@Tampa Bay Lightning

The STUPIDEST Onside Kick in Monday Night Football HISTORY | Cardinals @ Chargers (1971)

In a 1971 Monday Night Football game on ABC between the St. Louis Cardinals and San Diego Chargers, Cardinals head coach Bob Hollway had kicker Jim Bakken attempt an onside kick that failed and cost his team the game. And while the controversial call may have made sense at the time, when you look at the rationale and plan if the Cards recovered the kick… oh boy, it’s ugly.

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Members of the 1971 Cardinals:
Larry Wilson
Pete Beathard
Jim Hart
Miller Farr
Jerry Stovall
Roger Wehrli
Johnny Roland
Jim Bakken
Chuck Latourette
Roy Shivers
Ted Provost
Paul White
Larry Willingham
Rocky Rosema
Larry Stegent
MacArthur Lane
Jeff Allen
Cid Edwards
Norm Thompson
John Gilliam
George Hoey
Tom Longo
Dale Hackbart
Wayne Mulligan
Rick Ogie
Jamie Rivers
Tom Banks
Irv Goode
Mike McGill
Don Parish
Terry Miller
Jim Hargrove
Clyde Williams
Chuck Hutchison
Larry Stallings
Paul Dickon
Rolf Krueger
Bob Reynolds
Dan Dierdorf
Ernie McMillan
Fred Heron
Bob Rowe
Vern Emerson
Ron Yankowski
Chuck Walker
Dave Williams
Jackie Smith
Joe Schmiesing
Jim McFarland
Mel Gray
Fred Hyatt
Bob Hollway (coach)

Members of the 1971 Chargers:
Marty Domres
Mike Garrett
John Hadl
Mike Montgomery
Bob Howard
Jerry LeVias
Gary Garrison
Chuck Dicus
Dennis Partee
Bryant Salter
Billy Parks
Chuck Detweiler
Eddie Ray
Leon Burns
Jim Hill
Joe Beauchamp
Jim Tolbert
Chris Fletcher
Jeff Queen
Ray White
Mel Rogers
Carl Mauck
Bob Bruggers
Jack Porter
Harris Jones
Pete Barnes
Bob Babich
Doug Wilkerson
Sam Gruneisen
Rick Redman
Ira Gordon
Russ Washington
Lee Thomas
Gary Nowak
Terry Owens
Ron East
Walt Sweeney
Andy Rice
Kevin Hardy
Jeff Staggs
Steve DeLong
Walker Gillette
John Tanner
Wes Grant
Tom Williams
Pettis Norman
Art Strozier
Sid Gillman (coach)


  1. I can understand why he went for the onside kick if he was trying to win and there is no overtime. But if he was really just trying to run out the clock, then this made NO sense.

  2. Omg run time off the clock, that what makes it a stupid call. He could at least been hopeful to win because the field position was there to win if they recovered the inside kick

  3. I really enjoy your videos. I know a lot about the history of the NFL, but I find myself learning something new with a lot of your videos. For instance, I didn't know that at one point there was no overtime in the regular season. That explains why a lot of teams' records from back in the day included so many ties.

  4. Outraged OJG9 is the best OJG9 šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ I LOVE it when people get fired up like that šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜

  5. Ironically, after being the Vikings defensive coordinator from '69-70 and their D-line coach 2 years before that, Hollway would rejoin the Vikings as DC from '78-85 just as they were losing all their top talent on that side of the ball.

  6. How you found actual ABC highlights of this game? I thought most of the broadcasted NFL games prior to 1976 were lost.

  7. Hollyway would get a tie later that season and only win one more game ending that season and the next with 4-9-1. He was dismissed by the Cardinals in 1972 and never got a head coaching job ever again.

  8. I really wish they'd got it now, hearing that explanation. Get the onside kick only to run the clock out at midfield? That'd have been soemthing.

  9. Ardent supporter who is a little depressed after you said "let's go back half a century" and realized I was alive then. Only an infant, but still.

  10. As bad as Bob Hollway's decision was, Lou Saban had it even worse. Ironically, in that same season, the Denver Broncos and the Miami Dolphins were playing and Saban decided to run out the clock to preserve the tie, infamously saying, "Half a Loaf is Better than None". And oh boy, the Denver faithful responded by pelting loaves of bread and hot dogs during a home game later that season.

  11. Jim Bakken once kicked seven field goals in one game and held the record for a long time. Bakkenā€™s last name was pronounced ā€œBocken.ā€ I know cuz Iā€™m from a long line of Bakkens and remember the announcers pronouncing it the right way, back in the day. By the way, my momā€™s brotherā€™s name is Jim Bakken. Itā€™s Norwegian to the core.

  12. It's better to be quiet and thought a fool, rather than open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

  13. You were looking for a reason only Cardinals fans might now who Bob Holloway is. Purple People Eaters? Great job. Cardinals Head Coach? Not so much

  14. One Non Onside Kick decision has always struck me as odd-after the famous Garo Gaffe in Super Bowl VII, why didn't George Allen attempt an onside kick? You need a TD to tie and if it works, you have the ball in Miami territory with your timeouts. By not doing so, Washington got the ball back in their territory with about 1 minute left and no timeouts…and lost 14-7. Sure, Miami would be expecting the kick but if executed properly, Washington gets the ball.

  15. I remember this game. And, yes, it was the stupidest onside kick in MNF history.
    The Cardinals attempted an on-side kick as a squib kick to prevent the long return.
    It was a total disaster and to my knowledge has never been repeated since.

    You didn't watch the original broadcast. I did. The call is indefensible.
    In fact, it was NOT an on-side kick. It was a pathetic attempt of a squib kick to prevent the long return.

    Also, the kicker's name is pronounced Baak-en, not Back-in.

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