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Seahawks’ Bobby Wagner explains emotions of Super Bowl win vs. loss | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

Seahawks’ Bobby Wagner explains emotions of Super Bowl win vs. loss | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

Bobby Wagner future Hall of Fame linebacker one of the best ever Bobby good to see you buddy all right here we go my first time hour two in person yeah yeah yeah I’ve talked to him on the phone before he doesn’t remember but I interviewed you in person

That’s right that’s a minute that’s right how are you I’m doing good yeah what’s uh what’s life like been like you know with you know Seattle La back to Seattle once again right you know how’s that change of of life and scenery been so far uh it’s been cool I mean I think

Uh you know for me I’ve been in Seattle for a long time so obviously I’m familiar with it yeah I got familiar with it um but going back to LA it was just that’s a life that I was familiar with when I was young so it was it was

Cool and then going back to Seattle um I think there was a mutual uh respect and appreciation uh because we stepped away for a year yeah that I felt uh me and the fans had and and uh you know that year was special um from that standpoint

I was just unfortunate that we couldn’t uh you know do more could do more were were you did you have any feel or sense at all that this was going to happen with Pete Carol like it caught us by offg Guard we’re we’re all over the NFL

All the time right did you have any sense that this was a possibility I didn’t have any sense you know I think cuz you know obviously it’s kind of like with uh you know Bill bich when you think of Seattle you think of Pete Carrol and you know everybody talks

About those two um you know those two styles of of coaching and obviously both are very different but both are very successful right and so um you know but also you know that that at some point um it was going to come to an end um I just

Thought maybe Pete would have had more control of it um he stepped away because he want to retire or something but you know U he is the oldest coach in the league and but he doesn’t he doesn’t look that way and when you’re around him he definitely don’t act that way so I’m

Pretty sure this won’t be his last thing and if it is it’s because he wants to yeah were you surprised his name didn’t even come up um I don’t know I I I don’t I don’t know what goes into that the the the coaching process cuz I think there’s a lot of um

Candidates over the years that haven’t got looked at or haven’t got jobs that are surprising to a lot of people so um I’m not sure what what goes into that um but I I think I don’t think um you know this would be his last thing but from your perspective what you’ve seen

Especially after being away year and coming back this guy’s still got it he can still do it his energy is is crazy you know when you when you if you put him in front of some of the younger coaches you won’t be able to tell the difference like he’s younger yeah so he

Definitely has the energy um it’s just you know figuring out what they want to do with it hey did nobody tell you that you’re old you’re not supposed to be good anymore you mean I mean they tell me they tell me you’re you’re I mean really what you’re

Doing is kind of incredible I just I hope you know that you know I’m a football historian I mean you know grew up in the sport middle linebackers and what are you in 11 now 12 this 12 about to be 13 so much for a football historian well I remember the ex footb

Histori until you ask him something speci totally at the top of my head and I was in the ball wor but it’s incredible six time first team All Pro six time six time and the the passion still there to work in the offseason do all the things you’re still full steam

Ahead yeah man I still you know I take I take my time to you know obviously let my body recover but I try to I try to get going um and you know obviously as you get older um staying in shape and eating right is is is way uh more

Important you know in the offseason but you know un fortunately enough I got a guy like LeBron James to watch and see some of the things that he’s doing yeah um you know playing at such a high level at at a age where people think he should

Not be doing the things that he’s doing um I watched Ray Lewis um I watched London Fletcher right um all these guys that had really really long careers and you know fortunate enough that they were you know um you know willing to offer me the knowledge that allowed them to to

Last as long and so I just try to do my best to use some of that as well as do some of the things that I I believe in what are some of the things what are some of the things yeah that that you’re doing cuz it’s working I think it’s the

Change in um some of the changing workouts you know I think as they got later in their career they they stopped squatting right because it you know it’s hard on KN so they start doing um you know more sand training um more different forms of training so a lot of

That is that um yoga um and then you know just the lifestyle you know I think a lot a lot of times guys when they they don’t do the same things and that they do during the season and offseason right and so just making sure that that’s a

Consistent lifestyle I think that’s the thing too Monday after a 49ers game in year two what did it feel like compared to Monday after a 49ers game in year 12 like what’s what’s the difference in Mondays now you know what’s funny um it’s not much difference right and the reason why

Is uh the preparation is different I say year one year two you’re just going you know you’re just going I’m eating pizza you know what I mean I’m you know my my metabolism was crazy so you know I probably had so much fast food and

Things of that nature um that I know if I was still eating like that I would be hurt the next day so I don’t eat that way no more so I I think you know I recover pretty well and um you know I feel good yeah good man you know the

49ers very well what’s the toughest thing about their offense to defend I think it’s um the creativity that they have um the talent that they have and so you can they can run the exact same plays and it could be for different people you know they can have uh Debo

Can be an option one play mcaffry could be an option another play then you got kdo could be an option for another play and so normally you come into a game you try to stop one or two players uh but they have so many different people and

Then they have like really good key role players that can step in and do those things as well and so I think that’s what makes it tough you know their their um their weapons can can click at the same time which is dangerous yeah there’s no doubt I mean both teams you

