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“We’re Stuck In Third Gear” | Buffalo Sabres Kyle Okposo After Loss To St. Louis Blues

“We’re Stuck In Third Gear” | Buffalo Sabres Kyle Okposo After Loss To St. Louis Blues

Only got one goal what’s going wrong get more um I don’t don’t think it’s a one thing we just got to find another gear it seems like we’re we’re stuck in third gear yeah you know we’re playing well we’re playing better but we have one I

Know we have one I one I know we’re a better team than that and um just a little bit just missing a little bit of J what was missing offensively Kyle you guys had time in the offensive zone just quality yeah I mean I just think um the

Assertiveness the the willingness to get to the net the willingness to get Second Chances third chances um just putting the pucks there in competing and grinding and we had I feel like all day in the offensive zone to kind of make plays and skate around but it was just

You know the urgency to score the the um the jam that we that we need in our game just just isn’t quite there it doesn’t mean we’re not working hard it’s just we have more gears than we’re showing confidence part of that problem I I don’t think so I think it’s

Just uh it’s just digging in a little bit more and um you know I it’s you compare confidence sure guys are not scoring as much as as they have in the past or whatever but that I mean that doesn’t matter doesn’t mean they don’t think they’re good players I think we

All know that we have good players in this room so I don’t think that that’s that much of a factor is your goal maybe an example because you went to the net the puck went to the net yeah some might call a lucky goal but you make your own

Luck too by going to the net and putting pucks to the net don’t you well I mean that’s where I’m going to go you know playing with tommer and skinny you know just simple to the net I know that tommer Tom is US using his body to get

To the net today and and you know I reaped some rewards from that but you know it’s just just get getting getting the puck there like um you know we just just didn’t do it enough time simplistic but just to shoot um I think that’s a part of it I mean I’ve

Always thought especially kind of on the power play when you’re struggling to volume shoot volume shoot volume shoot and then you feel good about your game and the other team doesn’t feel good about their game and you build from that um so yeah I mean that’s definitely a

Piece of it the high stick explanation Mike was um he was bent over and I mean I don’t know I didn’t really get a good look at the replay you know Kelly’s a very experienced ref um you know those guys were saying that they had the same

Call against them last game and they had no penalty so it I I mean I don’t know I that was a call in the ice and we got to live with it surprised are you February and you’re still talking about you know another and playing with more Jam just

How surprised are you that that’s the point that that you’re at here in February uh I’m surprised I mean it wouldn’t have been where I thought we would be going into the season um you know hindsight’s 2020 but you know you have to you know I can sit back and look at

Things that we did or we didn’t do and um you know there’s there’s a lot of things that that go into where we are and um you know that’s that’s going to have um it’s going to have a ripple effect for sure on our team so um you

Know we just have to we have to try to find another gear here CU time is running out thank you

Buffalo Sabres forward Kyle Okposo spoke with the media after the team’s 3-1 loss to the St. Louis Blues on February 10, 2024. He talked about the need for the team to shift gears, the urgency of the need to change, and more.

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