@Edmonton Oilers

This COULD BE A MASSIVE CHANGE For The Edmonton Oilers

The Edmonton Oilers defense got the boat rocked today, as our Head Coach threw together some drastic changes when it comes to the d pairs. Let’s discuss today’s lineup news!
#EdmontonOilers #Oilers #NHL


  1. Love putting desharnais with nurse I think he deserves it but I’m not sure splitting bouch and Ekholm up is a great idea rather see ceci and kulak together

  2. I’m not sure about bouch and kulak and ceci with eky but knoblach has my full trust we’ll see how this runs. I like how he’s willing to experiment let’s hope this works.

  3. kk is messing with the lines like all ex coaches. our d has been good. not a+ but a-. no need for big change.
    what is needed is the forwards. that is why we need another center…

  4. Imo the best D pairings might be? especially for the playoffs….

    Ekholm Cece
    Nurse Vinny
    Kulak Broberg
    Bouchard (PP only)

    I hope we pick up Tanev!

  5. This confusing me is an understatement. I could see Bouch with Nurse, Vinnie with Eks and Ceci Kulak.

  6. This is a terrible idea. I understand Vini and Nurse paired but in no way should Bouchard and Kulak be a pair. They’ll get stomped in their own zone and won’t be able to break cycles….as well why on earth are the oilers looking at Tanev? It will cost them a first and he’s too injury prone and he is not under team control past these last few months…

  7. It's too bad Broberg couldnt be under the tutelage of Elkholm as his D partner…..I think they would make a heck of a duo.

  8. Ceci is on the special menu these days!! Joke! This so called media or Pondis have no clue about the game.. before you call out Ceci’s name, where is Nuge? Where is Kane? Where is number 29?? That is our problem..

  9. This strikes me as a trial run to see if ceci is tradable. If deharnais can play with nurse, and kulak is capable of holding the Fort with Bouch, we can say ceci might be expendable. Ekholm can play with anyone.

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