@New York Rangers

6 years ago today… The Letter

6 years ago today… The Letter

by Known-Direction-5913


  1. NYdude777

    The letter and the ensuing plan worked getting them on a better path, but they’re at a crossroad again unfortunately and need to make some decisions to put them over the top.

  2. Nyrfan2017

    Keep trading picks for rentals with no results and we will get another one of those letters soon

  3. Key-Tip-7521

    And? Are you trying to say that this teams needs another letter moment to please half of the extreme fan base?

  4. TheFaustianMan

    Just think, in the same amount of time, Las Vegas was created and won a cup. 😶‍🌫️

  5. EnvironmentalLet5985

    Which familiar faces did we trade after this letter?

  6. lionson76

    The last few seasons have been fun with some truly epic moments, but I still think we rushed the rebuild. Was year 2 after the letter really the best time to spend nearly $20M on Panarin and Trouba instead of just continuing to build through the draft?

    There are always high-priced free agents to sign/trade later on, which is what all the recent dynasties have done once their young, homegrown guys started to get good. Chicago completely bottomed out to draft a foundation of Toews, Kane, Keith, Seabrook, and Crawford before adding veterans like Hossa, Sharp, Campbell, and Niemi. That strategy resulted in three Cups in six years, and they’ve started rebuilding again with Bedard, Korchinski, and probably another top 3 pick this summer.

    I just wish we were a little more patient…

  7. Careless-Barnacle333

    Tell ya what. I’d be FAR more forgiving and understanding as a fan, even being fine with never winning another cup in my lifetime if only the tickets weren’t so damn expensive and I could go to a few games a year.

    Price my family of 4 out of a game by making it $1,000 to even walk in the front door and I’ll use letter like that to wipe my ass with as I hire a Voodoo Queen to curse the entire Dolan family.

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