@Boston Bruins

LQR Game 44: Closers : Avalanche @ Bruins

LQR Game 44: Closers : Avalanche @ Bruins

What are you doing here you asked for me what no I didn’t yeah you said you wanted to see the best teams in the East okay then what are you doing here I’m second in the Metro what yeah got like a top 10 defense second best penalty kill

What and you know what’s crazy our shooting percentage sucks so if we even get close to League average there we’re going to be really good what lowquality fans of a high quality Bruins team that is a dub you know we have a seven game point streak going yeah we’ve lost four of

Those games but a seven game point streak that’s pretty good that’s pretty solid playing the ABS we just played them like a week and a half ago there’s not a lot to update from that video they’re still top 10 in virtually everything but keeping the puck out of

Their own net where they rank 17th a a lot of that can be explained by georgiev’s down year we’ll call it I never thought he was that great I’m on record saying that too but they are dealing with some injuries and they’ve had on andof injuries All Season that team has very

Rarely been fully healthy as far as I’m aware right now NuSkin out uh he I believe went into the assistant program assistance program words with the NHL not sure exactly what that is but I’m not big in doing the Deep dive and trying to figure all of it out if it’s

Personal issues I hope things work out well there and then uh Byrum and leinen are also both out but the gamebreaking talent is still there McKinnon might still be the scariest guy to play against I mean mcdavid’s right there as well but the way McKinnon affects the game constantly just scary I’m not

Saying it’s scarier than McDavid that feels stupid just saying out loud but he’s right up there with him is what I’m trying to say for us we have a little bit of game breaking Talent too you know we got new lines too the blender was whipping early we got Martian coy poock

Coy solid really good game up there uh jvr zaka debrusk that was an interesting line Frederick geeky Lao hinen botin Griz Mack Lind home wspoon lorai shaten Kirk those would get shuffled pretty frequently during the game as well and then Swan is a netar was backing up so

We can assume that we’re going to seear pretty soon for more and Carlo remain out although Carlo was held out as a more precautionary thing according to Monty that he should be back soon and then of course beer and ptra were scratched ptra is also technically held

Out for health reasons they expect Carlo and potra to be back very soon you could probably put them at like day to day at this point we really are in that Midway point of the Season where there’s less to say before video because everyone’s kind of finding their middle ground at

This point there’s losing streaks as winning streaks I want to remind everyone again to look around the league I know this Bruins team and the way they’re built is frustrating at times our performances are still really good and when you look around other top of the team top of the division teams all

Of them have had long losing streaks really bizarre play where they got hugely outplayed or hugely outplayed another team and then either won or lost that opposite of what they should have done every team’s got weird quirks going this year it does feel like a year where

It’s wide open wide open so why not us right let’s talk about this game like comment subscribe nailed it joined the Discord nailed it puck drops puck drops 44 seconds in I actually get kind of scared when we score really early cuz I get afraid that

They’re just going to put their foot on the break immediately but it’s a great shift to start we escape our Zone dump it in deep Chase it down Marian gets there he gets to work Nifty plays by pasta just make this whole sequence awesome because he creates two scoring

Chances real in tight neither one of them go the way we need them to Georgia fights them off it looks like it’s all for not though kale Mar is going to grab that puck off of a rebound he’s on the right side of the slot looks like he’s

Going to be able to skate it right out but Coy with that Long Reach ends up stripping him of the puck he strips it back to Pasta who then just circles back into the slot an absolute sniper roon in cheese top blocker goes back bar and out

I wasn’t even sure if he scored initially it’s one0 44 seconds in and then 5 minutes into the game pucks in deep once again and loo is going to be a huge beneficiary here but he’s the one who dumped it in dodged the defender put pressure on the next Defender puck gets

Bounced up the left wall to lindol who makes a great pinch here great vision as well cuz he sees a geeki coming down the right side for some reason the Avalanche for the first half of this game they cleaned it up later in it but we’re not

Recognizing the weak side at all if there was a trailing presence on the weak side weak side being the side that the puck is not on then they were just forgetting about that space in that human being either way heads up play by lindol gets it over to geeki geeki gets

In tight on georgev and realizes he’s kind of got it all covered I don’t have many options so he tries to go across the crease to Frederick misses Frederick but Georgia have already sold out on this so when Lao who’s a little farther to the left picks up that puck he just

Has a wide open net to shovel it into which he does it’s two and it is a lowo goal who would have guessed it how many goals do Loco of the Season hold on hold on hold on that’s his first feel like I should have known that but that’s his first

Loco is a player on this team what a guy anyway two we’ll take it and then 529 in Steen is going to go for tripping it’s not a great call it’s not frustrating too because we’ve been dominating this period we’ve been all over them and it’s super early still but like just tossing

Momentum back away from us hate to see it and as the penalty kill is expiring I don’t think this counted as a power play goal for them the ABS are all set up it’s a shot from the right dot it misses wide but bounces off the net and off the

