@Buffalo Sabres

Selling high on Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen not the craziest idea ever

Selling high on Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen not the craziest idea ever

On today’s episode of the lock on Sabers podcast a trade idea that I think you’re going to hate but I’m going to try to convince you coming up here on the locked on Sabers Podcast your locked on Sabers your daily podcast on the Buffalo Sabers part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day and and thanks for making locked on Sabers your first listen every day we are free and available wherever you get your podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create

An account use the code locked on for $20 off your first purchase we are between games the Sabers fall to Dallas on Tuesday night they are next in action Saturday afternoon against the St Louis Blues so that means that we have some time in the middle for some more trade

Discussion as we are now exactly one month away from the NHL trade deadline that will happen on March 8th kind of interesting by the way the NHL trade deadline I did not realize this and I don’t know that this maybe this has changed in recent years is so much later

Than the NBA trade deadline the NBA trade deadline is today and their season begins after the NHL season does so those teams are 50 games in to their regular season and boom there’s the trade deadline meanwhile these NHL teams are also about 50 games in they have

Another month to go before they get to their trade deadline I don’t know that that has to change or mean anything it’s just a little interesting that the two leagues do it very very differently Sabers Lines by the way exact same at practice um nothing really to get into

On that front before Saturday’s game against St Louis there’s not a lot interesting happening with lineup stuff um given where they are in the sandings and the fact that we’re not really seeing any major changes to the lineup aoso still on that Top Line though uh which is not something that I

Necessarily like to see so uh again if you want to check out our text line go to join sub locked ons saers become a sorty today you sign up on the site and that’s it for the site everything else is through your phone texting back and forth uh would love to

To go back and forth with you so if you want to jump into our text line that’s where you can do that so we’re between games trade talk before we get to my trade idea that I’m pretty sure you’re not going to like but I’m gonna really

Do my best to convince you that it’s at least an idea worth thinking about Elliot fredman in his 32 thoughts had a couple of very interesting tidbits on the league in general and including on the Arizona Coyotes um kind of a last stand fredman called it for coyotes uh

Ownership and trying to find an arena in the era in the Phoenix area this is seeming like it might be it that if they don’t get this final deal past in Tempe which it kind of sounds like they’re not going to that’s it they’re toast they’re probably moving up to Salt Lake that’s

How I read it Batman wants to make wants everybody to think that they still could return to Phoenix one day even if the coyotes leave but man I don’t know how much more proof you need that that hockey does not work in that market it’s

A major Market you tried Let It Go that was one big NHL thing that got described but a Sabers tidbit and uh thought number 13 by Elliot fredman he writes quote Buffalo’s got a lot of good prospects a really talented group not yet in the NHL over the next few months

It’s very very possible some will be used to get what the Sabers need there’s not room for all of them and teams always wrestle with when someone outgrows the AHL I’m very curious to see which young Sabers get a look over the next little while also expect Eric

Johnson moves it’s a Nob brainer for a contender bypassing the Johnson news it’s gonna be a six round pick not interesting at all I am curious what fredman knows and how fredman arrived at that thought because the way he worked words at all it’s kind of tough to tell fredman is

The most plugged in Insider in the NHL he knows things he talks to people in the league he knows what’s going on he’s also a smart hockey guy so one of two things happened for fredman to arrive at writing this on Thursday morning one is he’s heard from somebody in the league

Or somebody with the sabers that hey business is open maybe for these prospects they’re shopping them around or they’re looking to make a deal like that they’re finally looking to make a two prospects for one player trade a prospect and a pick trade for a better player they’re looking to do that

And fredman heard about that and that’s how he arrived at this thought of hey here’s an idea it’s because it’s on the table he doesn’t write about things that are unrealistic so option one is that he knows something and that that’s what it’s in the works behind the

Scenes that’s the one I want to believe I don’t know it to be true I want to believe that that’s the reason why fredman’s writing this this morning the second reason he could be writing it is fredman decided to dive in on the Sabers a little bit you know 32 thoughts let me

See what I could write up on Buffalo what’s going on there it’s a ridiculous playoff drought fans are mad what what’s going on here let me look and fredman goes to to their organizational depth chart month out from the trade deadline what kind of move could the Sabers make

And he’s looking through he’s looking through and going wait a minute this team’s got a ton of prospects that are knocking on the door about ready to crack the NHL Yuri Kulik is right there ready to play in the NHL if not during this season next year Isaac Roseanne is

