@Buffalo Sabres



Welcome back to what is sure to be one of the most chaotic bardam podcasts we’ve ever done we’ve set some pretty uh high goals for today because it is NHL Allstar Weekend we are helping host a bower event where some of the best NHL athletes some of the best pwl athletes

Are coming through they’re all Bower athletes as well and uh they are going to kind of like sit in on the podcast with a basically revolving door of us when we’re just like going in and out you can hear the party like we’re we’re blocking people from out of there and

They’re I’m going say someone in right now I think today might be in terms of videos that we have filmed in this podcast room this might be the craziest video the most electric yeah for sure like wow we have some we’re supposed to have some star studded people coming

Today who’s coming just a little taste the Hughes Brothers K marar David pack Nick Suzuki Patterson Elias better MVP Lura Stacy not chat chatt with pety last night that might be my new favorite NHL player dude yeah he’s he’s a funny guy Jake oer is going to be here too by the

Way oh yeah wow what a surprise the cor forget forgot about hot that’s crazy cuz we need a goalie for this weekend you think think he’s available or I don’t know I mean for what type of hockey I don’t know why you let us know what his level

Is what kind of hockey do we play on Sunday night Corin I’ll tell you what I’m going to let him know I’m going to let him know that I told him I thought I could score five goals on him okay and uh we’ll see we’ll see you said a lot

More than that said more than that I’m not trying to ruin the vibe guys we he also seems like a beauty from what we got IM me today are great hope he’s got a great sense of humor let’s find out right now welcome to the vardon podcast it’s a

Bit of a chaotic one today cuz we’re just Rolling In All Star all weekend it’s the theme how have you guys been so far how’s it been are you enjoying the weekend it’s been awesome had a lot of fun yeah oh yeah okay well I also just heard my

First question is going to be about pranks now because we do have a tier list we’re going to get to eventually where the whole day people are going to be ranking every allar Jersey of all time so we’ll just get not you don’t have to rank every single one we’ll give

You a couple how you feel about them like we we have a ranking list of the best cream of the crop a b c and delete this okay so uh and obviously these are very little pictures we’ll show you like a bigger one so you can actually see what you’re ranking but

First of all you were just telling me that was it at the women’s worlds that people were shooting each other with bubble tea like the tapioca that’s in it yeah it was Denmark worlds which would be 2022 yeah cuz it was an Olympic year yeah it was kessle and Keller for the

Main culprits I so is that like pretty normal is there a lot of pranks that happened especially at like tournaments like that where you’re kind of like locked in one space for a while from Amanda cast yeah there’s a few who like kessle loves the pranks for sure um I normally just

Get pranked yeah she probably pranks the most you know brand probably has been pranked the most why she’s just on she’s just easy she’s easy to Target yeah that’s Jesse for us I don’t know if if you know Jesse but he’s just like any I don’t know he just has the funniest reactions

So you always like why am I going to prank someone who’s like going to be like oh where it’s like he’s going to make a whole meal of it and it’ll be hilarious but it what’s the best prank you’ve ever seen from anyone on Canada we don’t really prank each other like

Random times you’ll have like your name written on like a piece of tape and they put on your helmet but like other than that we don’t really prank so maybe I’ll pick up that yeah I want to start talking to Keller and kend they’ll give you ideas or k would you say kessle

Keller would okay so K is the one I need to ask about prank okay yeah how about when when we tap the Jill to Hannah’s head yeah how do you even do that without them knowing like for a whole practice an hour long practice we taped a Jill to Hannah Bron

Like on the helmet and we all took like on our helmet like right here and she never noticed the whole time and we made her like we took a team photo we were like everybody smile how did you pull that off poor girl it’s it just worked

You think she everybody was laughing at her and I think she just thought it was normal that everybody was laughing but how do you get the Gill initially onto the helmet like what’s the you just tape it if if they don’t turn like you just

Put on your helmet so you like so it’s kind of above and then oh okay wow I love that that’s that’s a very good one okay so let’s get into the rankings here Abby you’re going to be up first um 1998 1999 Allstar Jersey it looks like this

This is kind of like the rough Vibe of it it’s Wayne Gretzky’s last All-Star game ever so that that kind of like gives it some significance but okay just on the just on the vibe of how it looks how do you feel about that how do you

Does it feel like any does any of these categories really speak to you I I would give it an a it’s it’s clean but it’s not like it’s not Elite and it’s also it’s not bad you know what I mean yeah and this is a democracy so now that Abby

Has made the initial ranking we can all kind of vote if we agree or if you think it should be moved somewhere else I kind of like that I think that’s a pretty good ranking I was goingon to say A or B yeah I’m good with a for sure I now that

You said that I feel like when some of the other ones start to come up I I could see somebody shifting it down to be at some point so but I like the optimism that you know you’re starting positive yeah you know me okay do you want to go next we we are

Up with the 2004 Minnesota it’s like like kind of Minnesota Wild so in Minnesota so cream of the crop yeah best of the best oh there we go put it right up put it to top I kind of set you up for that one but so cream of the crop not the best

Uh we’ll go right to best yeah I don’t think anything beats nothing beats me no we can put I that’s going to get voted down for sure we can put it right there yeah okay okay I like it is is like it’s a unique one it doesn’t like a lot of the other

Ones have some similarities but uh I don’t know do how do you guys feel about that one is that uh as non Minnesota people I’m not a green girl I like green so I would also give it see I’m not a green girl I’m a green girl I like the

Red there one too the Reds I like better the stars are a nice touch too oh you’re a Clarkson yeah exactly Clarkson for Life uh okay and now we’re up with the third one which is uh wait where was it it was last year’s Allstar jerseys I

Like those ones yeah me too Top Notch absolutely love the blues yeah yeah the blues are so nice the like this one black ones I almost wish they had blue instead of the black like you know I mean the whites are so clean oh yeah

Like if at the top it was that kind of like light blue I think that’s great so that should go to the very direct top I think okay the best yeah the best wow I like those a lot like did you cuz it’s like kind of modeled off those old

Dallas jerseys which like the I guess they had like the ’90s or something and then the um they did have it as an All-Star Jersey before do you like it more than that one like the they had it as this I don’t know if you ever remember

They made like these like Muppets at McDonald’s and they were like all dressed in them actually I think we had one or no Jesse’s wearing one Jess wear no I mean I like those but I like the old style jerseys like these days when some of the jerseys come out and they’re

Trying too hard I’m like just go back to when they were like cool like you know what I mean yeah yeah I mean I I’m I’m sad we uh we didn’t give you this year’s then cuz they they did I feel like they really went for it this I like them

Personally but I don’t know if I when you say that it sounds like maybe I think I like him this year okay okay okay this is sick yeah we got all the I haven’t even seen this stuff in person yet sick yeah and so like is this what

You’re wearing this is this I’ll be wearing this so not only are we playing three on three with the best players in the world I’m going to be wearing brand new equipment too so to make it do you like your gear like wet or I

Like it new but like not like like I wish I could have worn it for a little bit but yeah but like on game cuz I know like I think it was Jack Campbell was selling us he like soaks his gear before my goalie partner does that I I don’t do

That but some guys do I like it like dry and like hard yeah would you say that’s the norm or would it be I’d say that’s he has a little like squirter bottle and he’s just like showering his equipment and like that stuff so it’s pretty funny so

Weird you see that Jets trade that just went down no Sean manahan to the Jets really oh yeah that’s awesome it’s another score in the division yeah I love that I’m a Jets guy yeah I’ve seen yeah I’ve seen that that’s awesome yeah they’re good bones I I love bones he’s

