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Canucks Acquire Elias Lindholm – TRUE CUP CONTENDERS?

Canucks Acquire Elias Lindholm – TRUE CUP CONTENDERS?

Ladies and gentlemen Elias Lindholm is a member of the Vancouver Canucks and it is a big trade it took us about an hour and a half of constant refreshing to get here but we have all of the details I’ve got the whole timeline of what this

Afternoon has been like and uh let me just start by saying it is uh it’s a it’s a heavy payment for Alias Lindholm but I’m so excited that I don’t really care cuz I I mean look I I haven’t been in a position that the kxs have been

Buying in my adult life really right like I’m 26 years old 27 almost the ks haven’t been a contender since I’ve been a child um let’s just start with the trade shall we uh we hide hide that boom here’s the trade from the Flames official Twitter KX acquire Elias Lindholm that’s

The obvious one and the flames get five count them five Assets in return starting at the top Andre kzco Hunter brusavich Yoni Yermo I think it’s Yoni yo maybe Johny yo doesn’t matter he’s not part of the con organization anymore a 2024 first and a conditional 2024 4th

Don’t know the conditions on that 2024 4th but it’s at fourth so I don’t care um unless it’s one of those ones that’s like hey if the Canucks win a round it goes to a first but I doubt that so Andre Kenco the centerpiece of this

Deal right uh guy who last year was was absolutely fantastic and we’ll go through sort of each asset individually um kenko and a first are obviously the big ones Bruce davic is going to be seen by kano’s fans as like a really big important piece because of how fantastic

He’s been so far everything I’ve seen even with his play so far has been like yeah maybe he gets to be a third pair guy one day I I wouldn’t be too too torn up about that uh yo I’m not going to worry about at all uh that 2024 first in

A perfect world is a is an early 30s pick and that fourth is obviously than that so let’s go through maybe we’ll start with the timeline and then we’ll get into these players that the Ks are getting because at 4:30 Freedman tweets out you know there’s word that we have

Talks intensifying around alas Lindholm then you have Kevin weeks saying it’s going to involve kusco then an hour later almost we have no extension being part of this trade being worked on so it seems to be a pure rental uh which to me is good because I think Lind holm’s

Going to get paid um Kenco then had to sign off on his no trade clause that was some worry that was going around U and then we have the trade call going down then we had like whoa Chris tanv might be involved in this deal uh per cam

Robinson first and then Rick Dolly wall and then Dreer sort of poured some water on that said thought to be better as a separate deal um and then same thing it looks like you know they still are going to be working on tanv then we hear about

Dre stavic then an AHL forward which I believe that is what we’re call that that never really came to fru uh and then doly will says T’s not in the deal but the Canucks won’t stop try to acquire that was the timeline an hour and a half of just constant refreshing

Before we got those trade details but what are we getting what are the Canucks getting what are the Flames getting right I mean the Flames are getting a lot more than the Canucks um the vaner Ks are getting a Bonafide number two Center and based on the way that we have

Seen the lineup sort of shaking out for the cans lately uh it’s been a a hole in their lineup right they’ve had essentially they’ve been putting the Auto line up front uh with Miller besser and pson that’s obviously been changing a little bit and that second line had

Pew Suter as the 2C and nothing against Pew Suter he’s been phenomenal um for what we acquired or for he’s being paid um but with kzo and mck obviously not kzo anymore uh there was a hole there that could have been filled and now maybe you know with some line shuffling

Maybe we have lindol and Pon playing together while you have Miller and besser uh as sort of your top your top unit so last lle only 29 years old so he’s going for his big payday um but he has fallen off a fair bit this year if

We go down into his stats um you know he’s been in the NHL forever obviously starting in Carolina he’s played almost 800 NHL games and has 545 career points um you know 40 points in his first couple years 45 44 and then he goes to Calgary and he breaks out a little bit

And part of this obviously is the you know the the Lin mates that he has he’s playing with um however 54 points in 70 games 47 points in 6 in the shortened year that’s pretty good two years ago you know he’s 2021 2022 just two years

Removed for a 42 goal 40 assist 82 Point season right now he was riding shotgun with like Matthew kachuck which obviously is a you know a big boost to your points I’m sure um but either way you know still you know two years ago last year 64 points and this year he’s

Fallen off a little bit right 49 games only nine goals so far that’s the that’s the number that’ll stand out um but I’m going to go into sort of the analytical perspective a little bit and the Athletics write up on why they think that Lind Holm is better than this 32

Points seems to suggest so the Ks are getting a number two Center a good one one that like I said two years remove from 82 points going in return Andre kuseno of course last year he was unbelievable right 39 goals 74 points and this year he has

Just been in Rick tet’s dogghouse he reportedly didn’t come at as in shape as he should have been uh and really just hasn’t been that good making a half million doar and I I will point to him being the kok’s fourth highest paid forward at this time going into this

Trade and uh lindol makes less than that um if the Canucks were going to make a trade to boost their team their current roster this season Kenco was the one that had to go right because the Canucks would need to clear cap space and it’s either going to be Connor Garland who

