@Minnesota Wild

Fleury Commemorative Jersey Auction

These are absolutely gorgeous. I know I won’t be able to afford one of the official ones but I will probably spend an irresponsible amount of money if they decide to sell replicas

by TheTree-43


  1. echelon999

    Holy shit those are so sick, it’s a shame it’s a bid only thing.

  2. razzordragon

    omg guys use an iron before taking a promotional photo! they’re soooo wrinkly

  3. MNGopherfan

    Damnit why don’t you make these in larger amounts Minnesota Wild I will buy one the second you do!

  4. jonn_jonzz

    Coming to a sports bar or lobby of a law office near you.

  5. Primary-Pie-3315

    I’d like to offer my kidney l. I quit drinking a year ago so it should be in good condition

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