Beauty man like nicest guy on the planet I always say like when he was when I got called up and stuff like if I had a great game he I would like clockwork hour after the game he text me like Hey kid like great job like yeah you were

Great for us or if I had a bad game he’d text me be like hey keep your head up like I believe in you like you’re going to shake it off like that type of stuff so I I feel like bones like really believes in the guys that he believes in

And if he doesn’t believe in someone it’s like you’re going yeah I don’t know I was one of the guys he believed in so he was like unbelievable for me so I love him and I’m happy to see like how good he’s doing I just say that because of the way

The things shook out in Winnipeg like over last year for sure well it’s crazy how like I mean basically the same team right as last year for the most part or I guess they had that huge trade but how good they are it’s all like his system

Just defensively if you can play great defensively like them and obviously have hellu and then yeah score a few it’s all you need right I know man more than three goals in like all season right I know I know well big stats I that unfortunately I saw a couple of jets L’s

Against the leaf I was there for both of them really it was you get this guy talking about the Jets it’s never going to seriously we haven’t even welcomed Jake CER to the Pod we started talking but thank you for joining us I do I have to address

Something that I did say one time that you actually came up in a thing where somebody’s like I we were talking about how many goals we could score on an NHL goalie and I said specifically Jake otinger I think on 100 shots from the slot I think I could score five How

Likely do you think that is and mo everyone else said you’re an idiot and then I think you might be under selling yourself really yeah from the hash marks yeah I think I could score like 20 on myself yeah but you’re probably better than me even at playing this guy walks

In I knew he was just too humble I knew I knew you give Corin too much man we we did the same thing with an oh goalie yeah and let me tell you how many did we score total from the slot so we did 75 from the slot and we

Got 11 and then we did like pretty much 20 breakaways and like a couple of them were two on O’s and we got none of those really yeah you guys must not be very good then you want to come to our be game on Sunday night you want to sck around for

A little bit I was going to say my so like my buddies and then my fiance she has two brothers that played hockey growing up and like every summer they’re like okay we’re R nice we’re going to do breakaways on you like we can score on

You I’m like what’s in it for me like if I stop you guys it’s like oh you should and then if I don’t it’s like you have something to hold over my yeah exactly so I haven’t done that but I think you’d be surprised I mean not saying that you

Guys aren’t like great but I think it’s almost harder like right if you’re kind of it’s harder to read like know what I mean I I have heard like it’s so bad it’s almost good exactly it’s like a knuckle ball yeah exactly yeah which which is a tough comparison but we’ll

Take it we’ll take it as long as it’s resulting in goals we we’ll take it you know uh okay so what the other thing we have you here for is we’re doing like just an overall tier list of like have you ever seen like these tier lists andu

Like that so we’re uh we’re basically ranking every all-star jersey of all time and and just uh getting guys opinions on them I mean I feel like I’m going to throw one up there just cuz like Dallas guy I mean we got to get you

In there for that so um I’ll put that one first for you to rank which I’ll give you a bigger look at it that’s it right there love those those are that’s you’re wearing it sick and like that fabric too is like so cool right and

Dude if you’re going to if you’re going to rock in Old Jersey it’s got to be short on the s% oh yeah I think that’s not a big goalie thing though like oh yeah right just take a Pock off the wrist totally yeah those are up there for sure I like

The ones uh when Obie was like in the white out I think it was 07 maybe 07 I love it let’s pull it up so was like when Obie was all white I think it was these ones is that 07 yes yeah oh amazing so okay do you want to rank that

One then I’d like to have that up there yeah that’s in my like that’s up there for sure for me you Playa yeah you proba CH like CH five rock those totally so where where do you want to put that so we’ve got a the the categories are the

Best cream of the crop a b c delete this you think those are the best of all time so let’s see it we had some pwhl players in here too and it’s like it’s mainly the guests that Rank and then we’re all going to vot I’m going to put I’m going

To put that in uh cream of the crop I think okay and then and then I think you got to go like a TR like like I think one of these older ones like maybe is this black yeah like that’s so I think that’s just like OG

Kind of yeah like just nasty I think that’s in there for sure are you where where you put the best the best wow I kind of love that honestly and so we vote there can only be one the best so we when there’s a conflict we vote I I

Totally agree last year’s last year’s were ranked the rank the best that happens sometimes when it just starts I think they were sick though were like they’re based off these and these are cool ex yeah exactly yeah exactly okay it’s get it’s getting knocked down so

Those can both be an a that’s kind of perfect for um or delete this I’ll throw one of those in there yeah like these ones like come on now yes yeah just like was that in San Jose yes I believe so like made out of like recycled materials

Too I think yeah they just took all the color out of everything I was like even if you could make like the Logo Pop or something I don’t know something I don’t know I’m with you right like I think you’re this is a very accurate I saw

Obviously I’m going to like keep my jersey for a long like my whole life and I was like pumped that it was at least like different and kind of sick right like I got that one it’s be like is that like a practice jersey or like what is

That up there on your wall you know what I mean like right so that’s and I honestly think people would think that like it’s the team logo it’s just kind of like a neutral whatever where that’s like a summer skate like getting back into it what are your thoughts on this

Year’s I think they’re sick I the only one I didn’t like the only one I was like didn’t love was the all yellow because I man me too I was some coring the same thing I was like blue red and the white are all like so sick and when

I now that I have the blue like especially with all the yeah this stuff congratulations that’s that’s I think that’s I think that’s the best one BL too yeah totally and then it’s like yeah I’m on like team Bieber and he was the one that designed it like makes it that

Much sicker too and then you went St play boys did you get were you Chown with them at all this weekend no no just I sent my buddy so there’s like a picture of me like when I get like drafted and I’m like going for like a

Huge dab up and he’s like like the sickest picture of all I sent it to my buddies yeah and they’re like that’s the sickest picture I’ve ever seen that’s good man it’s good you got that you know he big time he big time the media last

Night did he I’m just kidding he didn’t he didn’t actually big time he just like clearly is so busy this weekend uh I don’t know if you saw what happened with Michael blé last night but it was the craziest yeah I did kind of hear that

Yeah yeah you should give it a watch it was AB insane he’s the coolest yeah that’s unbelievable yeah he was what like he said his buddy like gave him a mushroom or something it was nuts man yeah I didn’t know that like seemed fine on the stage

And stuff right I think he kind of exposed himself I think he was I think I think it was well you don’t think he was but I think he’s just like always on mushrooms yeah right but then he would know no like you know what a micro do

Was anyways Jake we we’ve for long so much anytime guys if you ever want to see how many I would score we’re always 100% love to yeah the first thing we’ve got you doing here is we’re actually we’re doing a tier list have you ever seen like a tier

List like these like that people do online they kind of just like rank things and then so this one is all the NHL Allstar jerseys of all time so we’re just going to give you a couple you just tell us what you think of them we’re

Going to do do you want to choose some or do you want us to just give you some and give me some yeah so give me shoot your shot here we go let’s go with uh we’re going to go with 2008 uh you look at the categor I going to go

Don’t hold back here with b b that’s not bad I think what do you I like the red I didn’t like the the white one that’s the thing I think yeah I like the OB wants I kind of like the stars on the side that’s the only thing I like about the

Jersey that’s actually that’s actually kind of cool it’s kind of cool yeah that’s what I said I like the red I didn’t like the blue that’s why it’s B yeah I’m with you I think that’s a great ranking here you go man I love it great

