@Carolina Hurricanes

Randy Pedersen’s Pro Tips | Why Are Pro Bowlers So Good?

PBA Hall of Famer Randy Pedersen talks bowling basics with your personal bowling style, a good warmup and practice routine, bowling terminology and he explains why pro bowlers are so good.

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  1. Muito bom , só d assistir esses tipos de vídeos, pude aprender a jogar bem ,não tão bem como belmonte rsrs

  2. I tried bowling two hands in my bowling alley, I admit it was not pretty, I used a one swing with my thumb. That is my comfort zone and I play better that way than I do two hands. I was taught by my bowling center to win in a league or be a better bowler, you got to make your spears.

  3. Funny thing is, the PROs are not always that good. PRO means you earn money doing the job. Can earn more in amateur brackets than what most PROS make on tour. Most of the PROS, lose money on Tour. Only the top 20 in the world cash.

  4. because they have endless free balls to get drilled every which way and tour reps who sit behind and watch the ball motion and make recommendations the players can't see themselves.

  5. Mike Miller didn't just throw a 300 on tv: he did it when they were using heavier gold colored pins, a promotion used to distinguish the pros from the amateurs. Gold pins were discontinued because it was harder to see on camera and in real life. Yellow or neon green would have been a better color.

  6. Really Randy? And you say that Osku was the first person to do two hands? And Jason does 2nd with two hands? No argument on that call, way after an orthodox shots, they can use a breakpoint of their swing.

  7. This video is incredibly timely and a career saver. I have a powerful, unique style (High rev, high ball speed) but it reduces me to using balls such as the Radical Spy to be controllable at the 15 to 7 line. Otherwise I'm reduced to using a 26 to 10 line on house patterns. I normally average 193 on league but on sport patterns, I average 214. I have never had a coach, so I appreciate this video greatly. Thank you

  8. Anyone starting the game from scratch today, such as children, teens or adults taking on a new sport, needs to start two handed if they have any ambitions of making the sport a career or a money making endeavor. The two handers have such an advantage in terms of rev rate and the fact that taking the thumb out of the ball eliminates "squeezing" and other release variables the two handers do not have. There is a reason that two best bowlers in the world are Belmonte and Simonsen. Sports evolve. The tour used to be straight and "down and in" before Mark Roth and then Pete Weber brought the "big hook" and "cranking" into the spotligh in the 70s and 80. In 20 years with more and more of the kids and teens starting out two handed and even some adults switching to two hands, there are going to be few, if any, competitive one handers left at the middle and top ends of the sport.

  9. The pros are good because they loft the cap while the plebs are trying to play up the gutter.

    Or they play up the gutter while the plebs are trying to loft the cap.

  10. 3:18 After seeing Mika whiff that 10 pin I just realized that he muscled the ball A LOT. And on that spare in particular it looked the ball threw him.

  11. Not wrong advice advice but I dont like how you totally undermine the fact that pros pretty much got unlimited infrastructure/support/equipment/money and are overprivileged as fuck.

    Think about what an amateur able to throw 869 over 3 could do with a pros infrastructure.

  12. I think the pros we see had a lot of talent as a youth ,got good coaching through school and or collage ..won a few regional tournaments..then made the leap ..most don’t make a lot of money on tour ..the pro shot is tons harder than house shot…you won’t be avg 240 on pro tour..yet pros go to home and avg 250 with ease..many great bowlers did this with a plastic ball to boot!!so keep practing!!..

  13. after all the year and years of saying we cant switch to left hand to pick up splits from the left to cover the 10 pin.. now its magically allowed to throw backup with this 2 handed business. i know people who had to become sanctioned with each hand and hold 2 different averages.. now you can use both at once??? how does this work exactly.. i call it cheating.. its not bowling im sorry.. i respect 1 hand no thumb because you have to create way more balance with the thumb out of the ball than you do with it in.. the fact that when using 2 hands you can adjust the axis so drastically its literally the same as using either hand you want at any given time you want and that is absolutely cheating take the 2, 8, 10…. a right hander should not be able to pick that up as easily as a 2 hander just changing the axis to become a backup ball… thats such bs the 3 9 7 is what a lefty would be challenged with thats what makes it fair… i cant believe this happened to bowling.. sad..

  14. In my league I'm seen as the most versatile player everyone has there game and if it's not working for them it's not a good night for them but with me I practice the straighter up 5 and hooking the lane so I've always got options 😁, oh and I also practice backup ball just incase lol

  15. Start as a ten year old when your dad runs a nice bowling center then come home from school and bowl dailyfrom 3:30 pm until leagues start at 7pm. Bowl at least 100 games a week and if you have the talent you will improve and reach Pro levels!

  16. A lot of good bowlers practice a lot but they tend to practice bad habits. Pro bowlers practice good habits. Pro bowlers do it for a living. That naturally gives you more incentive TO practice obviously

  17. cuz they cheat and have a rapid heat or cool down microwave method like Belmo.. Also the one handers have a Wrist of Thor, while the 2 handers go for rapid speed and creating their crease in the land, righty/lefty no matter.. 2 hander should be a duckball sport. or Maybe cradling a baby and rolling dinosaur eggs is what created the Caveman and the sport of bowling.. one hand, two hand, no thumb, your mom is watching and is proud

  18. I agree about finding your style, but be careful. Some styles can cause injury. There are many styles out there that cause serious injury to your back, knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist, or even knuckles.

  19. With my style I don’t use a thumb so who I look at that fits my style is Mike Miller (after Randy said about him in this video) and Tom Daugherty

  20. Two honest question please only honest replies 1.. once you release ball why say anything thing the ball can't hear you..2 is it really a fair for the two handed to be allowed a 66 year single hand. Bowl can't rev it that much.. sorry one more how can I watch live bowling on TV

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