@Pittsburgh Penguins

Crosby’s $64 Million Obsession đź’° #shorts

I respond on IG (say wassup):

Do you sub my 2nd channel?


  1. But Mario mentored him, and was his idol, kinda hard to take and unnessary amount of money from the guy who let you live with him and mentored him.

  2. So when he signed the contract with 8.7 aav that is worth the same % or more of the cap that a player like Matthews signed for a couple years ago. So even tho the caps over paid for Ovie it was market value.

  3. Dude when he signed the $8.7M contract it wasn’t a deal for Pittsburgh at all. You just lie in every video.

  4. This is blatantly wrong. Nobody made 14 mil a year during 2012. Not even close. In fact, no player even today makes that much per year. Also $8.7mil was his CAP HIT to the team, not his total salary. His total salary was 12 million in 2012. The player you’re claiming made “14 million” is Shea Weber. His actual salary was 14 mil, his total cap hit was only $7.857 million. He got paid less than Crosby based on what the team actually paid annually (AAV).

    Shea Weber signed a front loaded contract. Essentially 13 of those 14 million dollars were a bonus, for that first year. Shea webers total contract is 13 years. He doesn’t make that money consistently though. For example, his salary in the final year of that contact is only $1 million. His base salary is A LOT less than Crosby’s.

    There’s a lot of other factors to explain but I’m not gonna ramble on unless anyones interested. In total, Crosby is making a shit ton more money than Weber.

    However, $8.7 is still an underpay for Crosby, and he DID take a pay cut, so that he could stay with Pittsburgh and not simultaneously bankrupt the franchise. It worked. They went on to win two more cups with him. But comparing his contract to Shea Weber’s contract makes no sense. His is far better.

  5. It's about making the most you can in the shortest time as an athlete, that's fair but usually hurts the team in the long run.

  6. It was an obsession with winning. He wanted to help the team fit more players under the cap. He made a fuck ton outside of hockey. He’s set

  7. Alot of the shit you say is not accurate.. you twist facts for views and clicks. Stop 🤥 🤥 🤥

  8. Think him signing had alot more to do with building a power house team then superstitious and also knew he had to leave money on the table for Malkin and for other good players.

  9. Ur that good it doesn’t matter Ik people saying mcdavid is better in my opinion until mcdavid gets his team a cup u can’t compare them

  10. That's just shows what Crosby was willing to do to win, but now look at McDavid he took as much as he could which didn't leave much room to round out his team to win. Crosby knew he wouldn't have to worry about money but it meant more to have those awards and records then it did to take as much as possible, thank u sid

  11. Crosby is the Goat. Took a team friendly discount and effectively won 2 more cups because of that. Cuz the team was better around him. Love Sid he’s the absolute best!

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