First ranking and then we’ll give you a second one here so this is the 1982 allstar game oh my God I I love the logo I love the logo the NHL logo is yes but the Orange is always sick yes but oral the jerseys for me she’s going to go to the

Sea I think that’s a bit of a hot take yeah that’s me man I love NHL I didn’t like the orange and all the stars everywhere all the stars everywhere that’s that’s just me man did did you see the Fenway goalie stick over there

By the way I seen it I heard it’s pretty heavy very yeah it just it looks cool the fanway stick you mean a fanway stick yeah oh I haven’t no I haven’t seen I just got it went straight to you boys think oh the 100 R yeah yeah yeah you

You’ll be testing that out after okay and then um we’ll do one more let’s go this one here this was last time it was in Toronto it was World versus North America do you like that like format did you did you ever see that growing up

When it was like they just so it would be like it was EUR against yeah yeah pretty much EUR very cool man should bring uh so is this the last pick I mean like you I feel like you guys went from the best to the worst if I knew that I

Would I would do them the best cream of the cop and a but I have to go to the no you can put this anywhere yeah but okay oh I see I can put it anyway so okay I I go with a B again B okay all right

Explain yourself why well I uh again I like the red because it’s Europe so that and um I’m going to change my I’m going to make a trade here go back wow oh I’m going to go with uh my oetkin B to the cream of the top wow that’s a pretty big

Change why do you feel that way because you gave me three of them and that one was by far the best okay okay so that’s why I felt like I need to make a trade then okay you know what’s cool about the jerseys though is that they have actual

Callers on them they did yeah yeah right it’s like it’s that’s actually cool yeah like like a football back in the day they were like wearing the colors right so the Bruins Jersey too like a color it’s a bit of a weird one all right things are a little

Chaotic in here I’m swapping in for Corwin the list is still going to continue obviously now we got Nick Suzuki and kale marar chance welcome how’s the weekend going so far good yeah can’t complain done a pretty good job been a good host so far so having fun

How many even know how much credit we can take for that cuz we weren’t a part of last night but I’m happy to hear your cozy here I’m I’m just saying though like every allstar game is obviously different pretty sweet one in Toronto I feel like this is just like a wicked

Spot to have it plus like beibs is kind of taking charge like look St Louis is cool but like Toronto St Louis I think the they did a good job getting the four celebrity captains I think uh they’re all really cool people and you know it’s

Fun for us to interact with them off the ice and have them coach us how how was that by the way cuz like just watching that back from home it looks so chaotic where all of you are all miked at almost any point were you just kind of

Wondering like should I like say anything or did you just feel weird like you were on a stage permanently yeah we didn’t really get the heads up that like everybody everybody was going live right at the beginning um so once all the mics went live it was kind of a Gong Show we

Just heard all our voices on the on the thing and then but you couldn’t really hear anything like so even when the when the guys were talking to like the hosts there couldn’t hear what they were saying s cuz it was like echoing and um

So it was a it was a little interesting but yeah it was awesome they did a really good job of the experience in my my opinion I mean other than having the guys sit there in skates for a long time but uh no it was good to have uh the

Celebrities out there and stuff seemed like fun for them so you guys see what happened with Mr bé after that was hilarious yeah I saw that interview crazy man nice compliment to you but I was saying like he must have been high on mushrooms if he was saying that I

Have good hands he was here in the morning like his first interview of the day and he remembered all that I don’t know man he’s played it off like the mushroom things wasn’t a thing but I can’t tell if he’s just like always on mushrooms or just faking the whole thing

Go uh okay we got a tier list going here because obviously the all surgeries from this year everyone always had an opinion on it what do you guys first off how do you like those ones the ones you’re going to be wearing yeah they’re nice they’re different pretty Co they’re

Different but they’re nice yeah complain most of the time I feel like that’s what an All-Star Jersey is anyways it’s like different but nice and maybe 10 years down on the line like you’ll respect it for what it is what color are you guys uh we’re yellow you’re yellow I’m white

You’re white yeah I think the white ones look the white whites are the cleanest for sure I think man I think the yellow on yellow is like it’s the only one I’m like this one’s a little a little weird really I would say yellow is maybe

Second kind of like Red’s a lot and then like Blue’s not too bad but White’s I think White’s taking the crown for I just dropped a pretty hot take there were some hot takes here actually poed out a couple hot takes kale you’re going to start us on that’s like the big head

What year was this NHL 20067 this when we talk about video games this is the one I do think it this one yeah for sure it’s definitely the classic the classic logo you get the Stars running down the side it’s not too bad what what are the categories uh like

ABC so we have it’s much harsher than that okay just delete delete this who all right then it go see little nut C B A cream of the crop uh the best so and only one can be in there delete this can be infinite I’d put that in like

Probably they’re pretty classic like cuz that was kind of the first year that they switched to that like kind of that look that look kind of yeah um so I probably go like let’s go B put him in the B slot fair I feel like that’s

Generous I’m not against that you I feel like that’s low you go a stand this is crop or whatever it is that doesn’t belong is that French I don’t know I don’t know he know better and he knew it was oh yeah is that okay that’s the West and East one

That we got in the cream of the crop yeah all right let’s go let’s go a we’ll go a I don’t think they’re as nice as those ones I I think they’re right below those you know what though at the same time it’s Kale’s decision and he’s got

To put it where he feels CH go he sounds like like just sounds like you guys don’t really respect my opinion throw at me put it back check it back down no I’m just kid all Nick oh yeah those are didn’t sound like enthusiasm I didn’t really no I don’t

Really like those that much yeah they’re agreed the gray is pretty bad delete that that’s awful you might be saying what you’re thinking I but I understand that you might not want to say delete this but it’s your call I don’t know if it’s a full delete but where was the

All-Star game that year I don’t even know was this looks like the same era as when it was like the North American teams remember when you get the World Cup like that looks like the same layout yeah I’m trying to think of where that was I even know yeah 2018 all right what

Are you thinking I don’t think it’s a full delete but probably C it’s a c yeah you’re a fair man yeah I don’t want to be too rude generous it’s what’s there’s a reason this guy wears the sea in Montreal what’s in delete already huh what one’s in delete already oh the one

In delete is just actually don’t oh I see it’s the parlay ones remember when they just kind of like bled the out of colors which is definitely kind of weird I don’t think though that like they’re not that ugly in terms of the lay it was like you guys were wearing your own

Jersey but it was like they just yeah it’s kind of weird RI the colors different they tried I don’t know if they’d delete it harsh the layout of the Jersey is nicer than but you have everyone has their own logo on not no one wears the same logo did you guys

Like that I don’t know you like a kid for like the NBA and NHL like when they wore their actual Jersey I didn’t mind that and all you’re just running around the jerseys were also way nicer they just look like a pawn game then you hate

It I like that I sensed it I was like yeah that’d be tough delete that though yeah yeah uh okay team decision on the new ones this year that’s tough I mean the white ones are really nice I feel like I think the yellow’s ranked second the red is

Definitely the the harshest for sure Clash Blue’s there you could probably put blue and second behind white too the blue ones I think sells the best they kind of look like Power Rangers outfits yeah it’s it’s like different it’s like trendy house I don’t know what do you

Think probably I’d say probably a be or an A yeah ba like in between in here what do you think I’m going to let it we could slide it to a for I think I mean it could get bumped up we haven’t seen the full outfits yet

Like I don’t know if we’re wearing like yellow pants or like whatever we got going on so it could yeah it could it could be could be interesting settling at a B seems fair there um did you guys by the way cuz they had you guys in your

