@Winnipeg Jets


So in 100 power plays the jets would only score on 15 of those? Didn’t think it was that bad.

by Anonmonyus


  1. LoveAndLombardi

    Good thing penalties get called less in playoffs so it doesn’t mean as much… right? … right? lol

  2. Spiritual_Holiday511

    At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if you told me the movie “catch me if you can” is based on Brad Lauer’s life. Not sure what that guy put on his resume to get the power play coaching gig, but he clearly lied about his qualifications.

  3. WatchTheNorthEndDie

    Aren’t we like 1 for 30 in the past 30? Like I’m shocked its that good.

  4. And some teams make the power play look fairly simple. HAs the PP ever not been a struggle for the Jets? Maybe when Laine was here it was good but since then? I can’t remember thinking “Oh good! We get a power play!” for a long time now lol.

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