@Edmonton Oilers

Mike Smith Coyotes Gm 5 Loss

Coyotes Goalie Mike Smith reflects on Gm 5 loss to Kings & has harsh words for officiating.



  2. you cannot honestly say that. he went for the hit, and he got away with it. i think kings played better, but that was a dirty fucking hit. and of coarse no call.

  3. Dude yoiur full of SHIT!!! The time in real time before Brown hits Rosival was 3 to 5 seconds HE COULD HAVE AVOIDED THE HIT, and even then the HIT HAPPENED IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN CALLED!!!

  4. Please that entire Kings team is full of DIVERS and butt sniffers. Brown should have been called for that and that nopn call impacted the outcome of the game. Its that simple!!!

  5. Sooooo how many games did Brown get? They have the tape???suspension??? well hmmm I guess most the nhl think Brown got what he should a date to play for the cup!

  6. Yo Slasher hockey is played with a stick. It is not a weapon like you like to use it Even after the game is over you go to slash Richards. What a loser. And all your theatrics to draw penalties. Done forever…What a hypocrite…

  7. Roszival had a bruised thigh. Knee on knee? No, he would have played the next game if there was one. The Coyotes played dirty the entire series.

  8. Smith is a dumbass He thinks Brown's hit was dirty enough to get a lifetime ban but defends Torres' hit as nothing. What a joke. Rosival wasn't knocked out and carried out on a stretcher. Smith is a joke glad him and his team of cheapshot artists are gone NHL doesn't need your pathetic excuse of a team

  9. 3-5 sec? Go watch the fuckin' video u dumbass…its not even a second. 1) it was unavoidable. 2) if it were a knee knee hit, Toronto would've said something…Go cry back in the desert hell hole ur from, and let real hockey get played. With fans that stick with a team through thick and thin. Ive been to phx's games, ur fan base sucks dick.

  10. I live in Houston I'm a fan of the AHL Houston Aeros so I have no bone one way or the other. That being said thaty series was called one sided for the Kings and anyone who watched it knows I'm right.

  11. Clearly your a homer so nothing more I could say except the facts. Kings ARE GOONS, KINGS WERE OFFSIDE MORE THAN THE LAW ALLOWS, AND THE DEVILS ARE GOING TO COMEBACK AND WIN THE CUP!!!

  12. Man, I used to respect these guys… I always kind of felt bad for Phoenix, they have an awesome team and they're real underdogs, but seeing their behavior after this loss made me lose a lot of respect.

  13. Note to Smith. Maybe if you didn't get outshot by 70 and go down 3-0 you might have had a shot. Oh and Hossa is still hurt and not a @#$@### word about the devastating injury inducing hit on Rozsival. Maybe it was just a good hit not like your cheap ass slash on Brown or your attempt on Richards or Rozsival punch/cross check to the head when Brown was on the ground 3 minutes earlier. Karma a bitch.

  14. "this guy should be…. done forever" haha what a fucking loser. He even thought about it for a second and still didn't realize how ignorant he sounds by saying something like that.

  15. He's a loser? Youre calling a guy who gets paid to play hockey while youre sitting by a computer chirping him while he gives an interview with emotions taking over what he says.

  16. I do not respect you Smith. I went to Game 3 at Staples and dang did it get loud when this idiot had to fix his skate. He knows LA is an amazing team and he is upset. First, it wasnt after the whistle, AND DONE FOREVER????? Sure it was a harsh hit and should could have been called either way. But "done forever" is a stupid way of explaining yourself Mike. GO KINGS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Kings fans? More like Clipper/Laker fans that jump on the bandwagon after the blues series. A least Shane Doan doesn't get called for embellishing .

  18. Hey faggot smith. You should be done forever for your slash on brown. Saying brown should be done forever after a clean hit? Hahaha. Skate with your head up champ. This is the NHL. Fucking whiny ass coyotes. You guys are a disgrace to the NHL. Be sure to carry extra tissues everywhere you go

  19. What do you mean clean hit? Defending your player is fine but that terrible, knee on knee is so vicious, you can end someone's career doing that, not to mention it was after the play.

    Smith is right.

  20. It was a split second after the whistle. You can't tell me you can line up a hit and in about 0.02 seconds change your course and not hit him. And if you watch in a non bias way you will see he hit with the chest. He never put his knee out. In a contact sport things will happen but he never lead with the knee. Every thing was clean. You just have to skate with your head up at all times.

  21. he reminds me of Ron Hextall. and i think he was speaking of a melodramatic comparison for what a suitable suspension for Brown would be in his(smith's) mind to what Torres got on Hossa in RND 1, 25 games. He even looks around to see what they're reactions are. It was just harmless venting after a frustrating loss. I like the emotion shown by Smith, Doan, and Hanzal. I'd take that on the leafs any day. Go Leafs

  22. and people saying the Coyotes are a team of goons, really? they play good system hockey and have great management that do something with nothing for the past 3 years through two different starting goalies( Smith and Bryz) over that time and a crap load of turnover. a real team of goons is like the Flyers of the 70's or even the bruins of the early 90's were closer to a tough goon style team than the Coyotes. Oh man i would do alot of things to get a player like smith or doan in Toronto

  23. If you think Brown was embellishing that slash from Smith, you're an idiot. Yotes can't fill a stadium even when the tickets are free…

  24. Is it just me, or has Arizona become a haven for complete retards? From their citizens to their teams, they are operating way below the mental par.

  25. LOL he thinks Brown's hit was that bad? What about that fuckbag Torres' hit on Hossa against Chicago? I bet he said that was a "Great hit just at the wrong time"

  26. Smith gives all goalies a bad name. Dives around like a fucking soccer player. Grow a pair and play hockey. Glad LA kicked your ass.

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