Embroidered ones already do they just make every single one in case they didn’t know what team you went to I think so yeah cuz they handed it had yeah they probably had four ready to go okay well I guess they got the money to NHL I also have just a quick story time

Do you remember the last time I saw you Nick you know where you were last yeah like last night or no oh not last night way more accurate by the way cuz that is the right answer all tell the story I actually saw both you guys in Vegas I don’t know if you

Remember what I was wearing but Luca was like dressed as a ra I was dressed in like my coach’s outfit I had like this awful greasy flow and like a fake Muzzy and the fedora and I saw you in the mall remember that

I saw you in the mall and I saw like all these guys go through the mall and all of a sudden we look in the store it’s a Dior store and it’s Damen Lillard just like rented the whole place himself and I’m kind of like panicking I’m like okay

This is pretty crazy it was a mid all like his injury stuff Luca and I waited 45 minutes for Damen Lillard to go through the store by himself like literally no one was there there’s a security guard at the front he walks out and dressed in these outfits I go up to

Damen l then I say hey man like I’m from Canada do you mind if I ask you a couple hockey questions and he goes nah man it was because like it was when he was like had all that injury stuff and things were like sketched with him in

Portland and I was like he was cool about it but like the last guys honestly it would have been funny if you just went like that too like didn’t have the time yeah with this new $200,000 de watch yeah exactly feel like you guys wouldn’t shut down a store doesn’t feel

Like your style would you shut down a store yeah I don’t know if we like yeah I don’t know if we got the funds to that’s the next level kind of thing I don’t know maybe like schwarz’s Deli or something you sh that one down yeah we

Could do something Montreal you hit you like to hit schwarzes yeah it’s the best I love it I just say Montreal’s got great food I was at I man I went to oag last summer it is great yeah any good food racos I’ve been to like Joe Beef uh

Jo beef’s up there for sure what’s the uh the Stak host again gibbes or Gibsons gibes yeah gibes yeah yeah in oldport it’s nice good Steakhouse any other you ever hit um Boda B uh I know yeah I know what it is but I’ve never been great

Spot son a spot it is yeah we went with the team this year it’s F oh nice yeah I feel like Colorado doesn’t get like a show for food so like what is like a spot that someone should go to it’s not necessarily like a steakouse oh man

Apparently there’s a the chicken parm pizza from uh some my teammates my teammates went to this place in Colorado and said it was the best pizza ever Pizza all right you Haven had I don’t I haven’t heard that if you’re putting them on that then I’ll find out I’ll

Find out you guys are living it up though like you’re in Montreal Colorado but the real ones no oh God what’s up Winnipeg let me guess got go to Winnipeg yeah you think it’s a Quin man Sean Monahan obviously wanted to get traded there and here we are yeah yeah that’s

D’s little right now it’s pretty new Nick I’m so sorry man that was so insensitive I’m so sorry that was not cool like half an hour ago Dude I didn’t even take that into account man I’m so sorry I’m just so excited that he’s on

The jet you guys are lucky yeah you guys are lucky yeah if it if it’s any consolation I’m very fired off about the trade because I man I think he’s wicked guy can still score and like on the Jets the Jets needed and dude I’m so sorry

That seems like an excellent place to thank you guys for coming in here how’s the weekend been so far guys how’s it how’s the All-Star festivities what have what what have you enjoyed the most what did you get up to to last night and I I guess after things and uh

And what how was it it’s been really fun so far it’s just it’s just cool to be around all the girls and get to have that time together and obviously it’s been a pretty special month I guess we’re into February now but pretty special start to the year for our league

And we’re pretty proud of what we’ve kind of accomplished in the momentum so to be here on this stage and celebrate it’s been pretty cool yeah it’s a kind of perfect timing like to just be able to now like really just exactly like you said kind of celebrate what’s happened

Already yeah you guys get to R you get to rip it all last night or what it’s allar weekend in Toronto like yeah it was definitely a later night yeah but a lot of fun were you guys in history last night did you go to the Bieber thing yeah yeah pretty cool cool

Right yeah it was really cool very cool yeah yeah we did you guys know did you know he was going to perform just rumors there’s a lot of rumors flying yeah yeah yeah we were there as media and then you know we got the Snips after a couple

Songs you’re out of here oh really you’re you’re you’re not cool enough did you get any of the swag before you left uh no they gave out a bunch of stuff yeah you could get like a lease Drew Jersey and just like you could just like

Like for free like they were just like do you want a jersey and you just de had to say yes okay we don’t have that VIP status all right ladies maybe you needed the proper bracelet I don’t know we might have just fcked out we only had

The media bracelets now we know the right people next time you guys will get us in get everything but you guys are talking about it like from our end obviously we do a lot of like Social Media stuff and we’re posting a lot of pwhl goals and like it’s been I think

It’s even blown our expectations out of the water in terms of like even how well that stuff’s performed and how excited people there’s such an appetite for it is that like how much does that excite you guys more to see like everybody Buy in so hard right away yeah we didn’t

Know either at the beginning how this is going to turn out um uh yeah I know how good these players are how much talent there is so not really a surprise there but um it’s really cool how all kind of people really follow us um boys girls

Younger older um yeah so it yeah has been fun turn out it’s been great yeah yeah I think it’s been awesome too just seeing so much women’s hockey on TV like the highlights every morning um there’s been some great ones yeah there’s been some great ones and I feel like it’s

Just been a great investment in the broadcasting so that it’s kind of captured during our game and the speed of our game and just looks really professional and I think the hitting has brought some flare to it like as players we’re all just so pumped to just be able

To play the way we want to play yeah why not like why not so have you felt you’ve always wanted to hit well personally I felt there’s some games especially like international hockey there’s some games where it does look like that and there’s some games where everything’s called and

It’s you just want consistency yeah it’s not like the ref’s fault cuz like I just feel like it’s been such a gray area in our sport and this league kind of took that gray area out and said we’re going to let you play and as a player I just

Find it’s so much easier cuz I know the standard yeah you know yeah and at this level they’re all great athletes so you can hit people without yeah hurting hurting each other yeah um and if you yeah play in different leagues or internationally yeah the the level is

Still very spread out so it’s it’s definitely different amazing okay well we got to we got to too long again we said your VIP is here so we want to get you some Jersey rankings here uh I’m going to tee you up with I’m going to go

With a bit of a crazy one here which is the 2009 sorry just let me make sure I’m recording that to add our uh our perrywinkle ones in from last night yeah that’s true honestly yeah we’ll have we trying to figure out what color it was we like oh we’ll settle on

Perrywinkle what the hell are these what the hell are these where where would you rank these uh we’ll start with you Brienne if you want to go uh where you would put that on I put that in the basement um delete let’s I I love to delete this and I agree that’s an

No-brainer how do you feel about it yeah it’s a tough one it’s yeah definitely down there somewhere yeah I don’t know what the like wrap around the bottom was bit of a Miss okay Alena you’re up with uh we’re going to go to this one was like a bit more of a St

Jersey but we’re going with the 2016 allstar game the John Scott remember oh yeah MVP yeah oh yeah I like these ones they’re classic with gold and white and black I guess like an a respect honestly I think those are two great rankings we usually we do votes after sometimes just like

It’s a democracy so we decide if anything wants to be moved but I think those are two great rankings I asked Taylor this yesterday I interviewed Taylor just about like your guys’s little Collision there it was it was you want to tell us yeah we had two

Big one yeah two you want to elaborate on those at all or I mean might as well here right you’re on the spot no I mean uh I think I saw Taylor talk about it but I mean we’re both went for the same way she was coming out she was cutting