Know you you’ve gotten a good feel for both of these guys right momes what’s jumps jumps out to you like in your experience playing against him I think the toughest thing to defend um for him is the uh the off the script plays like the plays where um he just extends the

Plays or even like where uh you know Kelsey supposed to run a certain rout certain way but you know he reads the defense and and and uh plays it a certain way or kind of just finds the open hole so it’s um you know this is

One of those games where um you know you watch film and just understand that not they’re not going to be exactly where they’re supposed to be you got to be ready for backyard how do you practice for that how do you even begin to practice for that you don’t you don’t

Cuz again like you said you don’t know when it’s going to happen you don’t know when they’re going to go off script um you just got to be aware that it’s going to happen and I think that’s that’s the biggest thing is being aware that’s going to happen and what what but what

Do you do when it happens is it just stay calm keep I mean what do I what do I do everything’s gone out the window just go to the ball what do you do so um when you play a quarterback when you play quarterbacks period like in my

Opinion um you know some defenses allow you to read the quarterback’s eyes right and like the routes his his vision on the the routes will take you to the routes most times right um when you play a guy like this you have to be more locked in on your person because if he

Scrambles they have scramble rules and so right um if you’re locked in on your guy and you just match up on your guy it gives you a better chance but if you’re looking at the quarterback this quarterback yeah you’ll lose your guy and your guy will will will’ll make the

Catch right right I know that’s that’s why he’s the man uh all so here’s here’s a one I got for you right what’s a stronger feeling the winning of the Super Bowl or how you felt after the loss of the Super Bowl the next year oh man that’s a that’s a great question

Um I would have to say the loss and the reason why I would say that is because um when we won um we were young we didn’t understand it was like year or two we’re not supposed to be there right um and in our mind it’s like we’re going to get

There every year right and so going into that next going into that next year yeah 2014 the statistics were saying we were not going to get back right um and it was a challenging season for us right um even that the game before we you know going championship game that that was a

Hard game right but we were able to get there yeah you guys were in trouble and came back exactly and then you know we’re going back and forth and we’re literally right there on the doorstep to you know doing things that people said that we we couldn’t and we obviously

Didn’t didn’t uh you know didn’t finish the job and then I think um just what happened after that the the business happened after that so you had like you know obviously the feelings from the loss but then you had the contracts that had to be figed everybody now we’re not young now

We’re like okay we need to get paid and now the business coming to us but we were still able to um you know have our group last longer than than people you know expected together but uh you know unfortunately we just couldn’t get another just run the ball up the middle

Of let me let me let me ask this how long did it take to get over that decision to throw instead of run and were there some guys on that team that never got over it me it didn’t take that long um because I I

You know it kind of made you more hungry to to try to get back there um but I I will say there’s there’s certain guys are still not over here to this day wow tell us uh go ahead well I was say set it up well I want to hear it Mr

Nationwide I mean you’re going to play fin for sure about all this other stuff so let’s see it nationwide yeah um you know our partnership and what they’ve done with the Walter pyton manity Year award um they’ve they’ve came across I think this is 10 year mark um of them being a

Partner with uh you know for the Walton pyton Man of the Year um the things that they’re doing um to help us and you know kind of push our platform um I believe it’s uh 2.3 um million that they um you know kind of given away and and

Helped you know the causes and things like that um I think it’s just been a blessing um to be a part of it blessing to partner with them you know on something like this because I think at the end of the day you know uh football

Is amazing uh but what we do with our gift and what we do with you know some of the the finances that we’ve been able to to accumulate over the course of my 12year career um to help other people and having them you know help us has been amazing that patch awesome that

Goes on your jersey when you win and what it represents but that is the most awesome patch in all of football when you see that the the the old sculpture in the Cape is just great we wish you all the best as you are one of the

Finals this year for the p man Year award Bobby Wagner future Hall of Famer Seattle Seahawk hi it’s Mike Florio thanks for watching PFT on YouTube hit subscribe for the latest news and Analysis from pro football talk

Bobby Wagner joins Mike Florio and Chris Simms to explain how he manages to stay fresh after 12 seasons in the league, if he saw the Pete Carroll coaching change coming, why Super Bowl losses hurt so much and more. #NBCSports #ProFootballTalk #BobbyWagner
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Seahawks’ Bobby Wagner explains emotions of Super Bowl win vs. loss | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC


  1. I’m hoping with Coach Mikes willingness to work with vets in Baltimore that he and John want Bobby to stay with the Hawks (if his contract is doable). It’s gonna be hard enough to see him retire but worse if he plays somewhere else again. Please John🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  2. Respect as ever to BWAG. No certain people have not got over the ridiculous loss to Pats especially the fans, that would have took us into history books and put the team where they should have been back to back champs. The whole organisation still has a cloud over it , the culture changed and the only way to avenge the loss is to win it again , not easy but until that day there will always be negative vibes around…..

  3. Please, Seahawks need to sign this future Hall of Fame stud for another season. Hands down, still got it. Bobby should retire as a Seahawk! Thank Bobby for all the great years you have given us fans.

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