That third line with with him bler and Joshua has been so so good that right now you can’t break them up even with that $5 million price day because Garland’s been better than Kenco this year Ilia mckv you know he hasn’t been fantastic but he makes a whole million

Dollars less than Kenco does and again points-wise they’ve been pretty similar so kuzmenko was sort of the odd man out especially with Rick toet seemingly not trusting him uh and not you know putting him in a role where where he’s been shining um so just 21 points in 43 games

This year I assume you know he’ll see a bit of a bounceback but what this also does for next year keep in mind that Kenco contract included next year right $5.5 million next year if the Canucks don’t see Andre kusenko getting back to that 40G goal level even a 30 goal level

Of player that’s a negative value contract right so clearing that cap space and then having Lind holm’s contract expire this year now frees up $5.5 million for next year so that’s an asset that we sort of need to think about as well Hunter Bruce davic uh really highly touted Prospect drafted

75th just this last draft right so a third round pick who undoubtedly right now has more value than a third round pick because of this unbelievable season he’s having 69 points in 47 games as a defenseman he led the ol in scoring for a good chunk of the season I don’t know

If that’s still the case um but the Canucks are essentially saying hey we liked this guy a lot at 75 um obviously they picked him but we don’t see this being who he ends up being right they’re saying hey we are going to sell a third round pick who and

And let’s be real third round picks usually don’t turn into Bonafide NHL players let alone Stars right maybe maybe maybe Hunter davic turns into a solid third pairing guy in the future that’s very possible but he’s worth more right now because of that potential upside than he likely will ever be in

The future that’s not to say he doesn’t turn into an absolute stud and and torture the kcks for the next you know 10 years that’s possible but they’re taking that bet on hey maybe he’s just on an absolute heater right now in you know Junior Hockey and maybe that

Doesn’t translate to the next level so they’re getting the most value possible out of him and they also throw in Yoni yo who was an 82nd overall pick uh in the previous regime in the 2020 NHL entry draft he’s playing in Sweden uh or yeah SM Lia that’s Finland right

I Europe I don’t know um but he’s only played six games this year oh no sorry he’s played 34 games this year he got moved um but this is probably never a player that’s in the NHL at least solidly so I I’m going to call that part

A write off right that might that’s probably just a throwi in an asset um so let’s go into why the athletic at least actually I’m not going to show this on screen because I feel like maybe that’s kind of you know they they make

You pay for it let’s go to my face and I will read you an excerpt from this athletic article uh essentially saying in 2021 22 when he had that fantastic year he was playing with Matthew kachu and Johnny goodro two phenomenal players right um then they both left so then he

Played with Tyler tofoli and had 62 points did very well but then Tyler tley left and now he’s playing with essentially nobody so enter Vancouver where now maybe he’s playing with Alias Pon and Elia mckv potentially or riding gun with Miller and besser or something along

Those lines Alias Lindholm is a guy who needs he needs Playmakers with him he’s a he’s a really good supporting piece um whereas guys like you know JT Miller not as much of a supporting piece right he can drive things himself um so that’s why the athletic at least Dr and and

Haron dial think that he’s he’s better than potentially that that shows now let’s go to the analytical perspective I got I got lots of tabs open here guys cuz I’ve been refreshing for over an hour um J fresh let’s start on his analytics um this stuff on the left here

Is all projected keep that in mind that’s based on his last three years uh let’s focus a little bit more on the right hand side the graphs War percentile rank uh That 82. season he was like 90th 95th percentile in the NHL or at least based on his position last

Year he dropped to about 60th and then this year he’s been bad right in relation but where you see the things that have have fall is if you look this bottom graph right this offense versus defense vers finishing offense is the dark bar he had 82 points that year they

Only had him at like 60th percentile dropped a little bit last year and dropped pretty heavily this year right he’s only 29 maybe reason for that to bounce back but his defense has improved in that time as well right I think Lind Holm you know could be a pretty decent

Asset on the power play Taking Onre Keno’s spot you know 80th percentile on the power play uh maybe not a great penalty killer but a forward that can come back and play play some decent defense potentially the big thing that you see is this finishing has absolutely

Fallen in the gutter right he went from one of the top finishers in the NHL To Mediocre last year to abysmal this year that’s something that you hope will sort of balance out over time um kenko on the other hand not as much to go off of

Obviously you see that big drop in in winds above replacement you see the big drop in offense and defense and finishing I mean we’ve seen what Andre kusenko has been this season uh Dom Lucan uh his analytics I’m a little bit less familiar with but we do have

Percentiles which helps me uh so offensive he’s projected to be 73rd percentile offensively 45th percentile defensively uh and Dom’s quote says Le Lindholm feels like a really good get for the Canucks feels like a seamless fit as their Toc with some shutdown potential he’s having an average year

But should be better with more support and that’s essentially been the entire picture is that Alias Lindholm has been bad with bad line mates you put him with some good players and he plays even better uh here here’s crusco’s card if you would like to look at it for