In front of me and I was just trying to angle her and obviously we kind of collided and it was a good contact like yeah and that one that one felt it hurt me and the second one we kind of collided again at the bench and we kind

Of look at like are we okay here are we you want you want to drop the clubs yeah yeah yeah no it was just funny I mean she’s a great player and obviously it happens but it’s been fun yeah I was talking to her too she said obviously

Like you guys are friends and it just seems like the the pwl has a really great Sisterhood like it just seems like I don’t know just seems a really great League like a tit it League like to be honest yesterday I was like looking around when we were before going to our

33 show showcase and like the Canadian the Canadian girls the US girl and just being in the same room it’s more than that and I obviously for the last I don’t know how many years we do talk a lot about the Canadian and against the

US how big it is but Crea this this league is so much bigger than that like we get to play together against each other uh there’s girls from Switzerland Czech and that’s how we create the best league and it’s been unbelievable to get to know different girls and just play

Against them and with them and yesterday was a I get to play with ner K Keller like those are amazing girls I get to play against them more often but just to see how talented there are was unbelievable and that’s what this weekend’s all about and even well even

The other part of that is like I’m sure there’s people that like with probably some of the younger girls coming up there’s people that you’ve probably never played against but you’ve played with on Canada and things like that and like it’ll be excit is it a bit of an

Adjustment now that there is like okay I’m actually these have just been teammates for a bit like is it an adjustment at all so now it is for sure it is like obviously like Jenner like I’ve played with her for I don’t know how many years we’ve known each other

For so long and now we get to play each other when we play Ottawa it’s like when we look at each other it’s like we we can just smile cuz like we’ve worked so hard for that moment and now we’re here it’s enjoying the ride and keep growing

The the game it’s awesome is anybody bugging you is anybody taking that smile away you’re like hey quit there’s more hitting out there like is there more chirping going on or is it it’s still just pretty positive like is that do you think something that will develop

Eventually or uh maybe eventually but I think every I don’t know if you guys watch but like it’s been so competitive every game’s it’s a one goal game it’s been overtime shootout like we’re competitive like we want to win it’s a first year everybody wants to bring that

Championship back and we haven’t fought we haven’t played for a championship in so long so being able to be part of that I think the six team is going to be battle until the end it’s only 24 games so every game matters and also the three-point like get win is three points

So it goes a long way if you go regulation or in in a shootout over time yeah I I love that model more like in terms of league setup because I’m a big soccer fan too so like that that and that’s closer to the setup less games

Points or three points and everything I I think it makes it more competitive like like you said each game is more exciting so it’s pretty cool I think a lot of the rules in the pwhl are are really cool like I know in terms of uh

Special teams right like it isn’t it if a yeah it’s where if they score you don’t come out of the ball yeah I think that’s cool yeah I like that yeah more goals why not yeah the D break it’s awesome you like being on the power play

A little more you know what your power play is not doing well and the PE he scored well too bad he lost your chance yeah you know you know what I’m going to say too how was a nice gool you scored to tie things up uh what was that last

Week uh against yeah we we we posted that one I know yeah it was a beauty no I mean hey you’re doing us the favor yeah you’re making the content out there but we we are doing the thing with everybody that comes in we’re ranking every NHL Allstar our Jersey from just

As as long as we could go back basically expansion era and uh we’re going to start you off with a pretty crazy one here 1992 oo yeah it’s an interesting one it is not the best without like what’s on there like where so we’ve got like uh

Yeah there’s like the Minnesota ones B yeah I think that’s fair what do you think do you like that one yeah I I would have even thrown it in an a maybe okay fair enough that’s no no this is your your way you just gave your opin

That a then look I’m just saying what I would have done okay just so you know you got to let them know but I I I think I think be’s good I I agree with your ranking Jesse slightly disagrees but we have the Democracy vote here so

Thank you apprciate should we just do the one yeah do you want to do you want to do one more it’s up to you guys charge here we go Let’s do let’s do here this one’s a bit of a weird one actually I think like delete

That not delete can’t help but sh his opinion maybe c c see okay I think you’re I think you’re being nice here I feel like this is the pwhl positivity rubbing off yeah and uh well I feel bad deleting it they were like they thought about it they put some something’s about

To get deleted we you do already have two deletes it’s like you know like when I used to play hockey going up it was like someone has to sit he was always me yeah I just want to start off by saying did you guys have a bit of a of a wager

On the gold medal game or what I think we did have a wager that totally reminded me Oh I thought we did um you would have to we didn’t do anything crazy I thought we just did you’d have to pick up next dinner yeah that’s all we did I think

But we haven’t done that yet yeah we make sure we do do that sorry for the reminder man yeah that’s messed up but it’s fine it’s fine I take it man I got to ask CU like I If you’re sick of answering this is totally cool and you

Just tell me to shut the hell up but like just in terms of saying your name the only reason I asked is because I actually went to Sweden and I found out that it’s pronounced differently than than I thought it was cuz one of my friends told me it’s Alias pet yeah well

Uh in Swedish way it’s alas p p but it’s like the way I mean Canadian American have their accents it’s pretty much impossible to say the exact Swedish way but yeah with that is said I don’t mind however you guys say it so yeah I think

It’s the way you got to be if you have a name like like I have a my last name is z shevy I’m like you’re just never going to get it so it’s just like you know what if you try you’re good and you’re probably not going to hear someone say I

Can’t even do it it’s like a little patience at the beginning of words is what I found in Swedish I’m Lear I’m learning more Swedish slowly uh fellas holy smokes what a year you guys are having conat congratulations on all the success so far unbelievable like what a difference

A year can do and not to harp on anyone but about your previous coach but I think just like your current coach seems to have the fellas role and can you just give us some details about talking and just the kind of guy he is yeah I just think he’s

Um he’s a communicator you know what you’re you know he wants out of you and um you know his offices or doors always open which is nice and he always believes it’s a partnership with the players and he going call himself you know a coach he thinks of himself more

Of a teacher yeah and um obviously worked out some things in the system we got you know a couple new defenseman and a little bit more depth up front and D are healthy this year and um it’s been a great year yeah you know like he’s done

A great job but I’m a Jets guy that R Rick bonus he’s done pretty well too uh it was so why don’t you tell him how that interaction went with him yesterday that I tried to recruit myself onto the Jets yesterday and he looked at me was

Like who the hell is this IDI he was very brief yeah he was very brief anyways back to our Allstar Jersey rankings on the topic of cuz you guys have already seen this year’s jerseys cuz you guys were sting them for a while people were pretty 5050 on them but

Where would you guys put them you actually like him you dig them I don’t mind him I think it’s uh good the loow cloudwood Bieber and he yeah so I don’t mind him I think he look good which one’s your favorite in terms of colors and which one’s which one’s your least

Favorite which yeah you’re in red red um red good I mean I think everyone looks good A lot of them looks looks good but have to pick one I think Blue’s going to look pretty good that one sell on the most I was going to say blue so is is LOL one of

Your boys like uh I know him from the past or I we play one worlds together uh so that’s where we know each other um also he’s very good friends with markstrom uh so know him a little bit through that but nice man yeah it’s cool very good very good another swed is

Perfect another elas even better there you go and there’s also another elius P right exactly you guys coming up crazy okay so I guess we’ll go with these ones sure the helmets with the gray were cool and the gloves and whatnot but we’ve seen better yeah I mean they they

Weren’t nothing to write home about but for me that was my first All-Star game so those jerseys I know that was cool we’re saying with some of the other ones it’s almost like most of it’s just going to be like a nostal trip for you if you