Ready to get his chance in the NHL Matthew seavoy next year will be ready to get his chance in the NHL Noah osland who actually might have been the best of the bunch at the world juniors is the one where you go okay that’s probably another year everybody else is hey here

I am I’m here for the party gotta let me in I’m on time just because you don’t have your party set up this the Sabers right now are the hosts of the Super Bowl party that you’re gonna have on Sunday where they tell everybody hey

Come over at 6 o’clock and then you as the guest you’re Yuri Kulik you arrive at the party at 6 o’ on the dot and Kevin Adams and dog Granado answer the door and they don’t have anything ready they got to go still pick up the pizza

They still gotta put out you know all the drinks they got to get the ice they got to do everything still they’re not ready for you but you’re here I’m here but let me in right I you make it work I’ll sit in the living room but you’re

Letting me in I’m here that’s the Sab prect situation fredman maybe looks at that sees that and just on his own initiative goes oh they’re going to have to what we by the way all of us have already done I’ve done it you’ve done it we’ve already arrived at this conclusion

Ourselves fredman maybe is just getting to it later than we are because he’s got 31 other teams to cover of oh they’re gonna make a trade they they have to it’s inevitable they all can’t make the roster so duh they’re gonna make a trade like that eventually and maybe that’s

Why fredman’s writing that this morning I think that might be more likely I want to believe option one that he’s heard something but I might think option two is more believable fredman looked at the Sabers realized that the long-term situation they’re in is that and then decided to write about it that’s my

Guess but we all know they got to make a trade like that and anybody telling me that it’s possible they can make a trade like that I’m going to take as hope even giving me a if it’s a 40% chance that fredman knows that the Sabers are

Looking for that deal behind the scenes I’ll take it give me any hope that there we’re going to get a deal like that before next month’s trade deadline when we come back a trade that is not like that I’ve got an idea for a move that I

Think you might not like but hear me out I’ll give you the merits of it and then you could call me an idiot at the end of it if you still disagree what about selling high on ukap peka Lucen talk about that when we come come back here

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Standing Robin Hood Financial LLC member sepc is a registered broker dealer so Zig Jo deasi back here on the locked on Sabers podcast thanks for making us your first listen every day all right listen we got a month until the trade deadline there’s not a lot of

Interesting trade ideas hear me out let me try to convince you that it’s reasonable to think about a trade involving Savers goenda peka Lucan and I already know what you’re thinking or what you’re saying here Joe goes again with the UPL hate before this season he

Was telling me you should wave him you should get him out of here he’s not even worth having on the team anymore that it’s time for Devin Levi and Eric comry to take over the guy will never be good and now he’s trying to get him off the

Team even when he’s been playing well listen I signed the apology for him I was wrong on lukanin to an extent I do also want to defend myself and others you know that mat boet for instance I saw tweeting about this the other day about being unfair to ukap peka lukanin

I was wrong about Lucan in I don’t feel that I was unfair to Lucan in the guy hadn’t played well it’s what you do if you haven’t played well and for him it wasn’t like he had played great in juniors and in the miners and then not

Played well in the NHL because then I could you could say that I was being unfair but he hadn’t shown signs of being an NHL golender even at the previous stops in Rochester and um his limited time with the sberry Wolves of the uh OHL the Cincinnati Cyclones just

His development hit a stop right when he got injured and then for multiple years took him a long time to get going until this season um but here we are all that’s in the past here we are he’s playing great how great though is he playing he’s been very good he’s been a

Legitimate number one goendale in hockey he’s not even been one of the best goalies in hockey save percentage wise he’s about average the better stats that give you more context goal State both expected per 60 the one that I’ll give you the most out of 65 67

Goenda and ranks 27th that’s really good that is really really good he has saved four and A half goals OV expected on the season so that’s about you know three wins two three wins that he has contributed above average which is four to six points I mean they’d be a lot

Lower without him even you know though they’re not that close in the first place so he’s been good very good number one level good and he still is a young goenda goalie that there are a dozen of in the league at least that have a pretty up and down career

This is most goalies actually you’ll have a year like lucin’s having right now and then you’ll have a down year and then you’ll have another up year and then you’ll have another down year and then you have a vzna year and then you’re back down and you have another

Good one where this is one of those guys sem envar Loff comes to mind although maybe he’s too good for this but you know what I mean the guy that had that one crazy year and maybe four good years and then five not so great that to me is

Going to be ukap peka lukanin which is fine to have on your roster I don’t need to push him out the door I want to make that very clear the only way I would ever think about a Luca and trade is if you’re getting something of real value

