@Pittsburgh Penguins

Brenden Dillon Match Penalty against Noel Acciari

2023 – 2024 Season
Winnipeg Jets vs. Pittsburgh Penguins

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  1. 5k fine. I only joking a little… It's possible the league would give that out, unlikely but entirely possible

  2. Who would have thought trying to use your head as a battering ram to go through Dillon would have been a boneheaded move. 🤣 We always knew Acciari was an idiot and this certainly isn't gonna remedy that.

  3. The Pens passiveness drives me nuts. Any other team gloves would've been flying to defend their teammate, but nope, the Penguins all just stand around.

  4. Absolutely no place in the game for that. These suspensions gotta start being longer in order to get these sorts of things to stop!

  5. Wow harkins was the first guy to respond. Ironic considering him and dillion were teamates a few months ago

  6. Bad hit, no doubt. Dirty, looks like it. Intentional, questionable.

    Funny thing is, Accari looks like he was alright after the hit and was going to get up it looked like but seen that play had been blown dead and just stayed down on account of it.

  7. There was nothing wrong with that hit at all. Acarri had his head down and got his bell rung real hard. I hope he’s ok. No knees, sticks or elbows involved so no suspension warranted. Also notice it was Dillon on the glass first.

  8. The only way Dillon avoids contact with his head is if Dillon crouches down. Aciari had his shoulder down. That wouldn't even be a penalty if he was standing up. Who teaches these guys to play with their head down that low?

  9. Just bc a guy has his head down doesn't mean you can check his head. If Dillon doesn't understand angles and timing yet during hits, he shouldn't be playing. Dillon will absolutely get suspended.

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