Like it more than even just design yeah I would um how okay how you guys do them individually Quinn you can do this one no no next one mhm sure okay cool so this one I have to put somewhere is that yeah I’ll put those in the C range see

Man wow I thought I thought a har going to put him in B but like they’re they’re nothing special I feel like C is fine I’m not saying they’re bad fine C sounds B is like a good grade like no exactly yeah and this and this is like

Middle of the pack um does that mean you were going to delete this cuz you s of like you were less no I was going to put him in C see okay then you guys are on the there you go linked up on it okay what’s the next one here we’ve got

Pretty bad eyes that kind of looks like a Jets Jersey I think I know what it is it always comes back to the Jets fellas yeah because it looks like the Jets yeah these guys right here pety you’re up I think they look they look good I think I

Think um they’ve had that uh how I say not model of a jersey but like U um the similar style but I think the East and West thing almost yeah exactly so I think the colors look good um yeah I kind of like these I like the colors

Burgundy yeah when you guys think of Allstar jerseys are one that you just think of like right away I think of like the olden days when it used to be like colors like that just red blue yep you remember World vers North America you guys old enough for that they had one

With like a collar it was like a soccer I don’t remember how how old are you guys we’re 25 both you guys are 25 or 24 yeah that would have been 2001 so I probably not to watch that cuz we I mean if we see a picture of it we probably

Remember it but both of us were three or two so yeah you weren’t look like it had a caller that was a weird I would put those uh I’ll put them at a yeah yeah oh yeah man I I think that’s very appropriate we’re going to get you guys

To each do two that’s cool okay all right I think man these ones were interesting I remember these ones cuz my little bro has a Patrick Lon Jersey the purple one I think I love that guy uh I’m just saying Fu was that sarcastic or no no he

Oh you do I thought you were saying cuz he tra got traded no man I literally some media guy that was here was just like hey dude I’m at winners and they’re selling lonager he’s for $30 I was like okay just buy me two have two of my

Blades right now I love him he’s such a horse you’re up Quinn the are these ones are pretty interesting like this one’s kind of sick I’ll go B oh quick quick on the trigger there kind of nice though like that solid purple I don’t know

Quinn did you kind of blow it there no just kidding I got a question that we were going to settle cuz I saw you’re a tennis guy saw you playing with Ben Shelton there yep we were invited by uh Daniel alfredson L while back to play

Some padel in Ottawa MH we’re playing it obvious I’m guessing you play it oh yeah have you seen obviously people like pickle ball and there’s that battle between pickle ball in tennis have you seen that how people are like it like one or the other battle what’s the

Argument effectively which which one do you like do you are you just like nah I’ll play any of them or are you like I’m not that intock I tried I want try pickle ball one yeah one time and I’ll stick to paddle dude PD’s sick so much I find it

It’s it’s just more it’s faster you can it’s like you can hit like more different shots it was hectic it was like have you ever played Bell have you seen it it’s like squash mix with like tennis I just find it I found pickle ball so slow and like you standing still

Just going back and forth it’s like you’re playing Wii sports or whatever but if I could stand up and applaud all of this I would right now well yeah I like I I like puddle p is great M all right man can you see these are these

Yeah I can yeah that’s red Barson yeah might have to give those a a then dude history my U Michigan coach for 30 years yeah go Blue hey I actually these are sick too he my first football game was actually with Quinn uh uh big house

Yeah so that’s all I know go Blue go blue man did you go to hocke in uh no went to the football game when I took him to the rink though yeah you went to Y Arena it’s crazy we did a video on it and the

The dressing rooms not so like you have to go downstairs to F the rank it’s very tough after a period I’m sure it’s tough on the legs say just feel great but um it’s pretty cool like the format it just like you don’t see that anywhere

Else so we’re going to get to rank some jerseys I’m I’m actually going to move one up that I think is going to be kind of uh orange oh that’s a yeah I’m I’m going to hold him TI 73 to 78 and 8081 the NHL all surg where went orange and

Then white on the other one yeah this this guy’s already buzzing about it you like it I would put that in probably cream of the crop yes I like that a lot yes it’s the original logo you know love it yeah we’re talking orange and like

Yeah I like the orange the orange Puck thing yeah definitely better than like the Silver version of the logo they have now too um did pasta rank the one with the Stars all over it I think he did yeah yeah he did I was surprised he

Ranked this one as like a c honestly some hot takes yeah what do you think of these ones I like the one the previous one way better the stars is a lot yeah yeah okay on I don’t mind it but I wouldn’t I would probably put that lower

Maybe a b fair enough I think the stars is just I don’t know yeah it is a lot honestly once you said it I was like actually yeah you are kind of right about that um so I think then uh the other one that we want you to rank let’s

Get let’s go with uh this is a bit of an iconic one here actually let’s go with that one 2011 2012 oo wow I mean it’s not my favorite I don’t think I like the little lines on the arms maybe yes maybe a c yes I feel like you’re being

Generous there go back you want to delete I want to delete that I wanted to ask you what ones people have deleted yeah so it the first one was just like I don’t really like the arms at all yeah well this is kind of like their like

Reebok Edge era that like was just not a popular jersey style in general yeah that’s weird that’s not the best even the like the things on the armpits it’s like what’s up with that up with that the uh the ones that people have deleted are so it’s more like this one I think

Just cuz it was kind of boring okay but it looks nice I agree I would not have deleted that one I would have deleted the arms before the last one you showed me before that interesting it’s I I actually don’t mind the black and white that much and you were you were like

Trying to like like he was in every way he could he was like plus it was like made with recycled materials remember the ad that they showed for it it was like it was like floating in water and we were like what’s going on here we’re just talking

How it look this pretty recent that one right yeah no 2019 yeah um then I think the other one that someone deleted was is this one 2009 yeah that’s a good pick I think that is straight this one is tough like it just looks wide with the I

Know like I don’t get the just like why it’s on one side it’s a bizarre Jersey setup but do people like the ones from this year someone put it a b i I would have put it a I I I personally like it yeah like and it’s grown on you it’s

Grown on me I think B though is appropriate like I I’m not losing sleep over the B rating y yeah like there’s some other nice it could go either way for me b a yeah I interviewed you when you were 14 with my uncle Sher basson he’s your

Uncle he’s like a grandfather to me okay he’s he’s a great guy yeah I love Sherry man Sherry basson I know Jack Hughes he’s a great player but a better person just how the guy rules okay so let’s get you no no back to business we’re chatting yeah Sherry

Bass and what he think of these jerseys uh but this is the 2002 allstar game what are your thoughts on this one what do you think how does it compare to what you’ve got more recently you can see some of the rankings here if you want to

See what other people have put for yeah like I think I think these are very fair the Lemieux Gretzky ones yeah they’re so I think the ones last year were pretty good the Vegas ones I would have lower I like the ones from this year I

Do yeah I like them like them a lot they’re nice what color is your favorite uh what am I what team am I red team red there we go I like these ones a lot the ones these ones I thought so so past ranked that a c and I thought I think

That’s like a which one that’s right there the best I thought so too the ones with the Stars all over them yeah orange what are your thoughts on world vers North America BR into those wait which ones the I think it’s is it this one yeah the they’re just so classic match

Those too I don’t mind I like uh this like the L Gretzky ones are pretty sick hey man what about these I like those ones a lot too where do you want to put this one from 2002 I’ll put that in uh probably see yeah I don’t I don’t think

Those are great they’re kind of just like Jack do you okay first of all I was going to say these ones right here I feel like this is when allar Jersey started to get bad like if this was 2002 like what was the 2001 also do you know