Elsewhere on the roster so before we get to that though the trade part why you could even open this door a little bit about Lucan and being traded his value is probably never going to be higher he’s 24 years old you have contract control over the player and

He’s playing the best hockey he ever has this is when his value would be at his best so if you believe still and I do that Devin Levi is this team’s future number one is completely normal for a 21-year-old net minder even of his talent and of his

Expectation this is normal for what de for for Devon Levi absolutely normal so I still think it’s very likely he’ll turn into their number one goenda to find that that is not a super high-profile role on the team that’s a replaceable role that I could even go

Year to year to year on if if Levi has locked down the number one job this is the big question and concern though about a Lucan and trade is you’d be trading him before you really know what Levi is before you know what you’ve got you’re probably not going to know what

You’ve got for a couple of years so any move with Lucan in the next two three years would be that but the idea here is you’re cashing in and what I’m cashing in for again the only way I’m thinking about trading Lucan in is if I’m getting a legitimate top

Four defenseman that the Sabers have been looking for Lucin and a pick Lucan in and a prospect like Noah osland and I’m getting a Rasmus Anderson back from Calgary or I’m getting you know a Brett pesy back from Carolina hurricane really need goal tending they would love to have ukap

Peka lcan and they’ve been searching all year they waved onon called him back up they were talking about trading peshy in the off season I wonder if peshy would come to Buffalo but a guy like that he’s a guy you’re gonna trade Lucan in for and play 20 plus minutes a night and

Another reason for that is great that he’s playing well this year but it’s 10 points they’re probably done and let’s go Levi and another guy you get in the off season for cheap cheaper than Brett pesi and that’s your goalie tan up for next year you can find your way to

Replacing Lucan a lot easier than you can find your way to acquiring a top four defenseman that’s the objective here and it doesn’t have to be a defenseman it could be the next team o Meer that becomes available a 30 goal scorer that’s another part of this now

You tell me how dumb how crazy this is because if you look at the Sabers and who who could be available at the deadline if they want to make a splash move if they want to shake the foundation a little bit with the roster there’s only so many things they could

Do most of their important players are under contract we’ve talked about Casey midat we’ll talk about Casey midad again he’s the more likely idea I think to be traded off this roster but the big reason why is he doesn’t have a contract long term they haven’t paid him yet same

Goes with Lucan he needs a contract coming up up they haven’t paid him yet and there’s going to have to be a decision to made on him the same that there has to be a decision to be made on Casey middl so given that that’s a big

Element of this whole idea let’s talk about lucan’s contract situation when we come back because this is a tough one and we’ll try to break it down back here on the lockdown Savers podcast we are presented by game time you shouldn’t have to worry about where you buy

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Purchase terms apply again create an account redeem code locked on for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed final segment here in the lock on Sabers podcast I know I know we’re talking an ukaa Lucan and trade on today’s show I don’t think it’s all that

Likely or realistic but there’s some Merit to me for it some Merit because I’m trying to find a way for this team to go make a big move to make the roster better specifically on the blue line in the top four one way you could do that

Is this guy ukap peka Lucan now a part of the reason why I landed on him as an idea to talk about is his contract is up and what’s going to happen there I don’t know that I’m leaning one way or the other on what the smart move is I think

Lucin’s having a career year I mean statistically that is just true I would probably expect or guess again given that this is most goalies in the NHL that will see a little bit of regression next year they really could be wasting one of the good Lucan in years

I don’t know how many you’ll get this is one of them and they’re wasting it but what are you going to pay him after a season like this I think the only thing the saber should even consider is a bridge contract with Lucan that’s it signing him to a

Longterm six seven-year deal should be out of the question he’s been great this year he’s been very nice I think he’s really cleaned up his rebound control he’s cleaned up how he used to be a guy that would really overextend himself that would overplay certain situations

Um would Chase pox out of his own crease when he’s trying to challenge and this year I think he’s been more calculated I think he’s been more conservative in his approach utilizing his size and his athleticism while knowing I don’t have to make you know I think guys that are

Six5 and can move like that sometimes may me think that they have to make the spectacular save all the time and I do think that you could tell the foundation that lucan’s built his game on the mechanics the technique has certainly improved so Bridge contract couple years two three years you give

Them the money is gonna be weird here right I don’t know we haven’t the Sabers haven’t done a contract like this with a goalie since since who did they Robin Leonard it’s been a long time they didn’t even pay Robin Leonard right they let him walk so threeyear de $3.5

