@Vancouver Canucks

Check out my corduroy Canucks collection!

Can’t believe I found these. I got the backpack from value village for 50$, & the hat from marketplace for 35$ I think.
Whatchu guys think?

Free the skate, go Canucks!

by mcclutch7


  1. throwaway837628828

    $50? Value village can fuck right off. Ever since removing their non profit status, prices went massively up and somehow people continue donating stuff to them. I’m glad in OP’s case he was able to snag this backpack, but realistically it shouldn’t have been more than 20-$30. “Value” village my ass.

    Good find OP, definitely someone else’s loss.

    Edit: Whoa, that hat is tough. Damn. Jealous lol.

  2. kidcanada0

    I used to have the white version of that hat.

  3. TheSimonToUrGarfunkl

    I got one of those hats in nice shape. It looks slightly different though my dad bought it sometime in the 90’s

  4. TastyCereal2

    The corduroy hats are so cool, they have a fantastic retro look

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