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This Asian Man Ran the FASTEST 60m in Human History | Su Bingtian 2012-2021 Metamorphosis 9.83|6.29

A story of how a short Chinese kid went from finishing last in the Olympic race to become one of the Fastest humans ever on earth. An absolute underdog story of doubt, perseverance, hope and daring…

Official data has been released recently that confirms Su Bingtian as the fastest short-distance sprinter in history, running the fastest 60m (6.29) ever recorded, under any conditions (followed by Usain Bolt’s 6.31 and Christian Coleman’s 6.32). His time would translate to an astounding 4.07 40 yard dash under NFL combine timing, way faster than the current record of 4.22 by John Ross. His 9.83 in the 2021 Olympic Semi-Final is also among the Top 13 Fastest times in human history. To put this in perspective, 9.83 is enough to win gold in any Olympics 100m Finals prior to 2008 and enough to medal in any Olympics.

But perhaps the most striking part of Su Bingtian’s story lies elsewhere…

苏炳添 / 蘇炳添 / Su Bingtian Documentary (HD)/The Fastest Asian
가장 빠른 아시아 남자
60m Weltrekordlauf/Schnellster asiatischer Mann
Record du monde du 60 m/l’homme asiatique le plus rapide
record mondiale di 60 metri/l’uomo asiatico più veloce
苏炳添纪录片: 蜕变
蘇炳添紀錄片: 蛻變
When GOKU competes in 100m Olympics Race


  1. Please share this video to spread the message of Hope, Daring and Human Solidarity.

    Official data (citations at bottom) has been released recently that confirms Su Bingtian as the fastest short-distance sprinter in history, running the fastest 60m (6.29) ever recorded, under any conditions , followed by Usain Bolt's 6.31 and Christian Coleman's 6.32. Su Bingtian also set the fastest split record for 10m, 20m, 30m, 40m, 50m, as well, which means nobody is faster than him in the first 60m of the race, no matter the distance. His time for 40 yard dash would translate to an astounding 4.07 (according to another source sub-4.05) under the NFL combine testing method, way faster than the current record of 4.22 by John Ross, hence setting the current upper limit for human explosive power. His 9.83 in the 2021 Olympic Semi-Final is also among the Top 15 Fastest times in human history and Top 5 Fastest times in Olympics history. To put this in perspective, 9.83 is enough to win Gold in any Olympics 100m Finals prior to 2008 and enough to medal in any Olympics except 2012.

    In our politically correct era, it's easy to publicly, privately, consciously disavow racial theory concerning Intelligence 3:14/Athleticism 3:42, but everybody secretly/spontaneously believes in it under the overwhelming weight of commonsensical empirical evidence that testify to the contrary.

    Homologously, I doubt anyone seriously believed he could run this number before it actually happened, which is why the event nevertheless materializing was so shocking, incredible, as if in-human. Before something happens, it is always easy to proclaim the formal possibility of it happening, but nobody SERIOUSLY entertained the real possibility of it happening. In other words, it is easy for many to Fantasize, but it takes courage for the few to Dream.

    When, in an interview, Su was asked whether he is an exception to the racial norm, he responded: “There is nothing exceptional here. If I can do it, YOU can do it too and do it better”. First, this stance of "universality without exception" is utterly different from the weak cliche of “breaking the stereotype”–the latter concedes the applicability of stereotype to the rest of the group while reserving a spot of exception for a few, hence leaving the stereotype intact. Second, Su is not saying "you will" with a tone of surety, but "you can". He is not making the outlandish claim that "anybody will do it if they try". You can" implies a sense of unknowability—You might or might not be able to do it, but you will never know unless you try…2:59