Be at all have you guys met uh I met him a little bit last night with the the captain stuff but yeah because you I mean you get all the time I’m sure but you guys look like you be Bros no no really I’ve heard that all the time that

You guys kind of look like worse people to look like man not bad like just just take the call B yeah this guy’s uh he’s always going with Mitch Marner but the you everyone tells me I look like Mitch Marner yeah you probably milk that no man people actually I’ll keep

Comments but Barner should consider himself lucky to look like me okay no I’m just kid oh really that’s not what he was saying last I don’t have the ink no I’m kidding I I I milk it so much uh okay then we got one more here

For you so let’s go with um like this one’s kind of similar but it’s it’s slightly different where uh it’s like when they wrote The Division names on it so like when they had the Campbell Division and the whale division that would be like a B for me I like those a

Lot yeah that was when the old the old um NHL was like orange black and yeah right yeah right there yeah do do you kind of wish I feel like I wish it would go back to that logo cuz like the like I don’t know when they had the reverse

Retros they had it on the kind of Crest there which I thought was kind of cool and even on this one we were saying like the orange Puck so nasty with the logo I don’t know why I’m just more into it but yeah is is there and then I guess for

You is there something that you would like uh like in terms of New Jersey Devil’s jerseys is there something that you kind of look at any of these that you’d love to see more in the new ones like I think I think the ones they just

Released are kind of sick are you into those for The Stadium Series yeah I’m uh I’m a huge fan of our black jerseys yeah oh the Jersey onesy they’ve grown on everyone hey like everyone was just like didn’t know what to think I think every was like really like

Making fun of him it’s like obviously we ripped him a bit but when you throw on all black like it’s it’s like sharp you know what I mean it’s sharp you’re like but I like our Stadium Series ones yeah man there’s SI I think all the St like

The Ranger Stadium Series is also super nice the Flyers one is nice the Islanders one sucked sorry they’re terrible they can’t get anything right with those jerseys except for the fishermen yeah sorry Islanders like figured out sorry that’s kind of G Sebastian thank you for joining us

First of all congratulations this is a fun weekend but we’re looking at ranking all of the NHL Allstar jerseys so we’ve got two left yeah one here we’ll pull them up so just so you can see them bigger 2003 yeah thoughts very uh it’s not flashy it’s pretty simple um yeah it

Just uh they didn’t go too crazy on that year yeah so very where would you where would you rank I think it right in the middle of the pack cuz it’s no I think it’s just you know it’s fine yeah it’s fine and like they didn’t they didn’t go

Uh anything crazy there not like not like this year yeah exactly so is it like a b i yeah right in the middle a b would be uh I think pretty solid for them Sebastian you’re a generous man really you would have put that lower let’s see it again all let’s see cuz

Like there’s nothing wrong with them either you know yeah you know like that’s why it’s the middle of the pack like there’s no it’s not like a top of the top but is there anything right about it but but I I get what you means cuz like so like somebody deleted this

One and I get cuz like yeah like that there’s a lot wrong with this is this one going to look kind of cool one day I don’t know I don’t know am I crazy I feel like it would have already had like it’s already been 14 years you’d think

Like 14 years was 2010 that seems like that seems like new episodes of The Simpsons era 15 years yeah okay then we’ve got one more for you all right you’ve actually got the last one of the day last one of the day all right what an honor yeah it’s a bit of a

Classic I didn’t even know this existed before this so uh oh number in front of too was that one on there twice yeah maybe or maybe we we did that one you did that one there’s like two versions of it I guess it’s like the same one I guess but

You you still do it maybe the color is a little different I don’t know yeah what do you think of it number on the front is a little weird that’s uh still weird but it’s pretty unusual so like is that the only Jersey has like a

Number in front uh for out of these ones yeah probably every right uh Dallas did it once where they remember the one where it just says Dallas those were garbage I’m just Shing people today I kind of do like the logo in front you know I agree

So me see I mean the colors are fine like got nothing wrong with them um they just don’t look like NHL jerseys to me they don’t really look like NHL the NHL jersey that’s right yeah so with with that being said got to go to see yeah I think

That’s fair yeah where where did it get ranked yeah so like the one that’s really similar to it they gave an a last time who gave that an a uh I mean h maybe it’s just not for me the number in the front but um I’m with you yeah there

Be logo in front they could be uh very much b or a they’re not like those Whalers jerseys I’ll tell you that for yeah those things those are pretty nice they’re very nice the chairs keep switching and here we are again round of fast thank you

Very much wow good to have you wait have you guys been clapping for everybody I haven’t CL NOP this is the first time we did this aw the first time we had you guys connect about Burlington for 10 minutes I enjoyed that so much it was it was so heartfelt just passionate about

The city six people live there apparently now all them know each other uh so all the hard work as far as like ranking these jerseys has kind of been done which you know now we’re just going to take a look at the list and you know I take it back

Cuz there’s still some work to be had here we’re going to allow you to to move some of these the tier list if there’s someone you’re like what are you talking about man like that’s not that good yeah you can move it you have like outright Authority here to just be like let’s

Rearrange this a little bit you can zoom in too if I can zoom in because this is not tiny little blocks yeah I’m not an optometrist and this is not an eye test but okay uh be a tough eye test too because a lot of them are the same

Colors is this helped at all I can also go I got Zoom weird too it was I would like this do command plus is that oh yeah yeah I don’t know clearly there we go there we go okay better now that a normal Zoom has been

Applied okay so who created this list to start this is all the player all the bow athlet that have been here today it’s Collective list so you are is it work of your peer who put this at the top I’m trying to remember that yeah I’m going

To say I didn’t do that I don’t disagree with it why you saying you don’t like it I don’t mind it okay don’t mind it what would you have at the Top If there if there couldn’t be that one honestly I really like last year’s yeah they’re so

Nice they are sick they’re nice cream with the CR ones are nice cream of cop really nice okay okay so wait is that a nomination are you putting that as the best cuz so what there can only be won the best okay this a big choice for for

The best R do you like thrift shopping because it seems like you’re trying to scrape the bottom of the barrel here to find some real gem Wonder these are the St Louis ones I do you like those ones or no did like the sparkle like if you saw them up close do

You remember the sparkle food them they were nice and then I’m biased cuz we we played as well so what do you think of this year’s do you think a be is appropriate I think a be is very appropriate okay B maybe moving it way to a c I don’t

Know it I agree I don’t know I just think there was so much potential to do something really cool and they I don’t know what I was expecting out of them I thought we were from the same city love this is like the best or well

I I would probably put it in a I’d go a at least B cream of the crop I think and and I think in like 10 years we’re all going to be like oh I just hate the font I cannot stand the font on the font with the like the low

Lower did they do this with all of them the bottom why are the names at the bottom of the Jersey it’s like a European thing almost right like I feel like they do that in Europe when they have like ads at the back so they put

The person name I don’t I think they’re trying to be different I yesterday in the in the broadcast they were like they would show some of the guys talking and it was like well who are why there no name on the top but it was the bottom so

It was like kind of hard to see that’s got to knock it down a couple spots no I I don’t mind it but I also excited to see are these the pant shells like it’ll be cool to see them in the full get up cuz that might change things cuz

That’s why I think the St Louis ones were pretty cool cuz everyone had like the pant shells and like they had matching gloves and helmet and all made it come together which always is what it is right like when you get the whole uniform you’re like I feel like even

When I hate them and then I see them in the full uniform I’m like oh that’s pretty nice you need the whole look totally that’s actually what kale said kale said like he was like I’m not that but I need to see the pants and everything yeah for this year for sure

