@St. Louis Blues

The Story of Brandon Burlsworth

BYU features Brandon Burlsworth, a successful walk-on player for Arkansas, and gets statements from his parents and coach about who he was as a player and person before his tragic death.


  1. really happy that yall did this. As a hog fan I just want to say that BYU is a good team, and has a tremendous foundation already built for when they head to P5, and the developmental part of your program + the infusion of better players you are sure to get will be a bed rock of a really solid team in the b12.

  2. He still inspire people to this day. No matter your race religion or politics u believe in. We all love Brandon. Whenever I feel down I watch a story about him and it lifts me. Thank you Brandon you will never be forgotten.

  3. Loved this story. I first found out about it in 2016 when I saw the movie. Brandon is a great example of integrity. Definitely grateful for his example.

  4. I still remember the day I found out about Brandon, it was a beautiful spring day but when I found out that Brandon had died, I was deeply brokenhearted even though I never knew him, it hurts deeply cause I understand what it's like to lose someone you love, Every day since I found out about Brandon, I always find a way to reflect on how despite him being gone he's still in people's hearts, it breaks my heart knowing his family and friends are grieving but I do know even though Brandon's gone, I know he'd be proud of his family and I'm sure he is, Not one day has gone by without me mentioning Brandon to someone I know, I have to thank Brandon's legacy for helping me come to Christ. Since those two days I've been talking about him so much and I haven't regretted anything about it. If there's anything that can cheer me up after a bad day is Brandon's smile, it can bring a smile to my face 😃

  5. Here's another thing I wanna mention, I've set my goals to attend the university of Arkansas after I graduate high school, I have the strong memory of finding out that Brandon had died after reading his Wikipedia article and receiving a real bad case of heartache that day. Even though I never met him cause he died 7 years before I was born I still understand what it's like to lose someone so suddenly. Every day I often look at a picture of Brandon, I get happy cause I'm sure he's smiling at his family and friends. It may seem like his life is over but his legacy isn't. It's sad his family and friends are grieving but Brandon isn't gone in their hearts and that's the joy of continuing a legacy of someone so legendary not only in your family but to society too, I have respects for the Burlsworth family cause if I didn't find out about Brandon I wouldn't be here typing this comment. Blessings to you all ❤

  6. Damn, I just learned of Brandon and his story today. Wow! This story hit me in the feelz and brought tears to my eyes. God bless you and your family, Brandon.

  7. His story will lead many, many people flocks of people to God. You can see nothing but God. You work hard. And you put everything into it, and it happens, and you believe.

  8. There’s been an unforeseen tragic event in my life that has shook my faith. I wonder every day why God is being so cruel.. I’ve been numb, deeply depressed to the point I just work, go home and lay in bed. I’ve pushed my friends and loved ones away and have completely lost myself. I’ve forgotten the feeling of being happy and can’t remember the last time I true heartedly laughed or smiled.
    I needed to see this.. I have a lot to work on but finding out about Brandon and his story restored something in me. Thank you Brandon.

  9. I just watched the movie "Greater" on Netflix, not knowing his story. And it was an amazing movie about him. Brought me to this video.

  10. Greater was such an inspiring movie ! Praise and thank God for your beautiful life Brandon Burlsworth ! You are touching many lives

  11. We should all have a brother like Marty ❤. I only watched the movie today. I'm from South Wales in the United Kingdom in Wales we don't follow American football so I didn't know anything about the life of Brandon Burlsworth. He is a true inspiration and his life shows with hard work and belief in yourself you can achieve anything . Marty I hope you read this one day and you know what a fantastic brother you was to him. He was Definitely blessed by God to have a family like he did. ❤ ❤

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