Back wall back up to Woods who tries it short side and San is there and then he tries it short side again and it squeezes through and I thought rayt had a really great point on the broadcast about this between having like the actual toe lock as the goalie and you

Have the full pad sitting there you can get your arm down on it and there’s no space but if you have the skate pressed against the post naturally there’s going to be a little space and because as he said it was a bang bang play it’s quick

He’s just trying to get over to to that short side and make sure that there’s as little as possible wasn’t able to lock it in the way he wants to there’s that little bit of space regardless it’s still one he wants back getting beat short side when you’re on

The post sucks it sucks he wants that one back either way it’s 2-1 but moving on we’re going to have a call go our way it’s off sides it’s 508 left in the period it’s a great pass AC cross the blue line to zaka before we even enter

The Zone it’s on the neutral side of the blue line and zaka has to spin drag his foot collect the puck and then move it into the offensive zone which he does sort of and as he takes that zone he’s going to go down the right wall slam on

The brakes tosses to wspoon at the right point w spoon pucks to the net which he’s been really good about debrus is going to get a tip on the puck and it’s going to beat georgev High blocker and it’s three won and debrus get’s a huge goal they’re going to challenge for off

Sides I cannot believe this stood I can’t believe it because although I understand that you have control and possession I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone as their foot crosses the Blue Line them still count in that moment them receiving the puck as control and possession almost always I’ve seen that

Be like uhuh you need to have a stride with it or something ah move right football you need a football move I don’t know I don’t even know what that means but no it it stands it was on sides they deemed that he had control as

His foot slipped off the blue line and it’s a good goal so it’s 3-1 I cannot believe it wasn’t considered off sides I will take that though and we get the power play because of the failed coach’s challenge we don’t do anything with it which is especially painful because

You’re like we could really put a strangle hold in this game if we score here but we didn’t so it’s fine and we’ll go to the second period and the second period is the Avalanche kicking our teeth in for all of it for the whole period the whole time like bad really

Bad and then with 340 left we bent we bent we bent we bent and then we finally broke I really thought at this point we might get out of this period without allowing one just go into third have a two-goal lead crush this not so lucky

They get set up in our Zone it’s just a blue line play pass across to Manson who’s on the left point he’s going to hammer this on net it was a hard shot swan makes a save but it bounces around in his equipment a little bit and then

Lands behind him swming can’t locate it McKinnon cleans it up and it’s 32 just like that that’s another one that I bet San just wants back a little bit again these are goals that like you’re not going to exactly call them soft but he

Saw it coming he got a big chunk of it he wants that to fall where he needs it to fall it’s weird swiming was fantastic he was so good couple of huge saves in this one but both of the goals you could look at and be like he probably wants

That one back he probably feels like he could have had a shut out tonight if he was just a little sharper it’s a kind of competitive drive we like though 145 left Manson for interference we’re going to go to the power play with a chance to

Go back up by two 40 seconds left of this power play that doesn’t look amazing Coyle is going to go for tripping so we’re going to be 4v4 for 57 seconds and then a penalty kill we’re going to move on to the third we’re going to start on the penalty kill for

About a minute minute we kill it and with 435 left in this period which was not a lot going on in this one really low event period High sticking on Manson we’re going to go to the power play and with two seconds left of the power play

It’s a battle along the boards on the right side of the offensive zone and pasta is going to win this battle bump it over to De Brusque debrus is going to skate right into the high slot everyone collapses and somehow I get it I get how they forget

Him but I don’t get it pasta sneaks away everyone forgets about pasta he goes down to Georgio’s glove side and de bruss just Waits Waits Waits Waits whoop and it’s a tap in for pasta just you could call it back door I guess kind of but just redirects it right into the net

It’s 42 pasta is going to get the hattick on an empty net for a five2 dub not too shabby against a team that people consider to be very good I’m people I can consider them to be very good that’s a great win it’s a dub but Game notes the important

Stuff the way we closed this game out was brilliant the third period was not the most entertaining hockey in the world but fundamentally we got the puck out where we needed to we didn’t just ice it over and over there were a couple icing but we didn’t just ice it over and

Over we still attacked in moments but something that I love I love when the team makes a conscious effort to hey no shots from these weird [ __ ] angles that are going to lead to a three on two the other way we’re not shooting from the bottom of the right Circle missing

The net and then having to chase it if you’re up there alone take a shot from wherever the hell you want and coil did a couple times but don’t have this shot when everyone’s set up and one defenseman pinched you’re shooting from this really sharp diagonal angle it

Wraps around the boards they pick it up it’s three on one and we didn’t do it we kept responsible in our Zone in the neutral zone and in the offensive zone I thought it was a brilliant way to close out a game was it super entertaining no but it was definitely