    The single greatest misunderstanding people often took from this video is the willful subjectivist fantasy of "hardwork beat genetics". No. One doesn't run the fastest 60m ever recorded without the most elite god-tier genetics possible. Indeed, Su trained MUCH LESS after he switched to his later coach Randy Huntington, who made him realize his problem was exactly the ideological belief that Asians somehow had lesser athletic talent and had to make up for that deficiency by working harder, an outdated and misguided training methodology that only predisposed him to potential career ending injuries through over-training. What Su's story exposes is that "raw genetics" is but a retroactive illusion: once you reach a certain level, it seems you've ALWAYS ALREADY had the potential to reach that level. One's "raw talents" does not exist in itself that automatically motivate or push one to be great, to do the work to be great. Rather, one's "raw talent" is a retroactive RESULT of one having performed the work which retroactively projected the "raw genetics" to be there in the first place. In other words, what we have here is the infinite speculative judgment that connects two completely heterogeneous items: "Raw talent IS Work" (it's nonsensical to say one's hardwork can beat one's talent because one's talent is always expressed in one's work which retroactively determines ones's talent which in turn is expressed in one's work….a LOOP), a formula that resonates well with the Protestant concept of Predestination and points to the inherent uncertainty of human subjectivity.

    What we don’t know what we know is that we don’t know what we are (in)capable of. Perhaps what we are really afraid of is not that racial theory is really true, but that it is really false, so 3:16 Charles Murray is wrong: the truly traumatic situation is not one in which each racial group is assigned its fixed proper niche in the hierarchical symbolic racial universe (or an harmonious egalitarian one where each race possess its distinctive desirable trait 4:13—isn’t this precisely what the so-called racial diversity/multiculturalism all about?), but one in which each racial group is deprived of the enjoyment of its special trait, so each individual would have to fully assume the ABYSS of its OWN freedom, deprived of the excuse to displace its fate onto the group to which it belongs…

    Su's progression by year:
    2006 – 10.59 (+0.8)
    2007 – 10.45 (+0.6)
    2008 – 10.41 (+0.2)
    2009 – 10.28 (-0.4)
    2010 – 10.32 (0.0)
    2011 – 10.16 (+0.7)
    2012 – 10.19 (+1.3)
    2013 – 10.06 (+0.1)
    2014 – 10.10 (+0.4)
    2015 – 9.99 (-0.4)
    2016 – 10.08 (0.0)
    2017 – 10.03 (-0.2)
    2018 – 9.91 (+0.2)
    2019 – 10.05 (+0.9)
    2021 – 9.83 (+0.9)

  2. people need too understand that Chinese athletes are managed and forced through state doping initiatives. they are doping them on a national level, this is nothing to be celebrate

  3. Ppl talking about him a professor before having a PhD without calling that into question. Suspect to make someone a professor in that context.

  4. i am chinese and i am very proud of him, but hes just a genetic anomaly, usually west africans with longer legs and more fast twitch muscle fibers can run wayy faster than asians, and what brother Su did was that he just out trained his genetics

  5. Fake as fuck, and the message that genes are not a factor 20+ years after Chinese scientists have announced they are giving the green lights on eugenics, is ridiculous.

  6. Is the dilution of African Americans from African genes as opposed to the preservation of those old genetics in the Carribbean as well as sprinting culture why they are so successful?

  7. 3:45 Hope he speaks about all the geopolitical aspects and incentives they have for funding and building athletes, cause if people want, THEY WILL create a top athlete in whatever field (just look at china taking over Oly lifting). This discussion of superior race is just bullshit. Guys from other countries tend to be taller and that's an overwhelming advantage too especially if your country doesnt invest much in the sport, but japan for example did achieve to be elite in volleyball, but there you can mess up your opponent's performance.

  8. 5:00 EXACTLY, it's so fucking obvious, everyone here was a dumb baby who learned along the way and everyone carries the same biases and insecurities and if there's one thing people do is change and redefine the world, science crushed this idea the world can be changed but if you want more evidence just look at history.

  9. Holy fuck, those drums. Incredible sound design! I'm in damn tears at 8:30. Tremendously inspirational guy here. Beautiful video – very well done.

  10. As a Chinese 9th grade 400m runner just starting my first season off with a 53.5, this is supreme motivation for me to aim for that national age group leaderboard

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