Reference um contract wise $4.8 five million expiring this year he is a UFA um so the Canucks do shed salary as kco is making 5.5 uh here’s my search for Le Lindholm so I could get pictures for the thumbnail um and I’ll just do a quick refresh because they probably already

Updated and they have people at cap friendly are are Wizards uh and yeah it takes it takes a lot of money off the books for next season uh and uh yeah they still have zero cap space CU they are obviously dipping into to L ltir um

But they have about $2 million open up now in deadline cap space when I think they had about 1.2 before uh so it opens up a little bit of cap and maybe a bit of flexibility if they do try to go down the Chris tanv road which I would love

To see I would love to see Chris tanv back in a canx uniform so my overall thoughts on the deal it’s a lot to pay like the acquisition cost is high however I am I am in a really good place with this because I haven’t seen my team go all in in a

While uh and today I’m sort of thinking if everything goes perfectly in a perfect world today is a day that we can look back on as you know a big day in the history of my sports fandom right whether it’s the Seattle Seahawks signing Mike McDonald as their head

Coach which I’m very stoked about uh and May and maybe Elias Lindholm helps this team win a championship what it does though is it makes this team better today right moving the only things that affect the actual roster today for this team that keep in mind is first place in the entire National

Hockey League Andre Kenco is out Elias lindol is in that’s an upgrade it’s a straight up upgrade and sure they get rid of a first and a fourth and Bruce davic and yero as well and that might hurt in the future but for right now I’m just I’m just enjoying the ride let’s

See what the Canucks do let’s see if they can go on a run because guess what there’s still a month until the trade deadline they’re not done uh make sure you subscribed for more uh canx after dark emergency podcast tonight 10 p.m. clay and I will go more in depth than I

Did here somehow uh and we’ll go over everything over the course of maybe 30 45 minutes so make sure you’re subscribed link is down below I will see you later

The Vancouver Canucks acquired Elias Lindholm from the Calgary Flames, giving up Andrei Kuzmenko, Hunter Brzustewicz, Joni Jurmo, a 1st, and a 4th.

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  1. I like this trade, but I want to be done trading now please. I want to keep our 3 Swedish prospects and Hoglander thanks. I’d be cool trading Podkolzin or Raty though. Or maybe even Silovs. But that’s it.

  2. Elias Lindholm (29)
    2021-22 Games: 82 Goals: 42 Assists: 40 Points: 82
    2022-23 Games: 80 Goals: 22 Assists: 42 Points: 64
    2023-24 Games: 49 Goals: 9 Assists: 23 Points: 32 (so far this season)

  3. Some of the commentators during the draft had Hunter as a steal for the Canucks ranked as high as a 2nd round mid/high 30s pick.

  4. Lindholm from what limited info i know is more of a puck dominant finisher/retrieval guy. He doesn't drive play but he doesn't need to on a team that can generate chances. His job is to hound the puck and get it on the sticks of his linemates and bambam, the pucks in the net.

  5. After this past decade. I'm just happy for us to have a heart beat again. To have excitement, to go truly all in. Even if we get more bad years after this, OK, but at least we just rolled the dice and had some fun!

  6. I am very reluctant to believe the Canucks can win it all, and that being said I think they overpaid because a deep run isn't enough. This franchise has zero patience, god I hope I am wrong.

  7. Did not have to give up Lekkerimaki or Willander for a 40 goal scorer and a Selke finalist and is a right hand shot and is over 55% on draws and kills penalties for Kuzmenko is a win for Vancouver.

  8. my personal rivalry with the calgary flames has been on pause since they signed Tanev in 2020. I hope there's a way to get him back in Vancouver without giving up a lot so I can "reignite the flame"

  9. Congrats to the flames on this trade. Kuzmenko is AWESOME fun to watch and his interviews are hilarious. This will go down as Erickson level bad for the Canucks.

  10. The thing about Lindholm that people don't get because they don't watch Flames games is that he plays the full 200 foot game. Super responsible player no need to worry about him in the defensive side. And Can has great scorers so he will slot in perfectly on the top two lines.

  11. We've been mediocre/bottom dwellers for far too long now, the last time we started to be contenders I was just starting high school and I'm going to be 28 this year. The first is meh I don't care about that, I liked Brzustewicz's potential but for a guy like Lindholm I'd move him every time. Cautiously optimistic, but I am so ready to see this team do damage in the spring.

  12. Fun fact: Elias is the Swedish (and many other languages') version of Elijah. Ilya is the Russian version of Elijah. The Canucks may well be icing a forward line of three players with the same first name after the break

  13. He´s a rental any way you cut it. If he performs great, you cant afford keeping him. If he performs poorly, you dont want to keep him.

  14. Calgary is gonna love having Kuzmenko. Put him with Huberdeau. I see a lot of points with those 2 together.

  15. unless canucks win the cup they gave up too much with this (kuz almost 40 goal scorer last season, brzucevitsh promising prospect, +1st round pick? *how about 1 for 1 straight up kuzmenko for lindholm… why all the extra bells & whistles

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