@National Hockey League

Reilly bag-skating to stop the empty netter!

Reilly bag-skating to stop the empty netter!

by canuckhere


  1. CattleDogCurmudgeon

    “Its not about me, it’s about him!” -Reilly probably


    Just think if he would have put any effort into stopping him.

  3. Isn’t there an unwritten rule to skate hard and fast and try to stop an empty net goal, or is it just an unwritten rule about a player with a soft ego and making no effort to stop a goal. But then take offense in how he scored the goal.

    I wish all these unwritten rules were written down….
    It’s hard to follow…..

  4. …he was below their goal line when the puck was turned over, and he was the first back.

  5. bouncypistachio

    Don’t be so inflammatory. 

  6. Had to save up the energy for the cross check to the face. It’s very energy consuming to skate a guy down who’s celebrating and shove your stick in his face hard to show that you’re tough.

  7. Aegis_1984

    Rielly, I made an oopsie, can you tell your mom to pick up Jonesy’s mom on the way over to my place? I double booked them by mistake, you fuckin’ loser.

  8. Stonewall30NY

    Leafs put themselves in an empty net situation against one of the worst teams in the league. Leafs give up empty net breakaway. Leafs player puts zero effort into chasing him which is against an unwritten rule. Sens player slaps it in. Leafs player cross checks to the head and slams the guy into the boards. Leafs fans rejoice and defend this. I hope he gets 10+ games and they miss the playoffs

  9. spence4101

    Every time i think this board reaches its peak stupidity lol

  10. He was just getting ready for the skills shoot next year for the fastest slapshot

  11. This picture shows us very little. And can easily be taken out of context. I’d rather see the whole sequence of events leading up to this than make a judgement based on this alone

  12. think_long

    He started as the furthest player on the ice from him, behind the other net. But let’s have another 100 stupid posts about it.

  13. SixDerv1sh

    Dumb take – did you know he was behind the Sens net just before the breakout pass happened?

  14. twizzyflyguy

    Canucks fan making a leafs post, Hopefully you aren’t in the category of outer conference team fans that hate us because of media coverage

  15. Hannigan22

    Just move on already, guy acted like an ass with the slap shot and Reilly acted like a bigger ass with the cross check. This will not be the last stupid play of the NHL season.

  16. Striking_Economy5049

    How dare you show me up for not trying!

    Eat it Leafs fans, this is even more embarrassing than you can ever imagine.

  17. Equivalent_Goose_226

    You people are fucking obsessed holy shit

  18. UltraBoostBoi

    I will start off my comment by saying I’m a leafs fan and I’m pissed the Reilly did what he did.

    Now, Reilly was the furtherest leaf at the time when nylander lost the puck. He skated back hard but realized he wasn’t gonna catch the ottawa player (in response to the post).

    At this point Reilly was pissed about the empty net slap shot goal and decided to cross check the Ottawa player which deserves a suspension.

    I do believe that what the Ottawa player was doing was showboating and the leafs should’ve done something to show that’s not okay
    A cross check to the mid section (penalty still), a hit after the whistle (penalty still), a slash to the shin pads (penalty still), or something that wasn’t as dangerous as what Reilly did.

    Do I believe that reilly meant to cross check him in the face, no. And reillys past can be taking into account with that thought. Never been suspended, never been fined, and doesn’t get very many retaliatory penalties. It was the heat of the moment and it got the best of him.
    3-5 games would be the correct call. Anything less and anything more I’ll be upset.
    That play doesn’t belong in the game anymore.

    And if he had done the other plays I said in my post, those would also deserve supplementary discipline but at a lesser extent. A fine or 1-2 games.

  19. desperatehouseknivez

    Why are people still going on about this ?

  20. Jesus Christ this is fucking pathetic. They’ve already moved on. Why don’t you?

  21. whos_kidding_who

    Gotta cut your losses, conserve energy for cross check

  22. RecipeNew1835

    What a heroic effort. And he managed to find in himself the strength to attempt to injure the player afterwards. Rielly, the defender of feewings.

  23. PossibleTraining53

    CROSS CHECK IN THE FACE REILLY! That’ll excuse your shitty backcheck

  24. Doesn’t surprise me. Have served the Leafs players a few times at charity events, alumni golf tournaments etc and Morgan is a big fucking cry baby. Guy lost his shit and damn near punched out a CBC media dude for spilling a coffee on his table once 😆

  25. TheGreatPervSage_94

    Last week this sub made more posts shitting on Kucherov for showing up drunk and half assing all star week than this prick assaulting a fellow player for the audacity of flexing.

  26. Canadian_Prometheus

    I mean to be fair there was like 2 seconds left

  27. trevlarrr

    He was literally behind the other net when the puck got turned over and yet ended up as the closest player to him and you call that “bag skating”? You lot will literally reach for anything to dump on a Leafs player! And yet you’ll all complain that there’s too much attention on the Leafs, you do this yourself!

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