@Boston Bruins

What will the Bruins do at the trade deadline?

What will the Bruins do at the trade deadline?

Mike Milbury is brought to you by Shaws and Star Market perfecting the art of fresh by and by John sewer the name to know when your drain Stone flow and he joins us on the Harbor one hotline good morning Mike good morning how you doing Happy Birthday Mr

C and Wiggy uh here’s the deal on your dip simple recipe that my wife makes for Super Bowls you go get some uh Hidden Valley ranch dressing comes in a packet okay easy to find then you get some uh sour cream mix them both together then

You start making your bacon just make it however you make it in the frying pan and uh let that cool while it’s cooling you add shredded cheese to the the um the Hidden Valley Ranch and the sour cream then add the bacon as it cools whip it all together then sort of smooth

It over put a mound of cheese and some bacon crumbles on top and bring it out about a half an hour before the game starts delicious easy a lot of moving pots to that oh no four sounds good do you cook it like is it no you don’t cook

It you just you just mix it put it back in the uh refrigerator and then Mound it up with a little to see what let everybody know what they’re getting e midle Stu would you serve that with chips or crackers heavy chips it’s got

To be heavy chips and you got to take it out a little early or so and get some texture to it you know if you leave it in the refrigerator overnight try to dip it right away it’s like you break a chip what you like Ruffles or Tostitos I

Would say Tostitos is probably better but Ruffles there’s an argument to be made there um what are you doing for the game you having a party you going to a party I don’t know yet I don’t know yet but I’m um um you will have I’m not

Having a party but we’ll probably hang out with some friends on the cape can I ask a quick question about chips before we get to hockey yeah when did it become acceptable that a bag of Tostitos is now $6.99 that was $299 my entire life and then the pandemic hits and it’s three

Times the price yeah it’s supply chain issues Curtis bizarre massive massive supply chain issues please don’t get might going down that that road sorry let’s get back to the uh so listen Jim Montgomery uh uh yesterday put that loss Tuesday night on himself and said he didn’t prepare those

Guys well enough you agree with that he’s right yeah you know this was a listen this is a ridiculously long BL break they hadn’t played a game in 10 days they had they had eight days off completely off and then they were home for a couple of practices that never

Used to happen I mean we had a couple days off at the All-Star game and then couple days off at Christmas at which time guys would like to go back to Toronto but that’s when we had snow remember snow um anyway Harry would say

You you got two and a half days off if you want to go back to Toronto to see your family you better come back on time cuz if you come back late you better come back in a box that got my attention but yeah no I I think there

Was every reason to suspect this was a trap game and it was a trap game for the coach too because apparently they had two really good practices and everybody was sort of charged up to come in and they were facing an opponent that just ch had traded one of their best players

If not their best offensive player to Vancouver for future considerations which is kind of like waving the White Flag I mean early before the trade down line now you know you’re you’re probably not looking at any any success in the near future so if you jump on Calgary

And this is what have been my play make them ready somehow to come out of the gate discour Calgary a team that really looks like it’s going to go nowhere and is trading away some key assets um that would be the way to to set the tone and

They didn’t they were out muscled they were outworked they were out everything in that game from the from the get-go and they deserve to get spanked wi with the trade deadline looming if you were Don Sweeney what would you do with regard to Jake de brus would you wait

And see if I mean you’re going to have to I think he’s looking for5 and a half $6 million at the end of this uh would you maybe throw him out there and see if there’s interest and get some value if you’re not going to be able toan he he’s

Been he’s been pretty darn good and and from all accounts has been a better two-way player um it looks like he’s what he have 27 goals last year or something like that I me he’s looking to get he got real hot in this streak and and I don’t know why they’d want to

Trade him he seems to have settled in after that Cassidy trouble that he had um you know if I’m if I’m the Bruins you have to evaluate the fact if this guy is a top six player then why bother to trade him you’re going to have to

Replace a top six player with another top six player and I don’t see the depth of of talent coming up through this organization in Providence it’s just there aren’t that many choices so I I think I think they’ll keep them Mike it seems like uh Matt patra’s uh surgery is

Going to end his season his rookie campaign how tough of a break is that for this Bruins team it’s not that big a deal I mean he you know he’s a really young slight player coming to the league they may maybe they rushed him a little

I could see why because they had the issues about centers but um you know he never quite get in the flow he had some flashes and it’s a tough break for them but I I think they weren’t going to I don’t think they were going to lean on

Matt to to be a big part of their playoff push I just don’t think he was ready for it and and he would have been good depth but uh I think there’s enough there to get over that when it comes to the depth would you do anything uh to to

Kind of fill that well um you know what assets do the Bruins have I mean they we know what their issues are right they’re they’re relying on their golden Swingman was really good in the first period let in a stinker at the end but they have trouble identifying defensively they’re not that

Physical they got all this is you know you could read it from his press conference Jim Montgomery and their turnovers penalties they’re they’re down by a goal and they’ve got a three and a half minute penalty and they take a two minute minute on the ice penalty and

That’s that’s tough to do but when I’m looking at what holes to fill I’d like to see some smack back on the blue line but I I um I don’t know what their assets are that they can give up they’re right nose to the cap but so if they

Want to give up a guy like de brusk or a guy like elar I mean they they could be in play but they’re going to create holes someplace where maybe they don’t want to create holes or they don’t want to rush the goal tending trade which I

Think is inevitable in my opinion but so who are the assets lizel proo is now hurt and that raises red flags with guys um the defenseman oai I mean those are those are you know I don’t know if that’s enough to tce entice anybody into a a sweetheart of a deal for a

Defenseman or or some more secondary scoring Mike when you look at it from the coach’s perspective what’s the hottest thing to get these guys to do when they have that long period of time off and they not get back what’s the hardest thing for you to do as a coach

To kind of get them re-engaged you know there’s nothing like skating I mean it’s really you take eight days off from from skating that that the limbs that you use the the muscles that you use are so different from just running up and down a basketball court or a football field and

It takes a couple days I mean I would have encouraged them to get on the ice on their own you can’t force them get out there and then apparently they had a couple of good practices but mentally mentally you have to be sharp coming back from a break like that and you

Might need a little kick in the ass at some point from the coach even though the practices were good it might be listen you got this is why this this opponent is dangerous the Calgary just trade away their best player their players probably feeling you know like

They they have something to prove or there’s an opening for them to get into some of that ice time that Lind Holm had so if we can get on them early if we can crush them early if we can play with them physically um we should be able to

Win this game and then sets them sets them up for a game like tonight against Vancouver who continues to impress so they missed that boat and it’s human nature sometimes after the break to come back a little bit sloppy and a little bit less physically committed okay so

You made a mistake you know put your big boy pants on and get back at it tonight against what’s on paper the best team in the league all right Mike Chiefs or ners on Sunday I can’t bet against Patrick Mahomes I mean I was betting I was work

Really hoping that he would make it to the Super Bowl because he’d play one more time and I can see him play one more time this year because he’s just he’s just fun to watch he’s one of those guys you’d pay money to see play isn’t

He yeah yeah he’s our version of the uh Conor McDavid you know like one of those guys that like i’ like I’d love to see Conor McDavid play in a Stanley Cup just because you get to see that for x amount of games I that feel the same way about

Patrick Mahomes even though I’m not a Kansas City fan you and Ingenuity the creativeness and the athleticism all combined in one it makes for you get a surprise package every game Mike we’ll talk to you next week thank you try the dip Wiggy I will all right

Mike Milbury joins the Greg Hill Show to discuss the Bruins loss to the Flames, the future of Jake DeBrusk and what he expects to see at the trade deadline from the team.

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