@National Hockey League

Fans celebrate the double spinorama

Fans celebrate the double spinorama

by Only-Highlights


  1. Miserable-Lie4257

    That’s awesome!! The confidence though!! 

  2. Played so well third period to have not cleaned up that game. So many good chances and so few for the Canucks. Kochetkov was just so in the wrong place giving them that 3rd goal.

  3. yooooooo5774

    I’ll trying spinning, thats a good trick!

  4. twizzyflyguy

    ThAts hiS SpiNAraMa ZonE AbiLitY WhiCh hE uSeS tO hElp crEatE ofFenSe fOr His TeAm, iM giviNg hIM thE rAzERs edGe iN ThiS oNe

  5. shoresy99

    A Savardian Spinerama as Danny Gallivan would say.

  6. pickle_milf

    The Carolina Small Craft Weather Advisories everybody 👏

  7. Canadian_Prometheus

    Would have been cool if anything came of it

  8. Mymainacctgotbanned

    Cool, you turned the puck over immediately.

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