You that’s a good which was also funny that he didn’t know what it looked like they just like we’re not going to show you guys until you wear that I’m actually surprised there’s not more that are out there there’s a lot of like generic ones they are there’s a lot of

These orange ones now I’m like this one is what year is that even that’s like in the 80s most likely 70s with bossy that’s a lot of stars a lot of stars I think it’s 92 no 82 those are a lot of stars that is and usually these are act interesting place like

A around it’s a full triangle either it’s like a and then it squares off at the ends and then these are usually Historical Notes by the way and this one’s just sassy says apparently the NHL had a huge backlog of stars this supposed to be like a text they’re not

Wrong yeah the back of the Jersey stars look even weirder they’re just they’re just scattered they just scattered around the like what is that I get it guys you don’t like the jerseys I like yeah you like that one I love that one Shopper going to the bottom yeah true

Fair okay well I mean you have ultimate decisions here uh but is there anything you’re like okay I’m going to change that cuz that’s just a crime where it’s been put or just even a light correction like correction as much as I know everything should be extreme we don’t need full-blown crime

Delet it right you’re the one by the way I think I I would move this down to a c down was wow be moving up to at least a B I would move this up to an a I think can we uh can we vote you definitely don’t want to move

It up the be is appropriate which one these are like uh those were 0708 I think yeah it’s like yeah OV ERA this is like a video game where they use that specifically like the bige head one I don’t even remember what it is now you’re a video game guy

Yes uh oh 07 yeah 07 07 they’re kind of cool but sounds like you’re trying to demote them I’m just not they’re not like devotion they’re very average it’s fair the the Western and Eastern governence logos not that cool it’s like yeah that’s so generic what do you look for

In an All-Star Jersey like it or a jersey for a special event like this what what do you want to see what what is your criteria I think it needs to just like it can’t be some of these like with the Stars it looks tacky it’s two out there

I think it can’t look tacky and I might that might be not be everyone’s opinion because an All-Star can be a little bit tacky but like that’s why like that is kind of like simple I like how they use the players team logos as the main logo but everything else was like neutralized

So it was like pretty just slick I was but no tacky stuff I don’t know supposed to be like the music notes like sheet music thing it was right is cool I like it in theory but you know what you wore the jersey so I’m not going to tell

You I’m so fair but like the stars they’re just so generic like you’re at the allstar game it’s here’s a to be fair one word yeah it’s a bit crap no you’re right you’re right the one that I remember when I was saying to Nick Zuki he hated this you remember when they

Used to wear just the jerseys they did like the NBA All-Star they did it for an NHL one you just wore whatever Jersey you wear kind of look like cuz everyone’s just wearing different uniforms kind of fun he was like oh sucks oh but I thought it was kind of

Cool but you wouldn’t know who’s on your team if you all wore your wor your they all wore their colors maybe still would be a little confusing though I think like skating at that speed like everything just looks the same that’s the same with shinny though sometimes

You is this guy on my team or not like oh sh’s then you if you made a make a bad plas yeah I don’t know who’s on my team yeah it’s not on me bu an EXC okay okay and that was it right everything else is I think so I’m like

On with everyone else here like these ones are cool I loved those ones those are the Minnesota that Minnesota that has to be Minnesota I I like those ones a lot cuz sack I think won MVP of that one as a huge ABS fan I was like yeah

That that one’s that one’s the one for me that one memory like the Muppets to always add those yeah that’s and it has the star here but like not in your face more abstract hey these are kind of similar they took the same model a little bit yeah no they the colors when

Miami Vice yeah are nice and the orange version less Stars kind of the better yeah is cool a little bit weird place yeah it’s just little odd I don’t know what that is it’s like headlights or anyways thank you so much for joining us yeah glad we could do this yes glad you

Could judge your peers work what a list what a day that was chaotic holy chaotic I wasn’t in here as much as you guys were but this this tier list looks wild yeah Luca was doing some also weird stuff I don’t know if this is out already but like basically our 100

Rolls of hockey tape stick they were like stick handling with that with this like bow digital dangler past was hilarious when he he like it’s so heavy he was so good it was amazing he’s such a beauty a great personality Guy taught us how to drink a beer so but anyways

That was fun thank you so much for watching let us know if you’d like us to do something even more chaotic next time maybe we could uh I don’t know maybe we could do something where like it’s like a little old game of hot potato and we get like a hot a

Really really hot potato and if you want to talk anyone hate this person and the idea you cook a baked potato like as hot as you possi could and then you and then what you do what you talking about so you can only talk when you’re holding

The potato we don’t have a potato like insanely Hot Potato let’s do that idea why while we do a tier list for goalie masks cuz I think that would be a sick those related those are related IDE completely related

It’s time for another BarDown Podcast and this time it’s we’ve got a bunch of special guests. Jesse, Corwin, DZ, and Luca are joined by some of the NHL and PWHL players in Toronto for the 2024 NHL All-Star Weekend. Special guests inclue Jack and Quinn Hughes, David Pastrnak, Marie-Philip Poulin, Brianne Jenner, Jake Oettinger, Cale Makar, and many more!

0:00 Intro
1:47 Abby Roque, Lee Stechlein & Ella Shelton
8:04 Jake Oettinger
16:34 David Pastrnak
19:42 Cale Makar & Nick Suzuki
29:49 Brianne Jenner and Alina Muller
34:55 Marie-Philip Poulin
40:31 Quinn Hughes & Elias Pettersson
48:53 Laura Stacey
51:57 Jack Hughes
56:31 Sebastian Aho
59:33 Renata Fast


  1. I think Nick was talking about Bonnano Brothers Pizzeria in Denver. Not far from ball arena so that would make sense.

  2. "Marner should consider himself lucky he looks like me". I physically can not stop laughing hysterically right now, it hurts, I'm crying! Oh and the Nick Suzuki Sean Monahan moment was gold with the timing. Don't listen to the haters Jesse, I genuinely thought it was hilarious and Nick is such a chill guy I think he gets it 🙂

  3. most all star jersey are ass….the old school black and orange with the NHL logo are the best….The eastern/western conference are pretty classic…Most of them are just trash though. Its sad. The NHL sucks at marketing/branding. Idk who the hell makes these decisions but they need to get some sense slapped into them.

  4. Jake Oettinger just sky rocketed up as one of me favourite NHLers. So well Spoken, down to earth chill guys. Really hoping he collabs with BD in the near future.

  5. ive watched every single pod and this is by far the best or creme of the crop! (btw ranking different pod epi, good pod idea)

  6. No way! Sorry to say it but those San Jose jerseys are in my top 3 favourite. It’s the first all star jersey I bought and it’s so clean to wear.

  7. these guys are so soft spoken its nuts how dominant they are at their physical craft. Too bad they NHL can't do three teams with black/orange/white colors. Nobody wants to be traffic cones…
    For the record:
    1. teal/purple mid 90s star
    2. Wales/Campbell black and orange
    3. miami vice retro of that original teal/purple east/west #1.

  8. I feel like Jesse does a great job of putting the players at ease, some of his jokes seem to really land well and just realize that its not a typical interview. Except that bit with Suzuki, that was hilarious.

  9. This year, delete, burn and kick the designer asshole in the face.
    Too many chips for him.
    Get Bieber out of hockey together with the celebrity thing, ruins it.
    Stop with All-star and let players rest more for a better NHL.

  10. I love that there's a new women's league it's really nice to see them get some coverage here too, excited to see some logos soon hopefully

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