Million that’s the best I could do that’s the my best guess $3.5 million over three years and then he would be a unrestricted free agent at age 27 when that deal would be up and would be over so you tell me what’s the better idea giving Lucan in that contract and you

Keep going and him and Devon Levi are your tandem for the future and I think that’s probably going to be the more popular answer or do you take luukinen do you parum with uh stud Prospect and do you go get the best player on the market that is on

A team that needs a goalie because of course Lucan and would only be you know wanted by teams that like Carolina that need a goenda debate um even though I’m making the case here if you pinned me down I would slightly side with no you know

What I’m right on the fence I if you tell me I’m getting that top four defenseman I want that top four defenseman I’m not trading Lucan in though just to trade him of course like I’m not doing that I I’m what I’m doing here is I’m onlyon even thinking about

It because this is when you maximize an asset and Lucan in is an asset on this team right now he had no value at the beginning of the year and now he’s got value or at least he should have value and to me I’m confident still Devon Levi is the

Number one of the future that’s where I guess you really have to think of where you are uh in this question is what do you truly believe Devon Levi is because if you think like me they can sustain Levi and a different veteran that they bring in for cheaper the next year’s

Version of Cam talbat who’s been great for the Kings this year on a one-year deal that if that’s good enough for you like it is for me and you could get an impact player in another position you look to trade Lucan in if you’re not as

Sure about Devon Levi as the number one if you don’t want to take the risk at all you don’t want to trade any body until you are sure that there is a legit goenda in um then you just don’t make a move then you just you go forward and

These are your two goalies let me know what you think uh join our subtext join sub lockon Sabers our lockdown Sabers text line where you can answer there you can get us on Twitter at lockdowns saers as well uh we will talk Sabers and blues on tomorrow show a

Little bit about the blues where they’re at I want to revisit trade a little bit we do this a yearly occasion every year that trade looks different every year it was a blowout in favor of St Louis at the start then it was more of just a win for St Louis then

It was kind of close to even siding with St Louis because they won the cup because of where Tage was and this year you got Tage down you got Ryan Johnson up or Riley’s not on the blues anymore we’ll talk about the the we’ll revisit

The blues Sabers trade and I got to talk about Ras or stallan potentially going to the Toronto Maple Le because that is a fun idea uh I think not necessarily a good thing for Toronto but I think that’s a fun idea uh for the playoffs thanks for listening here in the lock.

Saers podcast making us a part of your first listen every day reminder check out locked on sports today the first ever National Sports 24/7 streaming Channel on YouTube that you can now find on Amazon Fire TV Amazon Fire TV locked on sports today check it out talk to you

Next time here in the lock down saers podcast part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day

With a month to go until the trade deadline, Sneaky Joe explores a new idea to try and acquire a top-four defenseman or a proven goal scorer. What about selling high and trading Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen?

Joe looks over UPL’s contract situation, as he’ll be an RFA at the end of the year, what type of value he should have in the league, and how he fits into the future with Devon Levi after this season.

Also, does Elliotte Friedman know something about the Sabres buying at the deadline?

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  1. This seems like it would add to the goalie issues, not resolve things between the pipes. I get the perspective, but we are lacking consistency, and you want to trade it away? Ideas on who we are acquire, examples?

  2. These are some really dumb ideas Joe. You want to get rid of the only goalie the Sabres have that resembles an NHL goalie. Trade top young prospects for players that will be on the down side of their careers in a couple years. I'm not a Kevin Adam's fan but thank God you're not the GM. Get real Joe.

  3. Why would you trade upl that's nuts and ridiculous he's finally living up to his potential and we're gonna trade him nah I'll pass on that idea

  4. Terrible idea. Don’t understand why you’d get rid of UPL probably the only bright spot on this team at the moment

  5. Ummmmmmm. MVP 2018-2019 OHL = UPL. Cue the Great Gazoo. Hello dumb dumb. Funny that Levi's struggles are perfectly normal. But UPL struggling wasn't normal. BTW 4-27 on his show bets!

  6. Trading UPL now is a terrible idea ! Secondly you do realize Pesce is UFA this summer, soooo Adams can sign him then and not give up anything. Not to mention theres no way Carolina is trading Pesce as they need him for the playoffs. Also why move UPL, whats wrong with a goalie tandem of UPL & Levi for the forseeable future ? The D zone system needs to be over hauled aka FIRE D coach Marty Wilford, not change the goaltending !
    I fully agree its time to trade some prospects and a draft pick for a top 4 D man( since Samuelsson is done) one who might be available and who has contract term is Colton Parayko St louis ,he is signed for the next 6 years at $6.5 million, but I dont think its a good idea to trade a pick and prospects for a UFA D man ( Hannifan or Tanev) , as look what happened to Florida a few years ago when they traded for Ben Charoit, at the deadline. Florida paid a small fourtune and then Charoit signed in Detroit! .
    Lastly dont try and fill a hole in your lineup by creating another hole which is what you would do if you traded UPL or Middelstadt for a top 4 D man right now.