Intense so I guess that makes it entertaining enough I thought it was a brilliant brilliant third period and we didn’t create a lot but we stifled everything really great job and San another game note here it’s just really weird that he had a few not softies but

Like things that you think he’d want back but the he made massive saves in this one he was so good it’s so funny how goenda it ends up the back of your net you’re playing at the highest league but also you’re going to stop like six of them that definitely should

Have gone in it’s weird goalies what are you got to do gotta love this team go bees go be thank you for watching but of course we’ve got to give a shout out to the lowquality YouTube channel members need a real name for that one of these days

Starting with the Topline tier the atomic lizard Bradley Johnson Aaron Adams coach D just Aaron Han slmo Darren Woodbury micro sausage Brett Arie pinent Justin Barnard and Nick Zulo you guys are studs and then we have our stallions Aion H E coyote Joel Jacob Pratt Jason Aussie bruan Connelly tupton deashi

Jonathan Harvey D Kingery the only noes a tasty snack dutes 42 Bruin Smash and Jeremy absolute Legends thank you guys so much for your support and go bees

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  1. "Lauko is.. a player on this team, what a guy." This is the kind of high quality analysis that keeps me coming back to low quality fan lmao great stuff as always bubba

  2. For the Bruins to be one of the top 5 teams in the league after losing, Taylor Hall, Tyler Bertuzzi, Dimitri Orlov, Krejci and Bergeron is unexpected and have over achieved and completely beat my expectations. They still need a big tough guy and need to clean out the opponent lurking around their own crease. Worried Lindholm and McAVoy are logging too many minutes and could get burnt out. Go Bs! Another great recap LQ. Thank you.

  3. Spot On, yet again! I look forward to waking up at 3am, just to have my day made, before it begins…of course, the DUB helps…

  4. Okay I forgive debrusk for his overtime antics and lack of offense after all this backchecking. His defensive game has been stellar.. Grzelcyk on the other hand… let’s just say I’m glad we have the spoon man. Go B’sssssssss

  5. I had the misfortune of having to watch the Colorado broadcast. Damn that broadcast team sucks. People complain about Jack, but damn he doesn't hold a candle to Mark Raycroft. Man, does he suck

  6. I've agreed this whole time, the last year and a half Georgiev has been super over hyped for no reason. Good average NHL starter. Definitely a decent number 1 goalie but not a top 10 in the league at all😊

  7. Did you mention that we stoned Makar and defended an Orr record? "Number of games to reach 300 points" is kind of a random statistic but it makes the win feel that much sweeter!

  8. A couple days ago I jokingly called Lauko the best Center in the league, and now he scores his first goal of the year the very next game? Coincidence? I think not!

  9. Is Makar a great defenseman? Ok, so my question is based on 1. I don't watch west coast teams much and 2. I believe Chara deserved his Norris trophy despite Mike Green getting 30 goals that year. I do respect offense but I personally think defense first. So when someone heaps praise on a defenseman because of points I'm always dubious unless I see defensive prowess with my own eyes. Anyone have thoughts on where a great talent like him ranks league wide defensively?

  10. I’m really liking how physical lauko and wotherspoon have been playing… nobody else on the team likes to make hits but them. Anyone know what’s going on with forbort or Carlo?

  11. Great bit to start the vid once again, always a pleasure to see these videos, one question though, I can't help thinking what Doug DeGoalhorn might be saying about all the NHL activity lately.👍

  12. So on the challenge – Zacha knows exactly what he's doing there. He has control of that puck. And while I can SEE an argument against it, the NHL should WANT plays like that to be legal. I remember years ago Coyle doing the same thing and it go called back and his comment was "it just sucks that you aren't allowed to make good plays". That's a skilled hockey play that resulted in a goal. The NHL should want goals like that to count, and plays like that to be legal. The only way IMO that should not be deemed possession and control is if he's either clearly deflecting it in or he hasn't received the puck yet.

  13. As a life long B's fan, yet oddly someone who used to live in Philly and held season tix to the Flyers for work reasons, that was a literal LOL skit.

  14. I remember an identical goal where Coyle did the exact same thing against Montreal and they ruled he didnt have possession. it was the exact same play across the line.

  15. i like locks. he is top four in hits on his team. he's an agitator too. he's got speed and skill. just needs to grow and get confidence.

  16. I’m abnormally late to these videos. Thought I watched it last night, guess I didn’t.


    The reason it wasn’t ruled offside is because it was a ‘tape-to-tape’ pass. If Zacha had intercepted a pass. Likely would have been called ‘offside’ but as it also didn’t jump over his stick, instead corralled between his skates so he could move with it. It’s a good play and thus, good goal. Had control of it, and held possession of the puck.

    Stuff can be very confusing, but. That’s how I saw and understood it.

    Side note: so happy for Lauko. Mans finally got rewarded for how he plays. I yelled his name with such joy when I realized HE scored.

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