@Montreal Canadiens

Nick Suzuki is now tied for 32nd in NHL scoring & tied for 15th in points among centres

Nick Suzuki is now tied for 32nd in NHL scoring & tied for 15th in points among centres

by Go_Habs_Go31


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  2. Thick dick nick’s hog just grew 1 inch wider in circumference

  3. suicypher

    **”He’s not a real number one center”**


  4. TuchMysak

    5”11 212lbs?! holy shit when do we start calling him fridge

  5. fortytwoanswers

    And this is without a 2C (other than Monahan for a bit and even then we never had a real second line) this year. Add a healthy Dach for other teams to pay attention to and a full year of Slaf on his wing and PPG Suzuki doesn’t feel so unreasonable.

  6. OnlineEgg

    he’s one of the most underrated centres in the league. so much hockey IQ in that head of his – sees the game 2 steps ahead, he just makes it look easy. and let’s not forget he’s the youngest captain the habs have ever had, almost single-handedly carrying this team the past few years. my favourite hab

  7. Geoffers84

    Anybody listen to Puck Soup? Any time they mention Montreal they laugh because how Habs fans love Suzuki.

    Yeah of course we do. He’s awesome.

  8. killerfrenchy

    In a few years when we have a stronger forward core, he could be a regular Selke candidate. He’s solid at both ends of the ice and I look forward to watching him for years to come. I think when people talk about the 2 C stuff, it’s just reflective of the fact that he isn’t a MacKinnon/Matthews/McDavid type centre, where he is the superstar gamebreaker. He is more of a future Barkov type in my mind.

  9. SnooDrawings596

    Better hide this from Jfresh. Mf either lives in denial or he’s just Suzuki’s biggest hater

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