aether. I Love you ❤

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