@National Hockey League

For fans from southern states, would you watch a roller hockey game/series if the NHL incorporated it into the season?

As a kid from a poor family in Kentucky, the only kind of hockey I ever got to play was roller hockey in the driveway with my dad. But I could never buy into the league as a kid because what I was playing in the driveway wasn’t the same thing that the pros were playing on tv. And I didn’t know if it even related to the game on the ice. I always wanted to see the red wings or the devils play a game of roller hockey. That would’ve made the league WAY more appealing to me. Even if it was just one game a year, like the outdoor games.

There’s multiple ways the NHL could incorporate roller hockey. Maybe a single game during the season, like the winter classic, that a southern team like the Kings, Coyotes or Lightning host in an outdoor stadium. Basically hockey on the beach or in the desert. Or maybe a summer roller hockey tournament with NHL players, or even teams that lasts a week or two. Could call it the Summer Series. Auston Matthews already promotes roller hockey blades for practicing for the ice. I would like to see him actually put them to use in a pro game.

by tbshaunn


  1. There are usually a handful of NHLers who play in the North American Roller Hockey Championship pro finals during the summer. Pat Maroon always makes a big effort to promote it, cuz he grew up playing roller hockey. Wouldn’t surprise me if we see Bedard/Cristall/Kent Johnson play NARCh at some point, too, cuz they play in a semipro inline league up in Vancouver during the summer as well.

  2. PositivePangolin81

    No… not at all. Im from FL…. i love seeing cold things, sick and tired of things that are hot.

  3. JustLikeTampa

    Tampa Bay had a pro roller hockey team that was owned by Mark Messier. They were a lot of fun even though the quality of play was really bad.

  4. If they could hit and it was nhl players, I would watch a summer league. If they want 10 games from regular season to be roller, I would not watch it.

  5. qawsedrf12

    need some actual street hockey

    create a rink on a street

    get some actual roadrash, like I used to get

    couldn’t skate for shit, so I was goalie

    Would love to see some XFL type league

  6. SLC_NinerMan96

    I would watch the fuck out of that. Absolutely.

  7. Both-Anything4139

    There was a roller hockey summer league in the 90s and it was pretty cool in my kid mind

  8. I would love to see it since inline was always my game. I think the one thing that could be problematic is the inability to stop/cut on roller blades. Players would have to really adjust their game, especially if they’ve never done it much before. I’d be worried about it leading to injury.

    Maybe a preseason game would be a better idea. It’s in summer anyway and could feature hockey in a different outside venue. It’d be the most exciting preseason game of any sport each year.

  9. AbsoluteScott

    I grew up in AZ and reside in Vegas.

    To me, roller hockey IS hockey.

    Fuck yeah, I would.

    Edit: Am I being downvoted for being born in AZ lmao? Jesus hockey fans. Do you think maybe if you tried a little harder you could possibly be a slightly bigger bunch of bitch asses?

  10. BeautifulAwareness81

    Yes, roller hockey gets hate but it’s hella fun and exciting to watch as well

  11. Local_Magpie

    Looks at his god damn hamstrings, that’s insane

  12. No. Roller hockey contact point feel different than ice hockey. Stopping feels different too. High chance of injury imo. If I would play months of either ice or roller it took a few hours for muscle memory to kick in. I pulled a groin muscle going ice to roller

  13. antilockcakes

    No, but the owners would never risk team points/ player injury for an exhibition game.

  14. -FR0STY-one

    Anyone else here that used to go to Anaheim Bullfrogs games at Ponda back in the 90’s?

  15. Techsas-Red

    Not likely. I don’t like to play roller hockey, much less watch it.

  16. BlvckValor_199X

    Idk about that. But I would love an NHL Street video game, that plays like NFL Street.

  17. Cletisv28

    Yeah, I’d love to see Kucherov sit in the middle of the pavement throwing little pieces of gravel like a little kid.

  18. mrkrinkle773

    Be cool sub for the all star game or an exhibition

  19. gooch_norris_

    No but I would be all about a separate roller league. Sure there’s a ton of overlapping skills but they’re really two different games

  20. Mayflower023

    I live in Florida and play roller hockey myself. I would definitely watch but making those games a part of the regular season would be a terrible idea.

    While the objective of roller hockey is the same, it’s just very different to play. I don’t want to call it a “different sport” because that sounds like I’m putting it down, but at that high of a level it is essentially a different sport

  21. Gillkid615

    I would not watch at all, but if it became cheap and accessible to get on a team as a kid and have practices I 100% would’ve picked that over the sports I did as a kid

  22. Depends on the rules they would use. I play in a lot of roller hockey tournaments, and the “pro” divisions are pretty boring to watch.

    Roller hockey doesn’t have offside or icing rules. This causes a lot of possession focused hockey. Think NHL OT 3v3.

    A lot of bringing the puck back to your own zone over and over until you get an odd-man rush. It’s just not the most exciting thing to watch, especially when you’re used to the fast paced, 40 shots a game NHL

  23. Back in the late 90s they had a Pro Beach Roller Hcokey league that was on ESPN2.

  24. There used to be a roller hockey league that was televised…. maybe early 90’s? It was…ok

  25. dr_van_nostren

    They’ll never do it cuz of the injury liability.

    HOWEVER they could def include like a “pro” roller or ball hockey game to the all star weekend.

  26. Murky-Perceptions

    I lived in Ca as a boy and roller hockey was what we played, heck yeah I’d be down for that!

  27. SouthOfHeaven42

    I’d totally watch it. I got priced out of ice as a kid and the only way to play with a budget was roller hockey. Got nothing but love for it and I’d 100% tune in to a roller hockey game involving NHLers. Maybe even do an all star game on roller blades.

  28. eyeeatmyownshit

    I’d watch ball hockey before roller hockey

  29. Not if it counted as a real game. Imagine losing out on the playoffs by one point because you lost a stupid ass roller hockey game. That would be infuriating

  30. Fluffy-Cake-Engineer

    I’ve seen streams on YouTube and other platforms, interesting to watch between other sports. Wouldn’t want the NHL getting tied into it, they’d rather control all streaming on regional blackouts and resulting in less interest.

  31. DubC_Bassist

    Maybe as part of the All Star break. But if that was the case, I’d rather they pick some of the rookies to suit up with local kids team and play with them as part of the weekend.

    Otherwise, I don’t really see the appeal of roller hockey on the NHL level

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