  7. I think UPL is good for the Sabres but I also remember him having at least 1 hip surgery…. that's a concern go forward and always should be

  8. They failed in choosing who they wanted their core to be plain and simple, tage Thompson was a flash, tuch skinner Cozens ain’t good enough and the rest of the prospects we have are small asf and our defense 2 first overall picks that suck defensively

  9. You think top tier goalies grow on trees? Look around, there is a severe shortage. He's Top 13 today and has a shot at Top 10. You'd trade that? Now? Unbelievable.

  10. Joe, I can’t get on board with selling UPL. After trading Lehner and Ullmark and then watch them go win the vezina, I just can’t do it again. How many guys are we just gonna sell for Pennie’s on the dollar and expect to ever get ahead?

  11. Also you have been on the goaltender trade train to bring one in and now you’re sending out our more NHL ready guy producing I just can’t.

  12. We've been waiting for a number one and now you want to trade him? But you complain about the draught. Done with this millennial.

  13. UPL movement was good last year but needs refining. This year, we have seen the refinement, with upsides still to be had. Yes, there still is work to be done, but I will take UPL any day of the week as he continues to improve. If he stalls or becomes stagnant, then we could have a conversation, but until that point, you would be nuts to trade UPL.

  14. UPL has only been solid for half a season….he could easily revert back to old UPL….and be a marginal NHL goalie….Comrie played great couple years ago….and is in AHL now

  15. So now that he's finally developing the way we expected (remember, he came in HIGHLY touted until the hip injury), NOW we trade him? Then we're also gonna need another goalie. Levi isn't ready yet so that becomes a really dumb idea.Hell, we'll need TWO goalies, because Comrie isn't the answer either. UPL's value may be as high as it's ever been……..especially to us.

  16. What to do with all the prospects? I really like Joe's idea of Rasmus Andersson or maybe a Pesce but I think I might have another. When asked recently about his future, Draisaitl said he would do what's best for him. Well, a package of Cozens or Mitts plus maybe another young roster player (Benson?) plus prospect(s) and pick(s) could do it. At the end of it all, we would still have a decently stocked farm system. One negative would be our centers going from $14 million to $20-21 million combined based on a $13-14 million AAV for Leon.

  17. Not sure where I stand on this at the moment. I’m convinced that had the Sabres managed to keep Ullmark last year, we would have earned those 2 points we needed to make the playoffs, with points to spare. I’m not saying he would have done it single-handedly, but it was upgrade enough to push us over the top with how the rest of the team performed last season.

  18. A lot of people here must think UPL is going to sign long term after this season or next season on his ufa season I don’t think there’s a chance in hell he even considers negotiating a new contract

  19. The Sabres just become a feeder team for the rest of the NHL. Develop players then sell them when they show any amount of value. No different than an AHL team

  20. Come on, Joe !!!!! UPL & LEVI our team is set potential for the long term in net. Whatever happen to having a soild A+/A- ???. U cant bridge UPL til he's 27 yrs old. That will be his prime time 27+++

  21. It makes no sense to trade UPL now. He's turned a big corner this year in his development, Easily a solid #2, if not #1. If you're going to trade a goalie, why not Levi?

  22. The team has given up 2.08 goals per game in the last 12 games since 2024 started – defense has actually been just fine. We need to figure out why our team shooting percentage SUCKS and get that fixed.

  23. The Sabres won’t do anything, this will be the same team next year, Okposo will be back because he’s a great leader like Mark Messier, the team will still be youngest team in the league, we will have to wait 3-4 years for guys to develop, it took Mittens 6 years to be good so we can waste our time and wait for benson to play 4 seasons etc. the GM tried to make trades but nobody wants to play here, if a guy has a no trade deal he will not come here, no free agents any good will sign here. UPL will be signed then he will not win a game again, that typical Buffalo luck. Okposo will play out his last year and they will put up a statue in his honor in front of the arena for all the playoff games he’s led us to. Okposo has meant more to the Sabres than Gilbert ever did, he is Buffalo, they will make a Buffalo sauce in his name called Oakie wing dip.

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