@Toronto Maple Leafs

[NHL Player Safety] Dallas’ Mason Marchment has been fined $5,000, the maximum allowable under the CBA, for interference on Toronto’s Jake McCabe.

[NHL Player Safety] Dallas’ Mason Marchment has been fined $5,000, the maximum allowable under the CBA, for interference on Toronto’s Jake McCabe.

by Parzival091


  1. BeautifulTorment

    I’m happy it was looked at, but at least 1 game would have been better…

  2. Redragontoughstreet

    I’ve been watching and playing hockey my whole life. I played at a juror level and now I coach my son’s team. With that said I have no idea what most of the nhl rules are. They change with the wind.

  3. CMDRShepardN7

    Anything and everything done against a Leaf is a slap on the wrist.

    But if a Leaf sneezes, 25 to life.

  4. v0t3p3dr0

    Acciari skates headfirst into a check, and the other guy gets 3 games.

    Marchment blindsides McCabe and gets $5000.


  5. rhineauto

    Remember this from last night, when asked what the refs said? *”They thought it was a good hit,” Keefe said*

    What a great league.

  6. dmanilluminati

    I’m just shocked they even looked at it.

  7. The_Joel_Lemon

    Keeping the family tradition of being a dirtbag alive

  8. When was the last time a player was suspended for a dirty hit on a leaf player?

  9. KossyTakos

    Its not suspension-worthy, but 5000 is so low

  10. TheNickelGuy

    It’s something. Helps enforce the notion that the Refs don’t know what the fuck they are doing.

  11. mgnorthcott

    He can only be suspended if an on-ice decision was made… penalty/misconduct, etc.

    A fine is all that is allowed for the remainder of any player discipline, which can only be a maximum of 50% of 1 day’s salary or $10k, whichever is lower. George Parros cannot suspend a player not given on-ice discipline, its not allowed under the CBA

  12. unholyduk

    But according to the NHL subreddit it was a clean hit and leafs fans are overreacting /s

  13. dntstpblevin

    It’s not suspension worthy. It was a penalty. The refs are the ones who should be fined the 5K.

  14. When was the last time someone actually got suspended for something they did to a leafs player?

  15. Would love a 3rd party to come in and analyze different aspects of the NHLs biases from player safety , to refereeing , to commissioner oversight and CBA

    It is all so obviously slanted against the leafs.

  16. TiredReader87

    I’m glad he got a slap on the wrist. That’ll teach him.

  17. icheerforvillains

    I hope the referees also get dinged somehow when the league needs to take DoPS action AND the referees didn’t even call a penalty.

  18. ptgrvmrdrdjhnsn

    just fell to my knees in a forest; saw sergachev

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